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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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owlvamp pretty afghan I am sure it will lift her spirits.


yarn_monkey guys never seem to remember how many extra things are needed when feeding a group as opposed to just the two of you.  I would be excited to get a potholder for my birthday.  I somehow never manage to keep any I make.  It's amazing how much babies grow and change that first year.  They grow up so fast.  


dragnlady5 glad you checked in.   When my sisters look at squares they can't tell the front side from the back side.  On one of their afghans I had somewho attached one square facing the wrong way.  I know they would not have noticed but it bothered me so I took it apart and fixed it.  

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I see some pretty squares and a pretty afghan, looks like we have some busy people around here. But I'm not one of them tonight, I'm just too tired. I didn't sleep well last night and worked all day. Then I stopped at Walmart to get a Magic Bullet, I like the way they make smoothies and they're easier to use than the juicer I have. I got home and unpacked it and there was an important part missing so back to the store I went. Got home put chicken in the oven and made myself a yummy smoothie. Now I think I will just be lazy and veg in front of the TV. Have a great evening everyone.

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owlvamp pretty afghan I am sure it will lift her spirits.


yarn_monkey guys never seem to remember how many extra things are needed when feeding a group as opposed to just the two of you.  I would be excited to get a potholder for my birthday.  I somehow never manage to keep any I make.  It's amazing how much babies grow and change that first year.  They grow up so fast.  


dragnlady5 glad you checked in.   When my sisters look at squares they can't tell the front side from the back side.  On one of their afghans I had somewho attached one square facing the wrong way.  I know they would not have noticed but it bothered me so I took it apart and fixed it.  


He seems to forget that I have only ONE in the kitchen and Christmas dinner saw the whole kitchen table covered in various hot dishes. I didn't even have a dish towel to dry my hands! Lol! 


Do you have color preferences or a color theme in your kitchen?


I see some pretty squares and a pretty afghan, looks like we have some busy people around here. But I'm not one of them tonight, I'm just too tired. I didn't sleep well last night and worked all day. Then I stopped at Walmart to get a Magic Bullet, I like the way they make smoothies and they're easier to use than the juicer I have. I got home and unpacked it and there was an important part missing so back to the store I went. Got home put chicken in the oven and made myself a yummy smoothie. Now I think I will just be lazy and veg in front of the TV. Have a great evening everyone.


Oh a smoothie sounds really good! I remember when those Magic Bullet infomercials first came on TV. I'd sit and watch them the whole way through every time but never did order one. I really do want one! Those infomercials were just so funny with the people over for brunch all acting silly.


I am making this afghan for an adopted grandmother we have. She has a lot of health issues right now and was told in about 5 years she will be wheelchair bound. She is really upset. Her legs go numb and she falls a lot. I forget all what is wrong but I want to send her apick me upper. So then will go to her soon as it is done.


That's a lovely afghan! I'm sure she'll love it! 


I got two birthday squares done last night and will work on the other two this evening. Just need to make a trip out for puffies and they'll be ready to go. I'll probably go ahead and PM for addresses this evening just so all my ducks are in a row!


I went for my usual Tuesday Peanut visit today. He's always so happy when I walk in the door! This time I got my phone out and took video coming in so I could send it to my dad and show him. Peanut sees who's coming in, grins all big with his 1.5 teeth and starts doing his "i'm really excited and can't control it" booty bounce. Lol I got to give him his bottle while Sister took a shower and got cleaned up for our weekly Target trip and he fell asleep on me and got a good nap. My arm fell asleep, but I wasn't complaining! He talked to himself and played with his toy laptop the whole way to Target and we found a cart with a forward facing seat for him and he was happy the whole time! He's doing much better with going places and car rides, but forward facing carts are very important to his happiness!


Tomorrow is grocery day and a trip to the dollar store for puffies. DH and I are trying to eat healthier so my grocery trips are more frequent since produce goes bad so quickly. I'm not a fan of going so it's the complete opposite of a craft store trip... I am on a mission and in and out as fast as possible! 


Also!! Dollar Tree is having a Yarn Event! There's a minimum order of a case it looks like, and there's 36 to a case but they'd be great for afghans! And they're $1 each! Here's the link if you're interested! Not a huge selection and only 1 color per type of yarn but it's not a bad deal! It's also selling quickly and the selection is changing frequently but you can backorder too.


Oh! Peanut nap/snuggle time picture! Sister took this one and almost had a heart attack when she took the picture and realized too late that the flash was on! Lol! 


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Hello squares!!!


well, i had a lot to read, lol what a gorgeous afghan for your adopted grandma, I really thought of pansies too!!

And peanut and auntie, so sweet, he is growing, it seems every time we see the little fella!!

Carol, all juiced up and zoning out tonight, lol sometimes ya gotta do that...


Owlvamp, thank you for the offer of help, that scoring thing, I try really hard to figure it out, but it frustrates me soo, loll I will just post from now on, i yarn used, and yarn bought, lol to myself, that way, maybe i can work it out!!!


bgs, i have a feeling you're gonna get a few pot sitter pot holders, lol just a feeling i have!! And I also agree, one can't have too many!! I love the one you made me, which in turn inspired me to make some, and what is left after the brunch bunch sees them, lol I will also keep and use!!! oorrrrrr pass them along, lol


sopo, and viking, sharbysyd, hello all, and justadd glitter, good to see you, what are you working on lately??

I am finishing up  a baby ghan, with all the yoyos i had collected over some months, lol and just have to put some trim around it, coupla of rows probably, and then ill show you!!


what else, gosh, oh, sister in montana, is sending me a box, of goodies, i hope some of it is YARN, lol


it's not at all that i need it, but  i need it, lol you know what i mean!!


Gotta have those yarn fixes now and then, or I feel deprived in some way!


am feeling better today, no more sneezing, never did have a cough, thank goodness, so tomorrow, it's supposed to be a nicer day, high of 30 lol, so I will probably venture out, before cabin fever sets in, lol


I gotta check out that link, yarn, at dollar general, i never knew!! I don't get there much, the dollar tree is usually closer, and seems a lot more convienient for me, but for yarn???? have to make a trip there, is it just online, or in the store, I will check out the link, thanks!


I put my grannys together, that same way you guys, on this baby ghan, onlything about that I found is that some of the "ridges" look I don't know, crooked, but I guess most of them look good, are you all haveing that problem, or was it just something I did, lol


Ok, gotta go, im thirsty, had a tuna sandwich a bit ago, but i need my ice water, lol    take it easy all, see ya later squares!!!!!


I apologize for anyone I may have left out, lol, just coudn't remember all the posts I wanted to answer!!

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DH won a Magic Bullet at work over the holidays but I still haven't unboxed it. lol  :embar  We're trying to get back into exercising so I'm not sure why I'm not taking advantage of having one. lol (I didn't exercise or watch what I was eating over December. I was like, nuts to it, I'm going to enjoy my holiday! and OH MAN am I paying for that now.  :help  lol)


I hope everyone has a great day! 

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I don't think I'll be headed to Dollar Tree for puffies today or the grocery store! We got a bunch of ice overnight and aren't supposed to get much above freezing. Birthday girl packages will go out tomorrow instead! Interstates are shut down and there are accidents everywhere so I'm staying at home with my yarn!

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Stay Safe Yarn monkey.


Been a busy morning. 430 am we were toned out to assist the neighboring town with a house fire. while we were standing there finishing up we got toned back to Orleans for a medical run Because no one on town dept answered their tones. and at 1030 we were toned to assist Orleans because only one person showed up.   


I am starting a new DIet... Trim Healthy Mama. I willl let you know how it goes.


Stay warm everyone.

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yarn_monkey such a sweet photo. My favorite color is blue, kitchen is yellow and blue but I don't try to hard to match things especially when it comes to potholders.  Sorry about the icy roads, we had that earlier in the week.  


katy just remember if there is yarn in the package from your sister it adds to your stash resulting in a negative number on the stashbusting cal.  Darn it I went to the store today and forgot to look to see if they even had Mrs. Grass soup.  


Mailed out puffies for the birthday girls today.  Estimated arrival date is Sat.  

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Hi everyone!  I slept for a solid 6 hours last night, woke for a few minutes and went back to sleep for another 45 minutes so I had lots of energy today :clap  Work is always more fun when I'm well rested. No errands today just home to make a smoothie, I'm loving my Magic Bullet. I am hoping to finish one scrub top for my daughter tonight. Have a great evening.

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good evening all :) 


Still waiting to hear back about a job. It needs to hurry up, Im staring to fall behind again bc my ex is behind on his child support payments. Buuuuuuut whats new. :/ 


hope you all are well. 

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yarn_monkey such a sweet photo. My favorite color is blue, kitchen is yellow and blue but I don't try to hard to match things especially when it comes to potholders.  Sorry about the icy roads, we had that earlier in the week.  


katy just remember if there is yarn in the package from your sister it adds to your stash resulting in a negative number on the stashbusting cal.  Darn it I went to the store today and forgot to look to see if they even had Mrs. Grass soup.  


Mailed out puffies for the birthday girls today.  Estimated arrival date is Sat.  


I definitely have blue! No telling what else I have... Lol! 


good evening all :)


Still waiting to hear back about a job. It needs to hurry up, Im staring to fall behind again bc my ex is behind on his child support payments. Buuuuuuut whats new. :/ 


hope you all are well. 


Good luck!!  :hug I hope everything falls into place for you soon! 


DH and I didn't leave the house today. The ice was bad and there were accidents everywhere. It's not supposed to get above freezing until later tomorrow morning so we'll do our shopping once it's all had time to melt! I had enough here for dinner so we had crockpot chicken stroganoff and peas and we'll get new stuff tomorrow. 


Being home all day gave me some time to pull old 3 round grannies from the craft room (also known as The Black Hole lol) for my scrap granny and throw them in the washing machine. I made them years back when my ex smoked in the house so they needed a good washing. While I was in the craft room, I discovered the biggest contractor bag you have ever seen FULL of yarn! It must've belonged to my dad's girlfriend because I would remember at least some of what's in there... I've never seen any of it before! I guess it just got thrown in there when we moved in and I never even paid attention. I just figured it was more of my junk!  :yay I knew she gave me the yarn she left, but I'd only come across one big shopping bag and figured that was the end of it. I'm so excited! It's mostly big full skeins that have never been touched and a couple yarn barfs, so we'll have to figure all that out. But I'm thrilled!!  :c9 I'll go through it all tomorrow and see what I can come up with. Anything I know I won't be using, I'll post on the destash thread.  :)  Of course, I'll give the heads up here when I do! 


Tomorrow I'll be headed to the post office, Dollar Tree and grocery store. Oh boy! Lol! 

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wow,. what a pleasant surprise, huh, I would be thilled too, I would even be willing to do the yarn barfs for you, lol i don't mind untangling yarn usually, and seldom if ever, have to cut. My sis says, she doesn't know how I do it but is glad i do, lol cause she hates doing it ! and usually has to cut, more than once, lol oh well, to each thier own, huh!! Ill be watching the destash, he he he, and yeah, if my sisters box coming tomorrow, has yarn in it, I would certainly count that on the stashbusting thread, but Im not holding out on that, my other sister told me that once that she had had  a garage sale, and remembers her selling her yarn in it!!!!!!! I remmember hearing that and ws furious, and hurt at the time..but hec, she lives in Idaho, and it ws her yarn, lol oh well, ..Im past it now, but chances are, it's not yarn, darn it...


She has however sent me craft stuff before I think I got all my plastic canvas from her, as well as most of the felt I have stored in a box, and pipe cleaners, and such, soooooooo we'll see.......


Nice out today, almost hit above freezing, lol we had a meatloaf tonight and baked tatos, with beans, and jello with fruit in it for desert, it was handy, easy and good! lol


nothing much else to report, that baby ghan is finished but i haven't photo-ed it yet, i will do that in the day time tomorrow..

well, im out, everyone have a good evening, hope all is feeling well tonight!!

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yarnmonkey, stay safe on the ice. how cool to find a bag of yarn

dragonlady, I've been trying to watch what I eat, exercise and lose some weight too. Seems I've hit a plateau though. :/ 

immafreak, prayers for your job


hi everyone else. poking my head in quickly as I"m tired too. They sent me home in a rental so I got my car back yesterday. I had to return the rental to enterprise which was in a Hobby Lobby parking lot. SO hard to not go in but just wasn't time. I was at the rental place almost an hour and they gave me a ride back to the dealership right before it closed. I did get some preemie hats done. I also got the african flower horse done FINALLY! thank goodness. It's on it's way to Arkansas to surprise someone that needs a smile. 


I have to get back to work on some websites now but will be working on squares in between and in my resting times. Please keep praying for my friend. He's in bad shape again, sick with a bug on top of it and very discouraged about the pain and fatigue. I told him he's too close to the finish line to give up now. 


Hope everyone else I didn't mention is doing well. Time to wrap this week up.. on the downhill swing now

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Hopefully the sun will come out soon. It's supposed to get warmer here too. 


I finally got pics posted of stuff

NICU hats here



and african flower horse here 


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sopo the little hats are cute and you did a super job on the horse.  Your friend will love it.  Sorry your friend caught something on top of his being down with his treatment. Tell him we are all pulling for him and he has come too far now to just give up.  I still can't believe the results of the his last test even though you showed them to us.  


The sun has been out today and it has warmed up nicely.  The ground has thawed so it is a bit muddy out and its warm enough that I can go outside in short sleeves and no jacket for short amounts of time.


Well, katy now we are all anxiously awaiting to see what's in the box from your sister  

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Hey everyone, we found a house today! We're electronically signing the offer documents tonight and it goes to the listing agent tomorrow... Fingers are crossed so hard over here! They're scheduled to have an open house on SUNDAY so we're hoping they'll bite and we can get this all wrapped up before then. We viewed the house this morning, decided to make an offer - and then went off to work.  :yuck I would much rather have been home doing yarn displacement activity instead of work displacement activity, but hey, at least I get paid for that, right? I spent all day looking like this in my mind's eye:  :wbrr Just without the scarf and hat. Felt buzzy all day!


Then I got home and the dog ran away from me again; nearly got sick trying to get her back and this jerk was walking his dogs on the wrong side of the street (which is what set her off in the first place). Yes, I know he might well not be a jerk, but I felt so awful and he's very clearly not the sort of person to listen to an apology even if I knew where to find him, so calling him a jerk is about the only way I can feel even a little bit better about anything. And I was so upset I didn't get to drop my sample off at the testing lab for work, because I wasn't thinking straight and missed the turn, so now I have to take it tomorrow morning which is going to make the morning a mess and also put off us getting our results.


So today was really really up, and then really really down. And I've been trying to read through all the documents for the offer with no energy left at all, and a pre-schooler tearing around trying to whack my keyboard and steal my mouse and it's just not been going well. Ok, going to go write that check and scan it to send them before I forget.


This is a message from Little Viking, before I go:  :cat "Wook at dat kitty cat wagging his tail!"  :bounce "HAHAHA, wook at dat smiwey face jumping up and down!"

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hi ya viking, good for you!!! and congratz on finding a house, hope all goes well, and you hear very soon, that you got it!!

Finished my first pledge square tonight! Just have ends to weave in!

Hi sopo, sounds like you were busy, I will take a look at the links in a second!! Bet they are darling!


yarnmonkey, stay safe on the ice. how cool to find a bag of yarn

dragonlady, I've been trying to watch what I eat, exercise and lose some weight too. Seems I've hit a plateau though. :/ 

immafreak, prayers for your job


hi everyone else. poking my head in quickly as I"m tired too. They sent me home in a rental so I got my car back yesterday. I had to return the rental to enterprise which was in a Hobby Lobby parking lot. SO hard to not go in but just wasn't time. I was at the rental place almost an hour and they gave me a ride back to the dealership right before it closed. I did get some preemie hats done. I also got the african flower horse done FINALLY! thank goodness. It's on it's way to Arkansas to surprise someone that needs a smile. 


I have to get back to work on some websites now but will be working on squares in between and in my resting times. Please keep praying for my friend. He's in bad shape again, sick with a bug on top of it and very discouraged about the pain and fatigue. I told him he's too close to the finish line to give up now. 


Hope everyone else I didn't mention is doing well. Time to wrap this week up.. on the downhill swing now

Hi holly, we are too,mid 50's tomorrow, woooo hoooo!!


We're supposed to actually warm up this weekend. I'm hoping so!

sun all day today, tomorrow mid 50's tis almost spring in Nebraska, lol


skies are still grey here,they say it will warm up here too


Well brenda, it was Jewelry!! baggies and baggies full of necklaces, and bracelets, and beaded things, lol she is clearing out her jewelry "collection", shall we call it.  I found a few things I can use. and Im to take what I want, and pass it along to sister here in iowa, and daughter, here in omaha, sooooooo got a few nice things, some of it is big and chunky and not my taste, but some was just right!!! I hope sis and daugter get lucky too with some cute things!!


Im picies, so i took the fishie earrings, and necklace, lol along with some other pretties, and will pass it on!

sopo the little hats are cute and you did a super job on the horse.  Your friend will love it.  Sorry your friend caught something on top of his being down with his treatment. Tell him we are all pulling for him and he has come too far now to just give up.  I still can't believe the results of the his last test even though you showed them to us.  


The sun has been out today and it has warmed up nicely.  The ground has thawed so it is a bit muddy out and its warm enough that I can go outside in short sleeves and no jacket for short amounts of time.


Well, katy now we are all anxiously awaiting to see what's in the box from your sister  

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