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Need some ideas!!! Yet am discourage too!(GOOD News!)

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As everyone knows I was having a hard time. Well I talked to Doctor and he said I can take it slow. I have been driving myself crazy. I do all the exercise as told. I am wearing the brace as told. Today is the best day EVER. He said I can start doing more things. I am doing my own therapy. I just have to go in in March to see how I am coming along. See I am to happy. Now that I can do a little bit where I am okay with. I have no idea what i want to do. I am to happy to do anything. I sadi I was going to do this and that when I could, but now I don't have a cluse what I want to attempt. Rather it be circles, knitting, crochet, AND YET i AM TOO SICED TO DO ANYTHING. i STILL HAVE TO WEAR MY WONDER BRACE WHEN DOING THINGS. I am about 65-70 % better from having surgery 6 weeks ago. Oh My! I can start something and I have no clue to what. That is too funny....

Some one just smile..

Oh yeah I have been making the objects for stitch markers.

When doing the knit stitch markers a question rose up. The circles are they closed where you can remove them one the are on the item that is being made, or do they have a small slit where toy can remove them like the crochet markers? I just think that it should be a small slit somewhere so when you finish the project you can just slide them off.

I saw a picture of a few that was made but didn't know how you would take them off if there are no slits....

Oh my I can do something!




Hello family,

Okay Yersterday I went to the DR. For those who don't know I had surgery on my hand 3 weeks ago. The right one. Well Dr said to start doing things with the hand. I talk about the hand because it feels like sepearte body part now. Well he said get some clay, ball, and do some two exercise he showed me. Plus to wear the brace when I lift heavy things and sleep. Oh to massage the scar area. Well Let me say this. I have never been discourage in my life like I am today. The pain was screaming fied. Yes I said it. I hope that made some sense. It hurt like something of another. I was going to do beading for therapy, but that will not help. Then I am now on clay and scuplting sense I have to play with it. I matter as well do something with it too. See I just can't do anything but squeeze it. I am very artistic and creative. I don't know what way I should turn, but I have to start using my hand. I used it to do what the Doctor said and that brace was back on my hand faster then taking it off.

I know it will take time, but I miss crocheting and yet I feel like a trader because I am thinking about scuplting in the mean time.

I need some help on what a girl to do in this area.

I know this is long but I had to get this off my back. I have to use the hand again and I don't want to use it. But I need to if I want to get back in the game. It don't seem like to me that my hnad will ever get better. Then again like husband said I just had surgery.


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Just take the time for your hand to heal right. The excerise the Dr. prescripted are your best treatment. So don't feel you have to crochet till your hand is better. When you are better you will enjoy your crochet work so much more. And think of the beautiful pottery you can make while healing.

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I'm sorry that you had surgery on your hand, but I'm glad that you came through it successfully. And remember, with the Creator's help, things will get better. It will take time - and we humans are so impatient (:))!


Try to follow your doctor's orders. Do you trust him as a doctor? If you do, you need to do the things that he has told you to do. And if that includes sculpting, do that. It is absolutely OK to not crochet for a while. You don't want to delay your recovery or damage your hand by doing something that you ought not to do. And as your hand improves, you'll be able to return to crocheting (:manyheart:hook)!


And it's OK to vent - sometimes you just need to talk about a problem.


Take care.

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I'm so sorry you had to have surgery. Give it patience & time although I know it is very hard not doing what you enjoy doing, while your hand heals. If you start crocheting too soon, it could injure your hand so please follow your Drs orders & do your hand exercises. Eventually you will be able to crochet again but please go slow when you are ready to do it.


Perhaps you are thinking about sculpting because of the clay you're using for physical therapy? Either way, It's not being a traitor to crochet if you enjoy multiple crafts. :) Crochet is happy as long as you don't completely forget her. :D


Heal quickly thoughts for you.

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Giant :hug to help you feel better.


Not to be a copycat but just do as the doctor said and you'll be back to crocheting in no time. Your cheering squad is here to help you heal quickly with warm wishes and good thoughts.




Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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Oh Lyse,

It is hard for us artists to be held down! I am sorry you are dealing with such pain, but do try and look at the upside, it WILL get better. Maybe now you can take time to sort patterns, and such, get everything ready for your next big and little progect. I hope your feeling well soon!:hug

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Lyse, I'm so sorry that you're not feeling up to par..... :worried


I'm going to be a copycat and say please follow your doctor's instructions. It sounds like you are frustrated that the healing process isn't going as quickly as you hoped......have some patience, and come here, so we can cheer you up! :cheer If you keep working the clay, and excercising your hand, you'll be back to crocheting in no time!


Hang in there! :hug

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when I had carpal tunnel surgery (waaaay back in '92) they told me to get one of those squishy stress balls and squish that for exercise.


If you cant find a stress ball, use a small ball of yarn that you're not too worried about. Yarn is squishy. You could even make a squishy ball out of yarn. Put a ball of yarn inside a sock or a pantyhose and tie the end. Then squish away.


Of course, if you take that out in public, people might look at you funny.

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Here's another idea to help you not feel so much about being a traitor to crochet...Take some sculpy clay and practice some of those fine-motor skills to put handles on some new hooks that you're going to buy when you get exercise pushing a cart. Or, you can even use that same sculpy to make some hooks!! You can also make beads to put on stitch markers, beads for the ends of those hook handles; sculpy is also wonderful for making a hook case (just make a box, put in a closure and hinge before baking, and bake according to directions). Oooh! Ooohh!! You can also buy some bamboo hooks and even some kitchen skewers and use the sculpy to make finials for the hooks and finials on the dull ends of the skewers to make knitting needles (I have instructions on my blog for this!). You can make money with these ideas by opening up an etsy shop or sell them on eBay. :hook Just a thought...Hope this helps!

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Thanks everyone for the support. I squeezed some poly clay today. All I can say is PAIN. Never felt that pain before, but I guess I have to keep squeezing things. Maybe I will just walk around squeezing everything in sight ;)

I have to practice bending my wrist boy that crap hurts but I figure while am healing am going to be doing something great in a few. I am greatful to all whose cheering me on. This is the best family ever. THanks agian. I will keep everyone posted.

Oh yeah I made a so called face. I will have to take pics to show everyone my first face I made that took five hours because of my hand, but the pain was worth it because I was moving those fingers and squeezing that clay like doc said.


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lyse, its o.k to not crochet for a while. when i was in a bad accident back in 00 i could not crochet at all. i had whiplash so bad and the nerves on my fingers were effected by the whiplash and i wa devistated, but then my family told me to think positive and do the therapy(which is what your doing) and in no time i would be back. took me about 3 months but thats because i was hurt so bad and was dealing with multiple injuries. sculpty is awesome,. just play with it and maybe make some stitch markers to give as raoks or to sell. i love my sculpty stitch markers my friends have made for me. i need to get back into it too. think of the cool hooks you could actually make with the sculpty. i have one a friend made that i use allll the time. its great for gripping and don't have to worry about not being able to hold it. remember it takes more time to heal that it does to be injured. speaking from someone who knows trust me. in no time you will be crocheting away once you start feeling better. you know its not written in the crochet bible you HAVE to crochet every day. give your hands the rest they need and hang in there. and oh yea don't forget shopping for yarn is always theraputic. think of it as squeezing the balls of yarn:yes :yes:hug :hug hope ya feel much better very soon. and welcome to the

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Lyse, after wrist surgery I was restless and discouraged also.

I found that squeezing first a yarn ball and then SOFT therapy clay were the

most helpful activities. I needed to take some deep breaths and just relax

and let the injury heal. Some meditation tapes might help, too. I found just walking outside for short periods gave my spirits a boost. That, and making lists of projects I was going to crochet kept me on track - and helped me learn to write with my left hand! Best of luck in your recovery. :hug

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I work in the medical field and have worked in orthopedics, what you are experiencing is very normal. What you need to do is get a nerf type ball and work say a minute twice a day for a couple of days and then increase by a minute x 2 days until you are able to do for 10 minutes with little pain. Then add another 2 sessions per day. After you do these sessions do ice(not directly on the skin) and heat , for 20 minutes at a time, alternating between the heat and ice with 20 minute rest periods in between. Just remember it takes time to come back from any surgery. Hope this helps.

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I guess you have feel like throwing that clay huh? lol! Well I know of a sight that you can at least check out for uses with that clay while you are healing! Go check out http://www.polymerclaycentral. They have some very neat projects that you can use that clay for while you are waiting to get back to crocheting.:hug

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I work in a doctor's office all I can say is that as much as we don't like it the doctor does know a thing or two. Try not to push your rehab too fast or you could wind up not being able to crochet again:eek . Just follow orders and you will be craeting again before you know it:hug

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I work in the medical field and have worked in orthopedics, what you are experiencing is very normal. What you need to do is get a nerf type ball and work say a minute twice a day for a couple of days and then increase by a minute x 2 days until you are able to do for 10 minutes with little pain. Then add another 2 sessions per day. After you do these sessions do ice(not directly on the skin) and heat , for 20 minutes at a time, alternating between the heat and ice with 20 minute rest periods in between. Just remember it takes time to come back from any surgery. Hope this helps.



I have to second this treatment. I have been told and I still use the nerf type ball. I also wear the brace at night when I sleep. I can't remember the times I forgot and woke up in pain and numbness in the hands.

I did, and this is all on my own, refuse to wear it when I crochet. The steel just won't let me bend my hand to crochet. Duh.

Be paitent (spelling?) Relax and before you know it the pain will be gone.:hook

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Thanks for all the support,


I have taking off the brace and playing with clay. Making things and smearing them with my fingers. I do wear the brace like doc said when sleep or lifting anything. My hand is very much weak and still sore. I will not attempt to crochet with it for a while. However I did attempted it to see if I can do it with the brace. I can so that doesn't bother me, I will wait a few months down the road before I try to crochet. I did tell my doc that I tried like two weeks ago, this is why he said get clay and make something.


I am going to check out that site that was sent to me, Thank you so much for listing the site and all the great ideas.



I found that I can make a monster face and this was very easy with my hand. I even notice that I bent my hnad with little pain, but pain. I was very stiff, but by the time it was all said in done it was hours working with the clay. I squeeze the ball too.


Pretty soon I will be great.

Once again thanks for all the support. I needed that!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I understand! I have really bad hands. I had surgery on both hands. There are some days I can't pick up the hook. Like today, the weather is changing. Have have all kind of things for my hand braces, splints and wraps. My boyfriend pickup craft gloves for me. They all help somewhat. On good days I crochet for hours. But I do take breaks. Take your time and follow what the dr. tells you. I'm sure in time it will feel better. My thoughts are with you. As I understand.

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