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Slightly used sweeties

Should previously loved dolls be used for charities?  

155 members have voted

  1. 1. Should previously loved dolls be used for charities?

    • Absolutely, those kids need a doll
    • Well, you could do that; I guess
    • Ew! how clean would this doll be?
    • Don't even think about it. ucky, ucky pooh pooh

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I've been reading through the posts with interest -- nodding in agreement often. A cleaned, groomed and well dressed "experienced" doll (a term the boy scouts use for recycled uniforms) may be one of the few toys a child is given.


I think a "would I let your child play with this" guideline should be used. I work at a federally funded Prenatal Clinic and we are often given baby items for our patients -- most are beautiful items, but a few people bring in torn, dirty stuff that should have been tossed (and they end up in our trash). Some things have just been used beyond recycling for their original use.

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Oh please! If you want to give to charity you can spend a little money on something new!! Used dolls are great for garage sales. No excuse that you cant afford it. Put a little money aside. Charity comes from the heart not from something you just dont want anymore.

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Oh please! If you want to give to charity you can spend a little money on something new!! Used dolls are great for garage sales. No excuse that you cant afford it. Put a little money aside. Charity comes from the heart not from something you just dont want anymore.


Oh really? So, when I was down and out and could barely pay my bills, but I had a house full of stuff that was quite good and was getting phone calls from charities asking if I had anything to give them (which is charity after all) I shouldn't have given anything? I'm sorry, but this is exactly the attitude that I have a hard time with. If it's the "thought that counts," than quite frankly it should not matter when the item was new or used. Are you telling me that the Little Drummer Boy was wrong to give his old tattered coat to the Jesus child (as that was literally all he had to give) was wrong because it was not new? Are you telling me that only those that should give to any charities are those that can only afford to give money or anything brand spanking new, fresh from Target...or Macy's or Neimen Marcus...


Oh please yourself.

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Oh please! If you want to give to charity you can spend a little money on something new!! Used dolls are great for garage sales. No excuse that you cant afford it. Put a little money aside. Charity comes from the heart not from something you just dont want anymore.


From the heart, not the wallet.

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I've posted in this thread already, but I just want to add this. I don't think the charites turn down used toys b/c it's gross or think the kids are too good for them. I think it's just a case of the bad apples spoiling the bunch. You ladies seem to know what's garbage and what can be recycled, but not everyone seems to know. It takes time to sort the donations. I think that it is simply EASIER to take new only than to spend a lot of time throwing out unusable junk.


I don't have a problem giving used toys as long as the condition is good. However, whenever I donate, I like to give a couple of brand new toys as well. I'm sure the kids appreciate the used ones, but I imagine the poorer kids get a lot of hand-me-downs and second hand things. I think they would like something brand new. Again, there is NOTHING wrong with donating used toys and I've helped my sister donate some of her kids' old toys (to the charities that take them). I just like to purchase a new one when I can.

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I don't think there's a problem in the world with giving used toys as long as they aren't destroyed. I'm sure the reason some people don't accept used is because some people have given broken things or really worn. A little common sense goes a long way but some people don't have any :lol I would never consider giving a dirty broken toy to a kid well maybe they'd have a few dog hairs on them :lol

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I know that Catholic Charities will accept used things; when I was pregnant, I had to quit work b/c I was so sick (hard to waitress while puking, lol), so I got tons of baby clothes, a bassinet, toys and even maternity clothes from them. And I'm not even close to Catholic!


But at Christmastime, the big toy drives only want new stuff, b/c of the aforementioned problems with people donating what is basically trash.


I know that the Red Cross here in Florida now only wants cash donations b/c after Hurricane Andrew, well meaning folks (and some plain old idiots) from up north donated things like wool sweaters and thick blankets - completely useless in South Florida. The time and money spent sorting out the useful items from the garbage was astronomical, so now it's just better for them to get money and go buy what each community needs.


As for the poor being grateful for what they get, no matter what it is, I, too, received hand me downs from my mom's co-workers when I was a kid.


Who in their right mind hands down UNDERWEAR????

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Oh, and another idea for gently used items is consignment shops; I shop them all the time.


While it's not charity, per se, it's still a place where people get a good bargain, and you can make a little money that you can then donate to the "cash only" or "new only" charities.

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Who in their right mind hands down UNDERWEAR????



LOL. I had to respond to this part here for the simple reason that I know a woman who is 105 (yes, you read that correctly) and she patches her underwear. On 1 occassion, she even had my mom try to patch a pair for her. I do not understand the "donate used underwear" myself, but I think it may be partly due to the time period they grew up in or lived through(depression era for example) among a few other things we may not even think about now. Tho, I have been known to be WAY off before and will again. :)


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I have a really hard time with the "new, unwrapped" toys only donations. What should I *do* with all of these toys my children don't want (some never used) that are still in excellent condition.


I would say to call around and tell the charity you want to donate to what you have... dolls you've cleaned up and MADE NEW clothes for... and see what they say. I would imagine each charity has their own rules.

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my daughter has a room full of stuffed animals, no literally there are days you can't walk through her room, but i am mostly to blame. she does not use all of them all of the time so a couple times a year we gather some up (they are like new)and bring them down to the fire station. they in turn put them on the ambulances to give to the kids they treat. makes my daughter feel sooooooo good!!!

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you knwo how a firemen gives a bear to a child, well this is the same. they may not be new, but that dollie needs someone to give some love and before you know it , that little person has a best friend that will listen even thou it cant talk. i always had a doll to talk to.some of these shelters for women and childern leave everything behind and know theres a dollie waiting to love them. cant you just see their faces:yes :manyheart:) i can . sorry just had to say somthing that is in my heart. please dont laugh. sometimes i just feel a differnt way then others. hope i make sence. thank you nana

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you knwo how a firemen gives a bear to a child, well this is the same. they may not be new, but that dollie needs someone to give some love and before you know it , that little person has a best friend that will listen even thou it cant talk. i always had a doll to talk to.some of these shelters for women and childern leave everything behind and know theres a dollie waiting to love them. cant you just see their faces:yes :manyheart:) i can . sorry just had to say somthing that is in my heart. please dont laugh. sometimes i just feel a differnt way then others. hope i make sence. thank you nana


I am absolutely with you nana. One of my favourite dolls from childhood was one I got in a community Christmas basket. She was a doll my family could never have afforded new.

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Oh please! If you want to give to charity you can spend a little money on something new!! Used dolls are great for garage sales. No excuse that you cant afford it. Put a little money aside. Charity comes from the heart not from something you just dont want anymore.


Tisk, tisk, but you got one thing right.... "Charity comes from the HEART" NOT the wallet..... I emplore you to go back and read my post on this and the battered womens shelter I volunteered for.

I will pray you will never be in need of "Charity".

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Oh please! If you want to give to charity you can spend a little money on something new!! Used dolls are great for garage sales. No excuse that you cant afford it. Put a little money aside. Charity comes from the heart not from something you just dont want anymore.


:sigh:think I don't even know what to say :no

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My thoughts on the "new, in unopend box" thing is some toys have been recalled. Some toys are out dated and not up to today's safety standards. Some stuffed animals may have lice or fleas or other creature living in them. Not saying anyone here. I'm saying if you pick it up at a thrift store and try to donate it, you don't know where it's been.


I agree with giving if you have it to give and it's filling up your home. I also agree with not using it as your personal garbage dump either. Again not saying anyone here.



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Oh please! If you want to give to charity you can spend a little money on something new!! Used dolls are great for garage sales. No excuse that you cant afford it. Put a little money aside. Charity comes from the heart not from something you just dont want anymore.

A friend of mines daughter LOVES the bratz dolls which range, from my understanding, at around $50 each to start with. If I can go to the good will store or another similar place and find GOOD quality bratz dolls (or as I saw on 1 thread where they had Dora dolls for $4), then I should save up $50, to buy ONLY 1 doll to make ONLY 1 child happy rather than cleaning up the $4 dolls, making clothes for them and thusly helping/cheering up 12 children. IF (and I am refering to clean, well-kept gently used dolls w/ all its arms and legs and hair, no pen markings, etc) they have them the math would be so much more fulfilling to use the $4 dolls. It would help more children, it would bring more happiness, it would recycle the dolls so they don't end up being thrown out into our already over used waste system to put more stress on our abused environments, etc. So, to me the math so much more adds up to helping the majority rather than limiting to the few.

But, then again, I am a single childless woman. Perhaps I don't fully understand being a parent and having children in need. (I am willing to admit my view may be limited from lack of experience)


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As long as the doll is clean who cares how old it is. Any toy that has been used and not broken is acceptable for donation.


I hope the people that feel only "new" is appropriate for charity never need charity, because they won't get it.

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Oh please! If you want to give to charity you can spend a little money on something new!! Used dolls are great for garage sales. No excuse that you cant afford it. Put a little money aside. Charity comes from the heart not from something you just dont want anymore.

you said it yourself, charity comes from the heart. :U and that heart will give in what way it sees fit. that doesn't necessarily mean money from its own pocket

A friend of mines daughter LOVES the bratz dolls which range, from my understanding, at around $50 each to start with. If I can go to the good will store or another similar place and find GOOD quality bratz dolls (or as I saw on 1 thread where they had Dora dolls for $4), then I should save up $50, to buy ONLY 1 doll to make ONLY 1 child happy rather than cleaning up the $4 dolls, making clothes for them and thusly helping/cheering up 12 children. IF (and I am refering to clean, well-kept gently used dolls w/ all its arms and legs and hair, no pen markings, etc) they have them the math would be so much more fulfilling to use the $4 dolls. It would help more children, it would bring more happiness, it would recycle the dolls so they don't end up being thrown out into our already over used waste system to put more stress on our abused environments, etc. So, to me the math so much more adds up to helping the majority rather than limiting to the few.


But, then again, I am a single childless woman. Perhaps I don't fully understand being a parent and having children in need. (I am willing to admit my view may be limited from lack of experience)


Sandy, as a single mother of one who gets by on a Single Parent Pension, I don't think your judgement is at all clouded :hug My mum will spend a fortune on my child, something I can't do. But I sure as anything don't deny things other people gift her. Sometimes they aren't in the best condition I admit, but they are given with LOVE. That is what means the most to Jessi and I. My nanna once said to me, never say no thank you to someone giving you something. Kindly take it and say your thanks. If you say no this time, you may never be offered something you really did want the next time. Now, where I thought that was a very selfish attitude to have, it does make sense. And if we're gifted something that isn't nice then there is no need to rub that in the face of the person giving. New or used! I couldn't tell you how many clothes Jessi has been given brand new by family members that make me cringe... The find their way to the local Thrift Store. If the ladies there cant use it they put them into rag bags. Everyone wins

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It breaks my heart to know there are kids out there with so little. I am a single mom living on a single paycheck. But I always told my DD "There are children out there with nothing, you can give some of your things to charity."(Some of her most treasured things were "previously loved") All too often these lessons aren't taught to our children. As for the "new un-opened" toy for donation....I get the reasoning for it. But,on the other hand, aren't we teaching our kids that things have no value if it isn't new? Not me....I love things with a history!:manyheart

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Kelly G, I respect your opinion but I disagree with it. Not everyone can afford to go out and buy new toys for charity. If a toy is still in good condition with all it's parts, there is no reason to keep it back or just toss it in the garbage. A stuffed animal with no rips can easily be placed into a pillow case and washed to be good as new. A doll that isn't drawn on and has everything still in place can easily be made a new wardrobe to be loved by a new little girl.


Eyrthmother1, you have exactly the right idea. If you can make more people be happy with gently used items, then it makes more sense to do so then to make one child happy with a brand new doll.


Chrisdfriend, that picture does show a very happy little girl. I have a feeling she'll treasure her doll for a very long time.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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A picture is worth a thousand words and this one says a lot!This little girl had always wanted a CPK so last Christmas I made sure she got one!


Again, you bring me to tears. that is so wonderful. the look on that child's face says it all.


i was thinking all the things that eyrthmother mentioned. It is going to cost me money, time and resources to make this happen as I don't have dolls sitting around. i am more than happy to give those to create just one happy face - as you Cristal) have shown us.


I think it is generally agreed that rescuing the dolls and then gifting them to kids is worth doing.

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A friend of mines daughter LOVES the bratz dolls which range, from my understanding, at around $50 each to start with.

Actually that's only for special ones. Usually Bratz start around $14.95. My niece loves them and I've bought her two. No idea how many her mom has bought her.

Not saying you should go buy them, just letting you know the real price. ;)


A stuffed animal with no rips can easily be placed into a pillow case and washed to be good as new.

Not to nitpick, read the label if you can before washing it. Almost all of my daughter's animals are Surface Wash Only. You might actually ruin it by tossing it in the washer.

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