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crochet dementia

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Now I dont wish to make light of dementia which is an incredibly disabling illness, however I am wondering how many of you have "crochet dementia?"


Here are the 10 warning signs:


1.Recent memory loss that affects day to day functions

You cant remember what ever happen to the other sleeve of that jacket you were making.. in fact you start to wonder whether you really completed the sleeve at all as you think it was the late 90s that you started this project, or was it the 80s????. You think you might have finished the sleeve as you can vaguely remember the shaping. Now what size hook was it? mmm a 3.5 or a 4.5? You think it was a red hook, but then again it could have been an old grey one.


2. Difficulty performing familiar tasks

Simple tasks such as joining squares together become difficult. You also find you have numerous critters in bits, but you find sewing the pieces together a challenge. After all you enjoy crocheting. If you wanted to sew you would have taken up dressmaking as a hobby.


3. Problems with language

People with crochet dementia have difficulty expresing themselves. You know how to do a stitch but have no idea what it is called or how to explain how to do it. It sure looks pretty though!


4. Disorientation to time and place

You crochet till all hours of the night or day. You forget where you are and will crochet anywhere. When you take your crochet to the football, the bloke next to you says "are you serious, don't you have any idea where you are?"


5. Poor or decreased judgement

You thought the lime green poncho would look fabulous on your daughter so you make her one for a gift. She thinks it is daggy and likens it to Shrek. It looked great in the pattern book and the yarn was so bright and funky....


6. Problems with abstract thinking

You read the pattern over and over but can't for the life of you visualise how the pattern should look. You frog and frog and still don't "get it"


7. Misplacing things

A person with crochet dementia may repeatedly put things in inappropriate places. You find the missing afghan squares in the refrigerator. You can't remember where you left your crochet hook. You search for hours. You find it that evening when you get changed for bed. Worse, your partner finds it for you. It is between your boobs. :blush



8. Changes in mood or behaviour

Your crochet moods swing from frustration in trying to figure something out, to elation when you finally finish that first long row. Other people do not understand your feelings. You are in seventh heaven just looking at those cute little booties and shawl you have made for a friend. You feel sad when hub says " but it is summer".


9. Changes in personality

People's personalities can change a little with age. Crochet becomes an obsession as does attending yarn sales and buying yarn. You never know when it will come in handy, and if there is ever a yarn prohibition, or the Apocalypse you will be prepared. You start hiding yarn in all sorts of places. You are in denial that you already have 10 balls of that yarn in lilac dream, after all this colour is different - it is lavender mist. You dont understand why people don't understand you anymore. It is perfectly normal to have a hobby.


10. Loss of initiative

It is normal to tire of housework, business activities or social obligations. The person with crochet dementia loses interest in daily activities. The sink may be full of dishes, the house is a mess, but all you can focus on is in doing "just one more row"... "one more square" . You find having to prepare a meal or go to work an inconvenience. All you want to do is crochet. You wish you didnt have a bladder, cos then you wouldn't have to get up to relieve yourself. The phone rings, but you dont answer it. You have far more important things to do.....ch1, 2dc, skip one, cluster in next sp....




Ok fellow crocheters, how many of these symptoms do you have, and are there any others I have missed?


Let's have a laugh at ourselves!



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Where did you hide the camera in my apartment? :lol Apparently I not only have crochet dementia, but regular real life dementia too. A perfect example is my lost keys yesterday. After unlocking the door and bringing my bike in, I don't remember what I did with my keys. I remember other things I did and I spent 20 minutes searching for my keys before leaving for work yesterday. I looked in the hamper, under cushions, I shook the litter box and trash (thinking maybe the kitties decided to play with them or I accidently threw them away with other stuff). They were in the bottom of my purse in a spot I don't normally put them. :P

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Oh, thank goodness! I thought I was the only one suffering from this strange and baffling 'illness'....I'm so glad to finally be able to put a name to it. :rofl thanks for making my day, and giving me the giggles.

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Yep! count me in fer shure! :yes --- :yes --- :yes


Now on the bright side, we have really focussed attention spans. NASA Scientists should be so focussed. :loco




Quick question: would it be ok for me to post this at my Ygroup with credit given of course?

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So happy to know I am not alone, and my dh will be happy to know that there is a name for my illness. However, I find I am VERY resistive to any treatment of any sort to reduce symptoms....:P


Is it REALLY an illness if you DON'T want to get better??? :lol

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:laughroll This has nothing to do with age!! :rofl I suffer, and I still have kids at home.

HOW did you know I have so much lavender and lilac yarn?!


Another one, especially for Crochetville "And on the ville(this crochet forum I'm in), this person showed a picture of [fill in the blank] or said [fill in the blank]" can fit into virtually every conversation you have!

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What about going out to buy the perfect yarn to make a project only to find out after you make it that you had already had the yarn!


What about buying yarn you have absolutely no idea what you're going to use it for. But you had to buy it because it was pretty and only $1?

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Another one, especially for Crochetville "And on the ville(this crochet forum I'm in), this person showed a picture of [fill in the blank] or said [fill in the blank]" can fit into virtually every conversation you have!


Oh Oh! You've been talking to the ladies in my building haven't you :blush

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Ok, I suffer from all of those.:lol

Does anyone know where my pound of love Mint green skein is? I saw it two weeks ago, and now I need it. I swear our house is like the movie Monster House, it eat things! :hook

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Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I thought it was an age thing!!:lol These last two weeks I have been knitting, so the other night I decided to crochet something for my kitchen swap partner--I FORGOT HOW TO HOLD MY CROCHET HOOK AND YARN AND START A CHAIN!! :eek

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I don't suffer from all of them, mostly just #10. :blush


One day at church my husband was eyeing me suspiciously....I was looking at another woman's top, which was crocheted....he said, "I KNEW you were checking out her top!". My defense was, "But it's crocheted!!". :lol

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I have every one of these warning signs except for #1. (I used to though) If I don't leave the hook with the WIP I put a note or tag on it.

But......... Are any of us really "suffering"?



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:thinkYou are not old enough to have Crochet Dementia but I certainly am.:think


I can relate to all of the 10 but I think number 10 is the one I realte to most.


I was thinking the same as the other ladies, that you had hidden cameras through your computer and had actually been watching me.


I have a little poem about this problem.


It is called "A little Mixed Up."


I cannot find it just now, (another symptom) but one line goes,

"As I stand at the foor of the stairs, I cant remember if I am going up or I've just come down from there."


I have a copy of it at mums so I will bring it home so I can copy it here.


Have fun.


:thinkOOOps, did I post this already or did I delete it??:think

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Yep, I'm sufffering from this condition too. :rofl:rofl:rofl Especially #10, I find I get irritated at times when dh wants to do something with friends and all I want to do is crochet. :crocheting Thanks for the great laugh and the diagnosis as to what is wrong with me.

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