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A HUGE thank you Villagers! I recieved my Ghan you'all made me : )

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Oh my goodness, did I have a HORRIBLE day or what?!?!?! UNTIL that is hubby got home, with the mail!!! I had this huge box sitting for me, he even got me outta bed for this, so I knew it must be something GREAT and it was indeed!!! You all have been keeping those lovely hooks busy making ME a GHAN!!! OMG I can not tell you enough how this has lifted me into the Lords arms!!! It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, and YES I can feel all the love in it from you all!!!!!! I am going to post a picture, please know it is a BAD picture as hubby can't run a camera to save his life, and I look like something the cat drug in, I wonder why, and it doesn't even come close to showing the whole beauty of this wonderful creation!!! I am speachless, me, JoBug, JoAnn SPEECHLESS, my hubby will tell you that doesn't happen often at all!! Oh my goodness but thank each and everyone of you!! I am sorry I cant take the time now to write out personal PMs to all involved, but I WILL get to it, I pray in a week I am stronger, much stronger. With out further adue, here is the picture, it is clickable, and PLEASE dont jundge my messy house or my bad looking self....all I can say is I been sick...


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Hey JoBug! Glad you like your "ghan! It looks wonderful on you, so cozy! And, like Tampa Doll has said, looks like my little corner where I crochet!

Please remember there's hug and a prayer in every second stitch from me!!!

Glad it made your day!

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I just saw your Ghan last night, and I am stunned! Obviously you are very loved and cared about here. :manyheart I can see the love in those squares. Now you can snuggy up in the middle of all those good thoughts and hugs and prayers for your healing.

Joyce :hug :hug :hug

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