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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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well the post office run is cancelled,my car doesn't have air,and Rene' took her hubby to the ER,will try again on Monday


I hope everything is ok with Rene's husband.


I sent my request in this morning, I hope to be able to join!



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Welcome new members! Sorry about your car pineknott. My three day weekend has been cancelled. have to work sunday and monday hubby has a doc appt. Oh well. I might still be able to get to the post office monday at some point.

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Cindy, you will get 2 squares from me, but might be July.....still trying to get my groove back after moving and still not feeling settled!


I was just about to type the EXACT same thing!! :lol I just printed off patterns, Cindy will be receiving two, and in theory I'll have them mailed before July, but... :hook I'm working on it. Still loads of unpacking to do at my house!

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I was just about to type the EXACT same thing!! :lol I just printed off patterns, Cindy will be receiving two, and in theory I'll have them mailed before July, but... :hook I'm working on it. Still loads of unpacking to do at my house!


Let's have a race! I got half a square down today on my lunch hour! Woot! :cheer



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:cheerYou all are so busy busy busy, bad month for doing anything besides moving, and getting things settled.I DONT envy you, I don't plan on moving again, ever.lol


We have a new member, she would like 12 inch, in turq. white and or black..ww yarn. ..Welcome snowflake5165!!:cheer

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Let's have a race! I got half a square down today on my lunch hour! Woot! :cheer




Then you're already killing me because I'm still trying to get off my rear to go check out my stash and pick some yarn! I WILL get one done tonight, though. Seriously. I swear. :crocheting

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Then you're already killing me because I'm still trying to get off my rear to go check out my stash and pick some yarn! I WILL get one done tonight, though. Seriously. I swear. :crocheting


Wellllllll, did ya make a square last nite?




I finished my square! One done and one to go! WOOT!


I'm such a :devil but that's why y'all love me!


Off to the Midwest Fiber and Art Show today in Grayslake, IL.....tons of yarn! People that have alpacas and spin their own yarn! :eek Can't wait to see it all in his plushy goodness!


Have a great day all! Work on squares!



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Wellllllll, did ya make a square last nite?




I finished my square! One done and one to go! WOOT!


I'm such a :devil but that's why y'all love me!


Off to the Midwest Fiber and Art Show today in Grayslake, IL.....tons of yarn! People that have alpacas and spin their own yarn! :eek Can't wait to see it all in his plushy goodness!


Have a great day all! Work on squares!




wow, sounds like a great day to me!! and yes, you are, and yes we do!!! he he he!!


gonna try to get a few done here today, in between other saturday chores and errands, raining here for a while, but going to be a hot one later they say.........so try to get the running done, while it's still bearable to go out, lol We get so much humidity here, and I wondered why, since we are land locked, no ocean (despite the reference to Omaha Beach!) and then remembered, oh yeah, it's cause we're right ON TOP OF an aquifer!! ......silly me, huh! Ne'er a dull moment in Nebraska! take care all, ill be around now and then, and if you're not hookin, i wanna know the reason why!! lol :hug

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I'm trying to start making squares, I just have to go to 2 different events today and then after that when I get back from the last one, I have to go to bed & then get up go to church come home make lunch, relax go back for choir practice & then be there for the service as well as a church meeting and then come home. After all this is done I should be able to crank out a couple squares but then 1st thing Monday morning I have to go to an appointment with the DH for his shunts have have been placed for 27 years to see what they are going to do to help him.

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I'm trying to start making squares, I just have to go to 2 different events today and then after that when I get back from the last one, I have to go to bed & then get up go to church come home make lunch, relax go back for choir practice & then be there for the service as well as a church meeting and then come home. After all this is done I should be able to crank out a couple squares but then 1st thing Monday morning I have to go to an appointment with the DH for his shunts have have been placed for 27 years to see what they are going to do to help him.

wow, and still gonna find time for a couple squares!! That sounds like a full schedule for sure!! Happy Weekend huh! Good luck with hubby too on Monday!

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wow, and still gonna find time for a couple squares!! That sounds like a full schedule for sure!! Happy Weekend huh! Good luck with hubby too on Monday!


That is just for this weekend. This week along with DH's doctor appointment, I have church & choir practice on Wednesday night. I also have our 3 year old son going on his 1st field trip with the Children's Choir of our church on Thursday as well he (our son) has another day of fun taking place sometime on Saturday as well. So, between all of this, I am going to try to get in some crocheting.

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Hey all! Dropping in to say hi and hope you all are doing well! I've been working on multiple projects here lately, including a beaded bracelet, making it on a bead loom :) It's looking really good!


Again, I hope you are all doing well! Super :hugs for all!

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Needs to say a big TY to Cindysweetthings!!!!

Mady got her package today and was so happy!!! the square is stunning!!! where did you find that pattern I so need to pick me up a copy!!! I love it!! i have a croc stitch book but not this squre.. here is a pic of mady with her square... she only needs 1 more square.. and we are going to make it into a Pillow ghan :)!!! she is so excited


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managed to get one 8" square done in multi purples to help Lee with his request

I'm working on my charity cal items also.

piscescrocheter hubby is in ICU having swallowing problems due to medicine reaction

they will keep him till Monday to do another swallowing test.

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annmcc1976--Yay! I'm so glad she liked it! I was nervous about that because tweens and teens tend to be a bit picky but it was so pretty I hoped that would win her over. Here is a link to the pattern... http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/the-crocodile-flower

Check out some of the pics she has on there of other color combos! Absolutely stunning!


I just finished a square for the Harley Davidson comfortghan Skoggy is putting together for her IL's. It was a real pleasure to make!

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Needs to say a big TY to Cindysweetthings!!!!

Mady got her package today and was so happy!!! the square is stunning!!! where did you find that pattern I so need to pick me up a copy!!! I love it!! i have a croc stitch book but not this squre.. here is a pic of mady with her square... she only needs 1 more square.. and we are going to make it into a Pillow ghan :)!!! she is so excited

It is stunning!! excellent work!

managed to get one 8" square done in multi purples to help Lee with his request

I'm working on my charity cal items also.

piscescrocheter hubby is in ICU having swallowing problems due to medicine reaction

they will keep him till Monday to do another swallowing test.

aw, hope all turns out well, keep us up to date...

annmcc1976--Yay! I'm so glad she liked it! I was nervous about that because tweens and teens tend to be a bit picky but it was so pretty I hoped that would win her over. Here is a link to the pattern... http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/the-crocodile-flower

Check out some of the pics she has on there of other color combos! Absolutely stunning!


I just finished a square for the Harley Davidson comfortghan Skoggy is putting together for her IL's. It was a real pleasure to make!

Sheesh , that is gorgeous! Nice work on that square! Mady seems to like it too, ha ha, who wouldn't! keep on hookin all! :hug
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