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Only Old Ladies Crochet

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Ok so our house is going up for sell tom & our agent sent over this decorator to stage our house :rolleyes So she begins to tell me to take down all my teapots that are on top of the kitchen cabinets ok whatever then she moves the darned furniture, pics etc... Even a big tv is now in the garage whatever. But she then tells me all crochet realted thing have to go because potential buyers will think an old lady lives here & that's it's out of date ??? What I'm not old & we have one room that is decorated jungle with masks and stuff on the wall so not old lady my hubby has guitars all over his wall in his office since when do old ladies play elec guitar & our front room had framed albums Def Leffard, Bad Company, Stevie Ray Vaughan etc .... I'm sorry but nothing about my house says old lady & a couple of crocheted blanket in neutral colors doesn't say old lady to me :angry:rolleyes Seriously whatever happened to just selling your house ?? I was in the worst mood last week & pmsing on top of it I felt like smacking her :angry

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I would have asked her what cave she just crawled out from, if she doesn't realize just how popular crochet is right now. I know 10 year olds who are learning to crochet because they think it's cool.

And so long as your house is neat, clean and not knee deep in garbage she shouldn't have any say in how it's decorated when potential buyers come through.

And you have a framed Bad Company album?? Soooo cool :D

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first, decorator? We were told to remove as much as possible so that potential buyers can imagine their stuff in your house... weird.


If it helps, I'm 31 and last week while crocheting on break at work someone said I looked like an old lady, sitting there "knitting"... grrr...

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I would have asked her what cave she just crawled out from, if she doesn't realize just how popular crochet is right now. I know 10 year olds who are learning to crochet because they think it's cool.

And so long as your house is neat, clean and not knee deep in garbage she shouldn't have any say in how it's decorated when potential buyers come through.

And you have a framed Bad Company album?? Soooo cool :D


Yes I agree as long as it not totally cluttered & dirty who cares :think I LOVE Paul Rodgers :manyheart

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first, decorator? We were told to remove as much as possible so that potential buyers can imagine their stuff in your house... weird.


If it helps, I'm 31 and last week while crocheting on break at work someone said I looked like an old lady, sitting there "knitting"... grrr...


Yes apparently this is the new thing staging :think She made us move our tv so we can't even see it :no We do still live here don't we ? I know the old lady crud gets really old :angry

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I would move the tv back in. She doesn't live there, what if you want to watch TV? I am sorry, but when we were shopping for our house, it was how they had the family room set up with the tv and some afghans folded on the fireplace hearth that helped sell it. It is still your house.:hook

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This has always amused me: I've heard knitters say that "crocheting is what old ladies do" and crocheters who say that "knitting is what old ladies do". I do both, so how old does that make ME? :)

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It's the newest thing to have someone come in and stage your house. but I would say that I only want that happening on Open House days. since you still have to live there too.

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It's the newest thing to have someone come in and stage your house. but I would say that I only want that happening on Open House days. since you still have to live there too.


You may have to look for someone else, if your house doesn't sell right away.


As for the "Little Old Lady" stuff, she is wrong. People of all ages are knitting and crocheting and she needs to get "with it". So many people are learning these crafts and doing some amazing things with it. I would leave it out, just to spite her. :yes


I hope your house sells quickly and that you can get on with life, despite what that woman says.



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My 19 year old daughter loves to crochet (and do other crafts as well). Many of her friends are jealous of her abilities.


As for crocheted and knitted afghans, I think they make a room look cozy and comfortable. I sure hope this stager person helps you get top dollar for your home, because she owes you something for the stress she is causing.

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I wonder if people today just don't have the imagination and creativity to see the room itself and look past your stuff? But, I would have to say that my DH cannot do it. When we were looking for houses he wouldn't buy anything that someone else lived in because he couldn't imagine it with different wall color, curtains etc. So, we have had only new houses. So, in this tough real estate market, the agents are just trying to help you reach as many people as possible who might want to buy your house. It's nothing personal about your taste and what you like. But, I sympathize with you because selling your house is really a big pain, and I always swear I will never do it again!!! (Maybe you should just move out and live in the garage for while....that will make your agent happy! :lol )

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Ok so our house is going up for sell tom & our agent sent over this decorator to stage our house :rolleyes So she begins to tell me to take down all my teapots that are on top of the kitchen cabinets ok whatever then she moves the darned furniture, pics etc... Even a big tv is now in the garage whatever. But she then tells me all crochet realted thing have to go because potential buyers will think an old lady lives here & that's it's out of date ??? What I'm not old & we have one room that is decorated jungle with masks and stuff on the wall so not old lady my hubby has guitars all over his wall in his office since when do old ladies play elec guitar & our front room had framed albums Def Leffard, Bad Company, Stevie Ray Vaughan etc .... I'm sorry but nothing about my house says old lady & a couple of crocheted blanket in neutral colors doesn't say old lady to me :angry:rolleyes Seriously whatever happened to just selling your house ?? I was in the worst mood last week & pmsing on top of it I felt like smacking her :angry




i was wondering why you'd need a decorator to stage your house. the agent coulda just given you a checklist on what YOU COULD DO TO BETTER SELL YOUR HOUSE. instead some decorator saying what you can keep or hide. she told to hide everything in the garage, well if they went in the garage to see how big it is? then they would see all those items in the garage. makes no sense. anyways, when the new buyer buys the house they are gonna do all these changes anyway. ex: re-paint it, remove rugs to wood floors or re-tile floors, remove curtains to blinds, remodel rooms to modernize it etc., etc...

oh well, i think they just made up a job and added a fantasy name to make it important.



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I live in an area of Toronto where the resale market is very hot. Potential buyers usually have to bid on a house, and you don't know what the other people have bid. House staging is big time here. When my kids were buying homes last year and this year, the houses that were staged had many more bidders and went for higher prices. My one daughter got a "deal" because the woman who owned it did not stage. People couldn't see beyond the dark blue walls and all her stuff, so there were hardly any bids. The earth-toned, neutral walled homes with uncrowded rooms is what tends to sell best. Sad but true. :( If I ever need to sell my home, I would need a big storage area for all my collections and knick knacks. :lol

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As obnoxious as it may seem, it may be worth your while to follow her advice. From a psychological standpoint things like that do work. It is possible to see past other people's tastes and decorative styles. However it is much easier to see yourself living in a place that is similar to your own tastes. The decorator/stager lady is just trying to find a happy medium between your tastes and the potential buyers' tastes. Usually it means going as neutral as possible.


As for the "old ladies crochet," she has to factor in stereotypes into her work. It doesn't mean that she believes it. I think we all know that this is a stereotype of crocheting. Sad, but true.

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Yes I will admit some of her suggestions were good. The old lady crochets thing she was being serious :angry She actually picked up 1 of my crocheted items & said what's this :eek I just think it's over the top.Having the teapots out tells someone they can put things on top of the cabinets a good thing in my book.The tv we have out is in a postion noone would actually put theirs so that makes no sense.She did say to make cookies not gonna happen I have too many things to do right before someone comes to look at it. I have to pick up dog beds pull down baby gates & get the dogs out no time for cookie making I'll just have to burn candles :yes

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my BF and i have been looking at houses, and quite a few of them have crocheted afghans on the beds, couches etc. i guess they didn't have your decorator... :) i hope your house sells quickly!

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I would tell you agent you want a different decorator at his expense. Being rude is the fastest way to lose my business.


We're selling and unfortunately people have no imagination. Bland and boring is what sells a house. We had one agent go as far as telling us we needed new tables for the living room because he didn't care for the style.


I'm sure that when we're finished remodeling the bathroom and getting ready to stage the house i'll be throwing fits of my own.

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We tryed to sell our home twice.

There was this one lady something like yours

I will never have another person like her in my house.

She was something like yours; but she wanted everything gone

Ordering this and that; to bake cookies or cake when "buyers?" came by

I told my husband " No, way is our house going to suite her;"

We are suppose to be getting ready to build our retirement home

I think( the reason I say think; is because hubby is always changing his mind about things) we are going to move in our new home and then sell this one when everything is out

WE are going to sell "As Is"

We have a really old house. Hubby says he thinks like 30's or 40's . It was built

I believe the women who sells homes are expecting way to much

Recently I was watching a show about getting your home ready to sell.

There was this one woman

She was running around and telling everyone how their homes should look before selling

This crew of people came to her home. Well, her main areas was neat and orderly,

When they showed her bedrooms ; master bedroom ; garage and basement

It was terriable

We have some people in our areas they say" WE BUY UGLY HOUSES !!"

I told hubby, we should get them to buy our home.:lol:yes:lol pinkroses

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They always say to keep colors neutral, as well as decluttering. When we bought our current house (after looking at dozens of them) I fell in love with it because of the pretty wallpaper, hated the beige carpet and worried about whether the children had any toys, because there wasn't any normal kid "stuff". I bet they had been advised to remove wallpaper but didn't want the hassle and listened to them about everything else!

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Good luck selling your house--we're trying to sell ours too. It's a starter home, and the first-time buyer market has been hit hard by this mortgage mess. Hopefully yours will sell quicker. BTW I would think crocheted items would make it look homey and inviting. Maybe some of those realtors have been watching too much HGTV!

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