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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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Ok major bustin today I wrapped approx 10 skeins(partial ones) I forgot yesterday to update my totals so tonight I am switching it to read 35 Yippee!! and tonight I am finishing up a scrap gahn for the nursing home Oh and Sunday i am doing 7 inch sqs so bye bye yarn!!

PS: I am informing the RAOK mod not to give my addy to anyof you thinking of sending me some of your stash!!! lol Just joking Send All you want

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I am just kickin' butt and taking names this week!!!


I just wrapped up 9 skiens of "odd" yarn a crochetville member wanted as an RAOK - WOO HOO


I am just about to finish another skien, most likely by tomorrow morning!

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OK, I *had* finished 1 1/2 skeins of yarn on this "loopy" chemo cap on headhuggers.org. WEll, it's one of the worst written patterns (confusing and vague) and to top it all off, the darned thing came out HUGE. I mean RASTA TAM huge! So now, I'll be :frog ing those skeins. BUT I'm not taking those points away, as I'll be making another hat with the same yarns ASAP. What a waste of time, though. It looked cute in the picture. :(

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I made some decent progress today, considering i've been at work most of the day, I got a pair of botties done (not stitched up yet) and another preemie hat, once I get home I have a bunch of pictures to take and upload! The booties and the hat each used up a ball, so i'm plus two more!! that makes my total for the week.... 4!! thats all I had last week, so i'm definitly doing better, unfortunatly I think it slows down from here, i'm breaking into a pounder for a baby set... Oh well!:hook :hook :hook

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Doh, you guys are totally beating my booty! I've ALMOST finished one skein and a ball on some finger gloves. Ugh! I'll never win at this rate. *tear!* You guys are a total inspiration though, Imma kill dis yarn! *punches yarn* Oh darn, that didn't work...

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If I work faster, I might be able to stay ahead before the eBay yarn arrives :blush

Yesterday I used... 3 partials + 1/2 of a skein for donation squares, 1/2 of a skein for baby hats, and I finished a 1lb'r that I'd started the other day on anuther round ripple. +7 more for me :clap

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OK....I'm in trouble. I went to Tuesday Morning after work last night, because I saw their ad in the mail - advertising yarn...... Hey, I was just going to go and see what they had, ok? Well, they didn't have the stuff in the circular, that's NEXT Tuesday, but they did have some other yarn I just fell in love with.....:blush

I bought 4 balls of Cantina, and 4 balls of Kinetic from Manetto Hill Yarnery. I've never heard of them, but they were so pretty, and so cheap ($2.49 each), I just couldn't resist!!

I did, however, finish a skein of RH Navy, and I'm very close to finishing one of RH Grey Heather working on a lapghan, so I'm not THAT bad off.......yet.

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In the past two days I have used up 2 (1lb) skeins edging and joining squares for Bindi's comfortghan. I also edged three baby comfortghans for the abuse shelter. I used up 14 balls making premie hats and tonight I am working on bereavement blankets.

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I always give tennis ball size balls of yarn (in ziplock bags) whenever I give someone a homemade piece. This way if it ever needs repairs they already have the yarn for it.


Do those count toward the stashbusting score?

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angelfire you put me to shame! in the last few days my scrap balls seem to be never ending, and my skeins are infinite, :lol I thought I would have used more black than I have with my yo-yo ghan, maybe soon I'll feel like I'm accomplishing something,

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I finished off two more balls last night making towel toppers and started on a skein of black of which I'm making some unmentionables for myself.

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