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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hope everyone had a pretty good day. my pup name is cary carmel no his eyes arent blue just came out that way in the picture. but he always has that little smile on his face from his lips ahahahaa

like that lionbrands afghan most likely need something like that to do when Dh loses his job here soon need to have my nose into a project to keep my mouth shut on stuff :lol

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Home from my parents, my dad is not doing very well. He has terrible emphysema, and is unable to do hardly anything. However, he keeps trying to do more than he should, with the end result that he looks awful.


My ds got the job he interviewed for last Wednesday (not sure if I mentioned that or not, he was laid off from his last job last fall), and will be moving to Detroit this next week. He starts a week from Monday. I'm hoping he continues to go toschool as well. He's working on a masters degree.



Now ,on to crocheting-- I have a completed afghan to show :


*The black diagonal squares are supposed to be steps . I tried adding a few doodads to Linda's design, which I shouldnt have done. It looked much better in her design, but Cam won't notice I don't think .


I think its wonderful!!!

Julie, I hope that you get some answers to your health issues. sometimes any answer is better than uncertainty.

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I am busily reading posts, but my computer is having one of those days, so I'm not sure how far I will get.

I saw Linda's pictures, (love the shawl, and that is going to be a great quilt),) and Cam with his afghan.


I'm not sure about me starting a round afghan in many colors. I think I am going to make ds an afghan for his new apartment. (after I see what sort of furniture he buys.) I doubt if he will want a colorful afghan. He's pretty conservative when it comes to color.


Marisa, your lapghan looks great, and your knitting is so nice and neat. My first attempts were quite messy. I've bought designer sport from Michaels in the past, but I haven't seen it there lately. (not since they revamped their yarn department a year or so ago.)

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Evening everyone, I had a wonderful time at the baby shower, there was so much food even shrimp cocktail. While everyone was socializing and having fun I had time to add four more rows of knitting to the baby blanket. Everyone love how it look. I ate so much today that all I want to do is lie down and sleep.


I have read a few posts, but not much. Julie I love Cam's quilt afghan, it is really nice.


I can't commit to a new project at the moment even though making a colorful round afghan is really tempting. At the moment I have three unfinish WIP that I need to complete. Maybe next time. As soon as I'm done making the knited baby blanket I will probably make some more squares for my 63 square afghan and I'm still working like a slow turtle on my half granny square afghan. I am also working on a shawl so I know I already have too much on my plate. I never made a round afghan so now that is on my list of things to make. With that have a beautiful crocheting or knitting evening. Talk to you all soon. :hug

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Hello, ladies! JulieKay has alerted me to problems accessing this thread, so it is archive time! I will be archiving older chunks of this thread so that it loads faster. When archiving is complete, I will post here to let you know. And if you still have any problems after that, please let me know via PM (if you post here in this thread I may miss it).


I'm done archiving this thread! I hope things are running faster for you all now. Any problems... just PM me. Thank you!

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Cindy- sorry to hear that your Dad isn't doing well, but happy that your DS got the job he interviewed for. I may have missed it or it might have been b/4 I "met" you, but didn't know that DS had gotten laid off. How far is Detroit from where you are? Good luck to him as he begins this job!


Marisa- love your lapghan and your knitting! That afghan in all the different colors is so nice- I have actually been thinking of doing a ripple- not sure if it will be round or if I'll opt to do one like Lucy from the Attic24 blog- or just a large granny with a new color each round- WTG on almost finishing one of the golf club covers


Cheeria- glad to hear you had a good time at the shower- I love shrimp cocktail!!!! I have so many WIP's (at least for me) I really need to light a fire under my you know what to get these done! So many crochet projects /yarn, so little time!!


I fell asleep after the Yankee game- what a game by Pettite, huh Judy? All is good in my world too.


Figured I'd stop by to say hi and good night to everyone - hoping for a good night's sleep despite my recent 3 hr nap!

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Morning house -


First of all, Marisa- your projects are all very pretty. I like the yarn color used for the lapghan-what is it called ?


Also ,your knitting looks very nice and neat .


The pattern you want to make looks fine to me ! I hadn't seen that magazine before, but it could definitely be done with many colors and in the round .


I'm not sure about where to get the called-for yarn. We only have walmart close to us, so no idea where to get the type yarn you need unless your order online .



Cindy- I'm glad your son found a new job,and hope he likes it and likes his new town .

It's perfectly fine if you don't want to make the colorful afghan . No problem either way. If your son likes pretty neutral type colors, then he probably wont want an afghan looking like skittles candies .



Cheeria- I'm glad yesterday went well for you . It's ok if you can't do the bright circle afghan right now. I koow you have other things on your plate ,which is ok .



Joanne & Jude- sounds like you guys will have a good year with the baseball team you are rooting for ..


I started a round ripple last night,but not super far on it yet . I fell asleep in my chair .:lol

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Good Morning House :coffee,


I hope everyone finds themselves well this morning :hug


Phillies won last night, pulled it out in the 9th inning :clap:cheer Red Sox also won, but I don't typically get their games unless they play Phillies or Yankees so I just get to check their scores. I was a little upset by the Lakers loss after having their tushies handed to them on a silver platter :eek


But, during all these games I was able to complete 2 golf club covers already :yay:clap I only have 1 left and will do it this morning after I have my bfast :D


I have to get to Boscov's today to get my calendar stamped and then I might see if my girl friend wants to stop at Joanne to see if they have the Red Heart Designer Sport yarn for my 'ghan since it's only about 2 blocks out of the way ;) And I'm sure she won't mind!!!



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Good morning House and Happy Sunday!


It's a rainy Sunday- who would have guessed that yesterday was so beautiful? DH is happy though since he put down grass seed yesterday!


Going to go grab my coffee and then head to the attic to bring down the summer clothes and switch them out with the winter items.


Have a good one everyone!

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Should've read posts before I posted :(


Cindy - Congrats on your son's job!!! That's awesome as it is not very easy to find a job right now. I'm sure he will appreciate and enjoy any afghan that you make him :yes I hope your dad has a better day today and I will keep him in my prayers with his Emphysema.


Cheeria - It sounds like you had a great time at the baby shower :D I was thinking of making some shrimp for dinner today and I think you confirmed it by metioning shrimp cocktail....now I'm salivating for it :rofl


Julie - The yarn I used in the lapghan is Bernat Super Value, I think the color is Southwest Ombre, assuming that those words under the upc code are the color :think It's a reguar worsted weight #4, but is soooo soft :D And, thanks for all the wonderful compliments :blush

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Marisa- Good luck getting to stop at JoAnn's to get the Red Heart Designer Sport- and WTG on the golf club covers. I love to watch sports and crochet! I check the Red Sox scores too- just because I want to make sure my Yankees stay in front of them!!!:lol And also because my oldest is a Red Sox fan since she lives up there! Her and I have some fun with our baseball rivalry!


Julie- What color did you start your RR with? I'm guessing Green.


Off to the attic.........cya later!

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Home from my parents, my dad is not doing very well. He has terrible emphysema, and is unable to do hardly anything. However, he keeps trying to do more than he should, with the end result that he looks awful.


My ds got the job he interviewed for last Wednesday (not sure if I mentioned that or not, he was laid off from his last job last fall), and will be moving to Detroit this next week. He starts a week from Monday. I'm hoping he continues to go toschool as well. He's working on a masters degree.

I'm sorry you had to see your dad not looking well...it's frustrating for family to have to stand by...:hug:hug

But - great news about DS's job! I hope he goes to school too - it's when he's young or it'll take forever later in life.


Gotta go to the food store, etc....



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Joanne...Pettitte says he feels liek pitching is the easiest it's ever been for him....It's great seeing the core 4 doing so well:clap

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Hey Joanne-

To answer your question about what color I started with , green would've been my first choice, but I'm trying to picture colors from one end to the other, if that makes sense .I'm a hillbilly, so I'm not good with big words .


Anyhow, I started with a light yellow, then going to try going from there, clear to a dark color . I don't know how this will work, but I sorta have an idea in my head, just not sure what colors will go where .


I probably should have mapped out a drawing with crayons or something .

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Hey there Jude

Yep, it might turn out to look like one. I'm trying to figure out in my head what colors to go next .. like on a color-wheel type thing .

I'm not good at explaining this,but from one shade into the next color, so I'm thinking maybe the oranges next , then reds....but I'm not sure, because where are the pinks gonna fall ?

Then if I go reds, then maybe purples,then blues, then greens....I could finish with some darker colors then,maybe browns, greys...black ?


I have no clue what I'm trying to do here.

The pinks are a puzzlement . I have some that's be pretty but not sure where to put them in the list .


I need to try this in my colors on here :











See, I'm trying to do the thing like you start with a color, then take the next color that has SOME of that in it, so like orange would have a tinge of yellow, red ,a tinge of orange, etc ...


I just don't know if all my colors I have will work into this system . I'm having a time trying to figure out the pinks and where they'd even GO ..before or after red ???




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hello everyone. Its a rainy gloomy day here, perfect for crafting.


Cindy- sorry to hear that your Dad isn't doing well, but happy that your DS got the job he interviewed for. I may have missed it or it might have been b/4 I "met" you, but didn't know that DS had gotten laid off. How far is Detroit from where you are? Good luck to him as he begins this job!



Ds got laid of last fall. His new job is about 2 1/2 hours from here. Ds is pretty excited about this job and getting his own place.


Morning house -



Cindy- I'm glad your son found a new job,and hope he likes it and likes his new town .

It's perfectly fine if you don't want to make the colorful afghan . No problem either way. If your son likes pretty neutral type colors, then he probably wont want an afghan looking like skittles candies .



Although...he loves skittles!


Julie, i think your colors will look really good on that order.

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Hey there Jude

Yep, it might turn out to look like one. I'm trying to figure out in my head what colors to go next .. like on a color-wheel type thing .

I'm not good at explaining this,but from one shade into the next color, so I'm thinking maybe the oranges next , then reds....but I'm not sure, because where are the pinks gonna fall ?

Then if I go reds, then maybe purples,then blues, then greens....I could finish with some darker colors then,maybe browns, greys...black ?


I have no clue what I'm trying to do here.

The pinks are a puzzlement . I have some that's be pretty but not sure where to put them in the list .


I need to try this in my colors on here :











See, I'm trying to do the thing like you start with a color, then take the next color that has SOME of that in it, so like orange would have a tinge of yellow, red ,a tinge of orange, etc ...


I just don't know if all my colors I have will work into this system . I'm having a time trying to figure out the pinks and where they'd even GO ..before or after red ???




I think you have the perfect order of colors.

About Pink. Do pink and blue make purple? If that's right, you should be able to slip it after red, move Blue next and then purple...at least that was my first instinct.

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Wel, I went to the Embroidery guild show...and OMG, was I IMPRESSED...and inspired!

Beautiful, beautiful handcrafts of all types....beautiful colors...:c9:c9:c9


I didn't want to leave. I DID come home with a couple of things for me: a quilted needle case/holder and a fabric case for embroidery scissors (I have a pair of those scissors and they are very sharp and pointy!)

I may have found a RL (real life) craft home...if I can convice DH that the dues is worth it:lol


Off to work on Moon and Stars baby ghan and start some soup for dinner.



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Thanks for the input, guys .





I hope your visit went ok with your dad. It's hard when your parents get older and you see their health getting worse,and nothing you can do about it . My parents RARELY will go to dr's,so it makes it frustrating when they are sick and won't go get help .

My dad is borderline diabetic,but takes very poor care of himself, as far as dieting, or taking an interest in learning how to manage it .





Jude- thanks for the pink ideas. I had several and didn't want to leave them out .

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Hi all,


Clothes switching is done and clothes not wanted anymore have been dropped off at Goodwill. DH even got into it and went through all his clothes- (he tends to be a pack rat)! I'm so proud of him- We now have 3 empty totes!!! Changed the sheets and laundry is in the dryer.


Judy- That embroidery guild show sounds really neat. Glad you may have found a RL craft home. I would love to find a RL crochet group- that is basically the only craft I do!


Julie- I was thinking the pink after the red and before the purple too- I looked at color wheels and that's where it seems to fit in the best.


Cindy- Yes, a rainy day is perfect for crafting!


Can't believe it is already 3:30 - where did the day go???:lol

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Hey there Jude



I need to try this in my colors on here :














You could try it in the Rainbow order... Roy G Biv: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, then Grey, Black.. The Pink could go before the Red, and Brown possibly before the Pink or after the black.



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Hello, the House. I have been having some problems with spending too much time on the computer/internet and not getting things done here at home that need to be done. Therefore, I am going to be missing from Crochetville for a while. If I can get the problem under control, I will be back. If not, I may not be back at all. I shall miss you all. You have been very good friends and very supportive of me. I wish all of you the very, very best. :hug

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