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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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what a great bag,Kuddles

I grew up on her cartoons,Rene' is a big fan of her merchandise,one person gives her Betty Boop related items for gifts

its sunny and cool here today,but the 3 H's will return later this week

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I love that I can cover up as I continue to add to my Afghan. Reworked all the frogged yarn and am on the second row of orange. Hope everyone has a great day! Made my first lasagna that was pretty good. College is going fine with two new courses. Mom is on pain pills now, she fought it for as long as she could (she doesn't like the way they make her feel). Hasn't gotten to Hershey yet, but soon.  Gonna crochet awhile b4 bed. I got my squares from a friend in the UK!!  :ty  :yay

Your afghan is very pretty.


thanks for asking Katy

mil seems to be adjusting better to her new surroundings,hubby has gone up there everyday and taken her for a walk

so maybe that will curb her tendency to just walk off,so far so good.also he got her a phone,for incoming calls,so now the daughters from Germany and NY can call,also her two sisters in Canada

my six month check up was good,well except fot the spike in sugar,darn those chocolates for betraying me

Glad to hear your mil is adjusting to her new surroundings and I'm sure it's eased some of your stress.


Just popping in to thank you all for your prayers for my husband and family this week. He had surgery Monday morning and it went well. It has been a rough week for us, but he is doing much better and will get to come home today. We're so happy and thankful - I just can't contain my excitement!


Have a great Saturday, everyone! :D

So glad he is coming home.


Oh that is good news!!



oh that sounds darling,apparently your embroider machine got fixed, huh!!

hi y a!


Hi to all others, and what a tiring Saterday it is huh, usually my day to run around and gather things i don't need, won't use, and can't do without, but I didnt go out today, stuffiness and cold, like everyone has had, so this too shall pass!


oh darn it, forgot to take those pics off my camera, I will do that later tonight, for posting tomorrow, it's pics of my c2c squares, and since, have been working on a baby corner to corner ghan too, I don't know why I shied away from trying this for so long,as pit is fairly easy, once you get the hang of it, Im on my last corner now, for about a 36 i nch square baby ghan in bright colors, Ill be sure to pic it for you, when completed. Gonna have to go find a border now for it, lol,.....


So, nothing new,nothing to report, more storms expected of course tomorrow, don't know the tor con on tomorrow yet, (Tornado Condition  rating) so will wait and see, they say it may be quite dangerous for bad storms.....this is becomming a habit Mother Nature, now, listen up, you need to head to california, and texas, where they would delight in some of the many inches of water you have lavishly dumped on us,o k.....head east,head south!! I think her compass is broken!!!

Hope you're feeling better and that the storms missed you.


Good morning all! Tired from yesterday, we did a lot of running around and managed to get in three walks! And it's warm out there.......I am obviously not too smart!


Katie, the purse had no embroidery on it.....this was strictly Betty Boop fabric that I loved and just had to make a bag out of! Red and black together makes the most striking combo, don't you think?


Off to drink up more coffee so I can wake up fully! Got up at 5...on my day off!



I love the purse! 


Went to church this morning and then to AC Moore for some yarn for a shrug or cardigan to go with a sundress I'm hoping to make before a mini vacation in August. I bought Premiere Cotton Soft Silk Yarn, I've never used it before but it feels soooooo nice and I wanted cotton since I'll be wearing it during the summer. The picture part of my smocking is done, I just have to finish the back smocking which keeps the pleats together after I remove the pleating threads. Guess thats it for now. have a good day.

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afternoon to everyone,.. that is an adorable bag Kuddles, red black and white, such a striking combo, i love it!!

cshort, busy busy, lol smocking must be a hard job, yes?? I never have tried it, but love the look of it.


reiann, good you are doing well both in school, and at your crochet, lol.


everyone else that I may have missed, hello.


Tomorrow is the day before the first, and the announcement of our new queenie, hope our outgoing queen is bck soon too!!!!!!!!


nothing much here, storms in the forecast, got a little rain, nothing severe yet. But i think the tor con is still at five for later on today..... everyone stay safe, this weather lately.,,,,,,,, global warming is taking it's toll on us all!!!!!!

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Good morning! Woke up to thunder so that means kiddles woke up...and got me up early!


Thanks for the kudos on the bag! It is a fun one for sure!


Great blanket Katie!


Today starts my long days .......in July we get Fridays off but have to make up the time M - Th so I work 7 to 4:30 with just half an hour lunch which means I don't have time to leave. Makes for a long day! Oh well, got a job!


Severe storms tonite....if any of you are getting them now (katie?), take care!



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Good Morning!


Katie, the blanket and squares are so pretty.


Kuddles, our school offices run on the Monday to Thursday schedule in the summer too.


No plans for today just hanging around the house as usual. Tomorrow will be my out and about day.


Have a great day everyone!

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I'm so angry and I need to find a way not to be so angry all the time.

I had to take the boys back to their mothers yesterday because they couldn't stay any longer because she said she had a surprise for them. I got them late Friday and she wanted them by 12. Which is crap I told her it's their summer break could I keep them a day or two more nope she had to have them. Now get this

Their surprise was chickens. CHICKENS!! I rate lower than the chickens. Now she could of showed them to them today or tomorrow. She is so darn jealous of me that I'm so angry ....

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aw poor owly, listen, it is best to stay on her good side, or she might be hateful enough to pull all visits, so I guess i would probably do as she asks, but it is petty of her, chickens, sheesh,,,,,,well, take a deep breath, and go to your happy place inside, breathe deeply, maybe some meditation will help, just make a chant to use, like oh I dunno, "she is hateful, but  i must endure?" or a,, "Im strong enough and patient enough, someday the boys won't need her  permission......"

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one more day to wait for our new queen, and to say goodbye to our old queen, I hope she cleaned up in squares, I know i sent some, I think four, but as always don't remember what they looked like, lol :shrug


More storms were due here kuddles, but they went north of us, we so far have gotten a few sprinkles, but no thunder, lightning, and or tornados, for which I am personally thank ful for.. We are still in a watch though, as we have the afternoon,and  early evening to go through, before the watch expires..Good luck to you as well, and kiddles!! :goodorbad


Carol and kuddles, so you both work all summer, boy am i naive or what, i always thought the school closed all summer,and everyone went home for 3 months!!!! sheesh, lol


Has anyone heard from Cindy, and new baby goings on lately,  i must remember to pm her and see how all is going, and angelrose, haven't heard from her forever either, hope all is well with her, it was always a pleasure to read her posts as well, and Viking, gosh,,,,,where is everyone, lol I miss those little vikette stories!!!!!!! :sun


I guess we are  the regs, the ones that have been trooping along, doing our thing, lol so that is good that we all post often, keeps me going, you know.... all of you guys do, cause otherwise, I wouldnt be here, lol :clap


Ok, what else, had a couple small arby's off the kids menu, you know they aren't any smaller than the reg sized ones, but they of course, are cheaper, lol SO ate them, and now, nothing major to take care of, which is good, so I will retire to the craft room, Im thinking of making a bigger ghan, c2c, for a neighbor, well her son, so, im thinking of off white, tan, maroon, paddy green,and true blue (sort of a brighter navy) for the colors, and or a burnt orange, he he, in 6 or four stripes the off white being the inbetween color,  I dunno, have to think about it, lol  I have those colors on my work table now, and the all seem to mesh well, now just to start it, lol  and I trimmed the baby ghan, quite simply actually to keep the theme of such nice clean lines in it, and will pic that soon too, Ill list a link here for yas!! ok, im off, have a safe drive home for those leaving work soon, and for everyone, happy Monday, huh!!!! :ghug

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I've been thinking of Cindy too,wonder if she is still packing up for the move or already here but just swamped with getting settled

I know I haven't bumped into her in any stores,just kidding,I only vaguely remember the one picture she posted

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:welcome  Penny


crsheridan, glad to hear that surgery went well, wishing him a speedy recovery


kuddles, your Betty Boop bag is cute.  They have also been saying there seemed to be more snakes around period.  So far I haven't run into anymore than usual out here.  Jim for the most part has a let live policy,  he was the lone fireman  that pulled a black snake off the side of a burning barn and sent it to a safer place.


cshort , can't wait to see your smocking project


katy , sorry for yur cold, storms dipped down this way last night but not terribly close to me, supposed to be a good chance for them tonight.  Liked your c2c.  i just tried the one at the Redheart site and made a small one for my niece's dog.  She has requested squares for her little dog to lay on.  


pineknott, glad mil is settling down so life can find a new normal for you


reiann, your afghan is looking good


owlvamp, :hug  what katy said,  your self control will pay off


I have been wondering about Cindy  too


We spent Sat in KC with the bonsai group, had a very late lunch, then stopped by my sister's house and dropped off the psychedelic afghan.   We spent Sun aftrnoon at the Genealogy library in Independence and made a stop at Michael's in blue Springs on the way home...........and today I did my first load of wash at home in a year...ecstatic.

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ha ha,good for you brenda!! Nothing like the smell of clean laundry drying in the house is there, lol


I did finish that baby ghans trim, just used a simple trim,here is the link to the done picuture, post 8        



you all have a safe evening now,nothing here in our stormy future,thank goodness,looks like a grrrrreat next few days!!!!!! yay

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I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this. My heart goes out to you. Be strong. Prayers will be going out for you. :hug

I'm so angry and I need to find a way not to be so angry all the time.
I had to take the boys back to their mothers yesterday because they couldn't stay any longer because she said she had a surprise for them. I got them late Friday and she wanted them by 12. Which is crap I told her it's their summer break could I keep them a day or two more nope she had to have them. Now get this
Their surprise was chickens. CHICKENS!! I rate lower than the chickens. Now she could of showed them to them today or tomorrow. She is so darn jealous of me that I'm so angry ....

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I didn't let her know how mad I was. For I know I would of blown up. I stay maybe thirty minutes and had to leave for I was boiling...


Katy the afghan is beautiful. Is the pattern hard to follow? I tried it once a while back and did something wrong . Haven't tried ever again.

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I finished my very first Afghan and one and 3/4 sides of the border! It seems like when I do the border for the length it goes by really fast, but the width is taking a little longer. My husband said "you're over there crocheting feverishly! When did I lose you to crocheting??" (I was on the loveseat, he was on the couch). LOL. he calls it my addiction. I'm just glad its a harmless one, unless you count carpal tunnel flair-ups xD

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good sandra, you kept your cool, good for you girl!! And no, the pattern is easy, I watched a tutorial, and it was very good, so i caught on right away, lol Had to refer to it, when I was ready to decrease to square it off, but that too, came easily!! Let me know if you want me to find the tutorial i watched, I think I saved it, lol

I didn't let her know how mad I was. For I know I would of blown up. I stay maybe thirty minutes and had to leave for I was boiling...

Katy the afghan is beautiful. Is the pattern hard to follow? I tried it once a while back and did something wrong . Haven't tried ever again.

You finished it,l wow, that was really quick!! is this the pretty yarn one?? lol I would love to see it laid out, can you post pics!!


I am amazed at how quickly you did it, wow, bet it is beautiful!


I finished my very first Afghan and one and 3/4 sides of the border! It seems like when I do the border for the length it goes by really fast, but the width is taking a little longer. My husband said "you're over there crocheting feverishly! When did I lose you to crocheting??" (I was on the loveseat, he was on the couch). LOL. he calls it my addiction. I'm just glad its a harmless one, unless you count carpal tunnel flair-ups xD

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Hi everybody,

Well, I am finally here.  Having some trouble with my e mail notices.  Here is the story:  When I first got a computer I signed up for lots of e mails so that I would get mail.  I also watched a TV show called Call for Help which was all about how to use a computer. This program had a website and this website had newsletters which I subscribed to.  I suddenly wasn't getting my newsletters, so I asked my internet service provider why not? and I was told that the newsletters were being mailed out from a site that was considered a spam site and so the e mails that came to them were deleted before being placed in e mail accounts and that is why I didn't get my newsletters. The internet service provider had been deleting them. I told the guy at the isp (internet service provider) that I needed these newsletters because they had information that I needed to read and he told me that was no way they'd let the newsletters through, but he also said that I could have a second e mail account where the spam wasn't checked and I could have the newsletters sent there. This solved the problem of the missing newsletters. I had them sent to this second e mail account. However, after awhile I didn't subscribe to the newsletters any more and so I didn't use this second e mail for anything much and then I didn't use it for anything except very rarely I had some e mail sent to that address so that I wouldn't forget about it. Now to the present day:  Last month, I asked the isp (internet service provider) to cancel the second e mail account because I had not used it since 2000. The account was cancelled. And then it happened.  My notices from Crochetville were not being sent to me. I went to Crochetville and discovered that my e mail address was this second e mail address that had been cancelled, so the e mails from Crochetville were going to this cancelled e mail account so I tried to get the e mail address changed and all I succeeded in doing was changing my password which I really hadn't intended doing.  I finally tried again to change the e mail address since I had the new password and when I typed in the new e mail address, I received a message "this e mail [the new one] is already in use". What's this--I had not used this address at all, but the Crochetville site said that I did. However, I didn't. I have contacted Amy about this.  I have not heard from her yet.


Re the stashghan: I have unraveled the strips and I am knitting a new afghan--same colors, new pattern. I am doing a garter stitch border for the bottom and top and rest I am doing in stockinette stitch. If I do say so, it is looking very pretty.  I thought up the pattern I am using.  I just pick a color and cast on 120 stitches and do stockinette stitch for however long I want the color stripe to be and then cut the yarn and join on the new color and go from there until I think the width of the second color is what I want and then I cast off that color and join on a third color and go on with my knitting.  So far I have finished 5 colors. Rusty is getting tired of the bags of yarn being in the rocking chair beside me. He wants me to move them.  I have promised him that I will move them somewhere today, but I may not. They are so easy to reach when I need a new color. 


Hope everybody is well (or doing better). Welcome to the new member! It has been hot here and most days last week it was cloudy and yesterday afternoon there was thunder, lightening, and rain.  It sounded like it was right over us this time.  Let me hear from all of you.

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Rusty's mom

the font you are using now is much better for me to read.

sometimes those news letters get to be too much,then I unsubscribe from them,that way I don't have to delete 200 e mails in a month


hugs to you for maintaining your cool,even tho it was incredibly hard on you

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Hi Sandra, ok, I will look that up for you in a second, ok....

Yes, I would love for you to find the video that you used. Thank you!

Reiann, that is really pretty, love those colors!




Completed 1st first blanket!! I improvised the border but am proud of it :)


Hi Penny, got ya on the list, and good luck with receiving some squares soon!! Ill get a puffy off to you this week for sure!!!!!

HI thanks for having me in this group.  All information looks good I am not picky either. :clap


Now, down to biz, lol, it's the first, that means, our new Queen is chosen, and has graciously accepted her crown... HOwever,

she is out of town till tomorrow, but when she returns she will read all your well wishes for her Im sure!!! are you ready, ok, here it be,    Queen is..........none other than our own,,,,,(trumpets sounding.... )


HOWIEANN!!! Congrats Holly, wishing you a long and prosperous reign!!!!


I will pledge 3, check the first post for her preferences please, however I do remember they are 8 inches, lol.... again, everyone wish our new queenie a very squarey reign!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheer

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