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Thanks to Crochet I met the sweetest Lady yesterday!

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I had a DR. appointment yesterday so I carried along my trusty little WIP dishcloth bag ( I have a bag all set up with cotton and hooks for jsut dishcloths, they are small so they make an excellent carryalong project).


When I entered the office there were about 12 people waiting. I checked in and sat down and took out my dishcloth and set to work. It didn't take 2 min. when the elderly lady next to me asked what I was making. She told me that she also crocheted but hadn't held a hook in years. Her poor hands were bent and contorted from arthritis. As I sat and worked she told me all about the wonderful projects she had made in the past. She described afghans, christining gowns and sweaters.. She told me that she was 82 and her Mother had taught her to crochet when she was a very young girl. She described how she and her Mother had made scarves, hats and afghans for the Soldiers of WW2.


It was the most wonderful wait I have ever had for a Dr. appt. I love listening to the elderly tell stories. I guess It's because I lost both of my Grandmothers before I was 8. I got to finish my dishcloth a few min before she was called back for her appt. so I gave it to her. You would have thought I had handed her a bag of gold. She was so appreciative that she had tears in her eyes.


BTW, she laughed at my felted purse I was carrying. She said in her day that was called a washing mistake :eek

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Awww!!! I bet you just wanted to hug that lady, didn't you? :manyheart


I had to :lol at the "washing mistake" comment, though... just goes to show you, what's a "mistake" to one is the "height of fashion" to another! :hook

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Maybe we can track this nice old lady down, and have her explain the VALUE of handmade items to the recipients of crocheted gifts in the other post ("well that was a mistake") who had such complete disregard for handmade gifts. No one can rip you a new one like a sweet little old lady! :lol

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I love listening to the elderly tell stories.
Please move to my community (Morongo Basin CA) because we have LOTS of elderly folks here who would love to have you around! :P Seriously, I can't crochet in public in this area because the little old ladies are in my face the second I pull out my hook and yarn. :lol I can knit/crochet in Palm Springs without drama but not here.


Your experience at the doctor's warms my heart, though. I feel bad that she can't crochet anymore, due to the arthritis. That's something I really fear in years to come. I guess we need to crochet as much as we can, while we can.

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Thank you for sharing that story. It is one of the most touching things I have read in quite a while. Wonderful experience for you and one that reminds me that we need to take the time to savor the special moments that we are granted here on this earth. :)

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Thanks for sharing that lovely story. You have a talent for writing. I crochet everywhere and I can't think of a time when it didn't bring a response from someone. It's a great ice breaker.

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What a wonderful experience. We can learn so much from those who have walked this life before us if we take the time to listen. And that was so sweet of you to give her your dishcloth. It only takes a little bit to make someone feel loved. :)

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:c9 Neat story!

We recently had a knit & crochet group meet up at a local hang out in town. As we sat down, ordered our drinks & food, we got out our yarn, hooks and needles and started to "wip" away.. There was a table of older ladies in front of ours (I'd say probably 8 of them) and one of them started to giggle then tapped the other one on the shoulder and then before you knew it they were all turned around watching us do our thing. A couple of them came up to our group and started to talk to us about yarn, crochet, knitting etc. It was kinda cool. :yarn

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That is too cool! I love listening to the "elders", they always have something interesting to say, and whether you want to or not, you always end up learning :)


Thanks for sharing! Ok, now lets track her down, maybe we can "adopt" her or something...

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My son's girlfriend works in the activities dept at a nursing home. She loves to crochet, which I'm happy to say I taught her. She crochets with the residents at the home for an activity so this year we all got afghans for Christmas and we love them. She loves to hear their stories of "the old days". She also sits with the alzheimers residents and has them roll balls of yarn. She says they roll the balls of yarn and she unrolls them and they roll them again and talk just to keep busy. She loves those old people.

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What a sweet story! How cool of you to give the dishcloth to her. I'll bet she feels the same as you about the visit. I bet everyone that visits her will hear how she got that dishcloth.

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