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Granny Squares for those that need them cal 2018

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Jade really is growing quickly!  adorable...


 MJ, so sorry about your teams...Maybe you should be a Cubs fan LOL


 sandra, I  know a couple folks at that fair so I will popover and see ya'll tomorrow...


The first of dh's bday celebrations is tomorrow night... a cook out with half the kids.... he celebrates for a week the older he gets!!


I had to actually work today all day  Most of it was travel with dh driving... so I got a bunch of crochet done!

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Hi all, and happy late Friday :lol


Katy, so glad to hear you're feeling a little better!


Howieann, hope all goes well with the ultrasound!


Had a good day today. Didn't get much yarning done, but did get to spend a few hours with some friends, one of which I haven't seen in probably 2 years or better :) But, he's more or less married to his work and doesn't get out much other than that. Ya know, getting up at 4 am and not getting off work until 430 pm. And apparently not being able to stand his coworkers makes him less of a people person. (That I can relate to)


But anywho, I think I'm going to get off here and get ready for bed. Hope you all had a great day! :hug s

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Just a quick check in... been working on afghansome this week, so havn't been online much this week. Have a great weekend. We have a couple things we need to work on, but won't be going anywhere this weekend. Have a great weekend all!!! ☺

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Morning all. Well two scrambled eggs and 2 strips of bacon already and it tasted good too ate almost all lol.


I picked up my hook for a he first time in a month or more last night evening.


Also Cleaned out my ball basket and made a four inch graany just to see if I would remember how. I did so good.


I seem to have lost somewhere my good seeing up close glasses hard tellin where they went off too. The'yll turn up but not wh n I want them too.


Kinda a nice day out might go take a crossword puzzle book out on the deck in the sun today. Get some fresh air.



Im gaunt and pale as of late Other than hanging out around here that's about it fo me today. Handy found three Grisham books hardbacks at a garage sale for a buck each an newer ones he has not read yet so he will be doing that to my doing crossword puzzles lol. Oh started my vitamin pills again too so back on course I hope. And I think I am doing more around here than I had well I know I have cause I did nothing lol for the past several weeks. I feel better and don't wake up with everything hurting at least or crying anymore so that too is good. Thing is I feel like doing stuff you know. I. Thinking about stuff I wanna do and that Which in and of itself a miracle of sorts. that part of me lied dormant for a time.


I think it will warm enough in the sun with just my fleece poncho on but too chilly to go without anything. Lol. I watched Ceasar today the Dog Whisperer. That guy is amazing. He is even good with cats.


The subs were soo good last night too we had the last tomato and the last green pepper from thr garden on them and gosh everything just tasted so fresh and delish!! Ate it all lol. Ans a pickle n the side!!


My nails need trimming I hate them to get long enough to interfere with this iPads keyboard lol and they are!! i'll file them Down a bit after while outside maybe

Well. What are your plans? I know Linda is going on a drive later and BGs will probably be in a yard somewhere doing something lawn-ly today. Crochet fan so good to see you!! Mini. Ans Katie ans holly good luck with you daughters test holly. And anyone else I misses good to see you and all have a delightfully awesome day!! I'll be back I'm sure. Thanks to all for your good wishes an prayers as I think it is helping. Sandra how is your show going. I'm anxious t see and know all about it. What you sold and how you did and pics!! YOu make such neat things I hope your booth was the Busiest there.


I know when I used to do craft fairs some of the other tables were things crocheted but complained of no biz. It's all in what you are selling and make no mistake How you are displaying it. For every hat I was selling was modeled on a sty foam head and very tufted up around the bottom was its matching scarf or cowl and oft times. Fingerless gloves as well. I use to do pretty good with the stuff like that but only ever sold two afghans total at a craft fair. I sold lots of shorter frilly capes some shawls and little things like pot holders ans crochet topped kitchen towels and seasonal

and ornaments there is so much to make out there lol.




I must say I have only 2 small boxes for my charity this fall I feel amiss but not for- seeing much more added to that by thanksging. And that afghan box to Kathy is still packed but I got sick. I'll get that out to her for sure before thanksgiving.

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Back to this granny square lol I am making it cause I can again and maybe might make a whole nother bunch of them as I cleaned out my stat sh a while back lol. I do however have a puffy for ren'e too welcome ing her back and plan a trip to the po on or around no. 15 so will get those both out to their respective new owners. Give me time I'll catch up ladies. As my dd would say


Ttfnly. Tata for now love ya.

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Last night was a rough night.. Rc and I got into it and Ugh... I woke up with my eyes so swollen this morning from crying so much. I hate when that happens. I think we're going to take the kids to see Trolls later today, so I'm going to go take a shower & wake up.

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Oh tonight is turn back time. I should hav started last week ! Oh well handy will get the hard ones like grandfather and those that move and chime and I'll do the easy ones like the ones on the microwave coffee pot etc. we will get er done. !lol. He's the grand key master



Washing sheets finally so when they dry I'll just have him put them bapCk on this time it's easier.


He's got a chicken in to roast for dinner that might be just the thing. Smells ok anyway as I am not Hating the smell lol.

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Last night was a rough night.. Rc and I got into it and Ugh... I woke up with my eyes so swollen this morning from crying so much. I hate when that happens. I think we're going to take the kids to see Trolls later today, so I'm going to go take a shower & wake up.


Hope everything worked out ok. I always wake up with swollen eyes as well when I fall asleep after crying. I hate any type of confrontation or argument or disagreement. I'll cry over anything!


Katy, glad you are feeling better!


Just washing bedding today. Our bedding. I washed dog bedding yesterday. Going to cook out later this evening. Maybe crochet a bit later. Just a lazy day here.


Have a nice evening!

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Soups on,trip got cancelled till another time,got lots of laundry done,so all thats left for tomorrow is the ironing,I think next week we'll switch to just one season of shirts,crazy weather I still have roses blooming and some red tomatoes yet.Enjoy your evening

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Hi all, and Happy Saturday!


Jessicali, hope everything is ok


Just sitting here right now, still trying to wake up. I even went to bed at a "decent" hour and still woke up feeling blah. Trying to think of a craft i can do with the kids, but all I'm coming up with involves a glue gun, pony beads, ribbon and spray paint. I think I can work with that, since I can use the glue gun and paint...I think I have the rest of the needed items for the pine cone wreaths :) well, exctep more pine cones, but I can get those at the park when I take the kids :lol Might go get that stuff, and crochet this evening. It's currently debatable with me, especially since most of my daily cleaning got done before I even opened my first soda today!


Anywho, I think I'm going to finish debating with myself about pine cones and find something to do. I shall see you all later! :ghug

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Oh! I forgot tonight was turn back time time lol. Won't make much of a difference, it's never affected our sleep. Maybe Rosalie will wake up earlier now and go to bed earlier... Wishful thinking I'm thinking though. Connor is always up before the sun anyways lol. 


Trolls was an absolutely adorable movie. Ended up just being Rc, Rosalie and I going. The boys didn't want to go, so they stayed at the house. I don't mind them having cell phones now that they want to stay home anymore. Plus their Nana and Pop are just right next door too.

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I haven't had my computer for a week, it wasn't working right last Sunday so I left it for my son-in-law to work on. It's still not working like it should so I guess I will have to look for a new one soon. I haven't caught up on post yet, hopefully the computer will keep working so I can. 


Brenda, thank you for the additional squares, I love them. I started putting some of the squares together yesterday.


Let me see what I can catch up on.

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Hey all, good evening! Quick drop in before I crawl into bed, wanted to post a couple pictures, as I did finish debating over pine cones for an autumn/winter wreath. I decided to go get the few things I needed from my local Walmart (currently can't afford Joann's prices, plus I don't think they carry wire hangers), got my wreath somewhat started, I'm spray painting the cones tomorrow. I had DS choose the color, between gold and silver, he chose gold and we got a darker red ribbon for it. Then, after getting the kiddos laid down I worked on my current blankie for a bit. I guess I can only hoard partial skeins of yarn for so long before I find uses for them! :lol


Anyway, here are the pics and I hope you all have a great night! :hug s



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Love the blanket, it is pretty.  I like the gold of the pine cones. 


When we moved down here, I brought some pine cones for Jersey, just to have a little of home here in Florida.  We then went to one of the parks here and was amazed at the size of them here.  It was looking at a Dad and baby.  The ones from NJ are so much smaller.


Good Morning everyone.  Hope you are all having a better day today.


I sent out a special project on Friday and it should be delivered tomorrow.


Well off to work on some more of the Characters for the Santa Village.  It is amazing how fast they work up.


My Hockey team won last night (big time), so maybe the same thing will happen with Football today. :clap


Have a fun day and lots of hugs around. :hug 

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Good Morning

oh I like it,nice and bright early in the morning before 7 am

I never tried a pinecone wreath,one yr I made mini Christmas trees,found quite a few with flat bases to make it work,painted them green,put gold beads on the tips on some,others put tiny red ribbons.Years ago I was given a gift of a 2 ft tree made of pinecones wired on a frame intertwined with twinkle lights,I look forward every yr to display this.

have a great day everyone.

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Ohh it's nice to bring out those Christmas Past memories once a year or so. I have a glass tree made out of baby food jars filled with tinsel abd wired with twinkle lights I always look forward to putting out and my glass snow globe collection too.shame we only see these thing maybe once a year and for short time too.


I'm glad you found what you needed for your wreaths sho us a whe finished pic too pretty pwease lol



Carl so sorry bout your puter hope I gets fixed soon!!


Didn't sleep well last night might lay back down but I know I won't lol well Tampa your off and a out today early enough do you do the time thing I. FL as it seems one thing Fl. Doesn't reall need is more sunshine lol. I think every state but Arizona doe it. Another sun shiney state.


I'm glad your team did ok mj I'm not at all a football fan but did hear Nebraska on the college level got skunked. Speaking of which I definitely smelled a skunk emanating from the back of the house last night so am betting we and a visitor overnight. There is a black lab that must get out of his yard now and then and his super nose always leads him out back behind the shed. So I know critters sometimes do wander In. We had a black lab like this one when daughter was young and that dog Oeo loved her water sports lol we, would take her to the lake with us and she would take a run in leap off the dock and be swimming before we even reached the end lol. RIP Oreo. Swim happy girl!!I guess of all the dogs we've been lucky enough to have in our lives I miss them all but none so much as my most recent one my pretty girl Ginger who at 2/3 collie ans one third chow needless to say did Not Like Water lol. She was a herder and liked us all in one roo. Even the cats and trying to herd cats a feat insurmountable for most lol. Ah but I digress. Time marches on.


How is the doggie doing Sandra what was causing their illness a virus or something??


Sometimes I see shows on tv of all these houses with pretty decorations out and white carpeting an d I'm thinking they don't have any

Pets lol.


Ok well. Time for my morning routine to get underway I guess. I'll come back again later see how you all are doing. Next holiday is my favorite Thanksging!!! No gifts no fuss just good people and good food. Lol. And I am hoping by then I will be fully able to enjoy it fully.

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Carol glad they made it okay. Sorry about your computer but relieved it wasnt problems with you or the family.


Katiebug pretty gold pinecones and afghan.


Katy you finally sound like you are getting back to yourself. Nov is to me what I think May was to you.Your Ginger reminds me so much of my Foxy. The nearest the vet could guess she was part chow and part yellow lab. At first she played in the pond but then she got to where she did not want to step in a puddle and get her feet wet. When I see those spotless houses with the white carpeting I just think there is no way someone really lives there. Do you ever watch The Middle? I love how they have the house staged as definately lived in and not magazine photo perfect like most shows. Right now the thought of Thanksgiving dinner is making me feel a little queasy. I skipped a few days of my allergy medication. Cant believe we havent had a killing frost yet and tomatoes are still growing.

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Hey all! Um...I didn't get the pine cones spray painted u till a little while ago :lol they were still in their natural coloring in the pic from last night.


I'm actually on here to ask for prayers for a local family. 2 boys were kidnapped by their father last night :'( He killed them both before killing himself at a local park. My friend's son went to school with one of them. I can only imagine what the family is going thru right now, and thought that maybe any sort of prayer would help them thru their pain. I'm going to their candle light vigil this evening at the park by my house (the other one is closed for the investigation) in a little bit. I didn't find out until after I posted kart night when inevitably happened and cuddled the kids while they slept. I meant to post this earlier, but get distracted. Thanks in advance for the prayers, I'm sure the family will appreciate it


But, I'm going to go get ready. Hope everyone has a great evening. :hug s


Oh, here's the painted cones too



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Hi everyone.


Hi carol,

your squares are in state,a place called Opa Locka,you should have them Monday

Thanks Linda, most of our mail goes south to Opa Locka and then comes north to us.


Hey all! Um...I didn't get the pine cones spray painted u till a little while ago :lol they were still in their natural coloring in the pic from last night.

I'm actually on here to ask for prayers for a local family. 2 boys were kidnapped by their father last night :'( He killed them both before killing himself at a local park. My friend's son went to school with one of them. I can only imagine what the family is going thru right now, and thought that maybe any sort of prayer would help them thru their pain. I'm going to their candle light vigil this evening at the park by my house (the other one is closed for the investigation) in a little bit. I didn't find out until after I posted kart night when inevitably happened and cuddled the kids while they slept. I meant to post this earlier, but get distracted. Thanks in advance for the prayers, I'm sure the family will appreciate it

But, I'm going to go get ready. Hope everyone has a great evening. :hug s

Oh, here's the painted cones too


How terrible, I will be praying for the family.


I'm back home without my computer. My daughter loaned me her laptop while her hubby continues working on mine. She said she can manage with her tablet for a few days. My son-in-law will be down my way on Friday and hopefully will be bringing my laptop to me.

I'm having a little trouble using this laptop because it is bigger than mine, I keep hitting the wrong keys and it's not a touch screen which I'm use to using. It's back to work tomorrow and I have a sewing guild meeting in the evening. We have a weird schedule this week. Tuesday is a planning day because the students cannot be on campus on election days because the schools are polling sites. Friday is no school for everyone because it's Veteran's Day, I'm actually looking forward to being home for the 3 day weekend. I guess that's about it for me, have a great night.

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Well, good evening everyone..


Sandra how was the sale?


  We had a bonfire at the picnic are behind the house last night and then came inside for more dessert and games,  the youngest son and wife stayed over  and we were dragging this morning, not use to staying up late!


slowly moved about today,  the cool air and carrying stuff to the picnic area  and back plus making sure nonevent had towels and  breakfast..etc...


   working a full day tomorrow....so I'll be hittign the hay soon!



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