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Granny Squares for those that need them cal 2018

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Nice love the kitty. Purr felt!!holly just take a break or work on so thing small like Sandra is doings don't have but justt a few cotton scraps Sandra but when I get enough I will mail them.


Daughter and sil are coming today for early birthday with Kfc and presents and birthday strawberry poke cake!! It's all done cept the cool whip and strawberries on the top lol. And I have candles whoop!! Look up poke cake here it is all of ours favorite!!




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Well couple things yet to complete so Im Off. MY big bag less vac I just can't deal with it anymore so if handy cant fix it out it goes this time. . Can't adjust the high low lever and it is stuck on low and that affects the suck power cause it is too low. Lol had to bring out the Hoover I keep in the closet. Works great less heavy to push but is not bag less. Ah well least I have a spare or two lol

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Jade is adorable!! Love the blanket!


Nice dishcloth  and potholders


  I think I am about caught up on the house and laundry  I have been gone since last Sunday babysitting my grandson.. he is 13 months and I am EXHAUSTED!


  so as soon as I catch up on the Ville, I am going to crochet a bit... my hands are getting all twitchy to do something  LOL

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Nice love the kitty. Purr felt!!holly just take a break or work on so thing small like Sandra is doings don't have but justt a few cotton scraps Sandra but when I get enough I will mail them.


Daughter and sil are coming today for early birthday with Kfc and presents and birthday strawberry poke cake!! It's all done cept the cool whip and strawberries on the top lol. And I have candles whoop!! Look up poke cake here it is all of ours favorite!!


Trib I had to look those up. So they are treasure hunts I. A way. Right. How cool never heard of that before oh the geo search I have heard of but didn't know what letter boxing is or was.. Lol



Ok well I'm proobably going to jump In The shower and go from there on the hair and face thing. Oh and get dressed would be a great idea too. So off for now see ya later. Have a great rest of your day. ❌⭕️❌⭕️❤️❤️♥️❤️

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Yes, I love seafood. Shrimp is my favorite. Gimme shrimp. I can eat them like nothing. Fried, grilled. etc. In Fla. I love their Devil Crabs. Those were good. I like crab patties if fixed right. But no matter what Shrimp is always gonna be mine. We have a good restaurant here that serves a good seafood. It is a good old country restaurant.  Especially shrimp. When I have money. I go there. 

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This afternoon while dh mowed at dads I was on my hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen and one bathroom floor. I cleaned some other things too. They look so much better. I am already stiff and sore from working on our back room yesterday. Its getting harder and harder to get up of the floor.


I love poke cakes. They do red and green for Christmas but my favorite is what I call the Twinkie cake. Instead of Jello you use a can of sweetened condensed milk and then top it with Cool Whip. It sort of reminded me of a Twinky the first time I had it.


Mary Jo the dish cloths are cute but really love the cat hotpad

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Hi all.


Birthday went well we all got very full and she loved her gifts. I must have been worn out I slept till about nine today lol. Handy is putting or I should say replacing some vent or something on the roof but when he comes in I am . Pushing kfc and cake for lunch!! lol.



I. Off to see how close he is to finishing so I'll be back later. Bright sun shiney day today!!

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Humidity is high today so even though its just 80° its warmer out than I like. Sky is blue and filled with fluffy white clouds. I always liked looking at the clouds to see what shapes I could pick out.


At the gen library and going to crochet a bit and sip on a diet coke.

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Katy... go for the birthday week...not just the day...


Brenda, hot and muggy here too!


  Had a great time at church this morning, went out to lunch and came home and took a nap... ready to crochet a bit!


Happy Sunday everyone!

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Well true mi I. I'm sure when she gets back to work on Tuesday they will have some stuff there for her and she will get to celebrate there again too. Lol


Not quite so humid here today or yesterday so doesn't seem that bad out. We did eat the kfc and seconds up tonight so no cooking yay. Also neighbor brought over a peach cobbler Another neighbor gave us and him the peaches so. Funny I was looking up things to make with peaches and I was looking at cobbler too for mine peach supply but he beat me to it. Llol. Now I think I'll make I dunno lol.


The vent is Is in so no more dripping around the whatever stack he called it lol. For the furnace I think who knows.



I won't have to worry about the rain anymore lol


<<< talking to my other worries. NEXT!!! LOL

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Hey everyone. Just wanted to tell you all. I need you all to pray for my 85 yr old Mother. On the 31th. She has to have bladder surgery. Her uterus is pushing her bladder out. It will take 3 or 4 hrs. for the surgery. I am trying to stay strong for her. She has got it in her head that she want wake up.Its that Mother is so scared.It is hard not to sit and cry.I just found out, about it. Mother wants me to sit over at hospital until she wakes up. But trying to be strong is the problem. So please pray for my Mother. I am sorry have to bring more sad news to you all. And ask for prayers.

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What is poke cakes.


Here is the web site that give you the recipe   http://www.bettycroc...39-24ea67b50f1a   I did not know what it was either.


Big hugs Snowbear :hug  :hug  :hug   It seems like when it rains it pours.


Off to see the eye Dr. this morning.  Just the yearly, so it should take no time at all.


Just wanted to drop in and say Hi!       

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Good Morning Everyone :rose  I wanted to say :waving  and have a happy  :chook  crocheting day. I know I am.  I am still working  on getting my projects done. I will be working on a giant cupcake pillow.  I still yet to make the Yoda Doll. I will get it together one day. Well have a good day. I gotta go have my cup of  :mug  :hug

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Good Morning!


I helped moved the boy's mother storage stuff to her place. I was up there for 6 1/2 hours and then drove back another 1 hour15 minutes. I helped the boys clean their room and folded their clothes and took out what was to small. It looked awesome. I was completely worn out by the time I got home and fell a sleep at the table. Daughters woke me up and I went to bed. It was extremely hot yesterday and we worried a good part of it outside.

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Good morning all. Oh that is sad Arlene. I will keep you and yours in my prayers.


Good luck at the eye doc Mary Jo Do they poof your eyes with air now instead of the drops or do both?? I hate them both equally though lol.


Owl vamp. You do too much. I mean I would have died to have my mother or mother in law clean for me but I k now you do it for the kids. I know others in my circle of friends that do or have done the same. I personally would just be so embarrassed and to have had either one of them help me that way. I remember after having daughter my mom came over to help and stuff and while I was resting she snuck downstairs and did some laundry as I couldn't do stairs for a while (C-section) and I was so grateful but at the same time felt weird about it as she didn't need to mess with that you know. She was not well herself. I guess we all do things like that occasionally. I once helped a gal out as she moving and she was older and could just not do some things you know. The things I couldn't do handy helped pwith. So I guess we all do what we can when we can for the most part. I hope she appreciated your help. And I know the boys did.


BGs and PIneknott are Mia today?? Hope all is well with them. Hi ya trib and mini and Carol and Lacey and katiebug and holly and Lea aand all else today. Hope all is well!! Have a fantastically fabulous day!! Till later. Getting my day on!! Back later

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ARlene. Here is a little shortcut.


when you come to the forum here you can click on near the top of the page on the right and in smaller letters. "Go to first unread post" and it will take you to the last post you read on this thread, and you can then go from there so you don't miss any posts. That is what I do anyway and it is quite handy. You just pick up where you left off!! It's a handy shortcut!! Just so ya know lol.

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Good Afternoon

didn't see the need to turn on the computer this morning,we had to be at an appt.at 9:40( can we say way to early for them,lol)

got up at 6,the others at 6:30,hey I need my coffee,before I deal with other folks.we were out the door at 8:20.The wing that the gastro doc was on had NO air conditioning,the Dr. himself came out and said,he couldn't deal with the heat and didn't want his patients to either,so he said meet me across town in 45 mins. to be seen at his other office,now that's a caring Doctor

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