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Bedspread Bonanza


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I might just have to do it in purples. Everything in our house is going purple. I really like that pattern I'll have to figure out how to make it for a Queen size bed. :think let me ponder. lol

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Hmmm Oh Julie!!!!:devil I think you will be the perfect one to run the Lil experiment.:clap :clap :clap

With you having suggested it and all.:yes :yes


I can't wait till we here how it worked out!!! I just know you will do a wonderful job!!


Love ya Julie!:manyheart:hug

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I spiffied up my sig! How does it look? There's plenty more Wips I could have added but that would have made for a rediculously long siggy.:hook


judianne, you'll like that square. It's pretty quick and easy once you get going.

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Hey Heather

The purples sound very pretty. It'd be plenty easy enough to make it bedspread sized. They give you a graphic of one "block" ,so you know what the layout will be. All you'd need to do is make enough of those blocks to be wide and long enough for your bed .



Your new signature looks just great !



Thanks for the input, but ALAS, I have no baby yarn in the house so I can't be the scientist for this experiment . I'll find someone else that wants to take on this serious study of yarn. :yarn:yes

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I'm committed, Julie...no, NOT there...here...on my sig line!:hook

Darski, you're still the fount of knowledge here...I would have spent too long looking for that pattern on my own:P

And Jessi, the word "easy" is exactly what attracted me to this pattern - in addition to the look:manyheart ...AND the 12 inch squares! :bounce

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Wanda Kay, I am a colour fanatic and I am doing my Spread in cream. I love the aran colouring...it just has a certain classical quality that lets it travel well.:c9


:heehee It's a shame there just aren't any good patterns to make eh? :heehee

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Adia, i think this is the square that Jessi used. it is called Wheel Lattice and is under the 12 inch squares - in case the link is only a general one




This designer is one of the top 3 or 4 to my way of thinking


This link is general - look to the What's New and and Arrow and select 12" squares from the menu choices. then look for Wheel lattice



Thanks so much for the link darski! I am loving this pattern more and more! But still undecided.


I seriously can not believe how quickly this thread moves! It's awesome!


Since everyone was speaking of first names earlier, my name is Carmela. Nice to meet you all! :yay


Have to run.


See you all in the morning.


Take Care!

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That is interesting that you are my 2nd Carmela as well. I only knew the first one by association though, didn't know her one to one.


I really like that square too. I might find something to do with that one

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Ok Ladies...I have finelly desided on the one im going to do...it will take me awhile becouse my bed is a king but i think it will look great when done and its all in one pece so i wont have to sew squares together.


Link to photo of it!!





What colors would you use???My brain is allready smoking like a chimney...

My walls are a tan color and my headboard is a massive(all 1000 pounds) wooden old country(looks like what kings used in the old days...it even has two balls on either side that are about the size of bowling balls)My bed is high off the floor.My carpet is a dark cream and my curtains are gold velvet.


So eny help would be great so i can go get my yarn tommorw.

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Im more into the darker warmer colors...brights just dont make me feel at peace and i think a bedroom needs to be warm and relaxing...does that make since??.Even my Gold velvet curtains are a darker velvet.


I dug out some scrap yarn and it works up really fast and its starts at one corner,then you do the next strip and so on...its really very easy and simple and i am much better at one piece projects...cant stand alot of tails.



Maybe i should just get a photo of my room for you...its going to take alot of yarn and i want to get it right the frist time.

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You need three colours...hmm


I could see a soft cocoa brown or up to a richer chocolate with a cream coloured CC.


It has to be said though that a rich warm dark red would just be perfect with your gold drapes. and the strength of the drapes would play off your spread. but what the CC at that point?


A real challenge is to find the right colour for that third slot.


If you went for Rich warm Chocolate with Cream, a black in that third spot would be tres chic, very sophisticated.


The Cream would be the tricky part there - it would have to work to the sophisticated side...

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Well I have finished my first square in the Claret and plan to post pics real soon. It is so funny how things work out. I had been looking for this pattern for over a year and then I find it on this website and then just yesterday I went to a used book store that was going out of business and bought some crochet books from there and found the same pattern in there, just a little bit tighter. So now I will be using that pattern.

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Ok going by what you have said i went digging in my yarn room..:P..and this is what i have so far,what do you think??I held it up to my curtains and i thought it looked good,why do i allways have a hard time with color combos.


Ranch Red and Buff...i will still have to come up with the 3rd color(maybe brown??).





You make the frist corner square..then you attach the yarn to that and work Diagonal rows from there,you only change at the very begaining of the row and all the ends are on the one edge where they can be croched in....its really easy and fast,all sc and ch.Its called Breath of Spring and i dont even know if you can still get it,my mom gave me a box of old patterns years ago that i had never gone through and its so old its yellowed.I can give you the basic steps if you like.



Cant wait to see photos!!

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Ok, the awful truth here... I laughed. :wlol


But I am so proud of you on making your choice. I am really, really, really close to almost deciding for Square Elegance. It will be lovely when done and I bought yarn and have started it... :sigh


Note ... I don't deserve the credit for discovering that square, I just located it


I've decided on the Square Elegance pattern too. I love how it looks. :)

Pat Ada

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now i`m just hasetating because idont have that much of yarn

and i need to buy more

also every one are putting gorgios patterns which i cant resist :( what can i do ??!!

ishould make herb garden afghan for my fiuonceh (i dont know how its written) birthday

and i`ll buy the yarn on blue shades :) he loves blue

and i want one for me also the cosmos ghan will start the cal at jan weeeeeew to much to do

i think i`ll stick on herb garden afghan to be done of it :)



busy bee

wal mart doesn`t sell the yarns in its web right?? ididnt find them



keep on the great job the colours are awsom :)

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Shaylen: Have you tried navy or purple as the third color yet? Either will give the afghan a punch of color with the tan and red without being "loud". Of course the purple would have to have a hint of red in it to work with the red you've selected.

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I was wondering if anyone has worked out how much yarn they will need.


I have finished one square its 16inches. I worked out that the bedspread for my queen size bed will be 6 X 7. So I need 42 squares. I bought 20 balls of wool 100gram each. Its going to take 1 1/2 balls per square. I now think I need 63 balls of wool. Does this sound right, if so it means I have to go back to the shop and get more so hopefully I can get the same dyelot.

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Hi Wendy- yea, I think that'd be right. My math skills are a little rusty, but it sounds right-- 63 balls. That sure sounds like a truckload of yarn. How many ounces are in each ball ? I know you guys have different yarns over there, so it'd be harder for us to figure since I bet none of us have any GENUINE AUSTRALIA WOOL . I know I don't. I have plain old Walmart stuff .


Athba- the word for your boyfriend who you are marrying is called FIANCE . When are you getting married ? That would be nice to make him an afghan as a wedding gift. I'm sure he'd love it and most men do love blue, don't they ?



I'm gonna go out on a limb here and mention GOLD, since you said your curtains have gold in them. How do you think that would look with the other colors ? I'd either go with gold or a darker brown I think, and I love that pattern ! Very neat .

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Hi Julie yes I think I am going to have to go back to the shop.


Each ball of wool is 100 grams - 28 grams to 1 oz

I think you buy 6oz skeins over there


Also I buy wool from Big W or Spotlight which is similiar to Walmart I guess. I know its confusing when I say wool but Im not actually crocheting with wool but with acrylic but we call it wool. Does that make sense.

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