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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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ha, I know I know, i didn't either, but i know eventually, it may come back to me!!!  You have been a gracious and honorable queen, Dragnlady, and we appreciate your service to our Kingdom!!

 I have a confirmation on our new queenie nominee, and she is pleased to accept said honor, and has vowed to keep her identity a secret, until said date when she is announced, and her coronation, and acceptance speech is on the first of Nov!!!!   



As for all of us that aren't queen, lol we will have some to work on for our new queen, hopefully we all fullfilled our pledges to Dragnlady5 this month, if not, there is still time, a few more days! so Get those puffy's out in the mail!!!!


Kuddles, your manilla went out today, as did owlvamp your hats for your chairty, with a couple more nuetral squares thrown in on top!! Hope it helps with your chairtiy, and you ghans!! 





and this is this,and that is that for now, will talk to you all a bit later, ville seem so quiet, I can almost hear a crochet hook drop on carpet!!!

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Hullo all! I'm pretty sure it is fear of bad dreams, now. He woke up with another one early this morning; didn't say he did but after I went into his room when I heard him crying he just grabbed hold of my hand tight and asked if I would sleep with him, so I think that's it... and the other night when I had to go in to sing with him, the next morning when he climbed up in our bed (Daddy was already up; I was working on it), the first thing he said to me was "I had a happy dream! I wiked it when you and Daddy sang songs wif me in my woom." That made me think hmm, yes, we probably are just nervous about incoming dreams.


So this morning I suggested to him that some time today we sit down with paper and crayons and draw a picture of something that would help chase the bad dreams away. He thought that was a wonderful idea, so after lunch today we sat down together to draw our pictures. I drew (under his instruction) a turtle, with purple wings to help him chase the bad dreams away, and a net like the BFG to help catch them. He drew some fishies (AKA a large blue scribble and a large orange scribble :manyheart ) who were going to help the turtle. Then before storytime tonight we took them into his room and taped them up over his bed, and he said "Thank you, fishies and turtle, for helping me fwom da bad dweams!"


owlvamp, I love hearing about when you get to have your grandsons visit! It sounds like you do so much good for them, just by caring. How old are they now?


Getting some squares done this weekend, yay! And progress is being made on my rainbow-ghan, too, though it's still going to be a long time before I finish. It's nice to make progress, though! :D

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Has anyone else been bullied online?  What did you do about?  I feel like I am being bullied on another board (NOT Crochetville).  The moderator is part of the problem.  I have tried to explain it to her and she just doesn't get it.  It's hurtful and I am feeling very sad.

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Poor Honex99 I'm so sorry. Yes sometimes I feel the same way on another board but for quilting. Sometimes I think the moderators have there special people. I didn't know there was anymore boards for crocheting. I guess I should of know there's just not one.

I personally would just leave. You don't have to put up with it. We love you here so stay with us. Have you gone to the main person? If so and feel the same it's time to move on.


The boys are 11 and 10. They are sweethearts.


I'm up and my back is killing me. I didn't sleep grand last night but got more than usual.


Here I got the laundry all folded yesterday. Will have a few loads today to do or nubby can just go naked. LOL need to finish up his work clothes . Plus some towels . I do have a few blankets to get washed as well then I'm all caught up.


Good morning all will check in later.

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Thanks for the kind thoughts about Kiddles and her throat.......she got me up at 4:20 am (better than I thought it would be!) and I gave her motrin then she and I rested on the couch (leaving Lucky in his crate in my bedroom) till 6:30. I will call the doctor's office at 9, to hopefully get her in when they open briefly at 10.......might not be strep but definitely at least a virus of some kind. Told her she'd be on the couch all day......


Honex99 - I agree with owlvamp....just leave that group. It isn't worth it!


Off to take care of Kiddles, I hope you all have a great day!~



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More and more online places are putting policies in place regarding harassment and bullying. While part of me thinks that *in principle* you shouldn't feel the need to leave because of someone else's bad behavior, most of me agrees with Owl and Kuddles. The Internet is an infinite place, and there's no need to spend time in places that either have no harassment policy or are bad about policing it. I wouldn't even say anything; I'd just disappear.


Waiting at the farmer's market right now for a little boy to finish napping... He fell asleep just as we got here! And I thought I brought a square with me I could work on, but turns out I didn't. :( At least I get to go to the LYS after this; my mom asked me to pick up a very specific skein for her. Woo, sanctioned yarn store visit! :lol


You know what I noticed yesterday? If something is sanctioned, that means it's officially ok. But if we put sanctions in place against a country, it means it's *not* ok to do business with them. Weird, huh?

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Hullo all! I'm pretty sure it is fear of bad dreams, now. He woke up with another one early this morning; didn't say he did but after I went into his room when I heard him crying he just grabbed hold of my hand tight and asked if I would sleep with him, so I think that's it... and the other night when I had to go in to sing with him, the next morning when he climbed up in our bed (Daddy was already up; I was working on it), the first thing he said to me was "I had a happy dream! I wiked it when you and Daddy sang songs wif me in my woom." That made me think hmm, yes, we probably are just nervous about incoming dreams.


So this morning I suggested to him that some time today we sit down with paper and crayons and draw a picture of something that would help chase the bad dreams away. He thought that was a wonderful idea, so after lunch today we sat down together to draw our pictures. I drew (under his instruction) a turtle, with purple wings to help him chase the bad dreams away, and a net like the BFG to help catch them. He drew some fishies (AKA a large blue scribble and a large orange scribble :manyheart ) who were going to help the turtle. Then before storytime tonight we took them into his room and taped them up over his bed, and he said "Thank you, fishies and turtle, for helping me fwom da bad dweams!"


owlvamp, I love hearing about when you get to have your grandsons visit! It sounds like you do so much good for them, just by caring. How old are they now?


Getting some squares done this weekend, yay! And progress is being made on my rainbow-ghan, too, though it's still going to be a long time before I finish. It's nice to make progress, though! :D

Viking... I hope you get the bad dreams "squared" away.  One of my children used to have Night terrors all the time.  So a few things we would do for him was we bought a dream catcher. I know it doesn't work but He was young enough that he believed it would.. Also If you are Christian...  Pray with him before bedtime. Specifically Ask God to take care of the bed dreams and send him pleasent dreams. Also. go to the local Christian book store by a vial of annointing oil. explain to him what it is and use it to make a cross over his bed pillow wall and pray for protection and Calmness in his dreams. We went as far as having the pastor come over and bless the house. That turns into a long story. Let me know if u wanna hear it.


Has anyone else been bullied online?  What did you do about?  I feel like I am being bullied on another board (NOT Crochetville).  The moderator is part of the problem.  I have tried to explain it to her and she just doesn't get it.  It's hurtful and I am feeling very sad.

I would leave the site there is no reason to stay there and subject yourself to them.


Thanks for the kind thoughts about Kiddles and her throat.......she got me up at 4:20 am (better than I thought it would be!) and I gave her motrin then she and I rested on the couch (leaving Lucky in his crate in my bedroom) till 6:30. I will call the doctor's office at 9, to hopefully get her in when they open briefly at 10.......might not be strep but definitely at least a virus of some kind. Told her she'd be on the couch all day......


Honex99 - I agree with owlvamp....just leave that group. It isn't worth it!


Off to take care of Kiddles, I hope you all have a great day!~



Hope kiddles is feeling better and that Mama gets some rest.



Mow for my great news....  Orleans Bulldog Regiment will be moving on to State finals next week at Lucas Oil Stadium. we are up against 19 other bands from the entire state.  This is a great way for my Senior the end his last  Marching season. There will be recognition for the top ten but 1st 2nd and 3rd place will be awarded with trophies and band will get a monetary reward. 

It was an all around good day for orleans. Our cross country won Yesterday and they r headed to state and our girls Volleyball won Sectionals last night.

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hi all.


No I have never been bullied on line or otherwise, however, if I was unhappy with a forum, I wouldn't visit it anymore, so I guess I agree with leaving if you're not happy there......


=dream catcher, good idea, never thought of that one.........


Good luck to all those that need it this upcoming week, and stay well, stay happy!! till later!

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Poor Honex99 I'm so sorry. Yes sometimes I feel the same way on another board but for quilting. Sometimes I think the moderators have there special people. I didn't know there was anymore boards for crocheting. I guess I should of know there's just not one.

I personally would just leave. You don't have to put up with it. We love you here so stay with us. Have you gone to the main person? If so and feel the same it's time to move on.


Yes, I do think the moderators have their "special" friends.  It's on Ravelry.  The moderator is part of the problem.  Most recent posts have threatened to come to my house.  I want to be so so so immature and frog all their work and send it back to them and "Here, you wanted it, here it is".  However, it's not very Christian and it's not really who I am...but still.......LOL

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Viking... I hope you get the bad dreams "squared" away.  One of my children used to have Night terrors all the time.  So a few things we would do for him was we bought a dream catcher. I know it doesn't work but He was young enough that he believed it would.. Also If you are Christian...  Pray with him before bedtime. Specifically Ask God to take care of the bed dreams and send him pleasent dreams. Also. go to the local Christian book store by a vial of annointing oil. explain to him what it is and use it to make a cross over his bed pillow wall and pray for protection and Calmness in his dreams. We went as far as having the pastor come over and bless the house. That turns into a long story. Let me know if u wanna hear it.

I used the dream catcher with my kids.  However, what a good idea to pray beforehand!!  I'd like to hear the story of the blessing of your house.


I would leave the site there is no reason to stay there and subject yourself to them.

I guess I know that deep down.  It's a charity group and I really want to do my part,  but I guess crying in the shower every other day probably isn't worth it.  


Mow for my great news....  Orleans Bulldog Regiment will be moving on to State finals next week at Lucas Oil Stadium. we are up against 19 other bands from the entire state.  This is a great way for my Senior the end his last  Marching season. There will be recognition for the top ten but 1st 2nd and 3rd place will be awarded with trophies and band will get a monetary reward. 

It was an all around good day for orleans. Our cross country won Yesterday and they r headed to state and our girls Volleyball won Sectionals last night.


That is sooooo GREAT!!  As a senior, he will always remember it.  Good luck to the Regiment!!

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Good morning everyone!


Yesterday was awesome with the boys we all got up and went to church and then came home and I made them hotdogs and Mac & cheese. Along with some chocolate chip cookies. Then we walked up about 4 blocks to this church that was throwing a Halloween gathering. People decorated there trunks and had games and chips, hot dogs and pop. They had a blast doing that. Oldest got his hair colored green and the other his face painted. Then I had to take them back. Not happy campers at all. It time to do something about it. Today I will call someone and see what can be done.

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Yes, I do think the moderators have their "special" friends.  It's on Ravelry.  The moderator is part of the problem.  Most recent posts have threatened to come to my house.  I want to be so so so immature and frog all their work and send it back to them and "Here, you wanted it, here it is".  However, it's not very Christian and it's not really who I am...but still.......LOL

Do you live in the same town, city? Wow threatened to come to your house is way out of line. Do you feel they would do that? If so I would report it. No one has to live in fear!!! That is crazy and you need to just leave there and not return. Hold your head up high and just gracefully bow out... If you feel anyway they would harm you print everything and report it. No questions asked.

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Good morning Squares!


My good news: Kiddles does not have strep per the doctor's office yesterday and this morning she reports her throat is better. So I think a virus.....


I have to go and get the day started, have a good one all!



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Thanks for the good wishes for Kiddles!


Cutie Katie - I already got that fabric today! I love it, perfect for a Christmas tote I'm thinking of sewing up as a gift for someone! So thanks again!


I will take and all fabric that any of you do not want! LOL


At work, so gotta run!



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Oh yay,, Kuddles got the material, if I run across anymore, I will send it along, but buying fabric for me, is like taking my doggie to the movies,  never hardly ever happens...... ha ha, glad you can use though, he he....

Yes, I do think the moderators have their "special" friends.  It's on Ravelry.  The moderator is part of the problem.  Most recent posts have threatened to come to my house.  I want to be so so so immature and frog all their work and send it back to them and "Here, you wanted it, here it is".  However, it's not very Christian and it's not really who I am...but still.......LOL

Wow, I find this atrocious to say the least, bullies only have power over you, if you allow it, somtimes it's best to walk away, others, to call the bluff,and report them if necessary to the proper authorities, and still leave.. Frogging thier work, would make you feel better, but you are right , would just fuel the fire for them, so I don't advise that. If the squares or whatever they made for you, or you made for them, not quite clear on that, but anyway, if they  remind you of the hateful way they are, simply donate to another charity, where they can do some good,. Im so sorry for you to have to go through this, I mean, do they even KNOW, you have ruled as Biggest Square Queen, therefor somewhat royalty!!!,,, But seriously,not to make light of this, it should not be tolerated, and go unreported, nor unpunished for their actions..good luck, keep us u p on the situation.


Good morning everyone!

Yesterday was awesome with the boys we all got up and went to church and then came home and I made them hotdogs and Mac & cheese. Along with some chocolate chip cookies. Then we walked up about 4 blocks to this church that was throwing a Halloween gathering. People decorated there trunks and had games and chips, hot dogs and pop. They had a blast doing that. Oldest got his hair colored green and the other his face painted. Then I had to take them back. Not happy campers at all. It time to do something about it. Today I will call someone and see what can be done.

Good girl, you go Sandra, actions speak louder than words!


Do you live in the same town, city? Wow threatened to come to your house is way out of line. Do you feel they would do that? If so I would report it. No one has to live in fear!!! That is crazy and you need to just leave there and not return. Hold your head up high and just gracefully bow out... If you feel anyway they would harm you print everything and report it. No questions asked.

again, reporting is best, and is good advice to print out the threats if possible...


Good morning Squares!


My good news: Kiddles does not have strep per the doctor's office yesterday and this morning she reports her throat is better. So I think a virus.....


I have to go and get the day started, have a good one all!



Good to hear she is better!    Kids are so resilliant, my daughter just got over bronchitis, in like three days,I get it, Im down for a couple weeks....lol Ah but to be young again, eh, youth is so wasted on the young!!!!


good morning,that great news for kiddles

was up at 6:40,mil was already out in the kitchen with her sniveling,sigh

oh boy, can't you reason nicely with her, I mean kindness should go a long way with someone with her problems, but one can't ever know for sure i guess, and you can only do the best you can, dear Linda, I do feel for you, and wish you  only the best in dealing with all on your plate so well,thus far!

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Oh yay,, Kuddles got the material, if I run across anymore, I will send it along, but buying fabric for me, is like taking my doggie to the movies,  never hardly ever happens...... ha ha, glad you can use though, he he....

Wow, I find this atrocious to say the least, bullies only have power over you, if you allow it, somtimes it's best to walk away, others, to call the bluff,and report them if necessary to the proper authorities, and still leave.. Frogging thier work, would make you feel better, but you are right , would just fuel the fire for them, so I don't advise that. If the squares or whatever they made for you, or you made for them, not quite clear on that, but anyway, if they  remind you of the hateful way they are, simply donate to another charity, where they can do some good,. Im so sorry for you to have to go through this, I mean, do they even KNOW, you have ruled as Biggest Square Queen, therefor somewhat royalty!!!,,, But seriously,not to make light of this, it should not be tolerated, and go unreported, nor unpunished for their actions..good luck, keep us u p on the situation.


Good girl, you go Sandra, actions speak louder than words!


again, reporting is best, and is good advice to print out the threats if possible...


Good to hear she is better!    Kids are so resilliant, my daughter just got over bronchitis, in like three days,I get it, Im down for a couple weeks....lol Ah but to be young again, eh, youth is so wasted on the young!!!!


oh boy, can't you reason nicely with her, I mean kindness should go a long way with someone with her problems, but one can't ever know for sure i guess, and you can only do the best you can, dear Linda, I do feel for you, and wish you  only the best in dealing with all on your plate so well,thus far!

kind,tolerate,somewhat plastic smile,ummmm no her son tries reasoning,it just doesn't budge her,her mind is made that she is not the "crazy" one as she puts it,its over 300 miles to her old house,but she keeps saying that's she's walked there many times,anyway this too shall pass

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Hello everyone.


Kuddles, glad to hear kiddles is feeling better.

Dragnlady, congratulations and good luck with the next competition!

Owlvamp, glad to hear you had such a good time with the boys.

Honex99, hope you can get things worked out on the other board.


Not much going on around here, just the usual work and such.

Have a great evening everyone.

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Hi everyone, as promised, Im back,and with good news. We have a new member, her name is mstabbies, or aka Tabitha, and she would like any size, any color,and isn't particular about what yarn used!!   Please welcome Tabitha, with our customary Yarn Hill Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    


:welcome to our home away from home Tabitha!!!!!

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