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Our House Part Two


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Hi Marisa and Marlene! Wavey!!!!


I love my new sewing machine...Have made curtains and recovered a chair and the cover with pockets for the machine too...have tons of other projects I want to do too.

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Not Yorkshire yarns, I hang out at Debbie MacComber's A Good Yarn Shop in Port Orchard, Washington. That's where my group is doing their drive...


Thank you for prayers, good thoughts and hugs, very much appreciated...


I did get some stuff done today...at least got a good dinner on the table tonight...morning's gonna come awfully early to take Hub-E to the airport...

I think that shop is on my list of places to go visit..ok and spend money :lol


Frloplady. where are you in Eastern Washington? I'm actually on Vashon Island, in the Puget Sound. Between Seattle and Tacoma but in the water...


Have been to Vashon quite a few years ago for horse shows. I was just in Bremerton over the weekend. I was born and raised in N Seattle so know the west side well.

I am in Cowiche, just outside of Yakima

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Good morning!


Oh, Marlene- I got a good laugh this morning - I agree, didn't seem that it was your day for cooking!!!


Marisa- Guess where I'll be stopping on my home from work on Wednesday?:devil There is a Baskin Robbin right in the town where my youngest lives- I'll have to see if she is off Wednesday and we can meet and have ice-cream for dinner!:lol. Sounds like a lot of shopping is in your near future- and some good deals too!!!


Mary2 and LeAnna- Nice that the two of you are both in the same state- and maybe who knows, maybe will one day meet up at Debbie Macombers! you never know......


Speaking of the West Coast- Trish- How was your camping trip?



Good thoughts to all, but it's time to get ready for Paradise- :hug

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Well, I've been working on a sock with my new yarn, and I've actually got the first couple of inches done working top down. I may actually have something to show everyone soon!


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LeAnn I hope everything turns out alright with your mom and Hub-e's family too. :hug



Uh, bunny mom Mary what the heck is a titty drive?:eek (not sure if I want to know or not)


Our new manager started yesterday. He has a lot of good 'in the textbook' ideas. Applying them to our reality is another thing. He'll find out in time its not as easy as he thinks.

He told me he got an email that I was scheduled for a class I told him yeah I know me & Allyn (over his head) talked about it. He asked me if I knew where it was & I told him. He looks at me and says well you know more than me. I said.....

Get used to saying that. {{smirk}}

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'morning, peeps!


Busy day here...and hubby couldn't get back to sleep, so Sparkie woke up and I decided to join the party:P


Sun is up, so time to get on my horse as they say!


Will be putting a simple border on the granny blanket today:hook


Have a good one everybody!

Later, gators!:hug

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Just had a cup of yogurt while reading through the posts from last night. Now having my coffee and then to workout :yes I worked on my tote a bit during dwts and got 2 more rounds done :clap My dad's wondering if hines ward will mysteriously be done tonight since the nfl ban was lifting by a judge yesterday :think I don't think so. I don't think they'll have a problem with him finishing out the show :no


Marlene - :hug Sounds like it was just one of those days :lol


Mary2 and LeAnna - So about how far apart are you ladies?


Joanne - Hopefully mostly just window shopping, but if I need something, now's the time to get it :yes But, I'd rather start working on cleaning stuff out and not bringing more in since I'll be moving at the end of august :D


Wrennie - :lol with the manager and you're right, he'll realize in due time that theory doesn't always work out in reality. And I'm wondering the same thing at Mary2 :eek


Judy - I was up this morning too. Not super early, but my eyes just popped open before my alarm went off and it was a done deal :lol Get that border done so you can start your shawl :devil:cheer

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LeAnn I hope everything turns out alright with your mom and Hub-e's family too. :hug



Uh, bunny mom Mary what the heck is a titty drive?:eek (not sure if I want to know or not)


Our new manager started yesterday. He has a lot of good 'in the textbook' ideas. Applying them to our reality is another thing. He'll find out in time its not as easy as he thinks.

He told me he got an email that I was scheduled for a class I told him yeah I know me & Allyn (over his head) talked about it. He asked me if I knew where it was & I told him. He looks at me and says well you know more than me. I said.....

Get used to saying that. {{smirk}}


The American Cancer Society collects hand knitted and crocheted "falsies" for women who have lost their breasts to breast cancer. They have found that the knitted and crocheted ones are lighter and feel better than the silicone ones and that they don't chafe...so that's what a "tittie" drive is.


I think that shop is on my list of places to go visit..ok and spend money :lol




Have been to Vashon quite a few years ago for horse shows. I was just in Bremerton over the weekend. I was born and raised in N Seattle so know the west side well.

I am in Cowiche, just outside of Yakima


Well, next time you're "in the neighborhood" i.e. Bremerton, etc. let me know, maybe we can meet up at the yarn shop. Seriously.


Good morning ladies :coffee


Just had a cup of yogurt while reading through the posts from last night. Now having my coffee and then to workout :yes I worked on my tote a bit during dwts and got 2 more rounds done :clap My dad's wondering if hines ward will mysteriously be done tonight since the nfl ban was lifting by a judge yesterday :think I don't think so. I don't think they'll have a problem with him finishing out the show :no


Marlene - :hug Sounds like it was just one of those days :lol


Mary2 and LeAnna - So about how far apart are you ladies?


Joanne - Hopefully mostly just window shopping, but if I need something, now's the time to get it :yes But, I'd rather start working on cleaning stuff out and not bringing more in since I'll be moving at the end of august :D


Wrennie - :lol with the manager and you're right, he'll realize in due time that theory doesn't always work out in reality. And I'm wondering the same thing at Mary2 :eek


Judy - I was up this morning too. Not super early, but my eyes just popped open before my alarm went off and it was a done deal :lol Get that border done so you can start your shawl :devil:cheer




What would you say Mary, about 100-150 miles apart, give or take?


Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers everyone. It is 00:dark 30 and just about to head out the door to take Hub-E to the airport...

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Hi Ladies,


Marisa, Sounds like a good month to pick up some bargins. To bad more stores don't pick this method up. Especially with the economy.


Wrennie, My DD just told me over the weekend she had to write up her new DM. She was coming to DD's store to interview for the Assistant Manager position. She was very late, left 2 hours early and never interviewed anyone on time. Even tried to reschedule the phone interview. Which that person called DD and asked if the DM was going to call them. This is her third DM in less than a year. First one had been with the company but left for a different co. Can't remember about the second one. This one is a female all the others have been males. DD has been in sales since she was 17 so for 33 years and this DM takes the cake and she is brand new. I don't a future for her with this company. I know DD won't put up with style from her. She will continue to complain. I have asked DD why she doesn't go for DM and she says because of the traveling all the time, Maya and she is by herself. Maybe a couple of years down the road. She has a good head on her shoulder and very business like so I know she could do all that is involved.


Judy, I'm up at 6 M-F to get Payton off to school. I only hope I can sleep until 7 on weekends. I usually don't though. I've always been an early riser. Hope you can finish your granny blanket today so you can get on to your shawl.


I've been doing some cleaning in the kitchen. Have the curtains in the wash now. It's raining here today so a good day to clean. Maybe this afternoon I will get some crocheting done. I'd like to make a stashbuster bag with cotton.

I need to get around and make sure Jocelyn is ready for school.

Have a nice day everyone!

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Marlene, with our old GSD Susie, she would wake me up about 5 AM to eat and go out...she was on meds, etc...needed a schedule.

But back in the day I got up at that time to see hubby off to work...and then have my quiet time before DS had to get up. I really love early morning. It's hubby who can lay around for hours now that he can get up AFTER the sun comes up instead of before:lol


I think it's a man thing. Sparkie does it well, too:lol

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*~*~*~ Hellooooooo girls~*~*~*~*

How is everyone today----kind of busy in this house I must say, I can't comment on everything! HOWEVER..........MARISSA...........unless preg tests lie over and over and I don't produce that hormone then I could be! lol- I don't think I am, I think it might be a cyst on my left ovarie. YUCK! My bestie is a med asst, headed to being a nurse- she suggested it with my symptoms and it's followed suit to what she said as far as time, feelings, etc. and sure enough....here i am today-----I actually don't have any pain and I feel normal again. Sooooo.......I just hope it doesn't happen every month, if it does again, I will go to the doctor, I hate to go!


Mary Bunny----we pick up produce a lot in Cowiche---watch for my trucks cruising your parts "ELIASON" is in teal and purple ginormus on the trailer! :0)


I'm spring cleaning at my house too- getting ready for My honey to be here in a WEEK from today! I told my bosses to pretend that I am on a vacation (hopefully my honey takes me somewhere for a night! :0) No doiles done yet---dang it!!!

AND.....my best Aussie will be flying in Thurs afternoon w/ her lil family so I am sooooo excited to see them and spend time with them while they are here! I am trying to get some hats done to send back home with them since it's starting winter down there. ---I'm going to make her little boy and girl the little owl hats if you've seen them on Ravelry. Maybe even Bindi and Craig too just as a joke! lol He's a lawyer in Austraila and she's a stay at home Mommy- their little boy Jack is severely handicapped- when she was 7 mths preg. she got super sick and it killed half of his brain. He grows in height but will never walk, talk, feed himself, etc. Sad but they have done very well with it all- she said this may be their last trip as it's too hard to fly that far and he's getting bigger and harder to manuver in such situations. Sooo.....I may have to make a trip "Down Under" Oh.....Break my heart lol


Anywho----hope all is well Loves To You ALLLLL!

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Judy, until I got this illness, I never napped and was like the energizer bunny. Now, it doesn't take much to tire me and I'm working on regaining my stamina. Much better than I was, just not where I want to be yet.

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Happy Tuesday, everyone!


LeAnna ~ It's great to see you again! I'm so sorry about your DH's brother and nephew - and your Mom. :hug You sound super busy and I hope you're enjoying Springtime on your island. :)


Judy ~ Yay for receiving your shawl yarn/pattern! :clap


Faile ~ Great progress on your sock.:hook Can't wait to see pictures!


Linda ~ You are always so ambitious! My Spring cleaning is probably going to turn into Summer or Fall cleaning...again. :lol Is Kim still feeling okay? I saw that "The King's Speech" was out on DVD and plan on getting it soon!


Marisa ~ Wow! Lots of bargains for you to choose from. :yes Have you had any luck with your search?


Wrennie ~ Your new manager has lots to learn! Hopefully, he will be smart enough to ask lots of questions. Have you been able to garden yet?


Marlene ~ LOVE your cooking stories. :lol We had company coming for dinner - I turned on the oven for baked potatoes - DH put the steaks on the grill but we forgot to put the potatoes in the oven. :blush Needless to say, the microwave came in handy. :lol


Kiyo ~ Oh, I'm so glad you're feeling better. :manyheart You must be so excited to have both your friend and Honey coming very soon!


Hi to all that I've missed. :waving


Why, oh why did I agree to this Garage Sale? :rolleyes;) It's turning into a monster, so we're having it here instead of DD's...it seems my DH, the pack rat, has decided to clean out both attics and actually get rid of things - so it's really a good thing! :lol One of our neighbors is bringing things, too. It will be fun once we get it set up. :yes


Back to cleaning and maybe some time with my hook!

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:hi house.


I have been busy and up late again. Seems dd is homeless again after some blowout with the group she lived with :sigh Her friend whe went there to live with is in FL and has been for a month (wonder when she was going to get around to telling me that) and the rest of the bunch gave her until the 29th to be out and find homes for her friends dogs. Told her she needed to cut the strings to that group of friends and live on her own. I KNEW this was going to happen and warned her, but at 45, what more can you say. Did NOT volunteer to take any of the dogs in. I feel sorry for the animals.


Sorry to vent, but I was up late last night after getting a text message asking if it was okay to come for the night, like I would turn her out. Then she had to be to work at 4:30 am (work an hour and a half away) so that meant up early and of course not used to having anyone else in

house, I was awakened too.


I'm glad I have my crochet. I'm almost finished with Merri Purdy's Oliver tote/bag. One more flap and it's ready to felt.

Anyway, hugs to those who need them, prayers to all and love ya!

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Hi everyone, I have been sneaking in throught the back door at night in our house trying to do some catching up on some of the posts. As usual the house is so very busy and it seem as if everyone is busy also. I just started spring cleaning and began with donating clothes that I haven't worn in a few summers. I still have to change the curtains and get the house looking like spring for yes in deed spring has sneak up on us and I think summer weather too. On tuesday and thursday it's just me and the baby for now that my older grand son back in nursery school for two days I have a kinda of a breather, where I can get some things done around the house. The baby is starting to try his hands at walking and it's so scary to see him taking steps just to land on his bumbum. :lol:lol:lol Life have been quiet for me so I'm picking up my crocheting again and working on two things at once along with my navajo weaving. I love keeping myself busy. Instead of losing weight I have seem to have put on a few, where these few came from your guess is as good as mines. :think To Joanne, Judy and Marisa I'm looking forward to the meet-up this week-end it's my way of becoming re-connected with the house again. With that sending HUGS for I do think often of OUR HOUSE and the people I have met here. :hug:hug:hug

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Judy, until I got this illness, I never napped and was like the energizer bunny. Now, it doesn't take much to tire me and I'm working on regaining my stamina. Much better than I was, just not where I want to be yet.

I remember that feeling when I had chronic fatigue syndrom about 20 years ago - feeling so week all I could do was veg and nap!

Hugs to you:hug:manyheart:hug


Cheeria, I'm looking forward to seeing you Saturday!


Kiyo, glad you're feeling better...I don't miss all the problems those active "girlie parts" can cause! :hug:manyheart


Off I go for the night.

We have an electrician coming in at 9 tomorrow morning, so not sure when you'll see me. Hubby wants to look for flowers after the guy leaves. With 80 degree temps I don't think there'll be any problems getting them now - if they're available.



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Hello everyone. Very busy day at work. I have the next two days off though. It's rainy and gloomy today, but the temperatures are finally springlike. I think between the rain and the warmth we will need to cut grass by the end of the week.


Hi, Cheeria!


Judy, looking forward to seeing how your shawl works up.


LeAnna, good to hear from you. Sending prayers for Hub-E and you too.


Marisa, sounds like you might be able to pick up a few bargains this month!


Toni, sorry to hear of your dd's housing situation. Hope she finds something soon.


Kiyo, its good to hear that your symptoms have gotten better.

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Hi, Cindy! Yup, I'm going to start that shawl tonight...:hook


I have the granny blankie in the dryer now - pic to come.


'nite, again....:hug

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Hello house!!


Toni- Sorry to hear about DD's situation! Similar thing happened to my middle DD a few years ago in Philly- Three other girls wanted to go in with her- and after a month or so, 2 of the 3 decided they missed NJ and just left. Well, the 2 of them (my DD and another girl) couldn't afford the rent on their own- so luckily were able to get out of the lease- she ended up renting a studio by herself. Now she is living with her BF while she is finishing up her Master's. My oldest has been very lucky- she's been living with the same roomie since she moved to Boston- they both do their own thing and it has been working out very well. I often think she should go out on her own- but she says she likes the companionship and they both have similar interests- and do things together and also alone. Hope you can get some peace of mind!


Hi Cheeria- Can't wait to see you on Saturday!


Judy- You are going to have the shawl finished by Saturday I bet- and if not, I'll guess that you will be bringing it with you to work on! It was 85 degrees when I left work- I got home and the house was so hot/stuffy- so I figured I may as well make sure the central AC is working! and so far, so good!!! Here we go again---winter right into summer!


Marisa- My nephew who is a junior in HS is up in Pittsburgh now- just checked out UPitt!! He posted on FB that he visited Heinz field and that Pitt is AWESOME!!!! Who knows? Maybe he'll end up going there!!! My niece is at Carnegie Mellon and will be Senior next year- graduating in June with both her BS and MS!!! In Engineering and Robotics!!! She is one smart cookie!!


Kiyo= Sure sounds like you have some fun times coming up!!! One week to make a doily!! You better get cracking!


LeAnna- Hope Hub-E got off ok and made it safely to Chicago- Prayers continuing!


Marlene- Sounds like you are very busy- did you always take care of DS's kids? I only remember posts about Maya!


Cindy- Yay- for two days off!!! I feel like I've worked a week already and it's only Tuesday!!!


Mary- the garage sale will be so worth it, especially if DH is finally de-pack-ratting!!!! Hope you got a little hook time in today


Hi to Julie, Wrennie, Tab, Mary2, Linda, Tammy, Faille, Dusti, Trish and everyone else that I may have forgotten.


Dinner is ready and then it's Yankee time! Oh, I finished my 6th week of WW maintenance and am officially a lifetime member!!!! (I did gain a lb this week so it's back to watching what I eat) Still down 11 lbs though !!!


See you later or in the AM!

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Good evening my friends. John worked from home today so the computer was tied up until now. I overdid on the cleaning and sorting yesterday so took it easy today. I've mostly been reading and went out with Rosie this morning to run errands. Puppies went to the groomers, too, and came back with nice, short summer cuts.


Sounds like everyone had a nice Easter. We had a good one to. I have to tell you what I did and you can laugh I did. I was getting the eggs ready to boil so the kids color them. I boiled the water without the eggs. The first one I put in the water it cracked so I stopped right there. Started the second pot with eggs and water. Yesterday I couldn't get my potatoes done and they had been on for an hour. I kept turning the wrong burner down. Maya and I made her Mom's birthday cake. I thought it was strange that it seemed kind of thick. And it was very cherry tasting to after baking it. On the way back to my sons I called DD and asked her to ask Maya if we put eggs in the cake. She said we put oil and water but no eggs. It was not my day to cook I guess. But the rest of the dinner turned out fine. I guess this is what 3 kids will do when your use to one.

Oh, dear! :eek Sounds like one of those days when nothing goes quite as planned.

Our new manager started yesterday. He has a lot of good 'in the textbook' ideas. Applying them to our reality is another thing. He'll find out in time its not as easy as he thinks.

He told me he got an email that I was scheduled for a class I told him yeah I know me & Allyn (over his head) talked about it. He asked me if I knew where it was & I told him. He looks at me and says well you know more than me. I said.....

Get used to saying that. {{smirk}}

Oh, dear. Reality is going to be a rude awakening for him, it sounds like. Textbooks and their ideas are nice, but everything has to be modified in the real world and nothing is ever as neat and nice as the textbooks lead you to believe.:D

The American Cancer Society collects hand knitted and crocheted "falsies" for women who have lost their breasts to breast cancer. They have found that the knitted and crocheted ones are lighter and feel better than the silicone ones and that they don't chafe...so that's what a "tittie" drive is....

Sounds like a really nice idea.

Wrennie, My DD just told me over the weekend she had to write up her new DM. She was coming to DD's store to interview for the Assistant Manager position. She was very late, left 2 hours early and never interviewed anyone on time. Even tried to reschedule the phone interview. Which that person called DD and asked if the DM was going to call them. This is her third DM in less than a year. First one had been with the company but left for a different co. Can't remember about the second one. This one is a female all the others have been males. DD has been in sales since she was 17 so for 33 years and this DM takes the cake and she is brand new. I don't a future for her with this company. I know DD won't put up with style from her. She will continue to complain. I have asked DD why she doesn't go for DM and she says because of the traveling all the time, Maya and she is by herself. Maybe a couple of years down the road. She has a good head on her shoulder and very business like so I know she could do all that is involved.

Oh, my! Another one that doesn't seem to be connected to real life. I'll bet your DD would be a very good manager with all that experience.

*~*~*~ Hellooooooo girls~*~*~*~*

How is everyone today----kind of busy in this house I must say, I can't comment on everything! HOWEVER..........MARISSA...........unless preg tests lie over and over and I don't produce that hormone then I could be! lol- I don't think I am, I think it might be a cyst on my left ovarie. YUCK! My bestie is a med asst, headed to being a nurse- she suggested it with my symptoms and it's followed suit to what she said as far as time, feelings, etc. and sure enough....here i am today-----I actually don't have any pain and I feel normal again. Sooooo.......I just hope it doesn't happen every month, if it does again, I will go to the doctor, I hate to go!

Hope the problem is just temporary. :hug

AND.....my best Aussie will be flying in Thurs afternoon w/ her lil family so I am sooooo excited to see them and spend time with them while they are here! I am trying to get some hats done to send back home with them since it's starting winter down there. ---I'm going to make her little boy and girl the little owl hats if you've seen them on Ravelry. Maybe even Bindi and Craig too just as a joke! lol He's a lawyer in Austraila and she's a stay at home Mommy- their little boy Jack is severely handicapped- when she was 7 mths preg. she got super sick and it killed half of his brain. He grows in height but will never walk, talk, feed himself, etc. Sad but they have done very well with it all- she said this may be their last trip as it's too hard to fly that far and he's getting bigger and harder to manuver in such situations. Sooo.....I may have to make a trip "Down Under"

That is so very sad. Sounds like they are handling it well. :hug :hug :hug

I have been busy and up late again. Seems dd is homeless again after some blowout with the group she lived with :sigh Her friend whe went there to live with is in FL and has been for a month (wonder when she was going to get around to telling me that) and the rest of the bunch gave her until the 29th to be out and find homes for her friends dogs. Told her she needed to cut the strings to that group of friends and live on her own. I KNEW this was going to happen and warned her, but at 45, what more can you say. Did NOT volunteer to take any of the dogs in. I feel sorry for the animals.


Sorry to vent, but I was up late last night after getting a text message asking if it was okay to come for the night, like I would turn her out. Then she had to be to work at 4:30 am (work an hour and a half away) so that meant up early and of course not used to having anyone else in

house, I was awakened too.


I'm glad I have my crochet. I'm almost finished with Merri Purdy's Oliver tote/bag. One more flap and it's ready to felt.

Anyway, hugs to those who need them, prayers to all and love ya!

Wow, when it rains, it really pours. :hug :hug :hug


Have a good evening all.

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Evening everyone! Supper cooking and dd text that she was leaving work and picking up the rest of her stuff to take to storage unit here and then will be here. She can reheat her dinner.


Faille, can't wait to see your socks! I love, love, love making and wearing my own socks!


Mary, that's why I DON'T have garage sales :lol they are just to much work and then you have all those people and.......good luck to you and hope you make lots of $$


Kiyo, glad you are feeling better and hope all those parts stay well.


Linda, glad you got the computer time :) As for when it rains it pours, my mama is sick and had to go to doctor. Doctor told her it's either in and out of hospital or hospice. She and my sister chose hospice twice a week to monitor her health and needs. I have got to get my eyes done so I can help my sister more. Life, it sure can throw you curves sometimes.


Joanne, kids, even adult one's still need their mom :lol They make choices and sometimes we know they are the wrong one's, but they have to make them on their own.


:yay congrats on becoming a lifetime member!!! Proud of you!


Cindy, enjoy your days off.


Cheeria, glad to see you drop by.


Everyone I've missed, have a great evening. I'm done for tonight. Going to eat and then sit in my chair and crochet and veg.

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Stopping in to say good night! Stash Buster tote #3 is done! Will get pics up tomorrow after work!


Coffee pot is all set- giving you a break Mary!- BTW- love your new bright cheery tote that you posted on the tote addict CAL!!!

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Good morning and Happy Hump Day (and don't forget, thanks to Marisa- tonight is 31 cents/scoop at Baskin Robbins Day)


Hines Ward will be dancing again next week! (I can see him going all the way- amazing how a football player can be so light on his feet and dance so well)


Running behind here so let me wish you all a wonderful day and I'll see you later!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Sorry I didn't make it back last night. After work, I went to home depot and got some herbs and potting soil to finish up outside and it was 8:30 until I finished. Then I came in and took a cool shower and then sat upstairs to watch dwts and work on my tote :D


Nothing really new here though :no


Marlene - It's good for your dd to know that it would be too much for her right now to try the dm position....in good time though :hug


Judy - :hi Did you start your shawl yesterday or will it be today?


Kiyo - A cyst is very possible/probable :yes Sad to hear about Jack and will send some prayers your friend's way :yes


Toni - Sorry to hear about dd :hug Hope you have a great day :yes


Mary - Well, I've narrowed down to 3 areas and my sister is planning to contact the appropriate realtors (or gather the info for me to contact them, not sure which :think ) So sitting tight on that for now, since we just talked about it a day or two ago. Good luck getting through the garage sale :hug


Cheeria - WTG with your cleaning and crafting :yay Can't wait to see you on saturday, along with Judy, Joanne, and Phyllis.


Cindy - :hi Hope you have a great day :hug


Joanne - Awesome about your niece and nephew :clap My one friend that coaches basketball has a boy going to pitt next year to play. I've met him on a couple occasions and told him to call if he needed anything. You niece is probably quite settled there by now, but feel free to let your nephew know that if he needs anything, feel free :wink It's nice and comforting to know that someone's around if needed when going to a new place :yes We're taking Mary's mom with us to get ice cream tonight :D Is Sue coming on saturday?


Linda - Glad you took it easy after overdoing it the day before :hug


Gotta run or I'm gonna be late. Won't be back until late tonight AFTER my ice cream trip :lol

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Woke up late, no time to read back. I hope everyone has a good/better day.


Thank goodness for copy & paste or I wouldn't have time to tell you about yesterday......


I was driving to work yesterday and a little bird flew right in front of my truck. He was so close I didn't have even a second to hit the brakes. I looked in my rear view mirror, hoping he'd gone low or fast and I missed him..... but, there he was tumbling down the road. Well at least I hadn't run him over with a tire. He was on the road fluttering a bit but not getting up. So, I backed up, got out and went to see who my little victim was. Poor guy was all kinds of shocked and stunned. I picked him up so the next car wouldn't squoooosh him. It was a white throated sparrow. I looked him over and nothing looked broken. Then a lady I know who drives a small school bus came along. She stoped to see what waa going on. And the poor little guy put his head down and closed his eyes. We both went uh-oh. Then he opened them up a little. So he got in the car with me and sat on my leg for a drive into town. Yes I turned the stereo off for him ( first thing Marton started to ask) I listen to, uh, well, unsoothing for a little bird, music. I didn't want to leave him on the side of the road to suffer if he was hurt more than I thought, and i have a wildlife rehabilitator I know who lives down the road from the bank that I could call if he didn't recover. I walked into the bank and Stephanie (co-worker) was all a dither cause I had this little bird. I put him in a box, she ran out to get him some grass to be more comfy on. ( She was trying to help, I didn't have the heart to tell her he didn't need it ). I lightly covered the box so he wouldn't fly around the bank if he did get better. I checked on him a couple times and he was still there but not real perky ye. A little bit later and I heard him scratching around. I took the box outside and opened the top, tilted it a little, he saw sky & a tree and flew off. He was OK!! Yaaay!!


Then, since it was nice ou, me & Marton were sitting outside watching the birds & squirrels. And this malamute come running down the road, makes a right into my across the street neighbors and runs right around the back of the house. Well, my up the street neighbor does the yard work for them and he sometimes brings his dog. I was sure it was her. Marton walked over to catch her and put a 'leash' on her. I called Ed (yard guy) and yup it was his dog. She had been there with him that day and was digging in the stream trying to get at something under a rock. When Marton found her she was in the stream digging under a rock. Guess she wasn't done yet when Ed said it was time to go.

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