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What are your 2008 Yarn Resolutions?

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Now the 3rd of January, I had yet to make a resolution. But now I have a couple and realized they relate to my yarn (aka crochet, craft, etc.)....

  1. I will learn to knit
  2. I will finish unraveling all the ugly sweaters I bought at the thrift store last spring (hopefully before more go on sale this year!)

So, what are your 2008 "crafting" resolutions?

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Hmm, don't have any, but how 'bout let's say . . .


I pledge to:


Buy yarn, yarn, more yarn, yes, yarn it is (except RHSS) I want to up my game!!

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I resolve to find a better way to store my yarn. It does NOT need to stay in the bag I brought it home in! It CAN be grouped by weight or project in nice, neat, clear bins and stored.....some where!



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My goals are to use more yarn than I buy, or at least as much as I buy. I also have to organize/clean up my craft mess, as that room is becoming our bedroom and our current bedroom is becoming the baby's room.

Last year I pledged 6 blankets to Project Linus, and almost made it (they're still sitting on the book case waiting to be dropped off...) This year, with everything going on, I'll aim for 4.

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To talk my hubby into buying me more yarn, knitting needles, new crochet hooks and other various "crafty" supplies.


To complete as many projects as I can.


I have no idea what those projects will be yet, but I'm working on figuring that out. I do know that I want to make me some sweaters and other types of tops to wear as well as some beach bags and such for our vacation this summer. I want to go to the beach so very badly.



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I am determined to use up my yarn stash and avoid buying any yarn until at least half of it is gone.


The only exception would be if I can find some Caron SS yarn to make squares for the Charity square along. that isn't looking too hopeful right now but it might happen.

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To clean my craft room and keep it clean and to use up my stash!! I really cant buy any more yarn!! I also am resolving to spin (yarn) every day!! I have to use that stash up too LOL.

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I vow to use up at least half of my stash, sorry Darski, but great minds think a like.


I vow to make at least 6 things for my PSM.


I vow to Finish all of my WIP, leaving no UFOs around my house, or ripping them out to make something different with them.

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My vow is:

to not buy so much yarn this yr.

try to make my blankets with the yarns i have in my stash.

straighten & organize my yarns much better.(i have some yarns in this bag & some yarns in that bag).

try to finish my WIP blankets before starting others.

make more neutral colors blankets for last minute gifts.

Hopefully I can follow thru on these vows...



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1. Reduce yarn stash to only 2 tubs

2. Learn to use butterfly looms I got on sale for 99 cents

3. Start Christmas projects in the summer

4. Avoid impulse buying of yarn

5. Plan projects with yarn stash and only buy additional yarn if absolutely required to supplement--that means it will be used and not become part of stash

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I pledge to get RID of half of my yarn, either through projects, selling, trading, or giving away. It took over the house last year!:(


You say that like it is a bad thing :eek



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My vow is:

to not buy so much yarn this yr.

try to make my blankets with the yarns i have in my stash.

straighten & organize my yarns much better.(i have some yarns in this bag & some yarns in that bag).

try to finish my WIP blankets before starting others.

make more neutral colors blankets for last minute gifts.

Hopefully I can follow thru on these vows...





I broke my resolution already. I had got a xmas gift from Target($10) and just couldn't find anything to buy, so with the new thing(can cash in those cards) I bought something for $1 and got the balance back and went to Joann's Fabric and found saled skeins for $1.99. I got 3 skeins of grey(i've been wanting that color but they are always out of that color) and 2 other green/brown varig. skeins. Then the cashier gave me 50% off sheet of 2 coupons for next weekend. So how can I resist that, my next purchase is to look for Fiesta color skeins. Since I've gotten my grey. Then again if there's more grey I'll buy more.(at 1/2 half price).



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I was given an American Express gift card for $100. I vow it will not be spent on my house, my children, my husband, or anything for anyone else but ME! So you might find me spending my card at AC Moore, Michael's, Joann's, or Walmart, but rest assured it will be on yarn, patterns or accessories... which eventually might be given to someone else, but while it is still in a skein, it is ALL MINE!!!!. :yarn:yarn:yay:yarn:yarn

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I agree with a lot of resolutions already given...


I resolve to use up my stash and stop buying more yarn till some of the stash is gone (it would be nice if it all fit in my sea chest at the foot of my bed again)


I resolve to organize all of my hooks, tape measures, scissors, etc.


I resolve to have no more than two WIPs going at a time.


I think that about covers it. Oh, one last thing. I resolve to stop getting suckered into making things for other people. (My mom did that to me this Christmas...I love her, but there are times ;))

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I just bought more yarn yesterday...using my gift cards I got for Christmas. BUT... some of it was necessary to finish a project I started. And it was on sale, and they only had exactly the amount I needed. And the other was... just because.

I resolve to use up my leftover yarn that I have stored in boxes... and to finish the many projects that I started and stopped over the past year. AND if finished, I will have afghans to give to my 3 d.i.l.'s, and my grandaughter, my sister, and 3 s.i.l.'s. PLUS, I need to finish the two shells (tops) that I started for myself and may end up giving to my g/d. And... I resolve not to buy any more yarn unless.... I can't resist!

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