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Have you ever bought a crocheted afghan or blanket after you learned to crochet?

Have you ever purchased a crocheted afghan or blanket after you learned to crochet?  

176 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you ever purchased a crocheted afghan or blanket after you learned to crochet?

    • Yes.
    • No.

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I actually bought one from ebay so that I could try to figure it out. It hasn't worked out though. I just had to have it, because it looked just like the one my grandmother had made for me, except using a smaller yarn and hook. It isn't soft either so I wouldn't like using it. But the cat loves it! So it now belongs to Princes.


HAHA! My kitty has her own bought afghan, too. :) She loves kneading yarn. Can do it for several minutes before she finally settles down.


I love reading these stories. I've bought several afghans myself. Well, tons of them, to be honest. I just can't resist. I'm addicted. I'm partial to the variegated ones (kinda space-dyed!!). Also, have a few granny square ones, because I still suck at those. My favorite is this HUGE and HEAVY super huge bedspread in all the color of the rainbow! I just love it. Only bad thing is I dried it in the dryer, and even though it was on low, the thing was so big it didn't turn much and part of it got a little crispy. :( Oh well. I still love it.


I've also bought afghans for the patterns and tried to reproduce them. I've bought afghans that matched chairs in our basement so that my Dad had something to cover up with while watching TV. I don't mind throwing those in the washer and dryer. Mine I'm a little more paranoid about. I have an awesome little knit blankie that I'm using right now. It came with a bunch of crocheted blankets. I love it so much. Wish I could knit better. :(


Anyway, thanks for all the posts!!!

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I crocheted little afghans for my dogs.

I voted no but I have purchased afghans at garage sales. I used to work at the VA and I made lapghans for the vets. The ones I bought we in great shape for dirt cheap so I bought them and gave them to the vets!!

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I answered yes Selune.

I am still very much a newbie even though I have been playing with knitting and crochet for most my life.

I was at a craft fair two years ago and a lady who raises angora rabbits had a beautiful crocheted king sized afghan that had patterns through out that had actual angora in it.

Bought it for a friend in NYC figuring back then I would never live anywhere cold enough to enjoy that sensational warmth.


(kicking self in tooshie - winter was actually rather chilly in my new state this year lol):eek

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I've been crocheting for over 30 years and I'm still a sucker for the art whether it's my work or not. If I see something that someone has done a great job on and I love it...I buy it :manyheart

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  • 1 month later...

Yes, I did, and I don't regret it, I bought a stained glass afghan for $2.00, a queen sized one at that..beautiful, the woman said her grandmother had made it and no one in the family wanted it...I did!

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I haven't but I might, if I wasn't already swimming in afghans that my grandma made...


I usually buy smaller things though, just in general, but if it's something special, a pattern that I haven't seen before, a special stitch or even just *special* I might. Especially if I was wanting to gift one and didn't have the time, or the strenght to take on a big project or get it done in time.

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I haven't purchased an afghan but I do get kinda peeved when I go to a thrift store or antique store and they are selling doilies and thread work for $2 so I buy those. The work that goes into those and they have the nerve to sell it for $2! I've ranted to my sisters and neices about this so much that I'm always getting "rescued" doilies and other thread work that they have seen. They feel just as sorry for the underpriced works of art as I do. And they tease me all the time. My 2 daughters don't give 2 hoots for antiquing so they just roll their eyes at me.

Please! Adopt an underpriced doily or collar. Give them a home where they can be appreciated! :)

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I buy crochet afghans mainly. I usaully get them from garage sales or thrift shops. They're to pretty to pass up and plus they have a different style to the ones I make. I once went to a garage sale and was looking at this unfinished blanket and ask who crocheted it and told them it always nice to see a fellow crocheter. Well the lady ended up giving it to me for free, I think she wanted it to go to somebody who knew how to crochet and could finish it.

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I voted no, because I haven't yet, but I probably would if I came across one I really liked. I also hate seeing handiwork offered for pennies in antique stores - but I simply can't buy it all.


I did rescue a couple afghans from my late grandma's house, one of which was made by Grandpa's sister in the 50s or 60s. I can't believe what good shape it's in!

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I voted no, because I haven't seen any for sale. I guess our thrift stores are different or something, but I've never seen a crocheted item in a thrift store, nor any crochet books, or hooks, yarn or anything similar. It's such a shame.


I would buy them though if I saw one out there, that I liked.

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Even in the stores when I look at all the crocheted items coming out. I always look at them and say "I could do that" and then walk away from it. Even when I know I won't make it! I just can't justify buying something I could make.

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We, as crocheters are in the unique position of being able to truly appreciate the value of these items. I say go right ahead and buy them if you see them and like them. And they are sold at way below what you could make them for, not to mention the time involved.

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I never bought afghans, but I've bought hooks, books, doilies and a floppy hat from the 70's. The style's in again, but now they call it a bucket hat. Give something old a new name and people will buy it.

Ellie 13

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I had never bought any crocheted items until this weekend. My son's school had their summer fair and as I walked around the stalls, a bright colourful lap blanket caught my eye. I paid £1 for it and was just going to give it to my MIL to take to the hospice where she goes but my son immediately took it to his room and won't let me have it! lol It's not like he doesn' already have one plus a couple pillows, etc that I've made him but he says it was handmade and he wants it. :)

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I have bought crocheted baby blankets for years to add to the ones I make for our church blanket project for local hospitals. I alway look for ones in good shape with nicely worked stitches and patterns though I have had to repair a few. After they are washed up they are sent on to their new life. I honestly haven't got a clue as to how many I have rescued. I have sometimes added lovely crocheted layette sets or cute hand knitted or crocheted infant sweaters to go to the homeless shelters or hospital agency for helping families. It is hard to resist a nice blanket to be saved so I guess I need to turn myself in somewhere--maybe the baby blanket police or such. Ha Ha


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I haven't bought a crocheted afghan or the like, but then again, I don't see them very often. I think it would depend on the price and if I fell in love with it.

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I sure do, mostly from rafle type sales, for a good cause, I figure, if I were a baker, I would certainly taste someone elses baked goods...lol..yum yum

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I wouldn't buy blankets or anything that I could make. But the things that are made with thread, yes, I would buy those. It really seems like a chore to me to crochet with thread. It takes a LONG time and it gives me a headache. I've seen some really beautiful shirts at Old Navy and even Walmart that I would buy just to save me a headache!!

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  • 1 month later...
Even in the stores when I look at all the crocheted items coming out. I always look at them and say "I could do that" and then walk away from it. Even when I know I won't make it! I just can't justify buying something I could make.



SO sounds like me :rofl Actually DH. I don't make wearables, so if I see a sweater in the store I like DH says..."Can't you make that?"...I beam with pride..."Of course I can!"...But I don't...still no sweaters for me...:(


I voted no because I am a very picky person. Everytime I see something I like (sort of) I would always change it somehow...so I don't get it. My mom and I exchange things. I collect frogs so she has made me a couple and she can't make "little" things so I make them for her.

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:hook I do not buy afghans or blankets at craft fairs but I do buy doilies, even if they are stained, old and torn. I can not resist them !! They are my addiction :)
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I voted no earlier, but a couple of weeks ago, I got one off a trash pile. Around here you can put useable items out the afternoon before trash day. It needed repair and I couldn't take it with me. I thought if it's still there later I'll take it. Nearly 4 hrs later, it was still there. I washed it and sewed the loose squares and fixed the border. Yesterday, friend asked me if I was still making afghans. I showed it to her, she said it was perfect, she loved the colors. When I told her where I got it, she said it was destiny. I was meant to find it and her to get it.

Ellie 13

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