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When and where do you crochet?

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I crochet whenever and where ever since I picked it back up last month. Before that, I wrote everywhere and anytime. I didn't realize until the doctor made me stop how stressful the writing really was. I've felt much better since I put down the pen and picked up the crochet hooks.


My wonderful husband does a lot of the chores around the house like dishes and laundry (I have a weak immune system), so there isn't a lot for me to do around here. When school is in session, it's just me and the two dogs in house all day long (one dog is like a cat and I have to watch him closely around my yarn). Hubby is going to buy me more crochet hooks and knitting needles and yarn soon, because even he can see the difference in me and he likes it. Kiddo loves me crocheting, too, because he gets new things to play with like the hand puppet I finished for him yesterday. He's so funny.


So, crochet on the sofa while watching TV, playing video games (yes, I have taken to crocheting while playing WarCraft which is insane), in the car, at my parents, and in the doctor's office waiting room. Does this mean I'm an addict? LOL I even dream crochet and knit where before I dreamed about the current book in progress. *sigh*



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When ever and where ever I can. I always have multiple projects going on and yes some knitting too. So depends on what I feel like working on at the moment. But I like to crochet in bed right before going to sleep.

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heh heh.


i crochet at work during my breaks (tote various yarns along with me everywhere) as well as during the evening. i taught my SO to crochet a couple of months ago and we have nights where we plug in a movie that we've seen before, listen & hook.


sidenote: he's so funny! for an anniverdary gift, i have him his own set of hooks in a case, he was tickled pink. plus, the last time we went shopping for wool, it was his idea... "honey, can we go yarn shopping?" i love it, but it definately increases the sneaky invasion of those little wool-trimed-end bits around our house :D

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I crochet while I'm watching t.v. after the housework is done. (And sometimes if it isn't.) I don't usually take crochet work with me to appointments, just don't think of it... but I have taken it on trips to see the kids, out of state. Since I don't have kids around now, it's pretty easy to just pick it up whenever I'm going to be sitting for awhile. I did a LOT of crocheting the first week or so after my surgery. Couldn't do much else.

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I tote my crochet with me, in a very classy plastic grocery bag, to our various activities. Currently, this includes 2 hours of basketball practices and 1 hour of piano lessons. Then I'm on the computer & crocheting at night, when all is quiet.

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It used to be very hard for me to crochet. I have 4 boy 11, 6, and 3 yr old twins. So after work and dinner, I sit and watch some TV with them and crochet. Or I watch them play PS3 and crochet. As long as they have something else to do they leave the yarn alone. :hook

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When I first started back a year and a half ago or so, I would crochet and knit at my son's soccer practices and games. He doesn't play soccer anymore though. Now I mostly crochet while watching TV or just when hanging around the house on weekends etc. I also take it to my mother's house and in-laws' house, and to doctor appointments. I haven't crocheted at the movie theater yet, but the thought keeps crossing my mind . . . :devil

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My boss doesn't mind if I crochet in the office (once all the necessary work is done). I do my best crocheting in airports and on planes (have to travel for my job). I try to do it at home, but I always have so much to do at home with my 3 daughters and my medically retired father.


I too travel a lot for work (at least for now) and get loads done in airports and on airplanes. I also get some done while I'm at the laundry on Saturday mornings. Unfortunately, I spend too much time on EverQuest II when I'm at home in the evenings, so I don't get as much done then as I'd like.

Of course, all this will change in June with the arrival of my baby.

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I always have a bag of stuff with me, my dh gets annoyed by this btw. I don't care, I can't just sit there and do nothing. There is always a hook in my purse too. If I don't have something with me to do I get stir crazy. I used to travel all over and would always bring a huge bag on the road with me to do in my hotel room. Now that I'm stationary and have an almost two year old it is more difficult. People at work are always asking how do I have time? I make time. I do mostly after ds is in bed or while playing. I usually stay up late after he is in bed and hubby is off to work and have my "me" time. Also I used to work the late shift and it was quiet so I'd do it then or on my lunch breaks. The movie theatre works if you can find the few spots with lights above them or bring a simple project like a granny square that you don't really have to see the stiches. I usually read in the waiting room or in lines also, there is usually a book in my purse too. Love this question!

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I crochet mostly in the evening, while watching (listening to, more like!) TV. My kids are either out of the house (20 and 23) or old enough (11) that I don't have to chase them around. Sometimes I actually get a few minutes to sit down during the daytime and crochet, too.


I also crochet when I take my DD to her piano lesson.

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Well I dont have kids, but I crochet everywhere possible! In carpool to and from work, during lunch at work, on slow days during the day at work (very sneakily), anytime I get in a car for more than 15 minutes (and of course not driving!). Plus as soon as I get home from work until my boyfriend gets home.

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I crochet at home while watching TV. I usually take something with me to do when I go to the hairdresser. Sometimes I take it to the doctor's office when I know I will have a bit of a wait.

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  • 2 weeks later...

At home, watching college football/basketball games or CSI (Vegas, of course :) ) reruns.


I also crochet at work on my breaktime. But i've learned, i can't take a project back and forth. I have to have one project for home and one for work. Otherwise the edges are all uneven, due to the varience in stress levels.

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My daughter is older (almost 13 :() so whenever I get the urge to pick up hook and go for it I do. I take something with me if we are going somewhere where there is going to be a wait, like the dr's office or when traveling. I also take something with me when I"m going to my mom's for the day. She cross stitches. So while she is doing that I crochet and we talk. LOL

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I crochet at work when it is slow (usually the weekends) and at home while we are watching TV or a movie. I'll also crochet when hubby and I drive to town (40 minute drive) so it is a good time to get a little crocheting in.

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OK, I am addicted. I understand this. I also have ADHD. It makes traphic jams and long trains really bad. I figured out a few years ago that if I keep at least one modular project going at all times (that requires no thinking) in my pasenger seat while driving if I hit a really long light or a long train (my old job had a 10 min one during rush hour not any more:woo) I discovered granny squares prevented road rage. Not much any more since I am only 25 miles vs 50 from the house :clap:bounce . Some form of project comes to the office with me every day. I am a IT systems administrator some times projects take up all my CPU and all I can do is watch and crochet. Some times I work during lunch work, the weekly mis staff meeting is good for 45 min of quality crochet time, you never know when the power will go out at the office (don't laugh it's happened once since sept 4 hrs before they gave up and sent us home), misc meetings, when ever mom drives on the weekends and of course when ever the cat's will let me when not at the office.


My goal is 2-3 hrs a a day to keep stress down. I am single, no kids or so, 5 cat's , a cranky email system to work on and I live with my mom for convenience. I love the ability to sit in front of the TV listening and crocheting.




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I like to keep a project :yarn in my car.. dishcloth, or afghan square, somthing small to do while waiting for kids, or stuck in traffic.


Then I have my 'in-house' project or rather project's.. that I drag around the house.. kinda like my 'blankie' LOL! :crocheting


But.. I found that I like to crochet in public :devil, at the park with the kids play, in the library, on the bench at the Mall - waiting again, for the kids or hubby. I don't mind if people stop and chat.. or kids come by to touch the yarn.

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I usually crochet in front of the tv whether in the afternoon or evening-as long as I find time in there somewhere!LOL My pom likes to sit on the footrest of my chair and nap while "mom" crochets. I don't have little ones anymore, but used to crochet while they were playing and while waiting on them with sports, etc

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I try to crochet at night while watching tv.


While I was laid up with my knee, I crocheted most of the day. But now that I am back to work, back to routines, I just get a little time in the morning after the kids leave for school, and then a little more time at night watching tv.


I also crochet at doctor's appointments and orthodontist appointments as I sit in the waiting room, waiting for one of the kids. I enjoy this time.


I also belong to a group that meets on Friday mornings, so I get a couple hours of crocheting and chatting. I just love that time in my week.


When I think about it, I guess I do get a lot of time to crochet. But it's never enough!:lol:lol



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  • 4 weeks later...

What about crocheting at an informal concert? We have friends who operate a music barn during the winter months, with shows on Saturday nights. The talent is usually the houseband and a few other local folks. Guests take a dish in to share, and people eat during the show, and get up and go back for seconds, etc. Would it be okay to work on small projects during this time?

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I use crochet as my wind-down time before bed. My daughter (7) and my hubby are both in bed a couple of hours before me, so I watch tv or plug in a movie and crochet for a couple of hours before I go to sleep. It's not uncommon, though, for me to wake up at 3am with my hook still in my hand!

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I was diagnosed with bipolar and anxiety a few years ago. I refuse to take the medications, as they cause me to be a walking zombie with no emotions or feelings. I recently picked up crocheting again.


My fiancee says that he prefers me with a hook in my hand. As I am not so nervous or grumpy. So, anytime I feel my stress level going up. I grab my crochet for a few minutes until I am calm again. So, I crochet when watching tv, when my son is down for naps (18mos old), and anytime I can find a few spare moments.

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