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I made an owl!! :D


Its for an older lady that is very good to me, & I wanted to make her something nice.. one day we were out walking, and she commented that she saw the cutest kitchen hand towel holder in a kitchen on a tv show she was watching, & knowing she collects owls.. I decided to whip this up! I found a pattern on epatterns central or whatever its called, and I used that mostly, but I embellished a lil bit .. or lots! lol


I don't have a digi cam, my lil cousin broke it a few weeks ago.. :cry I saved up for ever for that thing! BUT it was an accident, so I forgave her.. but I do have a web cam.. so here's the not so good web cam pix.. :whew






I used some homespun I've had a while, its varigated natural colors, browns, tans, off white.. and some mohair that someone sent me a partial ball of, that matched the homespun, and then I went around the whole thing with some boa that lQQked like real feathers, in brown & gold. It lQQks so kewl!! Wish I had better pix to show it off.. & it went amazing quickly, only took me a few hours!!

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01.gif this is such a great supportive group!! 61.gif


it was a bunch of firsts for me, at least as far as crocheting goes.. kekekegay.gif


first time I wandered off a pattern, even a lil bit!! First time I mixed and matched yarn not only different colors, but also differnt textures & plies, & stuff. greenlaugh.gif it was so fun!! I'm easily amused evidently!! blushreg.gif

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