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What else can you do while crocheting?

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My hubbie is a musician and I really enjoy crocheting when he is playing. Doesn't matter if it's at home or at a show... so I end up crocheting in bars, clubs and at festivals.

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Ok let see where do I start :scrachin, waiting for a train, wating for a red light,waiting for kids to get out of school,work,waitng for my :compute to load, while on the computer between posting,during a :stormw,while watching t.v.! Do I need to say anymore? :h5

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Long car trips are great- I got two water bottle cozies, a [sun]glasses case, a premie cap and a scrunchie out of just the excursion from my parents' to my sister's this summer... and I drove part of the way!

Standing up works (i.e. when waiting for water to boil), but I haven't tried while walking. TV is great, as is waiting for kids to do whatever; soccer and basketball games can also be productive.


Of course, it all depends on whether I have pressing projects - like easter baskets or valentine hearts, etc. (Hmm... Wonder why DD hasn't requested mini-jack-o-lanterns for her class this year? Better find a pattern and orange thread before that brainwave hits!!)




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I can crochet:


while watching TV and kept up with the movie lol


in the dark unless it's really complicated stitching.. then I have to peek. Can't wait for them to come up with the lighted crochet hooks like they have knitting needles now lol


at the movies (in the near dark)


while riding passenger in a car and still reading the map and navigating lol


at the computer though I don't get much done when i'm on the boards or on MSN messenger lol


while riding an exercise bike. Tried it with a treadmill but we nearly had an incident when I lost track of how I was stepping and focused more on the stitches. Luckily I caught on before I embarrassed myself by falling off the treadie lol

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I have been known to crochet:

* while sitting in traffic

* waiting for my daughter's high school orchestra concert to start

* while making dinner

* while walking to the library

and of course, while watching tv or listening to an audio book. :hook

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I feel very untalented! I can't do anything else when I crochet, if I'm 'watching TV', I end up missing everything while I squint at whatever it is I'm working on...


I do crochet in the car when we're going somewhere, but all I'm doing is sitting there (not driving as well) so I don't suppose that counts.


-- Michelle

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I don't feel as talented or as addictied.... hehe.....as some. I crochet while watching tv, while watching my son play and talking with him, while riding in the car, while visiting my mom and dad. I only crocheted at the dentist once but will probably do this again once my son gets a little older. I wished I had brought it to the hospital when I was in labor as I had an easy one and was so bored! I haven't tried it while walking yet...but come to think of it I have crocheted in the car as the sun went down..almost in the dark.

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Very often I crochet while watching TV, but if the pattern is very involved and has stitch counting and multiple stitches or techniques involved......I will not be able to do both.:blush

My favorite way to crochet is sitting in a comfortable chair with good lighting and listening to music.:hook

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Watching tv or movie, listening to coast to coast am at night (love that show)

listening to audio books, at the computer. I have crocheted while playing a game on the pc, but only because it was taking a long time to load until I got more ram, in the passenger seat while riding, on the train and bus, in parking lots waiting etc... I have a small To Go bag with small projects in it and it's amazing how all that 'wasted' time adds up to wonderful projects.

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I crochet while in church. It keeps me from fidgeting. I just make sure that my yarn is secured because I have nightmares of the ball rolling under all of the pews to the front.


I did this for the first time last night!!!! No dirty looks for me, but I was VERY discreet. Had my yarn inside a purse so it wouldn't get away from me!! Working on a easy pattern so I didn't have any trouble following the sermon - even took sermon notes!!!

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I rarely go anywhere but if I do I take My crochet with me. I crochet while I am watching t.v., singing with the kids. I play outside with the boys and when I sit down to rest I crochet. I don't crochet at the park though, I am afraid someone will run off with my kids. LOL

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Ooh! I mastered a new thing today...holding my sleeping 4 month old nephew in my arms while I crochet! Cool, huh? Two of my favorite things at once!:yes

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When my youngest (3 now) required rocking to sleep, it was a nightly ritual that we would climb up into the rocking recliner, and I would "GO GET MY YARN" (as she said). If I was working on a blanket, she would snuggle under my WIP, and tuck her head in my arm while I crocheted around her. It was WAY WAY WAY one of my happiest moments - snuggled there, rocking and holding her, while I crocheted!

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I'm sure others do this, but I breast feed while crochetting, or crochet while breastfeeding, however you want to look at it lol. My son loves napping on my lap, and as long as I keep the yarn from tickling his face, he sleeps really well. I think the tiny movements, that are in a rythm lull him to sleep. :)

I crochet in the car too on long car rides.

I want to try the stationary bike thing, but most of the time I have my son in a sling when I ride the bike, so I'm not sure how that would work out!! :) Does the yarn ever get tangled in the bike? Just curious.

I crochet at dr. offices too, but not when I take my son; he's enough! :)

One of my favorites is crochetting at Starbucks. Yummm... A frappichino on the table next to me, and yarn in front of me, sitting in those comfy fluffy chairs... I could stay for hours....


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  • 2 weeks later...
You crochet in CHURCH?!?!?! And people don't give you dirty looks? Oh my, I wish I could get away with that one!


The only person that has ever mentioned anything about it is my mother. So I sit behind her and there is not a problem.

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heh I have too many things I can do while crocheting. If I'm going to be studying in the library, I have to take an afghan or other large project with me simply because the library is so cold and the moment of my hands helps me study. I also crochet while sitting at the computer, reading, talking to friends...If my professors didn't have a problem with it, I'd probably do it in class as well.

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I, too, carry a bag of crochet around and work on it whenever I can - waiting at appointments, waiting for kids, watching TV, on road trips, on plane trips, and I've thought of doing it during church - but so far I've resisted the temptation! :)


The only thing I do that I haven't seen listed already is listen to audiobooks. I listen to audiobooks a lot, and it's a perfect thing to do while stitching, because there's no stopping to look at the TV!


I don't want to advertise another site here, but if any of you are interested in audiobooks, just send me an email, and I'll be glad to send you a free trial to the club I belong to. I get two books a month, and usually wind up re-listening to another book or two out of my library.


Happy stitching! ;)

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i crochet everywhere i go, i take it in the car(when i am not driving) there is way to much traffic here to not totally concentrate on the road if i am driving, but riding is another story, i also crochet at all of the places where i go, wether it be a doc or dentist, when my kids were in school, i always picked them up that way they didn't have to ride the bus since they would have had to ravel about 2 hours for a 5 min ride as the bus was backwards dropping so they would be on forever stupid i know but thats the way it was. so anyways i would sit there while waiting for them to come to the car, and eventually i made some new friends that way and sold some crochet items. especially christmas ornaments. in fact the last year i picked my kids up, this one lady ordered 200.00 worth of ornaments :D :D :D , i think the most strangest place though i have ever crochetedwas as i lay in the prep room of the hospital waiting to have back surgery, the doc said it was fine since it helped me relax,:hook course then had to give it to dd as i could not take it with me i nto the operting room:devil :devil :devil but pretty much everywhere i go including church. i can listen and use my god given talents while helping make something for the less fortuniet. i can whip up a scarf during one of the pastors sermons no sweat, he actually stopped me as i was leaving one day and asked how much for a scarf, i asked what was his favorite color and then the next sunday i crocheted and finished his scarf and presented it to him right at the church lol, so he don't bother me anymore about it:c9 :c9




thanks for sharing all your storys

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I crochet to tv, radio, in the car if I am lucky enough not to have to drive (hubby is desperately directionally illiterate), at church while waiting for the kids to be done w/ sunday school(after the actual service), waiting for them to finish at school if they need picked up, dr appts and the usual.


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