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Encouragement for Making Gifts, 2016 version ;)


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 I am so sorry everyone is falling apart on us before Easter! Other then a little athur in the thumb... so far so good here!


  I finished my bunnies for the grands!


I remember seeing that pattern recently - love them!!!!!

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Lea the bunnies are adorable.  The grands are going to love them.


As for the shoulder.  I have exercises I was given to me by the Dr.  She also gave me a cortisone shot and I am take Ibpropine (sp).  If it last much longer, I will go back.  Just one of the problems of getting old. :rofl 

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The first puppy basket is for the oldest grandson.

Second basket is for youngest grandson. Now off to make the turtle basket somehow. Still haven't figured out what I'll do yet. But it will come to me I hope.



I love the start of your graph afghan. I think that one would be my favorite then again I'm a dog lover over and over. I would have a zillion if I could. I would be the one rescuing all the poor little fellows out there. It really hurts my heart when I see them abused. :( on to a different subject!


I loved making the baskets.


Any ideas what I could make astreamly fast Easter gift for my sons two step children. One is a girl and I think she is 13 and then younger one is a boy around 11 or 12. I forget ages. I don't have time for baskets and it was a surprise for them to come visit this Thursday.



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The first puppy basket is for the oldest grandson.

Second basket is for youngest grandson. Now off to make the turtle basket somehow. Still haven't figured out what I'll do yet. But it will come to me I hope.



I love the start of your graph afghan. I think that one would be my favorite then again I'm a dog lover over and over. I would have a zillion if I could. I would be the one rescuing all the poor little fellows out there. It really hurts my heart when I see them abused. :( on to a different subject!


I loved making the baskets.


Any ideas what I could make astreamly fast Easter gift for my sons two step children. One is a girl and I think she is 13 and then younger one is a boy around 11 or 12. I forget ages. I don't have time for baskets and it was a surprise for them to come visit this Thursday.


The baskets made me smile! I'm such a kid at heart...


And sorry - I have no ideas, either...although if they live in colder climate fingerless gloves for girls are always good - I think.

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I love the baskets.  As for help, I am at a loss.  I have 2 granddaughters who are still in their teens and have no idea what to give them.  Wish I could help.

Once they out grow toys and still want a little something, they get books in my house.  I had to call my SIL this week to find out what her daughter is reading so I'd have something here for her on Easter. 


For my niece's oldest daughter who still wants to participate in the egg hunt, but has no real interest in the little toys I'm using the little bands for the Rainbow loom and those egg shaped lip balms for egg fillers.


I was at a loss this year finding toy eggs though.  For years I've avoided putting candy in eggs for a variety of reasons that have changed over the years.  When I lived at home my oldest nephew wasn't allowed to have candy so we'd hit the dollar stores to find toys that fit.  Then as I've gotten older I got lazy when I realized they MADE eggs that had cool toys like matchbox and other toys.  This year I hit the local stores and there was NOTHING.  I went to Oriental trading and was able to pick up a few different types of animals, army men, etc.  Not the quality I'd prefer, but the best I could find.  I lack the patience of my youth to hunt the toys that will actually fit into the large eggs anymore.

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The first puppy basket is for the oldest grandson.

Second basket is for youngest grandson. Now off to make the turtle basket somehow. Still haven't figured out what I'll do yet. But it will come to me I hope.



I love the start of your graph afghan. I think that one would be my favorite then again I'm a dog lover over and over. I would have a zillion if I could. I would be the one rescuing all the poor little fellows out there. It really hurts my heart when I see them abused. :( on to a different subject!


I loved making the baskets.


Any ideas what I could make astreamly fast Easter gift for my sons two step children. One is a girl and I think she is 13 and then younger one is a boy around 11 or 12. I forget ages. I don't have time for baskets and it was a surprise for them to come visit this Thursday.

I like them both.  They are different, but equally cute.

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Great looking projects, everyone--the baby blanket, the bunnies, and baskets and the graphghan! Hope I didn't miss any. I finished another baby blanket except for weaving in the ends--need to finish up and get it in the mail. Trying to decide on doing or not doing and what pattern if so hopefully with yarn I already have on a comfort ghan for a guy. Getting impatient to get started on some of the baskets for Christmas, but it keeps getting put further down on the list. Sigh (and take a deep breath)!!

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Mona, I have a lot of stash and sometimes I stand in front of my yarn/pattern closet and stare for a long time. Then it's pull out colors, see what I like together or have a lot of...etc.



On a graph ghan note: the Paris ghan, though beautiful, had to be frogged. It had ceased being fun. So - on to other things! And I feel lighter for having let it go!

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For a quick gift for thirteen girl and young boy maybe zippered pouches. They can be lined or not depending on time and materials available.

The girl can use it for make up or pens for school.

The boy can use it for school supplies or video game cartriges or chargers.

Colors can be personalized and using buttons or crochet motifs can be themed to their interests.

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I can see everybody's making LOVELY things here. I haven't been around much for some time, because for the last month we fight with different infections in my family… kids were ill, then me. I hope it's finished and we 'll enjoy Easter.


You all make amazing gifts and I really enjoy wwatching everybody's gifts.

I've made some gifts too, but not for Christmas… My class collects money for their trip in May and we had Easter fair at school. So I donated some things I made:


LOTS of key ring owls



Totes I sew


post-30828-0-27437800-1458757175_thumb.jpg  post-30828-0-19547400-1458757185_thumb.jpg  post-30828-0-23047800-1458757194_thumb.jpg  post-30828-0-90573700-1458757202_thumb.jpg  post-30828-0-40384500-1458757213_thumb.jpg  post-30828-0-01314600-1458757226_thumb.jpg  post-30828-0-14206000-1458757237_thumb.jpg


And felted flowers (they were hairbands and brooches).



Most of the items was sold out. Even now some people keep asking if they could get the totes… But I'm a bit tired of sewing, maybe after Easter… 

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What did you use for handles? That's usually my biggest problem finding what to use.

 Thank you.

The tote is just a rectangle folded in half. It is very simple. You don't need any pattern for it.

For handles I use kind of tape/band that is usually used for backpacks. It's inflexible and quite solid, not too stiff to keep it in hands.

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I can see everybody's making LOVELY things here. I haven't been around much for some time, because for the last month we fight with different infections in my family… kids were ill, then me. I hope it's finished and we 'll enjoy Easter.


You all make amazing gifts and I really enjoy wwatching everybody's gifts.

I've made some gifts too, but not for Christmas… My class collects money for their trip in May and we had Easter fair at school. So I donated some things I made:


LOTS of key ring owls

attachicon.gifdużo sów.jpg


Totes I sew


attachicon.gifTorba 1.jpg  attachicon.gifTorby 2.jpg  attachicon.gifTorby 3.jpg  attachicon.gifTorby 4.jpg  attachicon.gifTorby 5.jpg  attachicon.gifTorby 6.jpg  attachicon.gifTorby 7.jpg


And felted flowers (they were hairbands and brooches).



Most of the items was sold out. Even now some people keep asking if they could get the totes… But I'm a bit tired of sewing, maybe after Easter… 

Those are all WONDEFUL

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Judy! What a lovely blanket!!

So one week later and I'm still sick...not doing much of anything but watching movies and sleeping. Pretty annoying. :(




Get well soon!




I am so sorry everyone is falling apart on us before Easter! Other then a little athur in the thumb... so far so good here!


  I finished my bunnies for the grands!



Such adorable little bunnies




Thought I would show you how far along I am with the afghan.  Once I finish the pocket on the tote, I will pick this up again.


attachicon.gifPointer Graph w-bobbins004.JPGattachicon.gifPointer Graph w-bobbins005.JPG


This is the back.


attachicon.gifPointer Graph w-bobbins001 (2).JPG




You work so fast! I am on row 30 I think of the one I started at the end of Feb. It's looking great!!!




I can see everybody's making LOVELY things here. I haven't been around much for some time, because for the last month we fight with different infections in my family… kids were ill, then me. I hope it's finished and we 'll enjoy Easter.


You all make amazing gifts and I really enjoy wwatching everybody's gifts.

I've made some gifts too, but not for Christmas… My class collects money for their trip in May and we had Easter fair at school. So I donated some things I made:


LOTS of key ring owls

attachicon.gifdużo sów.jpg


Totes I sew


attachicon.gifTorba 1.jpg  attachicon.gifTorby 2.jpg  attachicon.gifTorby 3.jpg  attachicon.gifTorby 4.jpg  attachicon.gifTorby 5.jpg  attachicon.gifTorby 6.jpg  attachicon.gifTorby 7.jpg


And felted flowers (they were hairbands and brooches).



Most of the items was sold out. Even now some people keep asking if they could get the totes… But I'm a bit tired of sewing, maybe after Easter…


Cute items! I love the owl Keychain.

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Anna, what beautiful work!!! The totes are a wonderful idea, too - love the different fabrics you used....

I hope no one in your house has a relapse!


We have a very talented bunch here!



Chris, how are you feeling?

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