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Comfortghan for Pat54 Delivered Ville Friend

Tampa Doll

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Thanks Tampa Doll!

I couldn't believe it! I sent 2 squares out and this morning the mailman knocked on my door with them in a plastic bag! I'm so sad. But Tampa Doll is a lovely lady and has put my name on the above gorgeous square. Thank you :hug

If your squares could talk, what a tale they could tell  :lol  of being lost among millions of strange envelopes and parcels and frightened not knowing if they would ever be able to return to a nice safe home!

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Due to unforeseen circumstances with the Postal machinery, Skoggy’s squares lost their clothing (envelope) and were returned naked. :2blush  :rofl 




Ami Town took a vote and decided that this square deserves her name, and we found out that it is close to the colors she used.









So here is Skoggy’s square for the ghan.




That's very pretty , I love the colors together!  So glad you have your ami friends to help you put it all together  :lol

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Skoggy's square is beautiful!  I still can't wrap my head around the fact that they were returned.  I see I'm not the only one with ruined packages.  How sad!  Tape, tape, tape.  You should see the amount of tape I used for the package I sent in my last swap.  No one was getting in "accidentally."  :lol


Love segi's squares, especially that blue one.  


Well, Tampa Doll, here's where you tackle the behemoth that is joining it all and edging it.  Good luck :)

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I think what might have happened was that someone actually saw it happen. Thats the only way it could have happened and they managed to get the bit with my address on. I don't know. Its just odd but very nice that they were returned.


You are right though, Tampa Doll is an :angel

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Thank you for the well wishes ladies.  Skoggy so sorry about your squares but I think you are right that someone saw it.  I have received items back in plastic but my return address was on it.  It was probably going through the machine and something got caught and they probably had to pull it out of the machine and that's how they knew.  Well at least you did get them back and the one from MaryJo is very pretty.  All the squares I'm seeing are very pretty.  Wow, this ghan is going to be really pretty.

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wow! That is a square nightmare! I won't tell any of my squares or squares to be about it, as they are always so nervous anyways about traveling, be it from town to town here in the states, or across the world!! This story (albeit does have a happy ending,) would scare them half to death and I fear, would cause their stitches to quiver and shake, and crumble into a small krinklely pile of  yarn again!!


So glad to hear the happy ending though, two fold, one, skoggy got um back, and two, what a lovely and thoughtful thing to substitute her effort!!!!!! Great idea Ami's, glad you are around to guide your maker a little bit!! ANd, thanks to you maryjo, for following such Wonderful Ami advice! :clap

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This is going to be one beautiful comfortghan.  All of the squares are very pretty and I can not wait to see it all put together.  Great job to everyone for being so thoughtful.  Alot of love is being put together with a great big Hug to someone very special.

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The postal service is the reason I wrap everything I send out separately and put the persons addy on each.  That way if they end up naked they at least have an addy on them and they get to the other person.  Last year alone I sent out 144 quilt squares and none completely got lost.


How many square have you gotten so far?

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Hi chatty group!


I think we all agree what an angel Mary Jo is, in so many ways!


Like the rest of you, can't wait to see a pic of these put together! I'm sure we will all say 'oh I see mine, I see mine!'


Take care all!


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Good News

25 Crochetville friends have sent 61 squares


I'm told 35 at least one from everybody will make up the large Comfortghan




26 will make up into a Lapghan, which may or may not fold into a pillow type form


Tampa Doll is silting at the kitchen table sewing sewing sewing,  sewing sewing sewing.


Bad News

I'm not sure I will get and breakfast , lunch, or dinner today...lol

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post-7413-0-72479000-1365773406_thumb.jpgpoor Tampa Guy----


Hey ladies----whatta say we all get together and make Tampa Guy a virtual breakfast?






Bad News
I'm not sure I will get and breakfast , lunch, or dinner today...lol


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Good News
25 Crochetville friends have sent 61 squares
I'm told 35 at least one from everybody will make up the large Comfortghan
26 will make up into a Lapghan, which may or may not fold into a pillow type form
Tampa Doll is silting at the kitchen table sewing sewing sewing,  sewing sewing sewing.
Bad News
I'm not sure I will get and breakfast , lunch, or dinner today...lol


Take her out to eat or order in !!!!


Or better yet, and I like this one - you can cook!!!!   LOL LOL


I am sure that MJ will agree with me big time  :rofl 

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Hehe I read this and thought "Breakfast? Why so late?!" but then I remembered that I'm in UK. (Having a bad brain day today :lol)

Really looking forward to seeing the finished article.

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Tampa Guy got raisin french toast, beacon some sausage and kelbasa. He also had a small crusiant.  Coffee and grapefruit slices.  He eats well.


The large afghan is all sewn together.  Pictures have been taken and I am now working on the small one.  When both are sewn together, I will do the edging.  I hope to get it done by Wed at the latest, then final pictures will be taken before it is shipped out.

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Dinner tonight is baked fish maccaroni and cheese, salad and garlic bread.


Well, the long waited pictures are here.  First is the picture of the ghan on a Queen size bed.  Next two are the ghan laying on the floor.  You can see in one, the lapghan.  I still have to put the ending on, but it gives you an idea of what it looks like.


Now there is at least one square from everyone in this ghan.  I used all the butterflies in the corners, because the squares all reminded me of flowers and what do you have in a garden?  Butterflies.


I hope you are all happy with the layout.  I will have a surprise with the second one.




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I see my squares! :lol You are so fast. The butterflies are in the perfect place. It's wonderful that the afghan got to be so big and that a lapghan came out of the squares too. Look at all the colors and shapes. It's a happy afghan, and it will make the recipient very happy.






Dinner tonight is baked fish maccaroni and cheese, salad and garlic bread.


Well, the long waited pictures are here. First is the picture of the ghan on a Queen size bed. Next two are the ghan laying on the floor. You can see in one, the lapghan. I still have to put the ending on, but it gives you an idea of what it looks like.


Now there is at least one square from everyone in this ghan. I used all the butterflies in the corners, because the squares all reminded me of flowers and what do you have in a garden? Butterflies.


I hope you are all happy with the layout. I will have a surprise with the second one.

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wow, all i can say is wow!! Breath taking! I love the layout, the colors, I see my two squares, lol what a wonderful job, thank you so Much Mary Jo, and Tampa Guy, great jobs by both of you! Can't wait for the surprise, I hope you decide to leave the tags on, what a nice idea, I was wondering how you were going to let her know who's was who, I did that once for a relative, and actually sent a

"Schematic" explaining who did which ones, lol, never thought of tags,DUH! blonde moment! :clap

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The tags stay on.  Some came with the squares and the others I put on.


That was the way I received the one that was made for me.  I got to see which one everyone made.


So glad you like the layout and as you can see you all made beautiful squares.

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Just beaut-ti-ful.........But did we think anything less of Mary Jo???? Of course not......and a surprise to boot. :ty  for all you BOTH did....


I call for a :ghug ......can't wait for it to be received to the special someone....person will sure to be on :c9 

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