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Does anyone else have this problem???

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I find myself jumping from one project to the other without really getting anything done. I think I need an intervention....LOL


I sign up for swaps, I am part of the Charity Blitz, I offer to send squares for Comfortghans, I am working on baby blankets/hats/scarves/etc for my own charity...all at the same time.



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:lol Me too. I didn't even finish one pineapple cape/shawl before starting another pineapple shawl. And that second one was almost done before my first. :lol


There is a Having Fun & Getting It Done CAL/KAL which is suppose to help people like us, but I find it better for me to join the cal for the project, then as I see people working on the same project I get inspired to finish mine.


I have quite a bit going at the moment so yes I know what you mean. And I want to start some St. Patrick's Day items before that comes and goes and some Easter items before it comes and goes (it's early this year) and... :lol


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I am sorry to tell you but you have a chronic condition that most of us who crochet, have it.

There are ways to make a little better, but no cure, not even a vaccine.

I started to suffer from it since I joined crochetville, so it's contagious amongst us.

It's too late for us.


Schedule yourself to work on some projects at a time. Like Mondays work on your charity, then Tuesday on something else, the rest of the days of the week during the month of March, work on the Blitz :P:lol

I also try to finish whatever I am working on at the end of the month. Except ongoing charities.

So don't start any project on the last wk of every mo. Try to finish as much as you can. Then start new projects once the new month arrives.

Hang in there. You are not alone. :hug

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LOL! I'm the same way. I had to sign up for the 6-24 RR CAL in order to motivate myself to get a couple of baby RR's done for gifts! I've been too busy doing everything else. I see you doing so much that I figure you must :crocheting round the clock, lol! :hug

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LOL! I'm the same way. I had to sign up for the 6-24 RR CAL in order to motivate myself to get a couple of baby RR's done for gifts! I've been too busy doing everything else. I see you doing so much that I figure you must :crocheting round the clock, lol! :hug


:rofl Well, I don't sleep much.

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Crocheter's ADD? Yes, I suffer from it horribly! I'm currently working on three things -- one crochet afghan, a knitted scarf for the WWII Knit Your Bit thing, and a sweater I'm knitting out of all my scrap yarn. I'm very tempted to sign up for the Snuggles CAL, but I know that will be just one more thing...

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I suffer from this as well. I tend to only get things done quickly when i'm making something for someone else. My projects always get put on the backburner when i see a new project i want to try. I have several trunks/containers full of "on the go" items:help

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I have it too!!!! That is why I didn't sign up for the Secret Pal swap even though I REALLY wanted to!!! I have a blanket that I must finish for a baby shower, so I am working on that only!!! I really have to tell myself not to start more than one thing at a time. I can do one project and granny squares on the side but that is it!!! So far it is working. I have no other WIPS right now. :hug

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I have it too!!!! That is why I didn't sign up for the Secret Pal swap even though I REALLY wanted to!!! I have a blanket that I must finish for a baby shower, so I am working on that only!!! I really have to tell myself not to start more than one thing at a time. I can do one project and granny squares on the side but that is it!!! So far it is working. I have no other WIPS right now. :hug


ME TOO!!! Wanna do secret swap, wanna do doily swap...can't yet...maybe the next time around?


I'm finishing a doily (test), have too many wims to even think about...including an aran sweater for my nephew due this summer (a size or so bigger for fall/winter, of course), a skirt for a friend, and numerous littler projects, including a matching set of (simple) doll dresses for DD "twin" baby sara's (same size, one's white, one's brown...depending on when you ask her, they're twins, they're sisters, they're best friends :lol)...if I get caught up, then I want to make a butter-tub hidy critter for each of my little ones, too. and I'm collecting squares for a comfortghan...crochet add? uh, yah, I think I've got that. Fortunately, for a couple of teh above projects, the yarn is on order (as of 5 minutes ago) so I have some breathing time. :P

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Pam, perfect label, "Crocheter's ADD"!!!!! It certainly is chronic and at my stage in life I am beginning to suspect it might be "fatal". I'll probably die with a hook in my hand as I fall into my scrap basket!

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I do start alot of projects...I get inspired and distracted and excited and want to try this pattern out or that pattern out, but usually I manage to get at least well over 1/2 my started projects finished. I can tell the difference from just the "Oh how exciting, I wanna do that" and "I don't wanna work on this, I wanna do something else, but don't know what" type of distraction...the first will actually see me finish project, the later will find me acting like a squirrel in a cage...all that work and going no where fast. For me it usually means that something else is on my mind...some other worry or frustration or even that I'm bored with whatever, including crocheting...I try to ride it out as best as I can...even putting my hooks down for a couple of weeks.


But like others said, having multible Works in Progress (WIP) and UFO (Unfinished Objects) are all part of the crochet lifestyle (and truth be told, it's really a part of any creative endeavor...knitting, sewing, ceramics, whatever...) It takes a lot of discipline to stay on project to the end, when your muse wants to always play...

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Oh Yes! I actually have ADD so it's even worse. I get so frustrated too. I get things done, occasionally, but while I am working my mind is racing on a billion other things I could be doing. It's tough for me to sit still so I like to crochet or do plastic canvas to help me stay focused while watching a movie. Otherwise I would not see one movie from beginning to end. I am constantly in motion. I don't mind it too much though but I can tell you it's a lot worse for my husband! My son loves it because he's like that too. There's all kinds of yarn, hooks, plastic canvas and patterns every where!

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DItto!!! I have multi-crochet project syndrome (MCPS)too! I hear that there is no cure.... you just have to learn to live with it!

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Yes, me too I have it. There are 2 projects that are mindless I do at eve, while watching T.V. There are 2 almost done in stash. There is one to be started. Then I started making crochet hooks, I bought a couple patterns, last couple days, I bought and started things I can't figure out so they got Xed off the list. Iam obsessing over a stupid pattern I really liked so I went though all my stuff looking for it and, think I gave it away. Everything I do has something to do with crochet. On the net or in the house or whatever. Then yeah Im always :think thinking about the next project while Im doing the project. Oh yeah and...... I bought new container bin today at Walmart they have really nice big colorfull ones for like 7bucks.. I should be getting to that organizing again.... still sitting here reading the ville ... hour now Lol

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:lol You can see how hopeless I am from my sig. You know what?? I don't care. I actually do finish 95% of what I've started. I work on so many things at once I may not finsh any for a month or two. Then I have a whole bunch done at the same time. Trying out new projects is part of the fun.:hook
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Pam, perfect label, "Crocheter's ADD"!!!!! It certainly is chronic and at my stage in life I am beginning to suspect it might be "fatal". I'll probably die with a hook in my hand as I fall into my scrap basket!


Oh, but what a way to GO!!!! :yes

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Same boat here. My kids and I were at JoAnns Sunday and saw one of the moms from my DDs class... she asked me what I was crocheting now! My reputation follows me even though I don't even show my face at the school that often! Under tons of stress lately so more WIPs than usual too.

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I used to be a one-project-at-a-time crocheter, but since joining the 'ville and finding links and blogs and yarn co. newsletters... Wow! Who knew?

I have to have another project lined up before I finish the current one or I feel like I'm in a free fall with no net.

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*raises hand* If I have less than half a dozen things going at a time, I feel a little lost. :lol I think with me it's that I need something to work on for every mood. I find, too, that I'm actually better about getting the big projects done if I'm completing smaller things along the way. Sort of like proof that things *can* be finished! :lol Or maybe it's just that the breaks keep me from getting bored. If it works... :hook

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