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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Afternoon house mates, just getting on and I see that the group messages has been achived. I went to church then came home to do all the things I couldn't do yesterday like clean the entire house. It only took me two and a half hours. Dinner is on. I'm making barbacue chicken, spanish rice and yellow corn. After we eat dinner it is my plans to work on some of my projects. Yipee I really can't wait to do that. I also brought last week a new stamped cross stitch pattern that I need to seperate the threads, that is another thing I hope to get done this evening. I'm at the point of stitching some of my half granny squares together to make one large square but the pattern do not say what stitch to use to sew them together or crochet them together. Here is the way the afghan is suppose to look when I'm finish with it. downsize[1]


Any I ideas how to stitch the half granny together without the stiches used showing will be greatly appreciated. :hook


Marisa - I love the colors you used to crochet your lapghan. It look like the yarn made a design all its own. I'm also a slow knitter that is why it is taking me so long to complete my knitted baby blanket. I'm praying that I get it done before he's born - just one more month to go. I seen RH designer sport yarn at AC Moore also. You will like the feel of that yarn it is sport weight and the colors are nice and bright.


Diane - sorry to hear your Dad wasn't doing too good, I'll pray that he gets better soon. Yipeee for your son's new job.


Julie - I like the order of your colors but I will definetly put the pink before the red. According to the order you have of the other colors you are going from light to dark. Now you have me wishing that I was doing this project with you. That's why I have to hurry and quickly finish the knitted baby blanket so that I can start something new. :D


Judy - WOW I'm also into needle crafts too - I do needlepoint, rug hooking, cross stitch, stamped cross stitch. I just brougfht last week a new stapmed cross stitch kit call "Peace Angel" by Dimensions. I hope to have time to separate the thread this evening. Do you buy kits or buy material and transfer your print onto the material??? I have also done a little embrodiery in the past. Hope you get to join the guild.


Linda - Sorry that you have to leave for a while, see you when you return. Sometimes we have to give up the things we love to do the things we have to do, so a break is good. :hug


Well house mates the other mates in my house are hungry so off I go to get dinner on the table, see you all later, if I don't have a great nite. :manyheart

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Good Afternoon House,


I just got back home and was able to find 7 of the 10 colors I need of the RH Designer Sport Yarn. I picked up 6 at Joanne and then went up the road to AC Moore and got another 1. I'm going to a different AC Moore on Tuesday after work in South Philly to see if I can find the other 3 there. Keep your fingers crossed for me! ;)


Joanne - Way to go on all your house cleaning. I did some laundry today as well. :clap


Judy - Sounds like you had a wonderful time at the Guild show! :manyheart


Linda - We will certainly miss you for the time that you're away, but it's understandable. We do expect to see you back however! :hug


Julie - For each color are you doing light to dark and staying with that pattern per color or are you going to switch it? For instance will it all be light to dark or will you try to fade the colors and put the lights from 1 color to the lights of the next color which will then end with the darks so start the next color with the darks and fade out to light? Whichever pattern you're following in your head, I would recommend putting the pinks where the light reds would fall as you do with the rest of the colors. Good luck, however you decide....I'm sure it will be great!!! :D

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Hello, the House. I have been having some problems with spending too much time on the computer/internet and not getting things done here at home that need to be done. Therefore, I am going to be missing from Crochetville for a while. If I can get the problem under control, I will be back. If not, I may not be back at all. I shall miss you all. You have been very good friends and very supportive of me. I wish all of you the very, very best. :hug

Sweetie, I've had to do that, and I may be getting to that point soon...pulling back for a bit till life gets itself righted again. So much going on, esp at this time of year it's hard to do it all.

I hope you will reach out when/if you can - I'd hate for us to lose touch completely.:hug:manyheart:hug

I'm at the point of stitching some of my half granny squares together to make one large square but the pattern do not say what stitch to use to sew them together or crochet them together. Here is the way the afghan is suppose to look when I'm finish with it. http://www.flickr.com/photos/12302824@N03/4505687087/


Any I ideas how to stitch the half granny together without the stiches used showing will be greatly appreciated. :hook



Judy - WOW I'm also into needle crafts too - I do needlepoint, rug hooking, cross stitch, stamped cross stitch. I just brougfht last week a new stapmed cross stitch kit call "Peace Angel" by Dimensions. I hope to have time to separate the thread this evening. Do you buy kits or buy material and transfer your print onto the material??? I have also done a little embrodiery in the past. Hope you get to join the guild.

Cheeria, when I make things from squares I leave a long tail after making each square, this way I'm left with the same color to join the piece. If you're weaving in all the ends of each square try giving this other method a try, this way when the yarn shows through it'll be the same color...or some ladies use a light color to join everything so it doesn't jump out at you as much as a dark one would. That method didn't work for me, though.


And I do counted x st, some embroidery and crewel - though those last 2 aren't my best.... I've also done some hand quilting....and made stuffed toys back in the day....

I have kits here, a couple of embroidery and x st pattern books, as well as 2 charts that are BIG and use small count Aida cloth...not sure what I'll do with those (seascape and a Celtic Cross). Two x st sets are definitely WIPS already, and I was really inspired after seeing the exhibit to get moving on them. One thing at a time, though.

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Marissa, that's great about getting the yarn!!

Have fun - I think I'll start in a couple of days - but for lapghans and baby things so my odds and ends can be used up. My purple masterpiece may wait till the Fall - before long it'll be too warm to work on it - even with central air!:lol


Gonna close for tonight - haven't worked on Moon and Stars yet today:eek


CU all tomorrow - have a good night my friends:hug:manyheart

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It sounds like you got lots accomplished today and lots of things sorted out. It's always a good feeling to have that stuff all done and organized .


Thanks for the input for the colors for my pinwheel afghan !



Jennifer- Welcome,we are always glad to see new people ,and thanks so much for the help with figuring out the order of my colors.


Drop back in anytime, you are always welcome . :)




Whatever reason you need to leave ,we understand .I've had to do that myself before ,as you know. Sometimes Real Life getss in the way of this place .

I certainly hope that at some point, you can come back in. You know we will always be glad to have you, whether it's a day, a week, a month, or a year.

We won't forget you and will always hope to see you again .

Feel free to email me if you want to .:hug



Cheeria- you sure seem to have a busy schedule ---your supper sounds good, I'd drop in to have a plate if I lived close and you wouldnt mind . :D


Keep on working on that baby-ghan, then maybe you can jump in with the colorful afghan next. anytime will be fine !


And yep, they did do our archiving, so it should be faster and easier to get in here now .


I also forgot to say that Judy had the same idea I used - putting the squares together I used real long tails I left on each one to join them all and it worked fine .


I think if you go to google and do a search on Invisible joining for crochet squares, you can find some other ideas if you want to try a different way .




Marisa- Good job on the finding the colors ! It sounds like you have a good number of them anyhow, so can get a nice start .Hope you can find the last few you need !


Thanks for the ideas for the colors -- I'm not real sure if I will only do one round of each of the colors, or if I'll go around and repeat them all again. I guess it depends on how big it turns out .


Jude- I was going to ask if you have embroidery projects at home that were started, or new ones that you havent had a chance to work on yet. I couldnt remember if we'd ever talked about your doing any embroidery-type items.


I'm not good at counted cross stitch, but they are beautiful projects when done .


I did a little crewel type things many years ago, but never got very good at it .


Hope you find something to catch your attention. It may be a good summertime project if it gets real hot down there .

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Linda- You will be missed- :hug but hoping that you will be able to get back- It is a busy time of year and sometimes we just need to right the ship so to speak. I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting you and your talent amazes me. i have loved seeing all your beautiful work! I hope that you will be back :hug


Marisa- WTG on getting almost all the yarn you need for that ghan! :clap It is really nice- I have that issue also and was wondering what would happen if I used 4 ply instead of the 3 ply called for in the pattern? I really can't buy any more yarn until I use some of what I have- maybe I'll hold off till fall on that pattern- I really like it!


Cheeria- Your dinner does sound yummy- we just finished eating- pork chops, noodles and broccoli- pretty boring, I know! Hope you get to get to do some of your crafting tonight! :hook


Judy- Not liking the Yankee game today- don't know why they brought Vasquez back anyway- wasn't impressed with him before and am not impressed with him now! Oh, well, Yanks lost! (but so did the Red Sox)


Julie- Hope your spririts were good today- and know that we are here for you:hug


Welcome Jennifer!!


Linda, Tammy, LeAnna, Diane, Sheila, Mary, and anyone else I may have forgotten, have a good rest of the Sunday evening! Time for me to say goodnight- get back to the ghan and mentally prepare myself for another week of work!

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Thanks Joanne

Just decided to look for some bright colored items for avatars .


And yea, this new project has a way of keeping my mind off other stuff as much,so I can think about something else .


I'll be heading off for the night too, so you all have a good night .

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Hi everyone! I've been a member here for about 2 years now, and was hoping to join in on the CAL. I've never done one before, but was hoping to find out more information on it and what project/s everyone is doing. Thanks!

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Hi there Princess -

Could you give me your first name ? We go by our names in here just to make it sound more friendly .


We'd be honored to have you join us in the new CAL starting .


You can use any afghan pattern done in rounds, so any circular afghans, or granny square done in rounds .


The idea is to try using as many colors as possible .


So it's pretty simple .


We'll be glad to have you join in. Lots of nice people in here !:)

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Good Evening House and :welcome to the newcomers Jennifer and Princess (?)...


I hope everyone had a great weekend...mine was quite relaxing as you can tell I've been in here MUCH more than usual. And, next weekend will be the complete opposite. I did cook both days, so now I have leftovers for lunches during the week :D and made some banana bread this evening, which was wonderful...esp still warm :yes


I've been quite productive....other than the cooking, I did a few loads of laundry, tidied up a bit, ran the dishwasher......finished my aunt's golf club covers and started my first octagon for my rainbow 'ghan :clap so yep, you guessed it....more pics :lol (it'll probably be a while now until I get more up)



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Good morning House Mates!


Marisa- the golf club covers came out so nice. I'm sure your Aunt and Uncle are going to love them. And the hexagon is looking nice! Its nice when you have a productive, yet relaxing weekend!! And warm banana bread- mmmmm- yummy!!!


Jennifer- WTG on getting 2 rounds done. I love the "wool eater blanket" pattern it's on my long list of projects that I'd like to try someday!


Hope everyone has a good Monday!!!

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Morning Marisa !


Thanks for posting the photos. I'm glad you got all the golf club covers complete -- they look nice .

I love your first octagon --the colors will be really great -you can tell already .


It sounds like you got a lot accomplished on the weekend -


banana bread sounds great too ~~~


You guys are always making me hungry for certain items .


Anyhow, have a good Monday !

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Good morning Jennifer -

LOVE the colors you are using for your afghan .


I need to check out that pattern more thoroughly . I have heard of it, but probably never saw a photo of a completed one .


So, do you make all motifs of the same size, then connect them, or keep adding onto the original ones ?


I should just read the pattern to find that out, shouldn't I ?


Anyhow , it's going to be very pretty . Thanks for joining in .

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Morning Joanne -


Are you off to work soon ? You are always so good to check in here first thing .


I'm with you, that warm banana bread sounds really good, doesn't it ?


Well, I hope you have a great start to your week too !

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Joanne - Thank you :-)


Julie - There is a flicker group link posted on the pattern site that shows acouple of different ways people have used the pattern. Some have made a whole bunch of squares and connected them and some have just kept going in rounds. I plan on going in rounds, I like the look that it makes more.

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Good morning, House mates!

Jude- I was going to ask if you have embroidery projects at home that were started, or new ones that you havent had a chance to work on yet. I couldnt remember if we'd ever talked about your doing any embroidery-type items.


I'm not good at counted cross stitch, but they are beautiful projects when done .


I did a little crewel type things many years ago, but never got very good at it .


Hope you find something to catch your attention. It may be a good summertime project if it gets real hot down there .

I love cross stitch - it's very precise work and always looks nice when done. My embroidery and crewel work are okay, but not terrific - and when I mentioned that to one of the ladies (a member of the group) at the show she IMMEDIATELY said...wouldn't you like to get better at it?


I'm going to be a guest at their May meeting, if I can make it....

finished my aunt's golf club covers and started my first octagon for my rainbow 'ghan :clap so yep, you guessed it....more pics :lol (it'll probably be a while now until I get more up)


I completed two rounds tonight. Although, I'm not sure I'm going to be as brave as some of you and add in a lot of different colors. Anyway, here is the link for the pattern that I'm using, but I'm not using wool, I'm just using some Simply Soft Eco that I had in my stash.

Nice job of the club covers!!:cheer I've seen that wooleater pattern before - the finished products always look great. Have fun with it!


Well, laundry day - BBL!:hug:manyheart

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good morning all!

Sorry I should have mentioned my name haha... I'm Alessandra (Ally for short).

I've been crocheting little girl ponchos lately (6M-6Years). Circular afghans sound like fun. Is everyone starting their afghan soon? I'll have to look up a pic for what I want to make. I've been working on a striped blanket for about 3 weeks as well... keep running out of yarn haha... I'll post up pictures of what i've been doing... perhaps get some pointers from you lovely ladies as well.


Marisa--Banana Bread is my FAVORITE!!!!!! I make banana bread at least once a month and into little muffins for easy fixes for my son haha..

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Hi Ally -

Good to meet you ! I have started my afghan, Marisa started hers ... I think some others are either deciding on patterns or gathering yarn to start .


I am doing a round ripple and am on my 4th shade of yellow for it,one more row to go, then I'm moving onto orange .


Let us know what pattern you decide on ! Good to have you along .

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It sounds like the Embroidery lady knew just the right words to say to hook you !!


I like doing stamped embroidery ... it's more an old-fashioned thing probably, but easier for me than the counted,although counted always looks neater .


Then what is the other kind called -- liked Tapestry type -- it has the design kinda stamped into a real small grid-type fabric ? Is it just called needlepoint ?


I can't even remember --I've never tried it, but it looks cool too, just not sure how to do it .


Anyhow, good luck in your new endeavor !!!

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Ally - welcome!:hug

Your project can also be any pattern made in the round: rectangular granny, hexagon...etc. Right Jules??




It sounds like the Embroidery lady knew just the right words to say to hook you !!

Yup, she sure did!:lol

I like doing stamped embroidery ... it's more an old-fashioned thing probably, but easier for me than the counted,although counted always looks neater .


Then what is the other kind called -- liked Tapestry type -- it has the design kinda stamped into a real small grid-type fabric ? Is it just called needlepoint ?

I think it's needlepoint, but after seeing a couple of demonstrations at the exhibit, I could be wrong.

I can't even remember --I've never tried it, but it looks cool too, just not sure how to do it .

It's really easy: just find the center of the fabric you're using for the pattern (Pattern shows the center on it, from my experience) and that's your starting point.

Come on...ya know you want to try one...a little one, maybe?:devil

Anyhow, good luck in your new endeavor !!!


Back to laundry....:P

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Hello everyone!! Just a quick check in to let ya'll know that I am still here and alive. Things have been crazy and depressing since the van was totaled, so I haven't felt much like chatting. I am here and hopefully will pull myself out of this slump soon. Chat then.


I hope all of you are doing well. :manyheart

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Yep, Jude is right ,any pattern at all made in ROUNDS, so it could be granny squares, whatever, just so it's done in rounds .



Hey Tab, you little pot ! How have you been ? We miss you a lot on here .




Jude- Maybe at some point I'll try some embroidery ... not sure . I guess for the present I'll just keep going with this ripple and see what I feel like doing next when it's done.


I may be ready for something new after it's complete .

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