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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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I personally don't believe in the flu shot. One year I had all four of my children get them husband got his and so did father and brother in law. I was the only one that didn't . Everyone last one of them all for the flu. So you know who was taking care of them ME! That was not fun at all. So never will do that again. So ever sense then never had the flu shot never got the flu. Knock on wood..

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well they say, each year, we are vacinating from what they THINK will be the big flu of the coming year, So I really don't know the facts there, but swear by them, as I have not had the flu in all the years I have been taking the shot.....go figure huh. It's painless, and can't hurt, so there ya have it.........


As for anything else today, I feel sort of mentally expired, gonna take a few days, and hibernate, crochet, and relax and see if that gets my brain back in order, lol 


You all have a great friday, can't wait to hear from our new queenie!!         

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I just came back from the first page,and I'm a little confused

on Viking's --any colors but green and blue in each square with or without some other colors,varigated ok

see,I'm seeing it two ways

1)I don't want any blue or green in my squares

2)I would like blue and green in each square mixed with other colors/varigated

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Quick stop in......blowing my nose all day long! Luckily I have no co worker right now to hear it....


Katie, I get the flu shot every year and have since I turned 50 (so for 7 years). I have not had the flu. Kiddles has gotten them every year as well and she has not had the flu. But she brings me home 'gifts' of colds from being around kids at school. However her first two years, she was sick all the time! Doc said it takes two years to build up her immunity and she was right! She doesn't get sick as often as back then......just seems like she got one thing and then got another but I think it was all the same thing. First the throat for a few days, then two of 'okay', then it came on her with a head cold. Kind of happened that way for me! Was just behind her a few days!


TGIF! I hope to rest quite a bit this weekend!


Have a great evening all!



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sorry bout the confusion pineknott, it's blue and green in every square please, along or mixed, and any varg. with those colors in it as well, thanks for catching that, Ill correct it!

I just came back from the first page,and I'm a little confused

on Viking's --any colors but green and blue in each square with or without some other colors,varigated ok

see,I'm seeing it two ways

1)I don't want any blue or green in my squares

2)I would like blue and green in each square mixed with other colors/varigated

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Those are some good-looking kids, Lacey!


Thank you, thank you everyone, for your gracious welcome! It's such an honor to have been chosen Queen of Squaredom! I'm looking forward to the month, and hope to be a fine ruler, to live up to the tradition set by all those who have walked before me! :D


Yep, this is definitelymuch nicer way to celebrate my birthday than waking up at oh-dark-thirty to unexpectedly go into work early! Can you believe this is the first chance I've had to get on the 'Ville for more than a few seconds today?? :P


The little guy and I are both sick now; probably the sleep deprivation has a lot to do with it.... So today was "fun". But last night we had an excellent Halloween! I think we trick or treated for almost an hour, and probably walked over a mile! I'd just ask if he wanted to keep going, and he kept saying "Yes, anuddoo twick or tweat house!" He was really getting the hang of it by the end of the night - he was picking the houses he wanted to go to (I showed him how to look for the porch light to see who was participating), and he was even almost audible when saying "trick or treat"! :lol Of course today when we got home he said, "I want to go twick or tweating".... He accepted it very well when I explained that Halloween is only once a year.


Heh, I just sneezed really loud and the dog whipped her head around to look at me like "Buh?? WHAT was THAT?" I should probably go rest now. Maybe get some Excedrin. Thanks again, y'all!


Oh! I remembered the other thing. Yard stake. A skeleton flamingo yard stake. Not a snake. That would be... confusing? I'll try to remember to get a picture of it tomorrow; it's pretty cute. I got it at Joann's last year and they had them again this year and now I wish I'd gotten another! It would be fun to have a flock. :)

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Morning, all! Something woke me up, and then hunger (?! at 5:30 am?! unusual) and the sore throat/sinus passages kept me up, so I'm out on the couch and figured I'd join the early birds here for a quick greeting. Now it's me for Netflix and a cup of tea; maybe more of my rainbow-ghan while I watch!

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Good Morning All Squares!  Sorry to read that a lot of you are suffering with colds.  Hope you all feel better soon. :hug

I've seen some very cute kids in wonderful Halloween costumes!  We didn't get any trick or treaters, haven't for several years.

Congrats to our new Queen!  I promise at least 2 squares will be sent your way soon.  Please PM your addy.

Dragnlady, you did really well during your month as queen!.  Looking forward to seeing your blanket!  I can't remember if I welcomed the newbies, if not I;m so sorry. :welcome

Take care everyone and remember to turn back your clocks tonight!

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Great pictures of the kids in costumes.

Thanks Katy for clearing up my confusion,it doesn't take much these days

Get well wishes for all under the weather with colds

Shout out and Hello to some that only have time to lurk but not post

make it a great day everyone :hook

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Hi everyone :) we're getting ready to leave for a fishing trip today. I'm still recovering from a virus... but, I'm going to tag along. I'm taking some crochet with me, and reading as well as a sketch book in case I get bored of just sitting. I'm not well enough to fish so... maybe I'll work on some new grannies for someone to get lol. Just curious though... what is this thing about a new queen? How does that work? Do we send squares to whomever it is, and if so what kind? Thanks... hugs and hope you all are having a great weekend.Kuddles, I hope you feel better soon. :hug

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Kuddles, Vikingrunner and anyone else not feeling well, I hope you are all on the mend and feeling better soon.


mstabbies, each month katyallen randomly chooses a queen for us all to shower with squares. This month's queen is Vikingrunner and her square preferences are in the first post of this thread, I think its any size square with blue or green in it, but you should double check the list because I haven't finished my coffee yet. You can still send squares to others as well. I'm sure katy will be around later to clarify any information that I've left out.


I'm off to a sewing guild meeting/luncheon and trunk show for most of the day and then some stitching time when I get home.


Have a great day everyone!

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Today folding laundry and getting the oldest boy to do his homework again. So will see what I bribe him with today. Going to make breakfast for the children. They are hungry. Making eggs, biscuits and bacon. That was my daughters request. So off I go. Slept not to bad last night.


Good morning everyone!

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Thanks carol, you did fine, lol


Kuddles and viking and families, still feeling bad, hope the good health comes back soon, and you all feel better! ann, good to hear from you, and yes, thanks for the reminder, tonight is the night,for the clock thing, i have a clock collection, so usually i would have started yesterday, lol so wil do that soon, or start it anyway....


Owlvamp is doing well, by the sounds of it, so much improved from the first weeks darlin, keep up to good work!


Viking, nice speech, and glad it's you this month, you have come close, like a number off several times, when i ran the number generator, but THIS time, it WAS YOU!!! yay!!


MsTabbies, what carol said, lol check first post of this thread, chose  your recipient, or biggest square queen, pm her, varify her preferecnes, and get her addy, and hook away!!!!


Pineknott, you're welcome, thanks for bringing that to my attention, when i re read it, it DID sound like it could be taken two different ways, lol       


wonder where our angelroselite, mandymae, and some of the others that used to post often are these days???? Lurking, Im sure,,,,,,spying on the new queen, Im sure, making plans to overthrow, uh oh, troubling times in the kingdom?? Nah, probably life is just gotten a bit busy, and we'll hear from them all SOON, he he he......


the trees around here are lovely, colors galore, Ill try to share some pics tomorrow, if I get out and take some this aft....Oranges, golds, yellows, reds, fire engine red, to burgundies.....just lovely........


ANyone got any tree pics from their area to share, love to see um, if you have!!!!!!!!


Later squares, AWL BE BOCK!!!!!!!!!                  

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Good Morning!


Today is Sunday school, its my turn to teach, then church service, out to lunch, bring the grands home for the afternoon and then back to evening church, typical Sunday here. I worked on my shawl for a while last night, I really like how it is coming along.

I checked my yarn for squares for our Queen and oh the horror :eek .....I will have to go shopping for blue and green yarn :lol


Have a great day everyone!

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