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How long have you had that UFO lying around?

How long has your oldest UFO sat unfinished?  

89 members have voted

  1. 1. How long has your oldest UFO sat unfinished?

    • I have no UFOs. I finish everything I start!
    • 1 - 3 months
    • 3 - 6 months
    • 6 months - 1 year
    • 1 - 2 years
    • 2 - 5 years
    • 5 - 10 years
    • It's so old, I can't even remember when I started it or what it was for!!

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How long has your longest UFO been lurking in your stash of yarn?

I've got a flower blanket that's been there for ... EGADS! I think it's upwards of 6 years now! :eek I can't bring myself to get rid of it as I made something like 50 flowers that still need to be sewn together.

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I have a tablecloth I started a little over 8 years ago that I just can't seem to get finished. I am not even half done yet. I know if I just sat down and worked on it for a couple of weeks straight I could get it done, but I just don't let myself do that. There are too many other projects I want to work on instead.

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I have a baby hexagon afghan I started in January. The baby is being adopted by a co-worker and they hope to have one by the end of summer. With my luck, they'll get one of those surprise calls that a baby is available NOW, and I'll be burning midnight oil to complete it.

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a baby blanket for my son, never quite finished it. he'll be 15 this month:eek


my oldest OLDEST UFO (quilting, not crochet) is a project i started when my older son was a baby - he just turned 24 last month:faint

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I have an granny type afghan that's 5 - 6 years old. I even have all the squares done, I think. This thing is a monkey on my back.

It was supposed to be mostly a scrap afghan to use up most or some of my yarn. I did have to buy edging yarn. I got a good way through it and didn't have quite enough scrap yarn for the squares to have an even look. So I pulled out all of one color and used another.

Being fairly tight on money at the time I bought the edging yarn a couple skeins at a time. It was no dye lot so no big deal. I get most of the grannies edged and they quit making that color yarn. Ugh!

I pick out another color I get most of the grannies edged and guess what? They quit making that color. This time around I decide not to pull out all the work I've done, just some and use it with what I have.

By this time, I'm not crazy about the the afghan any more and to top it all off, the grannies inside each border are not laying flat. They're puffing strangely. Blocking is not going to help. I though that joining the squares would help but at this point I'm sure it won't.

I just had it at the other day for the first time in a long time and I think I'm going to rip out the border and use the yarn for something else. I just hate all the work going to waste.

Now you know my dirty little secret.



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Up until I frogged it a few weeks ago, my oldest WIP was nearly 10 years old. It was a very boring blanket that I started when I first taught myself crochet.

Right now though, my oldest lingering WIP is a baby blanket I started while I was pregnant with my daughter, who is now 2. Its made of all these spiral motifs in a baby weight yarn. It will look really nice if I ever get myself to make the rest and join them all up.:eek

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OMG - I just remembered I've got a "Quick and Easy" blanket/afghan made with vertical panels that just needs to be sewn together. I finished the last panel about 5 or 6 years ago and put it into one of those plastic tubs with the lid that interlocks when closed. Now where is that thing...oh yes - it's in the garage! Shhhh - don't tell my wife, it'll give her another reason to bug me about cleaning out the garage.


Since joining this group, I've spent more time on the computer than anything else. :ccompute

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I have a UFO Afghan that I started when I was pregnant with my son and he will be 22 this Oct. :eek I actually dragged it out this past fall and calculated how much yarn I would need to complete it. Trouble was that it was in Dazzle-Aire which as we know has been discontinued for a very long time. So i jumped on E-bay and found the color I needed and the 3 skeins I needed from 2 different people (dye lot didn't matter because it was a Granny Sq. pattern) WHen I received the yarn it was all from the same dye lot and it matched the dye lot on the skeins I had bought 22 years ago.........how wierd is that


Still haven't finished it yet........................................

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My oldest and only UFO is a baby afghan I started in 2004. I just found the pattern really boring and cant bring myself to either finish it or frog it.

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I have 2 UFOs and they're both about the same age. The Stripey I started for the CAL back in January and a vest for my mother I bought the yarn for back in November/December but didn't actually start until March. It's not quite big enough so I have to start over (not very far in thanfully) and I'm not in love with how the pattern is turning out. I think I might actually break down and do it out of squares. I hate joining squares.


Oh, wait... now that I think of it I have another UFO vest for my mom that was started last summer... but she abandoned it before I did. (That and I lost the suplies, I probably left them in a hotel or on an airplane or something....) If you can't find it does it still count as a UFO?

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If I work on it for 15 minutes every 6 months, is it a WIP or a UFO?


I try really hard not to have any UFO's so every few months I take everything out and spend 15 minutes on each item.


So they are still WIPS, right????

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I just found a granny square afghan that I think I last worked on in 2000. At least, I'm pretty sure that I worked on it then! It might have been abandoned the year before. LOL. I think it's about half done. My big plan is to tackle it this winter, but I'm not really in a hurry. *grin*



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I am still doing the 63 squares afghan and working through the 200 blocks book.....also a double yarn thing with a flower in the middle. The N hook I have to use on it hurts my wrist so I haven't touched it in a while....


At Crochet partners several years ago they challenged every one to finish UFO's.....I did that and then joined the 'ville!



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:blush I actually have a granny square afghan I started when I broke my wrist and ankle when my youngest daughter was a year old...she is now 30. I plan on taking the squares I have and make a lapghan. It has been moved several times and spent time in my mom's cedar chest. Most of the colors in it are not available anymore. I actually was edging it last summer before some pieces went with my daughter when she moved last year...now I have to get them back:eek
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A couple of weeks ago I was looking through my stash and found a blanket I didn't remember starting. I didn't know what pattern or size I was making, I put on a border, it's crib size now. I might send it to Project Linus.

Ellie 13

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After reading this thread, I actually got inspired and pulled that old stack of squares out last night and started trying to figure out what in the world I was doing. Maybe it'll be finished sooner than I thought! LOL.

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My oldest crochet UFO is over 5 years old, can't remember exactly. I have no desire to finish it...not that I've said that, I think I'm going to frog-it. I'm working on two scrap afghans right now, one knit, and one crochet. Then while I was doing that, I started making Yo-yo's! (for some future scrap afghan I just decided I had to do)


It's craziness, but I absolutely love playing with all the yarn!!



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  • 2 years later...

I have a purse I made in Lustersheen about 12 or so yr ago. it's very holey so I bought lining material and that's where it all came to a screeching halt. I don't even like Lustersheen but i guess I had it left over from a top I made in about 1986 so I used it. I should throw it away so it won't count as a UFO!


I also have a multigenerational UFO: a bedspread that both my grandmothers worked on. it has to be 60 years old or older. it is still in the box that one grandmother mailed it to the other in. she finally passed it on to my mom, and now it's mine. the work is beautiful but overall it just doesn't add up to a useable item. it is motifs joined together but not in an even shape, and while it was in progress apparently the available thread color changed so the motifs don't match. so it rests in its box in my closet :sleep

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Whoa! You're asking some mighty personal questions there about UFOs, LOL. Okay, I admit it. I voted in the 5-10 year range but honestly, there could be something hanging around which I am not remembering. Something older.





P.S. I KNEW I would remember it as soon as I voted. It's a quilt top which I sewed together in the early to mid-80s. Never quiiiiiite finished the top and, of course, never had it quilted. Pretty little top, too! Most of my UFOs in that age range are long since given/thrown away.

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UFO's? Hmm:think I have two that I can think of off the top of my head. About six years ago I was in a granny square swap, I still have a tub full of grannies that were stacked to be sewn together and never quite got done...I think I will give them to my mother in-law, she is soo good at putting grannies together, I also have a blankie in terry cloth yarn that is 6 years old...a few scarves and oh those socks! I have been working on the socks since Sept 2009...:angry I have frogged them at least 3 times and just can't seem to get the pattern, i should just give them to a good home, what do you all think?

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