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Granny Squares for those that need them cal 2018

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Good Morning,

worked in the yard last evening,something is sucking the life out of some plants,I don't know if its the ants or spiders,they are both horrid this year,I was looking to downsize my plants,but not that way,the heat is just too much for me anymore and I can't schlep the hose around without getting tired out,next year plants will be on the patio and thats it.

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Good morning all.


I didn't know ants and spiders could so much affect plants good to know. You need to put

some insecticide granular to put down it works wonders I swear we do that at least twice a ya here in the yard and it keeps creepy crawlers away pretty well and therefor also the snakes find another yard lol go when their insect diet is gone lol two birds one stone. So to say!,


Can't wait to see the tote!! That month sure went fast huh. I like to see your color choices for the diff months too always matches the month somehow.

Hoping it will be a mild day it's over cast and a little humid already.


We oo I'll. Check in after I get somethings done around here. Till then lovelies have a delightful day. !!



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Arlene I dont know the newer guys. When I watched it was The Rock, Triple H, Rikishi, Hardy Boys John Cena, Kurt Angle, Kane, The Undertaker. Stone Cold Steve Austin, Mick Foley and Rick Flair came back for a bit. Besides their athleticism they are incredible actors. They draw the fans in and deliver their lines so seriously. You would think from the storylines they are mortal enemies yet in some cases they are really good friends.


Linda thats exactly how I feel about the heat and water hose. Luckily dh has done most of our watering this year. We mostly need the hose in two areas but they are pretty far from each other so I run a hose from the spigot then connect a Y to run hoses to both areas.

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Hi all. Jade got to taste test bacon, fried smoked sausage link and scrambled eggs this morning :) she liked it all except the eggs.

So much fun watching them try new things. Their expressions are priceless. Thanks for sharing.


We spent the day mowing here and for once it was just hot but not miserable hot out. Its been cloudy with a breeze. Feels like rain will be moving in later.

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Love the squares and I can not believe Jade is eating beacon and sausage with no teeth.  I just about eat beacon and I have all of mine. :rofl 


Love the picture of her watching the IPad.


Well time to shut down for the night.


Good Night All and sleep well.

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Oh we got your rain Tampa still rumbling out there!!


Well I'm headed out for the night too tired tonight. Just wanna lay back andhope something catches my eye on the tube.


That rain we got made it humid again. Coolin here though!,you all have a good now!,,

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Oh boy I had an orange haired troll he was my first and always my fav even after many more to come that still had their hair. Lol my second fav was the white haired one he was the leader of the group. Ad the mama was the red haired one lol.

We used to take a cardboard box and cut out windows and doors in it for their house and then raid my mom's


fabric scraps drawers and make curtains and rugs and decorate the inside too it was great fun and the neighborhood kids would just want their own so bad lol. Used to occupy us on that big front porch for hours. Lol

I love trolls have a few around here still especially my first one who I named Elvis. He has his original outfit with his guitar and bright orange hair (replacement hair, I don't remember what happened to his first hair.


Oh sorry to hear about mom. Hope she is going to be safe there alone. And I wouldn't want to follow what they say I should read either so unless it was my chick lol I wouldn't do it. Tampa isn't it wonderful to have the satisfaction that the recipient loves your generous gift. Can't wait to see the tote!!and Bgs you sis it and it is just lovely. Well worth the effort huh!! I find myself having to count each row or risk the chance of hacing to frog back lol just easier to count to the hills and valleys. Looks just great though did you have fun doing it??


About the trolls I remember them being called wish nics too or maybe that was the brand and Im Sure there were knock offs too I'm gonna get some lol

Holly updated her prefs so make sure to check that out lots of people want Christmas squares this time around!,


Nothing much happening here just normal stuff lol. I'll come I. Later maybe I will have more to say lol.

There are wish nik trolls, russ trolls, dam trolls, Treasure trolls, Trollz. There was lots more as well, but those are the only ones I know.


Hi all. Jade got to taste test bacon, fried smoked sausage link and scrambled eggs this morning :) she liked it all except the eggs.

oh my, I didn't know she was ready for that yet!


The two Sophie's that I've finished recently. Can't remember if I had posted the red white and gold one or not lol.

beautiful ImmaFreek!!!


I am sorry I was scarce over the weekend. It was a very stressfull week last week.


Just wanted to check in and let everyone know I am still here! :)


Have a grand night.


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Good Morning,


Cloudy today and they are promising rain.  Hey Katy send the rain here.  My lawn looks like it is dying.  It is rough when you can only water 2 times a week and only between midnight and 8Am or 6PM to midnight.


Doing the wash and soon to make breakfast.


Quite week here.


Oh the washer is singing it's little song, got to move from the washer to the dryer.  I am waiting for a set that does that on it's own and when the drying is done everything is folder up neatly. :rofl 

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Good Morning

lol,Maryjo,I'd be second in line for one of those too.

it was 70 degrees when I got up,well now its 82,three hrs later.

food shopping was done and now he is off and running to see his mother.

Waiting to hear from friends in Charlotte if her brother was affected by the quake outside of Rome,he lives in that general area.

have a great day everyone

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Mary Jo, I want to be in line behind you on that washing machine that dries and folds! They do have the washer/dryer combo now, but I don't think it will start drying on it's own, but wouldn't that be nice? 


I'm starting a pixel blanket. Why I start something new when I have SO much on my plate is beyond me. Oh well, I've got 8 total colors to do and I've done 48 total squares getting 4 colors out of the way, and I just started yesterday, so I'm doing okay I guess. Hoping to have them all done in a week so I can get it 100% finished, then hopefully get it listed for sale! 


Will check back in later. I, too, have to get some laundry done and enjoy the rain today. Hope everyone has a great day!

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Hi all


We'll have had a busy morning starting last night with a gale gust of 93 around here. We lost our flowering tree out front either the wind took it or lightening g split it but we found no charring or burns . Tree just sort of split In Half with most of the big half on our roof.????????

No serious damage done that he can see but rained so hard all night we could even get out there to see it till this am. Then handy and neighbor got out the chain saws to cut off off the small branches in the way of getting to the bigger part on the roof and The y hooked up a chain to a truck and sort of rolled it off the to get the larger trunk off the roof and got that all sawed up and so on and so forth.


THen another guy and his son brought his truck and trailer down and they cleaned up most of the junk up and loaded it out of here. SOme one is coming next week to remove the 3 or four foot stump cause handy will have to remove the circular flower bed arond the tree/stump. So they cAn get it as close as they can to the ground. What a mess all we could see when we got up this am was leafy wet branches pushed up against our bay window. Glad that didn't break.


I will miss that tree. She served us well in the years gone by and came back eve n after a lightening strike a few years ago. She did not affect the car and truck at all o n her way out and it makes me sad she is gone. I couldn't watch them. Oh sure her petals in the spring got all over our vehicles but her fragrance made it all well worth it. We will live without another in her place till a respectable mourning period has passed but it just brings me to tears if I think too long about her not there when we look out. I think Max too is sad that was his birdie watching tree.

It was almost like her last breath and she was reaching out to the house and us her branches planted up against the window Sayin help me I'm falling. Goodby.


I hear tell she was almost 30 years old and the wind found her this time. once she was down we found amid her branches tiny little pear shaped berries that we had never ever noticed before. Probably the birds always ate them first but they were not buds. Like her last little hurrah. . Silly to go on about this I guess. But suffice to say we are both going to miss her greatly and the sooner the stump is gone the. Better as I won't have to be reminded of her untimely demise and II will remember her in all her glory every spring and the way she looked. And the lovely aroma of her flowers.

She was a beautiful living thing and just will miss her so much. RIP my pretty little tree thank you for being in my yard. I will post a pic maybe some of you might know what kind o flowering tree she was as I in time would like to get another like her one day. .post-40621-0-43070200-1472066491_thumb.jpg

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!! To complicate things we were also slated to get our drive re-black topped and that had. Be postponed first thing this am T. too. I'm glad no one got hurt and or no serious damage was done to roof and vehicles and Windows. It really blew hard all night and much damage around some neighborhoods so I guess we were lucky.


Nice pics above baby jade and such pretty squares


An PIneknot I do hope things are ok I wasn't aware there was N earth quake I. Rome


Mary J we still have to,Tomatos ripening and peppers on the vine. Grass is bright green. And about the watering. Remember you are helping us all by trying to conserve. Thank you.


Well all remember everyone this too shall pass and I will catch you all later thanks for listening!!

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Katy so glad you were not hurt and you had no serious damage. Glad you got it cleaned up quickly. I have been part of cleanup crews and that is hard work. Its not silly to be sad and know you will miss your tree. It obviously gave you an Maxie much pleasure. It was a part of your world and now its gone.

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So sorry to hear about your tree Kathy.  I did not hear you all got such a bad storm last night.  Glad no one was hurt and no damage done.


Boy what I wouldn't give for some Jersey Tomatoes.  There is nothing like them.  I looked into have some sent down from a grower, but they wanted $59.00 for 6 tomatoes.  I like them, but not that much.


Well off to do the evening chores, then off to bed.


Good night everyone and hope all are safe.

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I will miss that tree. She served us well in the years gone by and came back eve n after a lightening strike a few years ago. She did not affect the car and truck at all o n her way out and it makes me sad she is gone. I couldn't watch them. Oh sure her petals in the spring got all over our vehicles but her fragrance made it all well worth it. We will live without another in her place till a respectable mourning period has passed but it just brings me to tears if I think too long about her not there when we look out. I think Max too is sad that was his birdie watching tree.

It was almost like her last breath and she was reaching out to the house and us her branches planted up against the window Sayin help me I'm falling. Goodby.





I am glad that there wasn't any damage katy, but sorry to hear about your tree. They definitely have a presence. We lost one years ago to termites and I still miss that tree. I used to sit under it when I was little and colored and played with my barbies and trolls. I think about that tree every time I go into the back yard. I have tried to plant other trees over the years but have never had luck with them. Now along the bank, where no trees had ever grown over the years we have 7 or 8 very young trees. I assume planted by the birds passing over. We live right in the middle of town, but it feels like nature is trying to retake things. We have little trees growing all over and have had the bunnies all summer. I had never seen bunnies in town before 3 or 4 years ago, it is so weird. We were going to try and plant a willow tree this year but we haven't had the extra 80-150$ I hope maybe next year.


I hope you are able to find a tree to add to your place in the future that you will love as well.


Didn't do a lot today, back to work. The usual dropping Little Tribble off at school and picking him up, and getting a couple of things completed around the house. That is all! :)


Have a wonderful night all!

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Thanks all I'm still sad about my tree. A neighbor said his and my tree were planted at the same time and that was almost thirty years ago. Anyone recognize those berries?? Her flowers were white with about five or six petals with a Dash of yellow in the center they were small clusters of them. They smelled delish and bloomed early spring which only lasted a week or two before a hard rain would knock them all off then with tthen she would be dresseed in her lush green coat of a million leaves till very hint of fall she would drop most of her leaves In preparation for the cold winter to come. Her blossoms were in looks a little bit like an apple trees. Her shape was a lush green pear shape perfectly proportioned fro top to bottom. and she was about 30 Foot give or take tall.


she was low maintence and never complained lol. A circular bed of Impatients pink, salmon, and red surrounded her base There are so many "Ornamental" trees out there I have searched out and have not seen a dead ringer yet for her petals. I'm at a dead end. Any help would be welcome figuring it out. Thanks squares.


Neither one of us even thought today to go and get the mail mail today. He doesn't come till at least after four though so we will pick it up In The am.

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I used to love willow trees. We had two on our route coming home from school and always took time to visit with them on our way ho e. They we thought were very regal and majestic Kings of the tree world.


We don't have the room for one unfortunately. When we fist moved here they had three tall skinny ever green like tress right I. Front of the big window blocking the view. They lasted a week till they got cut out. Why would anyone not wanna see the view and cut out all that daylight too. Handy did that about the second thing after we moved In Lol I don'nt t miss those at all lol


WE have had at least two families of bunnies too!! and what will the turkeys do tomorrow as they used to lie under "Trees " shade and rest here after eating their raisin bread breakfast?? Well ok i am tired long day. See you all "At morrow" as daughter used to tell us when she was little lol. I know tomorrow will be a better day!!

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Well that was a new alert for us on our phones. Tornado warning for area take shelter now. Dh's pager didnt go off and the tv stations didnt cut away from regular programing for about 5 more minutes. It fell apart before getting here. Now another storm is rolling through.


Katy google bradford pears and crabapples under images and see if anything looks like your tree. I think they have pretty much outlawed selling bradford pears anymore and are likening them to kudzu. Just google them and see why. Ha I see you think you found it.


Big project today was making chocolate chip cookies for dh to take to work tomorrow. I started working on mini stockings http://www.crochetville.com/community/topic/157692-mini-christmas-stockings/#entry2713294

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Wow Katy I was looking at the chart last night and your winds were almost a Cat2 hurricane.  I saw the news this morning and you guys are really getting hit hard.


We got our rain last night, so I turned the sprinklers off.  We are suppose to get more tonight.


Glad you found the tree, because the blooms and seeds look almost like the Cherry Blossom trees.  They have about 5 or 6 petals to the bloom with a small white center and they come in pink and white.  They have a fruit, but I never really saw the fruit.  I use to go to Washington to see them.


All you in the Midwest, take it easy and be careful.  This has been one heck of a year for storms and such.  I will be glad to see November come, and no hurricane threats.


Well off to see what I have going on.


Have a fun day today.

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Good Morning,

Ah yes,the Bradford Pear tree,that was the first tree in our yard when we moved here in '85,that was taken out by hurricane Gloria

it tried its darndest to come back but the split was just too much,I didn't much like the thorns on the branches,they got me a couple of times.

The one tree that I've always liked was a white or silver color with distinct black markings,they were up at the lake in NJ ,where we spent summers.I don't know the name,haven't seen any down here.

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