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Is there anything you cant stand to crochet?

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I love the look of tunisian, but don't do it 'cause it makes my hands hurt and cramp and I hate the way it rolls up. Working with more than one strand hurts too. I recently got into the lumberjack afghan cal, and remembered "WHY" I dont work with two strands, but I aim to finish it 'cause its so pretty. I rarely if ever work with thread, its like crocheting with spider web. I got on a kick a few years back and made tons of name doilies (for framing) and sold them, and I think I just burned myself out on it. I hate hate hate weaving in ends. I just got into wearables and it is proving challenging, but I'm getting the hang of it.

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I can't make wearables... i'mnnot even sure its that i hate to do it... its just that they look so bad when i'm done i frog them... so its a complete waste of my time to attempt.


I love to make blankets and afghans and baby things. Afghans are repetitive and easy as well as useable, and baby things are small so there is an end in sight.... and its funny since i love to make baby sweaters, and hats and bibs and anything they can wear... its just adult size clothes i can't do!

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I'd have to say stuffed animals as well. Not that I won't make them, but I avoid them. I hate having to stuff and then sew all of the little pieces together. I guess I am just impatient when it comes to that. I prefer to work on projects with as little sewing as possible.

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I don't mind making afghans but I have to have other projects going because they do get very boring.


I have to agree with the Picots thing. I do use thread and I think most everything in thread has stupid picots! They do add a lot to the look but I hate making them. I was given a tip to chain 4 instead of the standard 3 when making them and that helps a little. They look better anyway.

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Granny squares...probably because everyone else makes them. The joke is that whenever someone wants me to teach them how to crochet, they want to learn how to make granny squares.

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Add me to the list of those who can't stand to crochet granny squares. I think it's because back when I first learned how to crochet, granny squares were so hot, and everybody and their aunt was making everything from vests to purses to lingerie out of granny squares!


To this day my cousin swears that the reason she ended up in therapy was because of a peach colored granny square skirt and vest that her mother made for her. She was in the 2nd grade at the time and her mother insisted that she wear it to school, and it never dawned on my aunt to make her put a slip on under it, and kids being what they are, they teased her mercilessly about it.


The other thing I hate doing is weaving in ends. It takes me as long to weave in the ends as it does to crochet the thing in the first place!



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I've been reading this thread and really couldn't think of anything I can't stand to make, until I read the comments about weaving in ends, and then it came to me.




If it's a few pieces, I can handle that, but something with a lot of pieces - like a full sized afghan made from 6-inch squares.... ***gedaboudit.:no No way Jose. A baby-sized afghan is okay, but anything bigger than that and I end up frogging it - or letting it sit there for years and years and years until I can't remember what it was going to be or who it was going to be for in the first place!:lol

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I'd forgotten about weaving in ends...boo...hiss...


I try to make it easier by weaving them in as I go along, so that I'm not stuck doing a lot at the end. Right now, I'm making the 63 Cable Squares afghan, and I've been sewing together strips of the finished squares and weaving in the ends, and then sewing the strip to the other strips. My goal is to end up with only the border to crochet when I'm all done.

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I really like any project but I have to agree that the "finishing" or sewingup & weavingin parts are drudgery!

And like another lady said -- the granny squares are something that are for me just a way to use up scrap yarn quickly. But I too have had good luck teaching people to learn to crochet with the granny sqaure -- it gives them a true sense of "getting somewhere" with their lessons as it progresses so quickly!



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i chuckle as i read through all these responses because i think i can relate to all of them but i think my biggest pet peeve is weaving in ends, for whatever reason it drives my bonkers i also can't stand sewing things together.


ditto on that. I like the look of the afghans with a million little motifs of 100 colors sewed up together, but the idea of doing 100 squares of 3 colors each, that means 2 ends to weave in for every color change, 600 ends to weave in, how do people do it?


these days, all I want to crochet (and knit) is wearables.

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Granny squares...probably because everyone else makes them. The joke is that whenever someone wants me to teach them how to crochet, they want to learn how to make granny squares.


I hate them too. But the reasons are different. I hate tucking in all those ends and then if they don't come out the exact same size because the yarn is thinner/thicker and the gauge is off.


I love all other kinds of things to crochet. Just tucking in those ends makes me crazy.



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I can't stand baby booties!! I have tried them so many times and they never come out right and the hook is so small that my hands are killing me and the so called bootie looks hideous.........and I have to agree with everyone else about weaving in ends.

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I've been reading this thread and really couldn't think of anything I can't stand to make, until I read the comments about weaving in ends, and then it came to me.




If it's a few pieces, I can handle that, but something with a lot of pieces - like a full sized afghan made from 6-inch squares.... ***gedaboudit.:no No way Jose. A baby-sized afghan is okay, but anything bigger than that and I end up frogging it - or letting it sit there for years and years and years until I can't remember what it was going to be or who it was going to be for in the first place!:lol


I agree with you there!! I didn't really think about that with my original post. I recently completed my lumberjack flannelghan, and boy, was it an effort just to join 5 strips! And to think, I was going to do 7 to make it square! I made one and only 1 afghan out of squares, and they were nice big 11" ones, so it really wasn't that manny. The hardest part was joining. I hate any hand sewing, both joining things and sewing hems on skirts etc. I just don't have the patience for it. (Yet I can do a HUGE 6'+ afghan and not get bored???) :think

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I can't stand anything with the same stitch over and over. I get so bored!

I also hate to weave in lots of loose ends. :yuck It's scared me off multi-color motifs (even though I love the look) because the thought of weaving in a 100 loose ends is just too much.


I'm getting to where I hate making wearables since my track record with them has been dismal. I'm working on a top using lighter yarn, hoping that part of the problem was the heavier weight yarn which made my body look thicker. ...


Sport weight yarn is great. I'm working up a lacy pattern in sport weight (Smoky Quartz Tunic from Fall 06 Interweave Crochet) and this looks like the first full-body crocheted sweater I'll actually wear in public. Matte yarn and multi-color yarn with very short color changes are also better for not making one's body look thicker.

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I can't stand baby booties!! I have tried them so many times and they never come out right and the hook is so small that my hands are killing me and the so called bootie looks hideous.........and I have to agree with everyone else about weaving in ends.


I hated baby booties as well until I found this pattern. They come out right every time.:hook :hook



Pieced items are my thorn. I don't mind small stuff but the bigger the project the more frustrated I get which is why I don't do them that often.

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Picots!! Hate them. I do love snowflakes though and have made hundreds. Did anyone ever notice that snowflke designs are full of picots?!!!

Also I hate weaving in ends. Most of my afghans now have fringe just so I don't have to weave in as much. My husband cuts and attaches the fringe for me when I'm done crocheting.



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I definitely hate weaving in ends too. I absolutely hate afghans done in strips (mile a minute)... it is so boring just to get one done.. then you have 7 more to look forward to. :( I get so bored by it that I forget to check if I really do have the stitch rows memorized... only to find that I did it differently on all 8 of them :ohdear


And crochet thread is right up there with furry yarns for me.... but I continue to try using them anyway. The gauge is always off ...for different reasons. :thair

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Filet! I hate filet crochet, but I love thread crochet. I have many Magic Crochet, decorative crochet kind of books and made many thread doilies.

I could never get filet crochet right!:(

oh, add me to the list of those who hate to weave in loose ends. :eek

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Afghans, while I don't "hate" doing them, I do find that it's Really hard to actually finish one. I run out of steam about midway through. The whole project seem like it'll NEVER be finished.


Oh here's one that I actually Do hate. Writing down patterns. If I get an idea for something I just want to make it. To have to stop every few rows and write down what I did, drives me Up a wall. It's too much like work. I crochet for pleasure and for the creative outlet it provides me. The most I ever write down, is the number of chains in the starting chain, the hook size and the row numbers for increases and decreases.


Oh and working guage swatches, I hate those, and almost NEVER make them.

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