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Here's a golden opportunity for crochetdom

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Lets all get together and declare and International Crochet Day! The ball's rolling already with folks who are entering a hook giveaway contest on my blog by promising to promote the date, (Sept. 12) however they can. Several have put posts up in their blogs, passing the word, and we even have a post by Andy of "Crochet Depot" forum fame!

If enogh folks spread the word, and that's not really difficult with all this internet stuff.. We'll end up with a genuine International Crochet Day that will spread goodwill around the world! Famine and wars will cease and EVERYONE will share goodness and kindness everywhere! Ok, that might be just a wee bit of an exaggeration but what harm could it do? A day for crochet!! Take a knitter to lunch!

Who knows... maybe this time next year you'll see Hallmark Crochet Day cards!!

Mark your calendars and spread the word!!!




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Not to give away my idea :lol but I've just emailed the governor of Colorado and asked him to proclaim September 12th as Arts & Crafts Day, more specifically Crochet Day.


I expect the secret service to be knocking on my door and holding one of those supression jackets any minute now.:P

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Ah yes, And thank you Birdlady for taking a hit for Crochetdom. No doubt there will be martyrs, and you are but the first. But the holiday WILL happen. THEY can't stop us! Dam/er DARN the black helicopters!!!


Crochetiers UNITE!!


I'm thinking now maybe there should be a mascot. We have the Easter Bunny for Easter.. the Great Punkin for Halloween.... Turkeys for Thanksgiving...


What for International Crochet Day??

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Not to give away my idea :lol but I've just emailed the governor of Colorado and asked him to proclaim September 12th as Arts & Crafts Day, more specifically Crochet Day.


I expect the secret service to be knocking on my door and holding one of those supression jackets any minute now.:P


:D You should have let me know you were doing this, I'd have added my signature to your email :hook


As long as the secret service only bring the jacket and not the chair, you'll be fine :devil

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Let me tell you what responses about starting this up, other than those you read above... wonderful ideas themselves.... We also have numbers of folks adding posts to their blogs about the holiday; we have folks who are organizing crochet lessons on that day; we have several who are doing special crochet projects for charity; we have posters being made for a church group; we have greeting cards being made; we have a committment to ROAK someone who has yet to receive one; we have word of mouth promotion; and others i may have missed but look at it folks!!


If this keeps up and others jump in, we'll have a very real holiday!!!


Isn't it amazing!? Wisht there was a way to count or to see how the thing is blossoming.

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ok so now I know what day to kick off my new Crochet club at school


and I can't think of a more perfect mascot than a naked sheep

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Yes, well, I received an email from the Colorado governor's office and they said it takes at least a month to review proclamations. So we're in trouble (in Colorado, at least) for this year! Unless we move up the date ...;)


P.S. What IS the name of those white jackets that tie in the back? (It's been a while since I had to wear one....:P )

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I LOVE the naked sheep!!!


Count me in for 'Teach a Kid to Crochet' on Sept. 12.


I always keep extra hooks around for when amber's friends come over and want to try it. They go home with a hook and a couple balls of yarn in a gallon size ziplock so they can practice for the next time they come over.

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I love this idea! So the next meetup for my tiny little group here in Texas will be that day. And I will ask everyone to bring some things to donate to our local children's hospital.


I want to see this already printed on a calendar that I buy one day!

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Yes, well, I received an email from the Colorado governor's office and they said it takes at least a month to review proclamations. So we're in trouble (in Colorado, at least) for this year! Unless we move up the date ...;)


P.S. What IS the name of those white jackets that tie in the back? (It's been a while since I had to wear one....:P )



They're strait-jackets.

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put me down for organising a crochet group at our local library! yay a crochet day I wonder if I would be able to convnce my DH it is a real holiday lol

the heck with convincing DH, I want to convince my boss that I have to have the day off cause it is a holidy.:devil

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Wow!! We have a good number of folks blogging about the date, and lots of others announcing the date at meetings. We're almost there!!!


ok we ARE there cause who knows how many it takes to get a holiday declared. Personally i think one's enough.


Do we have a cartoonist who can make up a little nekkid sheep logo? (up at the crick its "nekkid"..... "naked" is for the more refined.

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I don't know about the month but the second week in March is Crochet Week.


Why Sept 12? Just wondering.





Well its the result of minutes and minutes of research and pondering.

1. It's to my knowledge (severely limited at best) not a holiday otherwise, and

2. Its a day after a horrible day in history and i thought it would be nice to have a happy day to follow.

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I don't know about the month but the second week in March is Crochet Week.


Why Sept 12? Just wondering.




I searched for crochet day but not crochet week :blush ... about.com had the information on it... I guess I missed it before or just accepted icrocheting as part of my life and of course should be there... :yes


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I'm all for crochet day!!!!!! The "nekkid" sheep is a great idea. Too bad I can't draw worth a darn. Can'ty wait to see what it would look like. I think it sould be being chased by one of Jimbos hook though.

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Wow!! We have a good number of folks blogging about the date, and lots of others announcing the date at meetings. We're almost there!!!


ok we ARE there cause who knows how many it takes to get a holiday declared. Personally i think one's enough.


Do we have a cartoonist who can make up a little nekkid sheep logo? (up at the crick its "nekkid"..... "naked" is for the more refined.


What about an amigurumi naked (or nekkid) sheep? If it's small and quick, you could make some to pass out to help spread the word.

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