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My Boyfriends good idea

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Last night I was crocheting with a Peaches and Cream cone. And I was having trouble getting it to come off the cone. So I was not having fun crocheting. My Boyfriend asked me what was wrong. Off to his workroom he went. I could hear the power tools and some other noises. Back he came with a stand for me. He put the cone on the stand and said give it a try. It worked great!!! I was so happy I jumped up and gave a big hug and kiss.

Now the cone turns when you pull on it.

I will never again wonder why he saves everything.

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you are soooo lucky. i was doing the same thing a couple of months ago and asked my hubby to make me one and 2 months later i am still waiting! maybe if i start it myself he will get the hint! so i have been using my coaster holder in the mean time.

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you are soooo lucky. i was doing the same thing a couple of months ago and asked my hubby to make me one and 2 months later i am still waiting! maybe if i start it myself he will get the hint! so i have been using my coaster holder in the mean time.


That would be my hubby too, he finally put out the ant spray on the deck two nights ago at midnight because I pointed out I had asked him to do it in APRIL and it is now JULY. So he got out of bed, stomped away, and came back and said "it's done...find something new to nag me about". :rofl


Although every now and then he surprises me and does something without being asked. He probably would have brought me the paper towel holder.....although now I think about it....

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Although every now and then he surprises me and does something without being asked. He probably would have brought me the paper towel holder.....although now I think about it....


I used to have an old chair that I nailed a wooden paper towel holder to for when I was crocheting with cones or tubes of thread. It worked wonderful until my chair broke.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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That's a great idea! Congratulations on the great BF! Unfortunately, I would have to be the one to come up with, and make any kind of gadgets for my hobbies. In DH's defense, that is probably because he works out of town for the majority of the time. When he is home he is busy catching up with all the other things that need to be done.

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Ok, Here are some pictures!

This is what it looks like



And this is how is looks with the cone on yarn on it.



They are both clickable.


He is great about doing little things for me. I keep telling him how great it was and he just said it was nothing just some scraps.

I guess I better make a good dinner tonight for him.

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How Cool!


I have a story about paper towel holders. I saw an empty one in my SIL's house and said, "you have a yarn holder? I thought you didn't crochet!" :laughroll


In my defense it's the first time I have seen a paper towel holder. We don't have those where I come from :D

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Your guy is a real keeper! That was so nice of him to come up with a helper for your hobby. :) I don't think my hubby would think of that without asking him,describing it & drawing a picture lol. He can build stuff but he doesn't know anything about yarn. I may have to show him pics of yours :lol BTW he did a great job too! You could even decorate the block if you wanted to ...how about a decoupage pic of your bf & you.;) He might like that. Decoupage is really easy, just use some modge podge ( or white glue that dries clear) under a pic & then over it once it's stuck on the block.)

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How Cool!


I have a story about paper towel holders. I saw an empty one in my SIL's house and said, "you have a yarn holder? I thought you didn't crochet!" :laughroll


In my defense it's the first time I have seen a paper towel holder. We don't have those where I come from :D


I love this story. You have your priorities straight fer shure!!!


:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

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I used to have an old chair that I nailed a wooden paper towel holder to for when I was crocheting with cones or tubes of thread. It worked wonderful until my chair broke.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K


yeah, i was gonna suggest that as well. paper towel holder. that's the way to go. :D

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my dad was supposed to make me one some months ago, still waiting lol. he even changed what I had in mind to be double sided to hold more and stuff. he did that with a bad loom when i asked him to make me one, went way out and it was really so much bigger than anything you could have bought. so when he does it i am sure it will be spectacular. when.. lol

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Hmmmmm I have some large cones of chenille yarn that could benefit from something like this, though I never thought of using a paper towel holder either. Thanks for the ideas. I am going to see if my hubby, who is handsome, but not necessarily handy, can do this for me.

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That sounds really cool! I have a spindle that has little ball casters underneath - I got out of Yankee Magazine years ago to help me deal with large balls of Aunt Lydia's thread. I have used it for cones too! The paper towel holder sounds interesting too - is it the "stand up" tall kind?

Glad you were helped by your bf :)

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what a man!! My husband is hopeless! I have 2 daughters and told them I want the first to marry a "handy" guy that can build or fix anything and the second one I would like to marry a plastic surgeon because by that time, I am really going to need one!

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Great idea! I usually put mine on the floor so I can tug upward on the yarn and it'll unwind.


I do the same, but it usually ends up rolling across the floor. I don't use thread or cone yarns very much but I have to make a beaded purse for my DD. I think I might just confiscate my PT holder for the time being. :D Boy my furbaby is going to love that. Yarn on a stick! :cat

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