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What a Man....

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Tonight hubby and I went to WalMart (serious chocolate attack we were both having... :lol ). I wanted to get a skein of pink yarn to finish a purse for my neice, so I got it off the shelf and my hubby says, 'You only need one?' Weeeeellll... if you put it thaaaat way, I could get another one.... :D So I got a purple one, too. (All my yarn is in storage back in Michigan, so I have next to nothing here...) Anyway, then, he carries it for me, all the way to the check out lane!! :manyheart :manyheart :manyheart (I was carrying a 40 lb sleeping lug of a kid, though.)


How many men do you know who would carry yarn for their wives through the whole store, I was thinking.... This must be why I married him.... :lol :lol :lol

Just thought I'd share that...



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Aren't they great? I knew I had gotten mine finally trained when he called me from Walmart and asked "While I'm here, do you need any yarn?" :manyheart




Of course, as my best friend just pointed out to me.. perhaps that is his way of controlling the yarn stash.. ie.. if I don't go and fondle I won't buy as much as I would if I was oh.. lost in AC Moore in the cashmere aisle .. :c9 Funny story actually, we went into AC Moore one day and he turned to look at something and I buggered off to the yarn dept.. oohing and aahing and SHOPPING... he's wandering thru AC Moore trying to find me and not thinking to go to that department first.. when a sales lady comes up and asks "Hello, can I help you find something?" To which he replied in his very British accent... "yes, my wife?" :lol Well they located me, but not before I had an armful.. and he's learned not to try to extricate me from the yarn when I'm shopping :manyheart gotta love well trained men :devil

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:cheer There are good men out there :) Mine even put all my plastic bins so that I could get to them in the closet;) He has a Harley a 4 wheeler & a serious guitar addiction so I've gotta buy alot of yarn to catch up. It's good when you've got a man that understands your addiction ;)
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Count my husband as one who would if it was a lot (or he'd at least go get me a basket) That is so sweet of your husband to do that for you...

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Arne't they great... I have one of those myself.. Opens doors, helps me in and out of the truck. When we go into a store, he says " Do you need a cart.. Most of the time he says, "Better get one anyway". and he always pushes the cart and I have to walk in front of him and* show him what I want and he gets it..*That's mostly in the grocery store...When I say no just picking up a few things, he always carries, no matter what I get. I got yarn for a afghan, that I got hired to make. I told him that I needed 3 sk of each color. He said better get 4. That is why my stash is growing....

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Mine is pretty good that way too. Of course, his addiction is FAR more $$$, PC games and such!


Yes Mine is a gamer buff.. PC games and all the technology / special gadgets to make them work. We're still not even tho because my other hobby is Arabian horses.. it takes ALOT of computer games to catch up to 7 purebred Arabians :lol



I still get my yarn tho :D God I'm a spoiled brat :blush

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Mine will go and get the yarn for me if he is able to.. If I call him at work and he can he will go by and get it only if it is not any thing fancy I want. Got to say he is GreaT I love him bunches!:c9

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I'm one of the lucky ones, too. Mine is awesome.


He gets up early on Sunday mornings so he can clip out coupons before he goes to the grocery store! :hug :hug :hug

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Your hubby is great, just like mine. My darling hubby is my critic for all my projects and like other posts with the Big PC gamers for hubby, mine is too. But it is relaxing to have him close at his computer and me on the couch both doing our own thing. We are so lucky to have our supportive hubbies.

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Mine is pretty good too. He is a gamer! it's frustrating, becuase he'll play the game for hours and hours on end. But, I'm going away out of town for a meeting, and I'll be gone over night. So, last night, he was playing until only 10:30pm, and then wanted us to go to bed. It was nice! I didn't have to harass him to go to bed.


About a month or so ago, I wasn't getting much sleep, because DS wasn't sleeping much. reaction to medication. anyways, i called my work, and said that I was going to be in around lunch time. I brought DS to school, and went back and cuddled with DH for the whole morning. It was great! We kept on turning over, and holding eachother, and he said "I could stay like this forever"


Another time, which does sound kind of odd, we were listening to the radio, and there was either a band or a song named "True love is blind" lol, so he said, does that mean we have to poke our eyes out?" (meaning that it's true love with us!) weird, but nice!

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My boyfriend's job has him flying out to Detroit and other places everyweek. One day he asked me


"Do you ever want me to bring you something back from the places i go to?"


Then he stopped himself and said: "Wait a minute, i already know what to get you."


That week he came back with some NY Action yarns in pink and purple....he even got the colors right!


I told him next time he goes to Canada he should try to bring me back some Canadian yarn.

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Aren't they great? I knew I had gotten mine finally trained when he called me from Walmart and asked "While I'm here, do you need any yarn?" :manyheart



Oh you MUST share how you managed that. LOL I'd swallow my own tongue in shock if My DH offered to buy me yarn.

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you guys are so lucky, mine just shakes his head in dispair, any time i get any more.course i have more than enough, although i always will add to my stash, mostly i buy off of e-bay. the prices there can not be beat:lol :lol

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