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what to take?

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help everyone!! ..

in about five months we will be moving into a motorhome, and we have been downsizing and tossing for the last couple of weeks. still, have lots to go when you have lived in the same house for 35 years!! Anyway, I have a small stach and of course to dh it is a LARGE stach.. What do I take? I know my cotton for dishcloths ect for sure.. and some for what I may be working on at the time.. but, how do I part all the rest???? I NEED IT!! :eek I know there is not enough room, so, what to do? what would you take if it was down to one box ( and maybe a snuck in bag :lol ) Maybe just some of my favorite colors??

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:think This is just a fun answer but how about getting rid of the husband so there will be more room for your stuff.:eek

:think Seriously though, I have a similar problem with a small house and have never really overcome it except for taking over an empty bedroom when the kids left home.

Maybe you can just console yourself with the fact that the shops are open most days so instead of a stash, you have a whole shop to store your goodies in.

This way you are not restricted to using only what you have in your stash.

I owned a wool shop for many years so I had quite a bit to store after I sold the shop and 12 years later, I am still moving it around my room. We need to get less attached to things and let them go to make room for new things.

I sincerely hope you enjoy your new life, you are very brave.:hug

Have fun.


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Mary Ann

There are LOTS of other things you could unload. How many pairs of underpants can one man wear ? How about socks.... just wear several pairs when you leave and throw out the rest .

Leave all your dishes except 2, one for you, one for the hubster. One knife, fork and spoon for each of you . Lose yours, you don't eat !

Better yet, leave all the kitchenware behind. Stop at McDonalds .

There are lots of storage areas in those campers .Load 'em up with yarn . When your husband goes to load something else, tell him too late ,that cupboard is full .

Just keep one jump ahead of him and you'll get to bring all your yarn . Tell him if you don't get to bring it, you'll have to go buy all new when you get moved . THAT'LL make him see the light I bet ! :D

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This makes me sound terrible, but I'd cry or otherwise guilt hubby until I got to bring it. :P Tell him you will have to be buying lots of yarn on the road to feed your habit, when you have all this lovely expensive yarn that is already paid for, being left behind...that one would work on my hubby!


Bags are easier to smash into available space than boxes are, I'd sneak several bags, at the very least.


Edit: I hadn't seen that my money-motivating suggestion had already been made, in the post before mine! Either great minds think alike, or hubbies are all hard-wired to think about saving money!

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Mary Ann

There are LOTS of other things you could unload. How many pairs of underpants can one man wear ? How about socks.... just wear several pairs when you leave and throw out the rest .

Leave all your dishes except 2, one for you, one for the hubster. One knife, fork and spoon for each of you . Lose yours, you don't eat !

Better yet, leave all the kitchenware behind. Stop at McDonalds .

There are lots of storage areas in those campers .Load 'em up with yarn . When your husband goes to load something else, tell him too late ,that cupboard is full .

Just keep one jump ahead of him and you'll get to bring all your yarn . Tell him if you don't get to bring it, you'll have to go buy all new when you get moved . THAT'LL make him see the light I bet ! :D



:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl OMG I have not laughed this hard in a long time. I was going to suggest "Who needs pots and pans?" There should be room under the bed for bags, on top of the dryer and such.


I love every suggestion, as we are all addicted and we need our yarn and thread. Take anything but that.:hook have hook will travel.

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I don't know if this is a workable solution or not, but I have an organizationally-inclined friend who swears by those vacuum-sealed bag gizmos. You put all your soft stuff in the bag, seal it up, attach the vacuum hose to the port, and suck all the air out.


It compresses a ton of clothes or comforters to a tiny, tiny hard packet. You can probably smush a lot more yarn into the one box that way. I can't imagine that the yarn would get damaged, and it would certainly be protected.


The bags are reusable, so if this works, you could theoretically open it up and let your yarn explode all over the living room, pick what you needed, and reshrink the rest. And, again theoretically, it provides protection against moths and other nasties.


Here's one version of the product:




Anyone know for sure why this *wouldn't* work?



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I just did a Google search on "yarn vacuum storage bag" and found that knitpicks.com sells the product as a storage solution to reduce the amount of space taken up by yarn stash without reducing the actual amount of yarn. So, this might actually be a workable solution for you.



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Oh no cant get rid of my stash. If it was me. I would be at my friends house begging for some closet room at her place. Which she would give me. And then all I would have to do is go by there and get what I need. :hug to you hope it works out either way.:hook

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well thank you everybody! I knew I could count on you !


Julie..if I showed him your post I am sure he would find room.. he hates Mac. D

but I love the idea of no pots and pans..

I will have to look into the squishy bags.. I could stack them up in the shower!!! neat idea..

hummmm, cept the exploding and yarn everywhere part .. :eek

no, seriously.. I will look into them.

you are all great!:hug and I LOVE all your posts!

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even if you didnt want to spend as much on the "space bags" here is what i do and they work almost as well ..


get the LARGE zipper bags with the slider.. put in the yarn.. then slide the zipper almost shut.. squish out as much air as possible zip the rest of the way ..

you can get them fairly reasonably priced in the same section of the grocery store as the regular ziploc.. also ... they have the GIANT bags you could to the same thing but it would be more work re squishing air out if you needed anything inside..

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adding to 3olives post...... i have been told..... to put a hose on your vac and suck the air out of the bags


Years ago..... 1989...... I moved from WV to Michigan....went up with my car loaded...... then had to go back and get my girls..... rented a minivan and that was it..... however...... you would be surprised on where you can stuff a skein of yarn lol all kinds of nook and crannies!

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This is just my creative brain at work....


Hammock a large sheet/netting/or scarf across the ceiling of the motorhome. Throw all of your yarn up in that. It is just ceiling space, right?


Also, if you have a closet, you could hang one of these in it. If you don't, maybe you can find a place to hang one of these (behind a door or just on the wall or something.)

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I love it.. I think one of the larger canvas ones would fit right in my closet!! I will check those out.. That, with some squishy bags, I should be able to take lots and lots!!great ideas!! thanks so much:hug

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Space bags rock! Espacially if you get the packable ones meant for your suitcase because you can roll the air out and don't need a vacuum! I can take a smaller suitcase on girl trips than any of my SILs because of those things. Also look for the 2 gallon ziploc bags, you can get quite a bit of yarn in those and roll the air out and those are small enough you can hide a few everywhere!!!:clap

I don't know if this is a workable solution or not, but I have an organizationally-inclined friend who swears by those vacuum-sealed bag gizmos. You put all your soft stuff in the bag, seal it up, attach the vacuum hose to the port, and suck all the air out.


It compresses a ton of clothes or comforters to a tiny, tiny hard packet. You can probably smush a lot more yarn into the one box that way. I can't imagine that the yarn would get damaged, and it would certainly be protected.


The bags are reusable, so if this works, you could theoretically open it up and let your yarn explode all over the living room, pick what you needed, and reshrink the rest. And, again theoretically, it provides protection against moths and other nasties.


Here's one version of the product:




Anyone know for sure why this *wouldn't* work?



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Do you already HAVE the motorhome? If not, make SURE to get one that the master bed lifts up and there is LOTS of storage underneath there! We have a 30 ft travel trailer (a tow behind camper) that we have set up at a seasonal campsite and our queeen size bed lifts up and there is this HUGE empty space! Also we have a couch that folds down to a bed and there is a long door that opens for storage under there too.

These spaces would be a great place to have yarn stashed!



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I have a tip for you. If you find your self without a pattern for something you want to make. If you don't own a laptop, you can go to the local library and get on the internet to find patterns. My husband and I went to Florida for the first time 3 years ago. While there my daughter in law called and said she and my son were having a baby. I had tons of patterns at home and none with me. I had my sons laptop so I got on the internet and hand written patterns out and bookmarked a lot of them. If you do a lot of things on the internet. You may want to get an address book and put all the addresses in it for the internet. I did and it was very helpful.

Have a good time. If your going to Florida. TurtleCreek RV Resort in Homosassa is a nice park. With lots of activities. They also have a web site.


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I also thought of something like a hammock. You could even crochet something lacy (and strong) and then all the colors of your stash will show through and give you a beautiful ceiling.


Thanks for all other space saving tips!



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When I travel I take two to three skeins of yarn. As I make things I give them away. Then I stop by Wal Mart or somewhere and pick up new yarn. That way I'm never overloaded.

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so many ideas!! thanks again for all the great tips..


we do all ready have the motorhome Tina, but.. the idea under the sofa bed is good!! had forgotten about that.. the sheets etc are there, BUT,I will be able to squeese in alot of yarn.

Marlene, great tips..The libraries may become my life line.. I will be taking a laptop and have heard I could get "net " access there, I have been trying to save as many patterns as I can right now. At first I was printing them out till the light went on and i figured out I could save them on a disc.. :think Sometimes it takes a while. lol

I had not thought of getting an address book for crochet stuff. good plan! you never know when you might lose everything on here.. (specially with my expertise or ... lack of )

This is a really big step for us. We will be selling everying, moving into the motorhome and going.. .. I am really hoping to stay in contact with you all here. :hug

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get the LARGE zipper bags with the slider.. put in the yarn.. then slide the zipper almost shut.. squish out as much air as possible zip the rest of the way ..


you can get them fairly reasonably priced in the same section of the grocery store as the regular ziploc.. also ... they have the GIANT bags you could to the same thing but it would be more work re squishing air out if you needed anything inside..


I use the 2 1/2 gal slider-zip bags for my yarn. I zip it partially closed then lay on the bag until all the air wooshes out of it, and finish zipping before I haul myself off of it. Presto - vacuum sealed yarn! Works great!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi MaryAnn.


I just saw this thread and had to comment. We are also full-timers and have been for 4 years now. When we moved into our RV, DH and I each designated a cabinet in the bedroom and one in the living area for our personal use. Thus we each have two! In addition, I've appropriated the space under the bed for out-of-season clothes but most of it is full of yarn! I also have a little hassock with storage underneath. When all else fails, try this trick...open your sleeper sofa and lay yarn on the mattress, then fold it back up! If you travel with a suitcase, you can stash yarn in there too.


Periodically, I go through everything and send yarn to charity. I also look at the sweaters I made with a critical eye and give away those that I haven't worn for a while.


As far as the vacuum bags go, I really don't like those much. Every time you want to get into them you have to remove the air again. The big Zip-Locks are better. And yes, bags are much better than boxes!


But most of all, good luck! We downsized and have never looked back. The sense of freedom that comes from owning almost nothing can not be equaled! When I think of all the time I once spent maintaining all my possessions, I wonder why I wasted so much of it.:D

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