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Lion Brand newsletters

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Can someone tell me why the last several newsletters that are on the Lion website only talk about knitting? Hey, don't we use their yarn for crocheting too?

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I've noticed it as well. But then, I knit as well, so I don't mind so much. But I wish they would have a crochet stitch of the week every now and then. I'd love to try a new stitch pattern.

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I've noticed that as well...I thought at first maybe they had two different newsletters--one for knitters and for crocheters--and that I had somehow started getting the wrong one! But I see the rest of you are getting the same thing!. Maybe they'll go back to more crochet stuff soon. I hope, I hope, I hope!

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Cocoa, I've been thinking the exact same thing as you--I was scratching my head and thinking "I'm sure I didn't sign up for a knitting one!" :) Ah hah--the mystery is solved.

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I dont mind the knitting one so much now that I've finally taught myself to knit. (I needed the challenge)


I just wish that if they're going to have knitting patterns, they could at least make them as interesting as the crochet patterns. I have yet to find a knitting pattern that I like. (probably explains why I keep frogging all my attempts at knitting except for swatches)

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heaps of people complained last time and they got a response like "we only have one newsletter" so basically whatever is in that newsletter is it.

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I noticed the knitting only theme, too. Plus, they seem to be a little skimpier than usual on content. Maybe some of the writing staff is on vacation (or maybe the ones who crochet are tied up trying to finish their holiday gifts?) :-)

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I know I've found the last couple of newsletters to be a disappointment. I've also recently taught myself to knit but I'm no where near good enough to do those patterns. I get all tangled up when I'm doing knits and purls in the same row. Maybe they could use some volunteers to come up with a crocheter's newsletter...


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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You have to ask yourself, "Why would anyone knit T-strap booties when you can crochet them in the lick of a cat's tongue?) and that sugar cubes pattern stitch was the featured stitch about 2 weeks ago.


This one was a disappointment even to knitters - by my reckoning.


Althouhgh, I have found most of those are skimpy this month.

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This issue was a big disappointment for me too, yes it was all knitting, not even any reference to any crocheted version of the featured patterns like they have done in the past and the featured ornaments were just basic "cut and glue" projects...that type of project, personally, isn't my cup of tea...


I agree with you, darski, about the booties and even if I did knit more that I do, the patterns that they have are a disappointment.


Have ya noticed that even if they were featuring crocheted patterns, that they still always have reference to knitting project too? Why can't they do the same when featuring knitting and make references to crocheted patterns as well?



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I get that newsletter, and I also get ones from Bernat and Berrocco. It's the same thing with those two--they focus on knitting. Once in a while they'll have a crochet pattern, but mostly they're about knitting. They must feel that the majority of their readers are knitters, and they don't really care about pleasing the crocheters, which, of course, doesn't make sense since more people crochet than knit, and crochet uses more yarn!

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I've also noted that the newsletters are much skimpier lately- though I was going crazy! Then again, when they had lots of knit and crochet patterns they were to promote a new, expensive yarn which I can't afford anyway :) So I guess it works out the same- I never make anything from the newsletters anyway.


Kinda like the old sketch "boy, the food here is just terrible"

"yeah,and the portions are so small

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I don't get these newsletters, but I noticed in my local Kroger store magazine section, they have 4 or 5 knitting-oriented mags, but none for crochet. The real annoyance is that they used to carry a couple of crochet mags. :bang According to the SnB book, crocheters outnumber knitters 3 to 1. Maybe we need to plan a protest or something :lol

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I thought I was the only one who noticed that. A couple of years back they had a "greatest knitter" (or something like that) contest. I sent them an email, and I know many others who did too, complaining that they were short changing us. Seems like no matter how loud we toot our horn, to them crochet is just never going to be quite as good as knitting. But you know, they never really gave crochet much press coverage anyway, like they included just bare minimum so their biased-ness (I'm sure that's not a word...lol) wouldn't show. I keep hearing that crocheters out number the knitters, but it seems we're the only ones who know it. IMHO, if there were only 10 knitters in the whole world, they would still cater to them, because I believe that, to some, crochet will always be the "poor mans" knitting. But who cares what they think :P I know its impossible, but if all crochet'ers everywhere could band together, and not buy any yarn (none at all) for just one month (seeing how crocheters out number the knitters and we use more yarn), I wonder if they'd see us in a different light, when their sales hit the skids. Just a left-field thought, ya'll know that's where I live. :)

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I've only been getting that newsletter for a few months, and I noticed the much greater emphasis on knitting, as well. I put it down to the fact that knitting has seen a great resurgence in recent years. I'm sure there are those knitters who have been knitting forever, but I think lately it's become more popular with younger folks.


I, too, would like to see a CROCHET stitch of the week, or a few patterns at least!

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Last week I emailed Lion Brand about their newsletter, too. I received an answer stating that they believed it WAS blanced between both knitting and crocheting.

I didn't bother to reply to that comment:(


Happy hooking, everyone!

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Thank goodness, I wasn't the only one wondering! Maybe since crocheters outnumber kniters (isn't it 3-1?) that they are trying to gain more knitters?

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