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I can't wait to see what you have done so far Wendy. Once my little one takes her nap i am gonna get my stuff out of the closet and get started. Only problem with that she doesn't seem too tired lol. But hopefully I will get to start soon.

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I hope to begin my babbette in a couple of days.Things are hectic with the kids home for the break.I am thinking about making a babbette pillow(one of my sisters birthday is next month)Has anyone seen the cover of the magazine "Real Simple"?The Jan. issue has a pillow on the cover that is giving me ideas-I like the colors.I think the pillow is needlepoint.(Maybe I will talk one of my kids to take a picture and show me how to post pictures!!!)Oh,I have no patterns and just plan to figure out something-go with the flow... Leslie

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I haven't gotten in here since this began but I thought I'd post a photo of the lapghan I made that fits this CAL. :lol




I want to make a big floor pillow too for DD to lounge around on. I don't know when I'll get to start it.

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that lap gahn looks great and snuggly. I still have not gotten to start my squares Perhaps after the new year when it isn't so busy. We go from xmas to today which is my sisters birthday to new years and xmas eve is the dh's family night, and looks like new years day will belong to my mother in law this year. So after all that maybe I will get something done.

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I haven't gotten in here since this began but I thought I'd post a photo of the lapghan I made that fits this CAL. :lol




I want to make a big floor pillow too for DD to lounge around on. I don't know when I'll get to start it.


I love that! Great job! Where did you get the pattern for that? I love the colors too! Very nice!

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I haven't gotten in here since this began but I thought I'd post a photo of the lapghan I made that fits this CAL. :lol




I want to make a big floor pillow too for DD to lounge around on. I don't know when I'll get to start it.


This is beautiful, Heather. Great colors.

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Well here's my first progress pic! I love how easy this pattern is! I'm still not "crazy" about the fact that I picked the same colors as in the pattern but it's too late to change now!




Donna, you are rockin that afghan. Just cruising along. I love the colors.

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Becki- love your square colors- those are definitely "groovy" combinations !


Kim- those squares are so pretty ! I really like them .


Donna- the afghan is gorgeous, keep up the good work !


Heather- that is one bright afghan which would definitely qualify in here for 60's colors !

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Cara I cant wait to see what your making. Your gonna make us wait arent you.


Becki you have made a great start on your squares. Great colors.:clap


Kim wow I love your squares and the colors. :clapWhat yarn are you using.


Heather your blanket looks very bright and colorful, I love it and it certainly is groovy.:clap


Donna I like your pattern and the colors. Is it a 3 row granny square, very interesting.:clap

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Awesome work, everyone! :clap:clap


I'm still getting organized...a new corner desk from Phil being my incentive:D

I have some crochet projects on a "must do" mental list - which have to get put down in a notebook before I lose track! The Babette yarn (purples:manyheart) is sitting next to my chair, so that, some Friends' squares, are at the top of the list - but it's manageable.


BTW: I gave my friend her Goddess shawl today - she went crazy over it! She gave me a large tote bag with an organizer pocket in the front for hooks and other supplies! We certainly know each other well:hook

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Here is my babette blanket so far. All the squares are sewn together and the ends are weaved in. Photo is clickable.




Oh Wendy! I'm really liking the way it's coming out. Great job! :clap

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Here is my babette blanket so far. All the squares are sewn together and the ends are weaved in. Photo is clickable.




WOW! Wendy you have way more patience than me! I love the babette but all those ends make me see stars! LOL It looks like a great stash buster though!

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