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Poll: magazines: Tear or Keep Whole

What do you do with Crochet magazines?  

172 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you do with Crochet magazines?

    • I keep the entire magazine and file away.
    • I tear out the patterns I like and discard the rest.
    • I pass the whole magazine on to a friend.
    • None of the above! I have a better idea! Pls list below!

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I photocopy ALL the Crochet patterns, and put together in a folder filed under the magazine name. Every time I use a pattern I make a tick mark so I know which ones I've used. If a folder gets no tick mark a year or two, I go through the folder and get rid of any patterns I can't see myself making.

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I keep the magazines in tact...and I'm running out of space.


Every now and again though I sell the ones I no longer want on ebay, and quite often get just as much as I originally paid for it.


The ones I do keep I file away in a filing cabinet. I have a draw for each of the magazine titles.

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wow I can't imagine tearing apart a crochet magazine!!!!!

I keep the entire magazine in 3 ring binders. When I start overflowing I weed them out. Scan mag to cd. And pass the magazines along to my equally addicted friend.

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Ohhh I can't tear up or dog ear books or magazines! What I do is photocopy the pattern I am interested in doing and then I can jot down notes on that copy and keep the rest of the magazine packed away. Most of my craft books and magazines are still all packed up from when we moved here last year. We plan to buy a house some day soon and it was easier to keep some stuff pcked up and once we move all my books will be out in a craft room or area.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I would never tear a magazine or book :eek


I agree. I have also found that I might not even notice a design when I first see it and later on it is exactly what I want.

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I usually hang on to the entire magazine, although, there are some times which warrant tearing patterns out, in which case I stick the patterns in those plastic sleeve thingys and store them in a three ring binder.

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I keep the whole magaizine, I tear out the ones that I make so I dont have to carry the whole magizine with me. I put the pattern in a book, and the magizine goes back into the pile for later use.



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I will usually keep what I want - either tear out or photo copy - then give away the mag. I save them in a binder. If its something I can go on line and find then I'll save it on my computer --- aaahhh paperless. I just dont have the room to save all the mags :eek:eek:eek

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I used to tear out my favorite patterns and then throw away the rest. Two things happened. One I decided that my taste for crochet changes and I had thrown away all the patterns! Also I taped all the patterns I did want into a binder and I lost it. So I had to start all over! Now I keep it ALL! I have little plastic boxes I keep them in. I want to type up all the pattern names and the magazine and issue number. Then I'd have a master copy of my patterns. One day that will happen!

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not only do I keep my newer mags whole, but I am a fan of vintage patterns as well, and can't resist buying them when I find them at flea markets and such. The "moodern" mags are on a shelf, sorted according to type of craft...there's crochet, knitting, spinning, general crafts, and separate shelves for books, The mags have cards sticking out to let me know what kind of mags are in which section. The vintage collection is somewhat less organized right now!

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Tear up a magazine? Never!!:no I use "stickies" and write what I would like to crochet from it. I bundle my magazines in categories such as: edgings, pineapples doilies, floral doilies... I stand up my magazines in a tote so that I can sort through them and read the stickers.. It works for me!!:yes

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I keep mine whole and filed away. I do like the idea of using stickies fore each type of pattern though, it would make patterns so much easier to find when I want to start a new project!

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I always keep the crochet magazines and books. Reason....the historical value, a snapshot in time. I have numerous such periodicals and books that belonged to my grandmother and mother who are now deceased. I, now, will add my own and some day my daughter and granddaughter will have them. And there will be an unbroken chain of history from the women in our family.


Every trend in crochet repeats itself and is based on some premise that came before. Just look at all the retro-designs that are coming out now. I love our craft and its history. We must preserve it for the generations to come.

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I would never tear out a magazine or a pattern book.

We do not get to subscribe or purchase crochet books in India, so all the ones I do have are gifts from dear, generous friends.

The pleasure of going through them and enjoying the different varieties of crochet is in itself so pleasurable, I would never dream of mutilating a book.

Of late I have become a bit more finicky, and i do not like to work directly from the magazine or book, as I find that despite the greatest of care the pages start looking a bit dog-eared. So now I xerox a working copy to keep the magazine looking new

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keep it, keep it, keep it! Crochet mags are getting better and better everyday as they come with book reviews, tips and tricks as well as other useful information. I'd prefer to keep the whole magazine as a whole so that I can use as a reference in the future.

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  • 3 years later...

I don't subscribe to magazines like before but, do buy many different patterns that are hard to find I am happy that it is the whole magazine. Many times there are a couple patterns in it i like I also put them plastic sheets and a binder. But most patterns I buy on line are PDF files and store on the computer and print out my copies to carry with my project then if they get messed up I just make another fresh copy to carry with me. There are so many people cutting up hard bound books selling the patterns on EBay or selling free pamphlets. I love electronic downloads I even dowloaded a book from Annie's attic because it is no longer available and Amazon people where selling it for over $100.00 dollars thankfully I have a double sided printer and save a lot of paper this way. And I put in a binder and I love how it turned out.

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I keep all my magazines whole.when I find a pattern I'm using I make copies of it and put it in a plastic sleeve. That way I can highlight and mark it up as I go along.


I don't tear anything out because often there's something on the other side.


When I'm done with the pattern I put it in one of my 3 ring binders. each category has its binder:



baby clothes




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While you're being so organized, I'd also put a sticky on the front with a list of the ones you've marked so you don't have to look through each magazine for a specific, say doll, pattern.


I'm not organized enough to come up with a system where I might organize all my patterns though. :) However, if I ever do get organized, I would get books with lots of different patterns, and put different colored sticky notes on each page, organizing it like:

-Afghans: green sticky

-Doilies: blue sticky note

-dolls/stuffed animals: purple sticky note

-children's clothes: pink

-scarves/shawls: white

etc... Just an idea. Then when I'm looking for a pattern, I'd just look for the sticky. That way too, I wouldn't have to worry about ripping a pattern out, that has part of anther pattern on the other side or something, you know? That's a problem too...


Oh well. :)




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Ok, I am a saver. I keep my crochet magazines and I file them away in a file cabinet.

If theer was ever a fire, I hope they will survive. Not sure what I would do, if I ever lost everything. My crochet patterns are a keeper. Its my life.Its what keeps me busy and HAPPY. Lol Really! just ask my husband. LOL

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I try to keep magazines in one peice, but due to clutter I might half to tear some magazines apart and keep only what I want. Otherwise I will have too much stuff.

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I definitely wouldn't tear pages out of a magazine. Especially thanks to sites like Ravelry, it is so easy to figure out which patterns are in each magazine without having to organize each pattern separately. There have been magazines that I've looked through and nothing really appealed to me at the time, but later when I see a pattern online and realize I have that very magazine stored away (especially when I recognize the cover), I pull it out and right there it is. So, I think it's better organization to keep it together in its original condition.

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