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Is a blanket enough?

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I have been invited to a baby shower next month and I haven't been to one in a LONG time. I would like to make her something, simply because I enjoy doing that and I think she is one of the rare friends I have who would appreciate it and not just stuff it in the back of the closet.


I was thinking of ordering this pattern here: http://www.crochetgarden.com/lilypond/afghanofthesandman.html from Crochet Garden. It looks like it would be gorgeous.


My question...


Is the blanket enough? Should I put it in a basket together with something else? Should I also make a little sweater/bonnet set to go with it?


I know I"m probably paranoid...but I don't want to over-do it...but I also don't want to under-do it and look cheap. It's not the cost of the gift at all or the time commitment. I get tons of joy just out of making these things...it's just I want to know what most of you do when you give a handmade gift at a shower like this.

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I think the blanket would be plenty, especially since it's handmade. It's a beautiful pattern. If you have a little extra time after completing it, you could always add something else if you decided to.

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I think the blanket would be plenty, for the average person.


However you said she's a special friend who would appreciate it. And for me, I tend to go above and beyond for my closest friends. And for my friends who I konw will love and use a crocheted item, I would also do a small outfit, or some stuffie toys.


So, I am saying go with your heart. When you finish the blanket, if you are inspired to do some other small things to go with it, then thats great, and if you are happy with the blanket alone then thats wonderful too. I Love that blanket pattern, I've had my eye on it to, I'd love to see when you complete it!

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Pretty pattern. I just saw a post where someone made this afghan in cream - it is so elegant!



As far as the question - I think the blanket is enough - whenever I give a hand crocheted blanket, that is all I give. I do like you, only make for those that I know will appreciate and use it.

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The afghan is definitely enough, but if you have the time and inclination when you are done with it to do more, I don't think it would be excessive to do a pair of booties or a stuffie.


A complete layette might be a tad excessive, lol, though.


How about a diaper bag/tote bag for the mom-to-be in a similar stitch pattern?

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Personally, I would add a few of the inexpensive but indespensible items that moms & babies always need... like bibs, bottles, baby spoons, that sort of thing. The kind of thing that a mom is most likely to need to buy again and again for one reason or another.


But that's just me. :U

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I think a blanket is enough. I just gave 2 blankets to a couple of other moms, that I barely knew, and they loved them. I think that a blanket is enough, if she is a real friend she will know how much you put into the blanket and how much you loved making it for her and teh nre baby.

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I agree, a blanket is enough.

It does depend on how close you feel to her and how much you want to do though. You can add more but you don't have to.

If you don't want to make anything, see if she is regestered anywhere and get something off there that way you'll get something she likes.

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I say, that blanket? That is enough. That is a heirloom blanket!


But I also gotta say that if you would feel better, give her some onesies, or throw in a box of Pampers or something like that. That ALWAYS goes over well!

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I went to a baby shower on Saturday for a girl who apparently has many crafters in the family. Two other women had crocheted little receiving blanket sized blankets in simple patterns and that was all. I made (not exatly on purpose) a very large blanket with a hat to match and also knitted to extra-large washcloths (for when daddy does the baby-washing). I tried to find a set of onesies to match the blanket, but couldn't find any. I don't think it was over- or under-done. I think a blanket would be fine and if you want to add a couple extras, that would be fine, too.

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I also think the blanket is enough. When I had my baby shower, 7yrs ago, I was given just a blanket, just an outfit, or just one thing from each person. A few select people gave me more items, but that seams like enough to me. My sister had her shower two years ago, and it was the same type of deal. I guess if you feel like you need to do more, you can. But I wouldn't.

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I love parties so sometimes I over do it. So bear w/ me. I bet the afghan is beautiful and will be appreciated on its own. You could also do some booties like someone suggested and maybe some cheap baby accessories...say a chain stitched binky keeper that keeps the binky on a clip. Or a pair of socks in a bright cheery color for mom to be as she may have to be a "walker" to walk that baby out.

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For people I don't know well I'll make a simple yet pretty ghan.


Booties are OK but I think a hat goes better with a babyghan.


What I usually do is hit the $ store and fill a small gift bag with little things like baby nail clippers and assorted doo dads. $5-10 can make ppl really happy.

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I always throw in some additional items with the blanket. I basically decide on a budget for the person, minus the yarn, and then spend the rest on things like wipes, bath toys, etc. I know that most people consider the time spent, but I don't as I would be crocheting something in that time anyway. And this is only for people I know well. If I don't know them well, then I usually will just buy off the registry.


The reason I add extra things is because people that don't craft don't understand the time and cost that goes into a baby blanket. I have to admit that when I was a kid and I got a homemade present from someone, I thought they were too cheap to buy me something. (In my defense, I am really not the sweater with a teddy on it kinda gal). Now I know better, but that paranoia leads me to make sure that I am covered on both bases. If you truly feel she will appreciate it, then don't throw in extras. I think it is worth it for peace of mind.


Good luck with that pattern!



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the blankie is enough, but if you really feel you need something extra, throw in some diapers or wipes. when i had my daughter, my aunt also had people bring a copy of their favorite childrens book, with a note to the baby on why it was their favorite and how they knew me; to start her "library". so i guess a book would be nice too.

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I gave just a blanket to my good friend for his baby, but this was his second and his wife doesn't like me much and I'm not sure how much she appreciated it. I was going to make more, but I didn't.

Usually when I have a baby shower to go to (before I really got back into crochet) I would get something small and usefull off the registry and a book. I usualy only give books or creative toys to the kids in my life. They've got enough other aunts and uncles to buy them the toys that go beep and stuff. Maybe pick up a copy of "Good Night Moon" (or my more favorite, "Good Night Gorilla") and tuck it in with the blanket.

The blanket is probably enough on it's own, especially since you said you think she understands and values things like that.... :shrug I know, not much help here....

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When a good friend of mine was having a baby I made her an afghan and since we were close, I added in a disposable camera and a gas card. She loved the afghan and thought that the gas card was neat and found everything useful.

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I think a blanket would be just fine. I made my sister one very similar to the one you were thinking of ordering. She loved it and she uses it often for her new arrival. A handmade blanket would be much appreciated and thoughtful.

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In the last 12 months I have been to 4 showers, including my own, and there was one other lady who was a crafter (she can do it all, crochet, knit, quilt by hand, etc) and we both gave the same thing each time, a blanket and 5 pack of onsies from Target (less than $10.00). I am also discovering as a new mom that you can never have enough washcloths so those would be good too!

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