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My Crochet Organizers being sold at LYS!

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I posted before about these crochet organizers I originally made them for myself - they say necessity is the mother of invention.


Well, after several prototypes I came up with something I liked that helpd me to get my project supplies to and from work without having to dig through all the yarn an the WIP to find my hook, stitch markers, cutter, etc. - not to mention my pattern books were getting kind of jacked up.


So an attorney at work whose a knitter saw one and really liked it, asked if she could buy one, I gave it to her. I decided to try etsy, but only 2 purchases.


I finally got the nerve to walk into a VERY high-end LYS with about six of what I considered to be my prettiest samples and the owner LOVED my idea. She was very sophisticated and very encouraging. She liked my work yet she also gave me some suggestions such as using contemporary colors, etc. I looked at the needle holders (this shop caters to knitters - big surprise) she had for sale to get an idea of what she was talking about and then I saw the prices she had on them - $54 to $78, and people BUY this stuff (along with the $27 skiens of yarn).


So anyway, she ordered ten ON THE SPOT at $24 each! I was so excited I went to my car and cried! Then I had to go figure out what contemporary colors are, went to the fabric shop and am in the process of making them up to take to her shop.


The whole experience is quite a boost after what feels like pretty much etsy failure.


Off the subject, one of the judges I work with saw some pictures of my mosaic work and 'commissioned' me to do HER FIREPLACE! In mosaic! We're talking about a $1,000 job here!


It is so heartwarming when someone actually likes your art, you know, that something you made is actually decent enough that someone would pay money for it.


okay. i'm done.

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Do you do black and white cowprint? :D


I think cows are lovely! I did chickens and cats so I can't imagine why not cow print!



Those organizers are super-neat! I love the fact that they'll even hold your book, magazine, or pattern!


thanks, Amy! That was my main thing, finding a place to put that darn pattern, whether it was a book or just printed sheets or a leaflette, I wanted them not to get all wrinkled up.


Thanks everyone for your support and encouraging words! I love this place!:manyheart

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Congratulations! What wonderful validation. If she is paying you $24 a piece she will probably sell them for $50 or more!!! Just goes to show that there is a market for fairly priced work... we just need to find it, like you did!!!



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i just checked them out in your etsy shop, thats a pretty good idea i always just look for totes with pockets, but that is a good idea so you can buy a tote that doesnt look like a diaper bag :rofl

i think "contemporary" is good, i like the retro-prints that are super popular here. the geometric shapes and the circle designs i was looking at the fabric store here recently and they seem to be real popular

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Congratulations! What a boost of confidence for you, with good reason :) I just checked your Etsy store, and you came up with a really good idea. Yea for you for gathering your courage to check at the LYS. There's times I have to gather my courage just to go in and look in one, let alone trying to sell something :yes

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Congratulations! What wonderful validation. If she is paying you $24 a piece she will probably sell them for $50 or more!!! Just goes to show that there is a market for fairly priced work... we just need to find it, like you did!!!




You got it! She doubles the price of what she pays her vendors... Yes, she called me a VENDOR!!!:P


Thank you all so much for your support. I looked at a lot of knitting needle holders and crochet hook holders from the 'major sellers' to see what exactly contemporary is and now I think I'm getting the idea.


It took a LOT of nerve to talk myself into going into that shop and risking rejection. My husband was really supportive and drove me right up to the front of the shop, parked, and I guess I could have either stayed in the truck or go inside. And then she had the option of laughing unctrollably, politely shaking her head... or LIKING THEM!


Now I need to get thyself to ye sewing machine!:yes

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That's really great! It's hard to put yourself in the position of possible rejection but it paid off!


You said it! I DO NOT take rejection well! I have very little self-confidence to begin with so I really had to give myself the pep talk that if she didn't want them it didn't mean they sucked and I was a horrible designer - just would have meant she didn't want them...

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I am so happy for you and proud of you, Paulette! :clap The holders look very well designed. I would love to see photos of your mosaic work, too.


ah, shucks... if you insist :lol


here's three that i already have loaded into photobucket:


this is a miniature wood chest, about 2 1/2 feet wide by 18 deep and 18 tall. The top, front and both sides are decorated with mosaic designgs.






this is about an eight inch by eight inch picture frame with a small watercolor in the opening. I dyed the grout pink for this one, just as an experiement.






This is a two and one half foot by three foot table in my living room.

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