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My Crochet Organizers being sold at LYS!

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It took a LOT of nerve to talk myself into going into that shop and risking rejection. My husband was really supportive and drove me right up to the front of the shop, parked, and I guess I could have either stayed in the truck or go inside. And then she had the option of laughing unctrollably, politely shaking her head... or LIKING THEM!


Way to go, Paulette! That was SO courageous of you. :clap You picked just the right venue to pitch your creations. Congratulations!


I just looked at your etsy shop. You have some really nice things there. What a great idea to have a project case. I recently sewed myself a crochet hook case using this pattern with a retro fabric salvaged from a materials recycling center. I didn't know anything about color theory or what "complimentary colors" were, so I just picked a color from the pattern for the binding (an idiot-proof method :D).


Good luck with all your artistic pursuits! As for "contemporary" looks, do you like Amy Butler's fabrics, designs from Anthropologie, or for more muted looks, Lotta Jansdotter's sensibilities? They are all so-stylish...:drool Just my personal taste, though.

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Paulette, I'm so happy to hear that you actually had the courage to approach a shop owner and to show her your beautiful work. You are so talented and I am not at all surprised that you received several orders on the spot. I hope that this will snowball into a nice sideline for you. And as far as your mosaics go, they are absolutely gorgeous. I don't have a house right now but I would definitely consider your work an asset to my decor!

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thank you for the kind compliments and encouragement.


and, saku, thanks for the links to contemporary fabric ideas! i'm so fashion challenged, it's not even funny! yesterday i walked out of the bedroom ready for work (or so i thought) and my husband was looking at me strange so i asked, "what's wrong with it?" and he says either the skirt or the blouse has to go - they are both lovely, but not together. i'm a sweats and t-shirt girl to the bone... oh, and crocheted everything! actually my goal is to dress completely in yarn by next year, tops, bottoms and jackets!


thank you, too, for the compliments on the mosaic-work. it is a joy to do, absolutely becomes a meditation, just pushing the tiles around, trying different things until suddenly something just pops out at you and looks beautiful!


i'll post some pics of my finished 'contemporary color' project cases before i take them to the LYS lady!

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Way to go Funky,,,,,,,,and I love your mosaic works too. awesome! the pink grout looks great!


well, thank you so much! it's really hit and miss when you start tinting your grout! i liked the way that one came out, too, and then i did a frame with white tiles that had small blue flowers and i tinted the grout blue - that came out nice. so then i got daring and was working a flower pot with a lot of pink in it, and i happen to like the way pink and black or pink and gray look together, so i tinted the grout a very dark gray and what an ugly sight that finished item is! YIKES! i mean, it's sitting out on the front porch with flowers in it and i guess it's not that horrible, but definitely not what i pictured in my head. live and learn i guess!

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