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List of your stash?

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Hi Ellen,


I have quite a bit but it's fairly well organized for the most part. So I don't have an inventory yet. It's sorted in such a way that I have decent idea what I have on hand.


I do plan to make one when I get on Ravelry. If you don't know much about it check it out here.

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One day I took out all my yarn and put it on my bed, then the remaining bags of yarn on the floor because it didn't fit. I sorted it into piles of identical yarns, then near the same Brand of yarn. I filled three sides of lined paper by writing the name, color, and quantity. I then put it all back neatly into my dresser drawers and still had bags to put back into the closet. I have a binder of free and paid for patterns I have printed out. I put the pages in the clear sheet protectors. The yarn list I made is now printed out neatly and placed in the front of the binder so when I want to start a new project I can look at the list and see if anything will go well with it before I go to the yarn store. Good luck!!

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I don't keep inventory. :(

I just keep a general idea of what I have in mind. :think Doesn't always work though. When ever I have something in mind to make, I go and see if I have a yarn that would work for it. When I don't know what to make next, I scan over it and see if some thing will pop out and say "hey use me!" :P

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I keep track of my yarn in the clear plastic way... everything is in clear plastic bins and bags... all full skeins of similar color and weight are together... partical skeins are moved to a seperate bin unless I still have full skeins of that color... I have one bin that is all small balls that I use for my scrap grannies or rainbow blankets... anything too small for this is tied together and wound up into a ball which I use for car blankets, animal blankets, etc.

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I have a general idea of what I own. No list or anything but I will admit that sometimes I forgot a I bought a skein or such if I just bought one because I really liked it and figured some one skein project would call to me. Although, that thought process just made me buy more yarn to put with the stash since there is absolutly no plan, just two skeins of really pretty yarn. Not even anything fancy, just different than what I am able to get at Jo-ann's back home.


However, the yarn stash lives in two big clear plastic totes in a spare bedroom so I can see what I have. And what isn't there is stashed on my side of the bed where no one was walking anyway except for me to get to my patterns that are over there also. So that yarn is in complete plain view for me and changes regularly in and out of the stash room depending on what I am making.

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I have waay too much, just ask my Mr ;)


But I keep track in Excel for now... I have separae spreadsheets for each major colour of the rainbow (ROYGBV), Black, White, and Varied.... I list the brand, the specific yarn, how many skeins, ounces, (and yards if I know), and colourway.... Also, in my stash, I have the skeins grouped by colour as well, in clear plastic bins.


Someday I will get it all input into Ravelry, but I seem to be acquiring it faster than I can enter it! :eek


I also have all my printed patterns in sheet protectors, organized by type of pattern (shirt, baby, etc...)



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OH I am not that organised, I have the big balls that havent been used in two big boxes. the other used yarn is in colours. blues and greens. pinks and purples and creams and whites. and bold colours.

its a nice surprise when I am looking for inspiration and go delving into my stash and remember wool I bought a long time ago and smile.

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My stash is organised into wool that felts, baby wool, wool for anything else and a box of part used cones....it mostly lives in a small cupboard but recently it has migrated to a larger cupboard under the stairs, I have'nt begun to hide it from hubs yet so I have not developed full blown stashaholic status yet! lol .....give it time though! :)

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Yes I started an inventory but it's so hard to keep it up todate!

I started by listing it on a piece of paper : brand, quantity, ball length , colour, fibre content etc and then stuck a small piece on a card as a sample....:lol

I was suppose to use it up, this all started in 2005 and instead I've been adding to it ever so much!!!:eek

I DID make a cardigan out of some very old yarn ( 20+ years old) and recently a scarf too ( 23 year old mohair see blog) .

I also - very BAD HABIT- buy a LOT of single yarn balls and I do not keep track of these at all: maybe I should!:D

Now there's an idea of what I could do tomorrow!!!:blush


I think I'll start one on excell - good idea seen here first.

I have a booklist on excell: it's reaching epic proportions ( OVER 44?!)and my wishlist at Amazon is also over 22 titles long.....

I've got this crochet bug bad.;)


For ideas or sdvice on the use of one skein /balls:



Oh yes it's all stored in clear plastic bags that I got online from a shop outfitting place , well most of them are just by the top of the ladder as you come into the attic BUT

there are also bags inside brown IKEA boxes which stand lined up on a shelf either side of the attic.....

The single yarn ones are sorted into colour groups.

There is also a basket of machine knitting yarns : cottons and wools and a couple of bags of a fine shetland and merino which is meant for crocheted felting when I get ''aroundtoit''


OOOOH writing all this it doesn't bear thinking about.

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O-o-o-o-o-h cherrypicker! You haven't had to hid any yet! :rofl


From where I am sitting in the kitchen at this very moment, I can see 4 colors of baby yarn, 2 colors of Jiffy bulky, 1 of Thick & Quick super bulky, umpteen colors of worsted weight. Need I go on?


How do I keep track. I just know. I know I bought 25 skeins of purple chenille and haven't touched it yet. Is it ever scrumptious too.


I don't know. It just seem to be there in my head. I know I bought so many skeins in so many colors of baby yarn, and I've used thus and such up for projects so far.


Although, I must say, organizing the whole thing IS a good idea. I recently emptied an entire closet and dresser in the front room, so there is space I could use. Seeing what is there at a glance would be handy.


Happy Hooking!

Real Deal :hook

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I have a vauge idea of what I have....I have way too much...I know that! LOL! I am planning on spreading it all out on the floor and sort by brand, color, fiber.


Someday soon I hope to get my invite from ravelry....then I will input it all...and try to stay current!

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I don't inventory, I have a mental note of my stash ( incomplete at times.).. usually I look through my stash first before buying more.. Right now my stash is large, but not with things I would normally use. I have lots of baby yarn and mereced cotton from a freebie, so I am rebuilding with what I would use. I do buy one skein of something just to see if I like it, and use those for square swaps which work out great.

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I just have mine stashed in 30 gallon totes and I just went through them last night to organize. In one tote I have all my partial skeins sorted by color, in another I have new or nearly new skeins, in another I have specialty yarns and size 10 cotton thread and in another I have all the cotton yarn (Sugar N' Cream, etc).

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Yes, I have a list. But...... you'll have to be on Ravelry.com to see it. :) Ugg, my stash is big. There is even a little bit of yarn not indexed on there! I even took the time to add photos to a lot of it for the directory (figured it'd be a good idea to catalog it in full since I'm a beta tester & editor). (link in sig) It's SO easy to keep track of on there (you don't HAVE to add photos and all that if you don't want), and they're even working on improvements to make it easier, like when you make a project and use yarn from your stash, it'll deduct it from your stash.


I saw on the "how much is in your stash" thread that some of you have oodles of yarn. My question is: how do you know what you have and don't have? Does anyone keep an "inventory" of what you have and would you be willing to share how you keep track?
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I have a huge stash. The thought of organizing it sends me running in the opposite direction. Whenever I plan to start a new project, I'll dig through my stash to see if I have anything that will work. If I don't find anything I like or get tired of looking, I just go buy more yarn. I think that's how my stash got so big. I just keep buying more because I can't find what I already bought.

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I am a little quirky about making lists. Every few months or so I get this overwhelming desire to make a new list of my inventory. (I do this with so many different things, I like to organize which I discriminate from cleaning) Sometimes when I am half way through with the project I start thinking, "I could actually be using this yarn if I didn't always need to reorganize all the time." I do plan on eventually putting my stash into my Ravelry account, but I am feeling a little daunted by that task. (I am sure I will soon have that need to reorganize and will take pics of everything.)


I might need help.......

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Yes, I have a list. But...... you'll have to be on Ravelry.com to see it. :) Ugg, my stash is big. There is even a little bit of yarn not indexed on there! I even took the time to add photos to a lot of it for the directory (figured it'd be a good idea to catalog it in full since I'm a beta tester & editor). (link in sig) It's SO easy to keep track of on there (you don't HAVE to add photos and all that if you don't want), and they're even working on improvements to make it easier, like when you make a project and use yarn from your stash, it'll deduct it from your stash.


I took a look and I'm impressed with what you've done on Ravelry with your stash.


You've now inspired me to go down into my basement and catalog my stash. I'm not sure about the amount of time it would take to photograph all my stash. It's too bad you can't just pick an already uploaded photo of each yarn the way you can do with all the other yarn statistics that automatically appear.



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The last time I organized yarn I took a picture of each tote (top & bottom) layers and put a number on the outside of the tote. Now all I have to do is look at the pictures and go to that tote.

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I have just started trying to get my stash organized. I'm not sure just how I'm going to do it, but for now I'm just trying to get it all in one place. ;) I've bought a couple of totes and will start by grouping like brands together. What I really need to do is use up all my little balls of yarn. What to make, what to make.:think

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I keep track of it by not having much! :P


For me, too much stash = UFOs. I get distracted by new possibilities and neglect to finish stuff I've started.


So at this point, I can pretty much keep my stash in my head.



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I don't know why I even keep a stash, because I never use any of it! When I have a project that I want to start, it gives me a reason to go buy MORE YARN! :lol If I were to use my stash, it would start to get smaller, and nobody wants a smaller stash, right? The idea is to get the stash to GROW! :lol



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I just organized my stash this weekend! I was so proud of myself, I showed my bf my achievement. I even came up with about 6 or 7 projects to use a bunch of my stash. When I'm finished with those I can buy more yarn!! Much to the dismay of my bf hehe :D

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