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Is there anything you cant stand to crochet?

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I love crochet and have been doing it a long time but I still cant stand making afghans...yet I do.

I have been working on ds2's spiderweb afghan and now its getting so boring and monotonous. but yet I should have had it done weeks ago.

and worst part is now my family has put in orders for 3 more ugg.

dh and ds1 are actually agrueing about it ugggggggggg.

cant I just make them a sweater or socks? ( my 2 favs)


Anyone else do this? what is the one item you have a hard time getting the gumption to do?

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I don't like to make toys or stuffed animals. I used to, made lots of care bears and other stuffed animals but now don't like to. I would rather make tableclothes or doilies than anything else. I will make afghans, but have so many don't have much use for more......

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I can't handle making wearables. I do love to make afghans, so much so that I'm becoming over-run with them. Mind you, I'm too scared to get too adventurous with the patterns for them.


I went through a phase a while back of making scarves. I made dozens of them, and now I can't stand them.

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Thread... anything with thread... Or more precisely, anything with less than a D hook. I've used thread for things before where I could use a D, but nothing intricate. I'm afraid to try most wearables, but that's because I'd have to do major size adjustments to most patterns and I don't tailor cloth patterns well....

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Stuffies. No matter what hook I use, it always has little gaps that the stuffing can be seen through. My youngest wants all the stuffed animals she's seen on this site but I can't bring myself to make them.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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i chuckle as i read through all these responses because i think i can relate to all of them but i think my biggest pet peeve is weaving in ends, for whatever reason it drives my bonkers i also can't stand sewing things together. i love making stuffed animals, can't stand sewing them together or the stuffing that shows through but i keep making them anyways. also afraid of wearable because i too do not keep to gauge, don't have the patiece to do that.

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Granny squares...still burnt out by making them in the 70's. Also don't like making the bullion stitch...usually substitute another stitch in its place if something calls for it...

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Afghans are my favorites. I hate to make quilt afghans that are made up of 1 1/2 inch squares. Too many ends to weave. I keep saying I will never make another and yet keep printing patterns. O Well!

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I LOVE all the stuffies, yet have no talent when it comes to joining the pieces...it ends up looking deformed!:eek So when it doesn't turn out like I want, or takes me 3 hours to get it together right, I get very ill.:angry Gonna have to keep trying cause people keep asking for them....

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I like doing most things, but i have a baby outfit someone asked me to make that has a row of flower stiches. each one you fasten off and start new for the next.... I hate doing this stich. I have been putting this off so long and the baby is due next month... This will be the last time I make this pattern.

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I can't handle making wearables. I do love to make afghans, so much so that I'm becoming over-run with them. Mind you, I'm too scared to get too adventurous with the patterns for them.


I went through a phase a while back of making scarves. I made dozens of them, and now I can't stand them.


Those are the phases I went through. I can't stand making wearables for myself as they are always too bulky and never fit right. I have a million scarves too, tried to sell them (unsuccessfully) so they're sitting in plastic bags in my car's trunk. I love making afghans, though it takes forever for me to finish one because I think of every excuse in the world to NOT work on them..... Could it be I hate crocheting?

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I'm getting to where I hate making wearables since my track record with them has been dismal. I'm working on a top using lighter yarn, hoping that part of the problem was the heavier weight yarn which made my body look thicker. I get bored making afghans after awhile; they get monotonous. I haven't tried stuffed animals yet but probably will soon.


I like making scarves, caps, and dishcloths best because they're so short-term. I've whined in other threads about my short attention span! :lol

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I avoid anything with lots of color changes just so I won't have more ends to weave. They never look right to me, I'm never happy, but I know they're okay - lots of my stuff has been repeatedly washed and dried and is fine. I just DREAD it so much!

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I was in the process of doing a 2 strand ugly blanket...and cut it off and threw it out cause I just couldn't deal with working on it anymore...then I started a 3 strand blanket from the middle (cause I know I have issues with working the whole length of each row anyway) and cut if off and tied it off so that the mini-me's have a little play hotpad...actually I did that twice, so they have 2 play hotpads...so I just gave up on the fact that I hate to make full sized blankets and put all the yarn back in my stash!! Now I'm working on a much smaller project that I will actually get some satisfaction in seeing it getting closer & closer to finished!!



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I can't really think of a specific thing I can't stand making. I do hate weaving in ends...although, the hidden ends method I found while making Granny Squares has made it a bit easier.


I did have doilies and thread for a while after making 16 purple doilies in less than a week, on top of everything else I was doing. They were for a wedding shower, and turned out nicely, but after that I didn't make anything with thread for a long time. I did get back into thread this past week during a CAL, but using size 5 and a size D hook made it much easier!

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I will make almost anything, but I cant stand tunsinian, I somehow always end up with the work wrapped around itself. I like making afghans and my favorite thing to crochet is anything for babies.

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I'm starting to really dislike working with thread - I'm making my first poncho with some nice black crochet thread... but I'm starting to realise that I may be making it for years as with thread the progress is sooooo slow :(


The only thing that is keeping me going is how good it looks so far, and how much I love thread crochet items.

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