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You know a project is taking too long when..........

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We have all had them. That project that you swear is never going to get done.


But what are the signs it has been around just a tad bit too long


You know it's taking too long when ........

The baby you originally were making it for gets his/ her blankie as a graduation gift.


You know it's taking too long when.............

The garmet has gone out of fashion once and is coming back into fashion again. ( at least you are ahead of everyone else in this scenario rotfl.gif )


You know it's taking too long when ........

You finish a motif for your project and you do not remember starting it and working on it. Really scary when it is totally correct.



So now it's your turn..


You know it's taking too long when................

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...the yarn, which was once in every store, is now discontinued. :lol


...your project has been buried so long under a mound of newer WIPs that when you actually find it again, you can't even remember it!

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When the yarn goes from being one of those itsy bitsy skeins to larger skeins. I started an afghan for myself (since long abandoned) in RHSS buff and a purple/green/off-white variegate and I could not for the longest time find anymore of the variegate, now i see it EVERYWHERE, in bigger skeins. I've given up on the project and it rests at the VERY bottom of my stash, along with squares for a 63 block ghan I WAS making for my adult neice



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...when you forgot the project even existed! This actually happened to me less than a year ago...I found a doily ALMOST finished, but not quite. I am proud to say I did finish it!! It's really pretty, too.

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The baby you originally were making it for gets his/ her blankie as a graduation gift.


The baby quilt (not crochet but still lol) I made for my niece had to be adjusted three times because now that shes 9 shes in a queen size bed.. not a crib.. heeheh

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When the sweater you were making for your 12 year old daughter is now too small for your sixteen year old granddaughter. My mom is still holding on to a sweater she had started for me. My sisters youngest is now too old for it.:laughroll

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I was surprised by that, too. My husband and I finally got a queen-sized mattress after we'd been married a few years...it was a full before that! :D

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that your yarn has a price tag from Woolworths on it!!!

Or the baby you were making it for is now having a baby of their own! (maybe it will be finished for this baby!!)

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I think kids are lucky I had a twin size bed with two kids in it.:devil


My parents still have the double bed my sister and I shared. Could be worse -my brother started out life in a dresser drawer (pulled out of course!)

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