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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hi, ladies!


Been spending time getting my house in order...as long as I have to stay in, ya know...

Also een hooking and reading.

Pics of a baby RR with Vanna colors and the bookmark pattern from the other thread:D

See you all tomorrow....



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Hello everyone. Fairly quiet day at work today, although st=ill very busy. I am off Tuesday and Wednesday though. Hopefully it will slow down by the end of the week.

I work for a health care company that has two large hospitals in town, and the one I don't work at just called me to see if I wanted to pick up extra hours in their ICU. Evidently they don't know how lazy I am!!

I think they said something about extra money, but I was so surprised to be called by them, that I didn't quite catch what she said.



I did manage to get a few dishcloths done for a friend.






Love your dishcloths and also your very artistic photograph.

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Cindy, Marissa and Joanne----not to be a pain in the keester I LOVED your Bernat Ghans----I've never used the chunky and I loved your color schemes-----do you mind giving me your colors that you used- PWEEEEEEZE!!!


I didn't use the chunky, just regular worsted weight yarn.

My colors were Bernat Super Value yarn in honey and fern, Vannas yarn in natural, Bernat Berella 4 in a medium shade of blue, and a variegated yarn, (which I think was "I Love this Yarn by Hobby Lobby, with greens, browns, a little blue and some natural in it), that I have had in my stash for a few years.


Nice work on your afghan and "doily"!!!

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Hi, ladies!


Been spending time getting my house in order...as long as I have to stay in, ya know...

Also een hooking and reading.

Pics of a baby RR with Vanna colors and the bookmark pattern from the other thread:D

See you all tomorrow....


That RR is wonderful. Nice bookmark too.


I need to get my house in order too. I never seem to have a big chunk of time for anything extra though. I think I probably need to do it in baby steps, just one drawer or cabinet at a time.

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Hi there ladies


Kiyo , you ornery little thing. You DID make and show us the "DOILY" . Quite an interesting looking doily ,that's for sure !!!


And the wedding ghan is pretty -- are you using the double strands for the one section,and are the colors black and white ? I couldnt tell what the dark color was.


I'm not on Face Space or any of those -- this place is about all I can handle ..I always think I'm too old for those other groups .

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You have certainly outdone yourself once again on the round ripple-- love the colors of this one a lot !!


Is it for a specific baby or a donation ?


The little bookmark is cute . I probably wont make it, only because I read so few books anymore--- most of mine are on my kindle,so no bookmark needed .



Hi Cindy

That's good to hear that the other hospital needs more workers. I hope they all start calling and hiring some of the new young nurses trying to get jobs -- it's real bad in our area for nurse's jobs right now .

I actually talked to one who used to work at our local hospital -- she now works at a much bigger one -- she heard that our hospital is phasing out LPN's and Aides completely,and will only have RN's and Medical Assistants . I'm a LITTLE concerned about that-- not the RN's --they will be great,but I dont think medical assistants get enough training to actually do the day to day care and treatment of hospital patients,so it's a worry to me ... I hope I'm wrong . Our Ex- DIL is a medical/dental assistant,plus a phlebotomist .. she is great in an office setting,but I cant imagine she 'd want to do the daily patient care in a hospital .

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Hi there ladies


Kiyo , you ornery little thing. You DID make and show us the "DOILY" . Quite an interesting looking doily ,that's for sure !!!


And the wedding ghan is pretty -- are you using the double strands for the one section,and are the colors black and white ? I couldnt tell what the dark color was.


I'm not on Face Space or any of those -- this place is about all I can handle ..I always think I'm too old for those other groups .



LOL you love me Julie!!!:manyheart

That's just the starting of my doily- lol the back part, I still have to add the front. Did you think I was kidding you??? lol I will display it on my dresser!! ahahahaah! Might I add i have MY BIGGEST FAN already! lol hehehehe~!

The wedding ghan---is actually coffee, soft white and I alternate them- I got a fluffy white from Walmart in the baby section- and it's carried throughout. So even though it's Red Heart otherwise it makes it really soft. I will have to get a photo in daylight, I like the look of it! I just hope they do too!

Funny thing Ms. Julie I have been waiting your response since I posted it! YES!! I knew you would brighten my day! And Cindy........I don't think shes too impressed with my skills! lol :D

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Hopefully I will catch up on everyones posts tomorrow. Mondays are a bit crazy here for me at work! Heading to PARENTS & PANNIECAKES(really Pancakes but Aree used to call them Panniecakes) lol Kind of fun! She's afraid we aren't going to get any so I have to HURRY!!! LOVES TO YOU ALL!!!

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Hi Cindy

That's good to hear that the other hospital needs more workers. I hope they all start calling and hiring some of the new young nurses trying to get jobs -- it's real bad in our area for nurse's jobs right now .

I actually talked to one who used to work at our local hospital -- she now works at a much bigger one -- she heard that our hospital is phasing out LPN's and Aides completely,and will only have RN's and Medical Assistants . I'm a LITTLE concerned about that-- not the RN's --they will be great,but I dont think medical assistants get enough training to actually do the day to day care and treatment of hospital patients,so it's a worry to me ... I hope I'm wrong . Our Ex- DIL is a medical/dental assistant,plus a phlebotomist .. she is great in an office setting,but I cant imagine she 'd want to do the daily patient care in a hospital .


The ICU I work in is totally staffed by RNs and nurse techs. The techs are specially trained by the hospital in the tasks they can do. They help us when we need it, assist the physicians with procedures, give the patients baths, run errands, do some dressing changes, and quite a number of other things.


I think it's quite common for hospitals to not use LPNs. There are 4 good size hospitals here, and I don't think any of them have hired LPNS for quite a few years. There are still a couple left in my hospital, but they won't be replaced when they retire.

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Good evening ladies :hi


Looks like it was a pretty slow day in here today :think Work was work, not really too busy, which was good because I found out this morning that I have a deposition tomorrow morning :eek So after going through my usual monday routine, I studied up on the 3 year old case for tomorrow. I spoke with the attorney and come to find out this is his first dep with a doctor :eek Now I'm a little nervous :lol We shall see how it goes :xfin


Came home and realize I forgot to run to CVS to pick up a prescription, so ran back out. Sitting here to check in and will then read or crochet :think Probably read since I only have about 100 pages left in this book so I can finish it up tonight (they're nook pages, so less per page :lol )


Mary - :yay for the ice melting. How did dh's eye appt go?


Peaches - :hi


Tam - Continued prayers for Michael and specifically that this cold doesn't set him back :hug Your dishcloths are really cute, I love the spirally one :manyheart WTG on all the crocheting, at some point you will yield finished products :yes


Linda - It was overcast here too all day....keeps it gloomy, but keep your head held high because it could be worse ;)


Julie - :hi


Kiyo - Awesome 'doily', love the wedding ghan, Dorito's commercial was hysterical :rofl , never checked out the crochet club :think , I'm on FB but don't really get on there much, and I used the called for Bernat chunky yarn in dark taupe, grass, rouge, lavendar, and aqua :D


Judy - :welcome back!!!! Beautiful RR and I love the bookmark, still haven't made mine, but am getting there :yes


Cindy - That's too funny that the other hospital called to ask you to pick up some hours. They must be hurting really bad right now :think


Have a good night ladies

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Hi all,

Had a pretty good day at work and then stopped by DD's and SIL's for dinner- they had tons of leftovers from the party yesterday.


Judy- Love the round ripple and the bookmarker came out really nice. The colors on the RR are nice and bright!!!! I should probably get my house in order too- but I really would rather spend the little free time I have doing fun things!!


Kiyo- I used the Bernat Softee Chunky in these colors: Natural, Fern, Topaz, Faded Denim and Lavender. Like the way the wedding ghan is turning out- and the doily---can't wait to see the finished doily!!!!


Cindy- So- are you going to take on more hours- or just keep what you have? It's really hard for new nurses to get jobs here in NJ too- the old catch 22- they want experience- but how do you get experience if no one gives it to you? Enjoy your next 2 days off-


Linda- I'm looking forward to seeing your stockings? (the Christmas ones- LOL)


Tam- Hope that Michael doesn't have a set back! Keeping him in my prayers as well as your DH. And inquiring minds want to know- how do you get those squiggles on here.

Nice dishcloths, BTW!!!!


Julie- The game was good- but I follow football!!! Did you hear the National Anthem get botched up? Couldn't believe it!!!


Marisa- Hope your day went by quickly and that you weren't too busy. Don't forget to post pics of the baby sweater!!! LOL

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Joanne, at this point, I'm not looking to work more, they just want me because I am an experienced critical care nurse. It takes close to a year to get a new grad functional in an intensive care unit, so its not always a good option.

New nurses have a hard time here too, but my DD found a job within a month of passing her boards, which I didn't think that was too bad. (Most places won't hire you before you pass them.) I think nearly every one in her class found a job within 6 months of graduating.

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I know you're dying to see MY DOILY.......and I can't get my pictures to send to my email from my phone! Sure thing as soon as I do, I will get it posted!


** Hope you all had a great weekend. What a game! I wasn't rooting for anyone specific, may the best team win! My boyfriend won a 300 bet on the Packers though, trying to talk him into sending me that money! He didn't miss it when he didn't have it, right?


**Also- did you see the Doritos commercial w/ the pug running from the yard to the dude behind the glass door? It was a UTAH commercial----he won!!! a million dollars!! WHOOT WHOOT GO UTAH!! Wish it were me and one of my crazy dogs! lol

That was my favorite of all the commercials. The ad for the VW "bug" was also a good one.



Here we go........MY DOILY!!! WHOOT WHOOT!! and the wedding ghan.....wait---maybe the doily should go with the wedding ghan!! ahahahah! I'm bad, i'm sorry!

Lovely 'ghan and great start to your doily.

Hi, ladies!


Been spending time getting my house in order...as long as I have to stay in, ya know...

Also been hooking and reading.

Pics of a baby RR with Vanna colors and the bookmark pattern from the other thread:D

See you all tomorrow....

Love the RR, Judy! :clap :clap :clap And the bookmark looks nice, too.


It started raining here about 5:00 pm. Just drizzly rain for the most part but enough to get you wet if you're out in it very long.


Have a good evening. :hug

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Joanne, at this point, I'm not looking to work more, they just want me because I am an experienced critical care nurse. It takes close to a year to get a new grad functional in an intensive care unit, so its not always a good option.

New nurses have a hard time here too, but my DD found a job within a month of passing her boards, which I didn't think that was too bad. (Most places won't hire you before you pass them.) I think nearly every one in her class found a job within 6 months of graduating.

Oh, I didn't mean a new nurse in ICU! And the only reason I think my DD got hired in the ER was because she worked there in her senior year of college as an ER tech.

It's tough here in NJ and in Mass too- One of my co-workers daughter graduated with her BSN in May- and couldn't find a job- she has now returned to school for NP. My cousin's DD graduated from U Pitt in May- still hasn't landed a job. Your DD and her friend are fortunate in that every they found jobs within 6 mos.

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Hi all,

Had a pretty good day at work and then stopped by DD's and SIL's for dinner- they had tons of leftovers from the party yesterday.


Judy- Love the round ripple and the bookmarker came out really nice. The colors on the RR are nice and bright!!!! I should probably get my house in order too- but I really would rather spend the little free time I have doing fun things!!


Kiyo- I used the Bernat Softee Chunky in these colors: Natural, Fern, Topaz, Faded Denim and Lavender. Like the way the wedding ghan is turning out- and the doily---can't wait to see the finished doily!!!!


Cindy- So- are you going to take on more hours- or just keep what you have? It's really hard for new nurses to get jobs here in NJ too- the old catch 22- they want experience- but how do you get experience if no one gives it to you? Enjoy your next 2 days off-


Linda- I'm looking forward to seeing your stockings? (the Christmas ones- LOL)


Tam- Hope that Michael doesn't have a set back! Keeping him in my prayers as well as your DH. And inquiring minds want to know- how do you get those squiggles on here.

Nice dishcloths, BTW!!!!


Julie- The game was good- but I follow football!!! Did you hear the National Anthem get botched up? Couldn't believe it!!!


Marisa- Hope your day went by quickly and that you weren't too busy. Don't forget to post pics of the baby sweater!!! LOL


Thanks for the reminder......I defnitely forgot :oops


Here it is, but you can't really see the buttons in the pic. I'll bring it to our meetup on saturday too :yes


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Thanks for the reminder......I defnitely forgot :oops


Here it is, but you can't really see the buttons in the pic. I'll bring it to our meetup on saturday too :yes

I absolutely adore this sweater!!!!! And the color!!!!! :manyheart:manyheart Can't wait to see it in person!!!!!

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Hi everyone, I wanted to stop in yesterday but didn't for I fell on the ice and kind of hurt myself which I feel the ache and pain today. My knee is a little swollen so today I have been icing it and trying to stay off it as much as possible, which as you know isn't possible. I walked on blacvk ice and had to call my husband on my cell phone to tell him to tell his aide to come help me up, but she started to slip and fall also, so I told her to go get my son, by the time my son came I got up by myself and I was soaking wet from the melting ice down through my panties, so I didn't get to go to church yesterday. :( It is definitely time to move into a 55 and older development where the management is mindful of taking betyter care of snow removal and icy walkway. This morning the management was out here salting since I call them and told them that I fell. :think


Joanne, Marisa and Judy - meet-up is it still on for this week-end?????? Are we meeting at 10 AM :hook



I love working on crocheting dishcloths and will bring my new dishcloth book with me along with a project that I started today since I wanted another project to do beside my current afghan that I have been working on. I love the Caron pounders for it is really producing a thick, heavy weight afghan.


Judy - I love your pretty baby RR. I love Vanna yarn, it was on sale last week in AC Moore for $1.99, did you buy some?????:hug


Marisa - pretty baby sweater, I love that purple color :hug


To the rest of the house :cheer:cheer


Got to go get back in the bed and elevate my knee, talk to you all soon HUGS :hug:manyheart:hug

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Hi Ladies,


I got caught up but I'm in to much pain to type a bunch so I'll wait until morning. I have the pain back in my elbow and shoulder blade. I put a call out to my doctor today and he called tonight after we left to play cards. I've tried icy hot, and pain meds and no relief. Marisa I've been doing those exercises to. Wednesday is my 12th pt appt and I hope they don't want to release me. My insurance will pay for 60. I'll see you all tomorrow.

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Good morning!

Oh my, two of my friends in pain! Not a good way to start the morning!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug for you`~~~


Cheeria- Black ice is the worst- you don't see it!!! I sure hope you will be ok and that your knee is just bruised. Will you get to rest it or do you have to watch your grandbabies?

Yes, weather permitting, 10AM same place, this Saturday!!!


Marlene- Did you do anything to re-injure your elbow and shoulder? Is your doctor in MI or TX? At least where I work, PT is authorized as long as it is medically necessary - and you are making improvements up to the benefit limit allowed per year.


Well, my friends, it's late- I actually slept until the alarm went off this morning- so I'd better get ready for Paradise.


Cindy- enjoy your day off


Marisa- Good luck at the deposition today!


See you later

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Hi ladies



The baby sweater is so cute ! Really like it. Is that some type of bobble stitch there towards the ends of the sleeves ? It's a real nice job, and I like the dark purple too. Nice to see a baby item in something other than pastels ,just for a change .



Wow, that was scarey with you falling like that. I'm glad you were able to get inside .I hope you didnt damage your knee too badly. Do you have a Dr appt anytime soon,so they can check it out for you ?



Sorry to hear your poor arm is giving you trouble again too. I was real glad to hear your treatments and all seemed to be helping you at first . It sounded as if they were heading in the right direction and getting it to working better for you .

I hope your doc figures out something more and that you can keep getting therapy on it .

When do you guys come back home ? I'm sorry ,I'm sure you mentioned it before but I don't remember if you said .


So, Joanne

Do you have like a gazillion baby items you have on the list to make ? I made several things for Cam before he was born. Steph saved them all to give him when he grows up .



Do you think you will take on any more hours with the other place ? I guess it'd be a good way to get another paycheck coming in,but you'd have to give up your days off,so it has good and bad points .



How you coming down there ? Hold on til you see some sign of spring .All of us up here need to hear you and Mary's "southern" prediction of spring coming,because you all get to see it before we do .


You guys that get to meet up this weekend, have a good time ! Sure wish we could all do that as a group,but it'd be REALLY hard to get people from so many places to all be in one state at the same time .


Not much exciting to report here. Just more snow last night ,really bad cold today ,no new crochet projects started or finished ,no new books started or finished . Sam took off work yesterday for a vacation day . We rearranged the living room and redid our "sitting room".... it is supposed to be a dining room, but we changed it into a tv room .It's in the back of the house, so this way the living room looks really nice and neat with no clutter,and we keep all our clutter back here .

He also redid the computer Cam uses and put it upstairs ,but he may get him a laptop to use when he comes for the weekends so he can sit down here with us when we use ours .


I hope you all have a good day,and that those who are under the weather start feeling better each day .

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Good morning ladies :hi


Just a quick stop while I was getting a little something into my stomach :D I have to leave in about 20 minutes and then will probably not be back until after work.


Thank you all for your comments on the baby sweater. At the same time I picked that up, I also got a light pink for another....but this one was the 'bold' one :lol


Marlene - I'm so sorry you're having a setback. They may want to send you for some further testing if the treatment is not working :think Although if this is the first time it got this aggravated since you started the therapy, they may hold off just yet to see how it does over the next week or two. It's quite common to experience some 'bad days' during the healing process. But if it keeps up being aggravated, they need to rethink their assessment and plan for you :hug :hug :hug


Cheeria - :hug :hug How's that knee doing this morning? Falling is not fun!!!! Your community should not have waited for your call to clean up the walkways :( I agree with you that it might be time to move on :yes Keep doing what your doing for it ;) And I'm still in for the meet up too, I guess weather dependent at this time of year, but I don't foresee any problems :no


Joanne - Thanks for the luck, I feel like I need it today for some reason :think I don't usually get all nervous, not that I've done very many but I guess bc this is with a different guy maybe :shrug . Sounds like you got a good night sleep :yay


Julie - :yay for re-arranging, sometimes it's nice to switch things up a bit :yes

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Good mornng everyone. Brrr, it's really cold out there this morning. I've been out to pick up dh from dropping off his car for repair, and a quick stop at the corner grocery store for some bakery rolls for tonights French dip sandwiches. If I don't get there really early the rolls are gone.


Marisa, good luck with today's deposition. I've never been involved with one, but its a possibility every day, if you work in health care. I love your baby sweater, beautiful color, and the sleeves look just fine.


Cheeria, so sorry to hear about your accident. Hope that you are able to rest and heal. Did you start a dishcloth?


Marlene, sorry to hear that you are in so much pain. Hope you can see the doctor today.


Linda, we have two feet of snow on the ground here, so I'd love to see daffodils next week. Hopefully you will psot a picture to give the rest of us some hope for spring! Have you got the design for the Hoffman challenge quilt worked out?


Julie, I'm not planning on picking up extra hours anywhere. I have too much to do around here to work more than I already do. I mean- there's reading, crafting, sleeping, going out for lunch, hanging out on Crochetville, and every once in a while I even clean and do laundry. (which is probably what i ought to do today!)


Joanne, hope your work day goes by quickly.

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Good morning, housemates. The sun is shining! :sun Yay! :yay The temps for this week are scheduled to range between the upper 40s and mid 50s. I'll take it. I'll take it.


I'm not as sore today as I expected to be. Kim slipped in the shower yesterday. She sat where there wasn't a towel and slid off the seat. I kept her up the first time but the second time the mats on the floor slid and I had to ease her to the floor. I got her up okay, but my back hurt afterwards. I kept the heating pad on it most of last night and it's in pretty good shape this morning. Thank goodness. Kim has a small bruise from where I tried to keep her up but is otherwise just fine.


Thanks for the reminder......I defnitely forgot :oops


Here it is, but you can't really see the buttons in the pic. I'll bring it to our meetup on saturday too :yes

Beautiful baby sweater! Love the colors. :clap :clap :clap

Hi everyone, I wanted to stop in yesterday but didn't for I fell on the ice and kind of hurt myself which I feel the ache and pain today. My knee is a little swollen so today I have been icing it and trying to stay off it as much as possible, which as you know isn't possible. I walked on blacvk ice and had to call my husband on my cell phone to tell him to tell his aide to come help me up, but she started to slip and fall also, so I told her to go get my son, by the time my son came I got up by myself and I was soaking wet from the melting ice down through my panties, so I didn't get to go to church yesterday. :( It is definitely time to move into a 55 and older development where the management is mindful of taking betyter care of snow removal and icy walkway. This morning the management was out here salting since I call them and told them that I fell. :think:hug

Take it easy if at all possible, Cheeria. Falls at our age can be so dangerous. Shame on the management for not getting out there sooner. If you need to go to the doctor for the knee, they should have to pay for it, not you. :hug :hug :hug

Hi Ladies,


I got caught up but I'm in to much pain to type a bunch so I'll wait until morning. I have the pain back in my elbow and shoulder blade. I put a call out to my doctor today and he called tonight after we left to play cards. I've tried icy hot, and pain meds and no relief. Marisa I've been doing those exercises to. Wednesday is my 12th pt appt and I hope they don't want to release me. My insurance will pay for 60. I'll see you all tomorrow.

Oh, Marlene! I hope this calms down quickly for you. Did they add a new exercise at PT? Sometimes that will cause a flair up. :hug :hug :hug

Joanne - Thanks for the luck, I feel like I need it today for some reason :think I don't usually get all nervous, not that I've done very many but I guess bc this is with a different guy maybe :shrug

Good luck with the deposition, Marisa. I'm sure that you will do well. :hug

Linda, we have two feet of snow on the ground here, so I'd love to see daffodils next week. Hopefully you will psot a picture to give the rest of us some hope for spring! Have you got the design for the Hoffman challenge quilt worked out?

Hi, Cindy. The design was the first thing I did. :lol That's how I knew how much material to order. I drew up the design and then calculated how much material was needed to obtain the needed pieces and then added a bit of extra just to be on the safe side in case of miscuts etc. I had to look at the main fabric to see how much of it I needed, because of how I'm planning on using it. I couldn't tell what the actual repeat of the pattern was just from the picture online. I'm doing what is called a "fussy cut" on it. That means that I'm just picking out a part of the pattern to use and cutting it out of the overall design. It takes a lot more material to do it that way, but it will give me the look that I want to achieve and should be really striking. I hope. :xfin I'm hoping that the material will be here by the weekend, so I can go shopping for the remaining two colors and then start in on it. I'm just going to have to be very careful with all my seams and matching corners when I put it together since this will be judged and that is one of the things the judges will be checking. I'm excited and a bit scared and nervous at the same time. :D

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