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Disgusted and a bit discouraged

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I don't know if many people in this area know of me but I make mostly baby things. I just recently started designing my own stuff and even more recently writing down so others can make it. lol


Anyway, I designed these dresses for twin baby girls' I know. This is actually the second set I have made for them. Their mother said the first dresses were just a bit tight in the hips and I never heard anything again. I should have given in right then but I didn't.


So I designed bigger dresses that they could wear all the way into summer. I just found out that she doesn't like homemade stuff, it has to be store bought. I have someone that will love getting both dresses for her little girl but that's not the point. I measured these babies and everything with Momma right there and she didn't bother to mention they would never wear what I made.


I worked really hard to design something that was totally my own this time and even used the measurements to make sure the fit would be good for each girl. One is just slightly bigger so I took that into account. It won't be noticeable on another baby, just means one will take longer for her to fit into. Anyway, I just had to say something.


The recent setth_100_7179.jpg



The first set


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Dear Shellie:


Try and not let discourage you. Be proud of your dresses they are lovely.

I know just by looking at them that any little girl would look darling in them dresses.

I some times make gifts for newborns and the parents never use them on the babie and well I just say ohhh well I know i did it with all my love so just keep smiling and designing you did a great job..

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Well I think they're really cute! I can only understand that in certain instances or circumstances! My cousin bought her daughter a cute dress with sleeves kind of like in your first set, and her baby kept getting out of the sleeves! Now she gets dresses WITHOUT puffy sleeves! It was really funny though! Those are adorable dresses! Hopefully the other little girl will get some nice wear out out of them! Pity for them to go to waste!

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Well I think they're really cute! I can only understand that in certain instances or circumstances! My cousin bought her daughter a cute dress with sleeves kind of like in your first set, and her baby kept getting out of the sleeves! Now she gets dresses WITHOUT puffy sleeves! It was really funny though! Those are adorable dresses! Hopefully the other little girl will get some nice wear out out of them! Pity for them to go to waste! Most people would be ecstatic to receive such beautiful baby dresses!

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The outfits are very cute. Don't let what happened get you upset. In the future, try to make sure that the person will appreciate what you are doing-and I am sure that you can find someone who would love those outfits, they are precious. But not everyone is into handmade items, I know it doesn't make sense to us but it's true :lol

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Shellie, don't be discouraged. The dresses are both adorable and any little girl would be lucky to have them and would look beautiful in them. Don't worry about the snobby "can't-be-homemade-has-to-be-storebought" mother. She's the one who is going to be missing out on some lovely outfits for her daughters. Why she didn't say something while you were measuring them is beyond me, it would have saved you a lot of time and effort that you could have dedicated toward making something else that you could have sold, but at least you know someone who will benefit from these lovely little dresses. Unfortunately, her daughters are going to miss out on a lot of beautiful things until they are old enough to purchase things for themselves due to their mother's strangeness. I feel badly for them.



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Shellie, that is disappointing and very rude of the woman to let you go through all of that work knowing she was never going to use them. I especially like the second set of dresses (the sleeves on the first don't work for me, personally...)


One of my most heartbreaking crafting moments was crocheting a cadigan sweater for my daughter when she was 2 years old and having her scream the house down and rip it off of herself (if we even managed to get it on) every time I tried to dress her in it. :angry:( Now, I only make her things if she asks for them :P


Don't let it keep you from creating!




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I'm so sorry. I agree it was rude of her to let you go through that without saying something sooner.

Don't be discouraged though. It's a wonderful thing to be able to design your own things. Not everyone has the same taste. I don't care for overalls or bubble suits and was careful to let my MIL know so she didn't waste money. I love your swing dresses.

You've every right to be upset with her. Just keep your chin up and keep making things for people who want them.



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AARRRH why didnt she say something before you made them !!!!! you would have prefered to know before making them that she didnt like hand made items

well i think that they are TOTALLY CUTE!!!! and they should be given to someone that will love them and use them

dont be discouraged they are wonderfull and keep up the good work :hug

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Ooh that makes me so mad. I had a similair situation where I made some things for a lady who is a monitor at the bingo hall my mom goes to. I had made her 4 outfits including the booties and a huge 12 point rr. Well she kept saying to my mom that she's going to take pics she has been saying that since Oct when she had the baby and still no pics, well this past sat my mom went up to her at the bingo hall and asked about the pics and she said that her daughter is too big for the clothes now and my mom told her that if she didn't want the clothes then she should have said so and I could've given them to someone who would've appreciated them. I know what it's like but don't be discouraged I love the clothes you make they are beautiful. I know a few babies whose parent's would love to have those dresses. I know I am waiting in line for the pattern so I can make the dresses. You keep up the great work and don't let one rude person discourage you okay.

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Don't get discouraged...you did great work...the mom's attitude has nothing to do with you or your work...it's her own thing. That being said, it wasn't right of her to let you go on with measuring and everything and then tell you she doesn't like "homemade" things, etc. It may have been hard for her to speak up, but that's really beside the point, she still should have said something before you started working on the dresses (which are great by the way.)


Shake it off and if you do know someone who would appreciate the dresses, by all means give them to them...it will make you feel better sooner.

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Don't take it personally even though your feelings are hurt. . I know a mother that doesn't like to dress her daughter in "girly" things. Her taste and your taste may not be the same. Lots of times we think we're doing good with our work, but the fact of the matter is that not everyone likes crocheted dresses no mater how nice they are. Put yourself in the mother's shoes.She might have felt awkward and said the dresses didn't fit right, not realizing you were going to make a second set. You can't please everyone. Sometimes our kind gestures are lost on the ungrateful.


Chalk this up to experience. You have grateful takers for the clothing, so be happy in that.


Continue doing your designing brcause you have talent!

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Truly, no need to be discouraged because of one person's ignorance. There are a TON of other people in the world that'll look at you like :drool and say "you MADE these??". That is the reason I do it right there; to give someone something I actually worked on for an extended period of time, to let the receiver know that I was thinking of them while working on it. Some people just don't "get it". :rolleyes

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Sorry that this happened to you, your dresses are beautiful, give them to someone who will be more appreciative of your work and efforts. Don't get discouraged, you have a talent...and when you are rich and famous, how will that Mother feel...hmmmp!

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ok i agree! that was wrong of the mom to do! but i have done the same thing oh so many times trying not to hurt someones feelings - then covering up my tracks to make sure giver would never find out.


but if i rewind 8 years to when my first was born - i too only liked store bought things. although i did like a couple of the blankets i received. it was a few years later that i began to appreciate the homemade stuff more! and then when i started crocheting - i really appreciated it. (i am still so very picky about homemade clothing though! both my girls love the things i make them and their nene makes them! my older daughter is on me to make her another halter top since the one i made her last year she was able to wear only once!


so give this person a few years and she will grow up a litle more and then kick herself for doing what she did with these homemade dresses that are oh so beautiful!

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Personally I think the little dresses are adorable. You are very talented to design them. I would never have been so rude and even if I didn't really care for them. what would it hurt to wear them on the little girls a couple times. Dont let one ungrateful person discourage you. After all, isn't it the thought that counts?

Sorry for such an experience,


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Don't let this discourage your love of the craft.


When my first daughter was quite young, we lived in a high rise apartment. Our baby was the first baby in years as the apartments tended to attract either new couples saving for a home or retired couples.


One woman in the building got such delight out of buying rather expensive clothing for my daughter. I did not know how to tell her they were not to my taste (didn't want my girls to look girly and focus on looks alone) and thought it was rude to tell her please stop. Of course when she noticed that my daughter was not wearing the clothes, she did get the message. I have felt bad that I did not know how to tell her. Perhaps she are more fortunate in that your friend has told you earlier than I ever could that your tastes for her children are quite different.


But your designs are beautiful and you will be able to find another baby whose mother will adore them!

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these are adorable and I cant wait for the pattern...i had the same thing happen years ago with my then BIL at christmas time. we drew him (at xmas the previous year) i spent all year making his stuff for his home (someday) he hated it, said from now on all gifts should be store bought. (he should have known better he was like 19 and his mother was a crafter/crocheter) anyways several years later we drew him again and I bought all his stuff (or most of it) at the $1 type store). he was happy and i was thrilled hadnt spent near what i did that other year and no time at all...lol

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I hate when I put time and energy into making something foe someone and it goes unappreciated. At least that's what it feels like. Some people truly have no concept of what is entailed in making outfits like yours. They can not appreciate the beauty and work and love you put into it. They see it as "free" and "homemade". It's not art or a craft. It's not designer brand.


It's their quirk and no reflection on you. Yes, she was incredibly not thinking to let you go through all that work without uttering a word. It is possible she just didn't know how to tell you without offending you, but in any case, the lovely dresses will go to someone who will love them and you know not to make her anything else in the future. Don't let the bad apple spoil your joy of creating and giving. Crochet on!! :)

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I absolutely sympathise and empathise!


I suppose it really is just a personal thing and a question of taste. One of my older aunts told me that when her kids were small neither she nor any of her friends ever dressed their kids in homemade stuff because it looked 'poor', as though you couldn't afford to buy 'proper' clothes for your children. The thing to have was snazzy, mass-produced, store-bought clothes for your little ones. My best friend is not too keen on crocheted stuff because for her it looks 'too 70s' or 'too hick'. Each to his own.


Maybe the clothes were simply not her style and, as a previous poster said, she tried not to offend you by saying the first set didn't fit properly. I guess people who don't make things themselves have less appreciation of the thought and effort that goes into these things. I think the dresses are really cute and you did a great job on them.

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