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Our House Part Two


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MIL went home today. Dh went and got her, since fil isn't feeling very well.

We went to DD's for dinner and to celebrate 4 year old grandsons birthday. We bought him some blocks that work with a set he already has, so we all played with those. We came home early since he had a birthday party at lunchtime with his friends today too. It was time for him to wind down.


Judy, that baby blanket is really pretty.


Dusti, I hung sheets outside today. It wasn't very sunny here, but it was very windy, so they dried quickly. I'm looking forward to that outdoor smell when I go to bed tonight.


Hi Cheeria, good to see you. Glad you are having fun with the weaving.


Good night everyone. Work again tomorrow.

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Hi Ladies!


We got home to are house yesterday took care of what had to and came right up to my sons to stay for awhile. Maya is here with us for the week. She can't get enough of us. But boy is three kids a handfull sometimes. But we do have fun with them. Payton is in first grade and Jocelyn goes to preschool 4 days a week. The kids sure do grow in just a few months of being away.

I have to be up early so I need to head to bed. I'll try catching up this week.

I hope all is well with everyone.

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Evening Ladies!!


Thanks for the welcome back(im one of those people who when sick pulls in my head and hides from the world,i didn't even have my sister Sissie to hound me this time because she been such a mess i kept allot from her allso,so sorry for just leaving y'all hanging)....it was a great day for me...i cleaned the kitchen from top to bottom,i could just see my DH pumping his fist in the air :lol....after that i sat on the front porch and crocheted my little heart out...it was so nice and warm(82 degrees)then i made homemade Spigitti sauce and it was great.Now im going to sit in front of the tv and crochet some more.


Judy....Love those colors together.


This is what i got done today!!



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Good morning!!!


Cindy- Glad to hear that MIL is home! Sounds like your GS had a wonderful birthday! Have a good day at work today!


Shay- Love what you've been working on- thanks for the pics!!! :tup Sounds like you had a very productive day between getting the kitchen all spic and span and also getting in lots of crochet time.


I worked a few rows on the blanket for my stepgrandson, and then decided to call it a night- and silly me set the wrong alarm! i have 2 alarm settings on my alarm clock and I inadvertently turned on the 2nd one:eek(which was set for 4AM from when I was going to Boston and needed to get up then) Think that tonight I'll set them both for my usual wake up time so that doesn't happen again!! Looks like I'll be drinking some extra cups of :coffee today!


Judy :manyheart the nine-patch- the colors look great together and I'm sure she is going to love it!!!


Marisa- Hope you got a really good night sleep last night after the game- especially since you didn't sleep well the night before!! Love the idea of the map of Pittsburgh and your plan!


Tammy - Saw your granny dishcloth pattern- very nice- and thanks! Hope today is another good day for DH!


Marlene- Glad to see you made it home safe and sound and enjoy your time at DS house! I'll bet Maya is on :c9 now that you are back home.


Time for me to get ready- if I'm up, I may as well get ready for paradise and then maybe hook a few more rows of the baby blanket before heading out the door!


Have a wonderful day EVERYONE:hug

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it's 83 degrees here.:2eek

...need i say more? We still had the heat on yesterday morning:P

It was like that here yesterday too. Now its breezy and about 50*. Supposed to only get to 60*ish.


And here's the 9 patch.

Made with 4 inch squares it came to 35 inches square.

I used 3 different brands of yarn: lavender was Bernat, soft white was RH, and the beige was Caron One pounder in Lace. For the Caron I went down from an H to a G hook to get the same gauge.

I finished it with sc, using hdc where needed to even out the edge.

:cheer Pretty!


This is what i got done today!!

:clap Very nice!


I can't wait for this weekend! Its our trip to hobby lobby time! I have to look through patterns and see what i 'need' yarn for. Definitely some cotton to make a tank style top. Hmmm, think my boss would be mad if I went through my pattern notebook and just figured out how much yarn I need for what I want to do all day? :think


One of my customers house burned up the end of last week. He was in Kingston(about a 35 minute drive away) when his cousin called his cell, in a panic, screaming 'your house is on fire'. Then she hung up. Kinda left him hanging. Anyway, he's a fireman, so he flipped on his emergency light and went as fast as he could to get home. Had a trooper follow him part of the way. He must have heard the calls going out for more & more departments, there were 11 companies that were called, and knew where he was going.

The poor guy was in yesterday. It was hard to not cry talking to him. He was emotionally wiped out. He built that house himself. It was a log home, wooden floors he custom fit, their dream home. His dog was with him & his wife was at work. They lost their 2 cats tho'. He's staying at his cousins house next door. They will have to tear down and rebuild. I hope they have great insurance. People have donated clothes and some have given money or gift cards to the mall so they can get some things.


Off to work in a bit. :sigh

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Good morning ladies :hi


It sure was busy in here yesterday :yes My sixers lost last night :( 1 more home game for the regular season on Wednesday night, but it's an hour later than usual and I have an early meeting on Thursday, so I may have Maryann take another friend with her :think We'll see how I feel about it come tomorrow :lol I worked on a square at the game that I'll be mailing out since I finished the baby ghan over the weekend :clap Still have to wash it though. I finally just got my taxes finished up, in the envelope, and ready to go so will swing past the post office on my way to work :clap


Wrennie - So sorry to hear about your customer :hug Did you get to have some trout yesterday?


Judy - Your baby ghan is gorgeous :manyheart It hit the 80's here yesterday too :yes (too hot for me though :blush )


Cindy - Glad to hear MIL came home :hug How's FIL today?


Linda - How's that RR coming along? I'm glad you already had some of the color you needed :yes


Tam - :yay for dh holding the normal temp :clap Continued prayers all around!! How's your tote coming along?


Dusti - Did you get your pictures in order? I also love when the clothes get hung outside with this weather :manyheart


Kiyo - :yay for getting visits coming up from bf and your Australian friend :yes


Mary2 - How's your tote coming? Are you workng on the same one as Tam?


Cheeria - Glad to hear your still weaving along :D I can't wait to see it.


Joanne - Very nice of you to step up and show the new employee around knowing full well it would set you back on your work :yes That's why you are so well respected at your job :yes


Marlene - :yay for making it home safely :hug I can just imagine those kids with you :lol


Shay - Sounds like you were quite productive yesterday :yay


:hi to everyone else in the house


Oh, my uncle had the endioscope done yesterday which showed nothing, I think they are planning a bone scan today :think


Gotta check into another thread and get my butt upstairs for my workout, which will be a little light today....my whole body is sore as I don't know what :think :think :thing

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Morning ladies



Great news about your husband ! So glad to hear it .


Hi Dusti

I bet that is quite a shock to be someplace so nice and warm, swimming at the beach,then to come home and have the wet sloshy rain and ice to contend with. Hopefully we will all be lucky enough to start seeing good weather . We had some nice days, but it is now getting colder and chance of a little spitting snow again this week. Very frustrating when it's this time of year .




How's the tote testing going ? Did you get it done ? I havent ever done new pattern testing for anyone .

I've never tried the Frescetta pizza, but maybe I'll buy some and give it a try !

Hope the nasty weather shapes up down there for you soon .



LOVE the colors on the new babyghan . Gorgeous !



Sounds like your weather is getting better . Also sounds like you have found something fun to work on with the totes ! Did you post photos of them someplace ? I dont usually hang out anyplae else on the boards .





Sounds like you have some fun company coming ! Hope you have a great time with them all !


Hi Cheeria

Thanks for stopping in,and glad you are all doing well .



Hi Joanne

I hope today at work isnt as hectic as yesterday was !



Hi Cindy

Glad your MIL is feeling better now . Hope you got a big hunk of CAKE at the birthday party !



Hi Marlene

Glad you made it home safely and are enjoying your visit with your other grandkids,along with Maya ! Yes, it does seem to be more of a challenge when you have more than one at a time to keep track of .



Hi Shay

so glad you are doing so much better,and it's fine if you need to step out sometimes. Everyone handles illness and problems differently . I yak to everyone about them, which I probably shouldnt do,but I dont have very many other people to yak to,so you guys get to hear it .

Love the granny hexagons,they look so pretty !



Hi Wrennie

hope you find some really nice yarn on your yarn run this week.

Sorry to hear about your friends house. That would be so heartbreaking to lose everything like that .


Hi Marisa

Sorry your team lost last night ... How's the office searching going ? Any new ones to look at yet ? Too bad you dont live in our area, there are LOTS of empty offices ,and several of them are Dr's offices . The economy around here is pretty bad,so there are lots of closed down businesses,lost homes, etc .


Well, I *think* I answered the posts from last night . Hope I didnt miss anyone .


Not much new here in Hillbilly village . Just another dead quiet day .Sam is working, I am sitting here trying to figure out someplace to go today for a bit to get out . It's grey and a little nippy out today ,so that's discouraging . This time of year, we can expect just about any weather .


Still working some on my embroidery ... not my favorite crafting thing to do, so I work a little on it,then lay it down a bit .


I read a lot more now ,which is a good thing because I hadnt done that much for a long time .


Will check in later-- hope everyone is doing well and has a good day .:)

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Good morning peeps!:hug


Thanks for all the compliments on the baby ghan...:hook


Evening Ladies!!


Thanks for the welcome back(im one of those people who when sick pulls in my head and hides from the world,i didn't even have my sister Sissie to hound me this time because she been such a mess i kept allot from her allso,so sorry for just leaving y'all hanging)....it was a great day for me...i cleaned the kitchen from top to bottom,i could just see my DH pumping his fist in the air :lol....after that i sat on the front porch and crocheted my little heart out...it was so nice and warm(82 degrees)then i made homemade Spigitti sauce and it was great.Now im going to sit in front of the tv and crochet some more.


Judy....Love those colors together.


This is what i got done today!!

Those colors are beautiful! And your work is exquisite:clap

Hi Ladies!


We got home to are house yesterday took care of what had to and came right up to my sons to stay for awhile. Maya is here with us for the week. She can't get enough of us. But boy is three kids a handfull sometimes. But we do have fun with them. Payton is in first grade and Jocelyn goes to preschool 4 days a week. The kids sure do grow in just a few months of being away.

I have to be up early so I need to head to bed. I'll try catching up this week.

I hope all is well with everyone.

Little ones ARE a handful!

Take your vitamins!:lol


Hi to everyone else...have to run!

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Good Morning, Ladies. :manyheart


Shay! It's wonderful to see your posts again. :yes Your flower garden is going to be stunning...I love the colors you have chosen. :clap


Dusti ~ Welcome back! I hope the flooding subsides soon. We're in a drought and I wish we could borrow some of that water. :lol


Julie ~ DH thanks you for calling him a "hunk." :D When DD was in high school and college, her friends thought he was very good looking.:lol


I've kept up with you all, but have had no time to post. :( We loved having Luke here and the house seems sooo quiet when he goes home. Yesterday, DH had some eye "flashes" so we went to his specialist...the flashes were gone and the digital scans showed no change.:xfin Then we spent several hours with MIL and I'm going there again today. I'm ready for some time in my yard and some time with my hook!


Take care and have a good day!:manyheart

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Gooooood morning, housemates. The sky is a mix of blue with lots of white clouds that are zipping along at a pretty speedy clip. Lots of wind up high and fair amount down here on the ground too. The puppies are bringing in fallen seed stuff with every trip outside. It sure makes a mess of the floor, but does mean that the pollen season is nearing an end. Thank goodness! The pollen count is 1,377 which is down from the weekend, but still very high, and the wind is keeping it blowing around in the air. Sigh! Kim has a doctor appointment this afternoon so we will have to get outside in it for a while.


I was cold last night so crawled into bed early and read a book instead of crocheting. I'm making good progress on the prayer shawl from Debbie MacComber's site.


I'm taking a break from the tote to have some pizza. My favorite is the Frescetta brick oven mushroom/spinach pizza. It is soooo good.


Next, will feed the furples, get the mail, take down hangy stuff and see what else needs to be picked up. We're under high wind advisories. Then it will be back to work on the tote. When I do a lot of sc, my hands get tired and my one arm will get numb, so I have to take a break.

That pizza sounds yummy, Toni. Stay safe from the winds. :hug

And here's the 9 patch.

Made with 4 inch squares it came to 35 inches square.

I used 3 different brands of yarn: lavender was Bernat, soft white was RH, and the beige was Caron One pounder in Lace. For the Caron I went down from an H to a G hook to get the same gauge.

I finished it with sc, using hdc where needed to even out the edge.

It's lovely, Judy. :clap :clap

*happy Monday my girlies*~*

SUCHHHH a long day......uggggh. My boss is on a cruise for the week, thus----I do his job while he is gone with MY wages, NOT his....Hmmmm how does that work? lol Which means that I accept and reject loads from all of our customers- hauling the food we eat to and from your Krogers, Safeways, etc. We haul a lot of ice cream and dough, donuts, rolls, Cookies, cakes, pies. And......I have to fix any and all problems, as well as assign the loads to the drivers and have them complain. I tell them too bad, put yer big girl/boy undies on and deal with it!!!! They don't like to hear that from me.


23 more days until I see my honey!!!!

I found out on Sat that my great friend from Australia and her little family will be here to visit on the 27th of this month and will be here for 20 days!! She was a foreign exchange student here in 1993 she played volleyball and I played softball, that's where we first met! Became great friends. I am now quickly making her little family hats as it is getting to be winter time there. Her Hubby loves it over here! I wish they were closer! Last time they were here, her Dad here passed on the day after they arrived. Sad deal- this time we are making up for all of that! SOoooo excited to see them and my honey will be here so maybe we can get away for an evening of fun.

Know what you mean about covering for someone else who makes more. Doesn't really seem fair, but we do what we must in this economy.


What fun that you get to spend time with your friend from Australia soon. And your sweetie, too. Have lots and lots and lots of fun with them. :devil

Evening Ladies!!


Thanks for the welcome back(im one of those people who when sick pulls in my head and hides from the world,i didn't even have my sister Sissie to hound me this time because she been such a mess i kept allot from her allso,so sorry for just leaving y'all hanging)....it was a great day for me...i cleaned the kitchen from top to bottom,i could just see my DH pumping his fist in the air :lol....after that i sat on the front porch and crocheted my little heart out...it was so nice and warm(82 degrees)then i made homemade Spigitti sauce and it was great.Now im going to sit in front of the tv and crochet some more.


This is what i got done today!!

Shay, there are times when I talk too much and others when I just hunker down and hide. You do what you have to to get through it. Just glad that you are back.


You got lots done and it's going to be STUNNING! :clap :clap

Hi Ladies!


We got home to are house yesterday took care of what had to and came right up to my sons to stay for awhile. Maya is here with us for the week. She can't get enough of us. But boy is three kids a handfull sometimes. But we do have fun with them. Payton is in first grade and Jocelyn goes to preschool 4 days a week. The kids sure do grow in just a few months of being away.

I have to be up early so I need to head to bed. I'll try catching up this week.

I hope all is well with everyone.

Oh, WOW! Spending time with all three grandkids after such a long time away has to be exciting and nerve wracking at the same time. Glad you made it home safe and sound. :hug

MIL went home today. Dh went and got her, since fil isn't feeling very well.

We went to DD's for dinner and to celebrate 4 year old grandsons birthday. We bought him some blocks that work with a set he already has, so we all played with those. We came home early since he had a birthday party at lunchtime with his friends today too. It was time for him to wind down.

Sounds like a BIG day for a little boy. :) Glad MIL is back home and sorry that FIL is under the weather now. :hug

I worked a few rows on the blanket for my stepgrandson, and then decided to call it a night- and silly me set the wrong alarm! i have 2 alarm settings on my alarm clock and I inadvertently turned on the 2nd one:eek(which was set for 4AM from when I was going to Boston and needed to get up then) Think that tonight I'll set them both for my usual wake up time so that doesn't happen again!! Looks like I'll be drinking some extra cups of :coffee today!

Time for me to get ready- if I'm up, I may as well get ready for paradise and then maybe hook a few more rows of the baby blanket before heading out the door!


Have a wonderful day EVERYONE:hug

Oh, NOOOOOOO! :eek I hate it when I do that. Keep the coffee coming, gal.

I can't wait for this weekend! Its our trip to hobby lobby time! I have to look through patterns and see what i 'need' yarn for. Definitely some cotton to make a tank style top. Hmmm, think my boss would be mad if I went through my pattern notebook and just figured out how much yarn I need for what I want to do all day? :think


One of my customers house burned up the end of last week. He was in Kingston(about a 35 minute drive away) when his cousin called his cell, in a panic, screaming 'your house is on fire'. Then she hung up. Kinda left him hanging. Anyway, he's a fireman, so he flipped on his emergency light and went as fast as he could to get home. Had a trooper follow him part of the way. He must have heard the calls going out for more & more departments, there were 11 companies that were called, and knew where he was going.

The poor guy was in yesterday. It was hard to not cry talking to him. He was emotionally wiped out. He built that house himself. It was a log home, wooden floors he custom fit, their dream home. His dog was with him & his wife was at work. They lost their 2 cats tho'. He's staying at his cousins house next door. They will have to tear down and rebuild. I hope they have great insurance. People have donated clothes and some have given money or gift cards to the mall so they can get some things.

Good luck with the HL trip.


That's a shame about the house that burned down. And after all their hard work building it. Sorry about the kitties, but glad that no one else was hurt.


That's about it for now. Time to get our day started. Catch up with you when I can. :manyheart

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:mdust ~*~*~*~*~GoOd MoRnInG hOuSe!!!~*~*~*~*~:mdust


How is everyone this sun shiney morning? Sun is shinning bright here... but still only 46* out. Suppose to get up in the low 70's today. Hope so... Patrick has a Track Meet today.


Hubby is feeling good today. Fever still Gone! :yay

He also had a nice morning chat with daughter before she left for the day. Gave her a time limit! Its time to grow up! She's NOT happy!

Michael is still doin' good... getting through cold.. with still no signs of relapse. Thank you God!

Mom is doing great... she goes in today to get her stapels out. :whew that will feel better I'm sure!

Patrick has a Track Meet today. :D cant wait to go watch him! I'll be taking some crocheting with me!

David........ Oh.. he is my silly little guy! He is the only one that comes in from playing ... Filthy! LOL.. He digs for bugs.. builds stuff... hunts for stuff... etc.


Me.................. still here crocheting! Trying to hold tight and keep sane. Or as much as I can.

I think today I will work on socks for my mom while at the Track Meet.

I did finish the Tote I tested for Sue (TurtleLvr)



And I created this dishcloth and wrote the pattern up and posted it in the patterns section



I made another 'Stash Buster' tote. This is one of 4 I will be making. They are for friends to carry during Baseball season..... team colors are Purple & White. :D



Okay... need to get some other things done before I have to take off for my hour drive to the Meet.


Have a Great Day all! :hug

Thank you again EVERYONE for all your love and prayers!





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Sounds like your weather is getting better . Also sounds like you have found something fun to work on with the totes ! Did you post photos of them someplace ? I dont usually hang out anyplae else on the boards .


Weather is slowly getting there. Was down to 27 last night. Not cold enough for DH to kick the frost fan on the soft fruit trees. They aren't out quite far enough yet.


Pics of the totes I've finished are here http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=127241


I am 2/3 of the way through another one and started another :lol. Ran out of one color on the 2/3 one and the yarn was over on the table and I didn't feel like getting up to get it..so I started another :hook


Lots to do today. Pray for my friend Jan who has a migraine. ugh....:(

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I thought I posted a pic of my baby blanket this morning after my first post :think Oh well, here it is but the lighting in not great.....



Mary2 and Tam....wonderful work!!!!:clap:clap


Thanks, Linda! Blankie looks better than I thought it wuld:lol



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I crocheted through the storm and flickering lights. Storm slammed in fast and furious and was gone just as fast. No damage here or at the mama's house, thank you God.

After I play catchup on posts, I will be posting the tote that I finished at 9:30 last night :lol


Dusti, yep, those little birds love their nectar. I see one feeder is almost empty, so will have to wash and refill it. I love the summer time when they are getting ready to fly south and I have 30-50 at feeders at a time. They are so fun to watch.


Hey, hey Kiyo! Sounds like between your honey and your friend being there soon, you will be very happy and in heaven. Your job sounds really interesting, busy but interesting. Sucks not getting the same pay when boss is gone. :(


Cheeria, so glad to see your post. Sorry to hear the computer had a melt down. Hate when that happens. Take care of you and post when you can. :hug


Cindy, glad MIL was able to come home. Sounds like a nice time at the BDay party. Love that age


Shay, your remark about hubby and his fist when you cleaned the kitchen was funny:D I can just see it.


Sorry you've been sick. Been there, done that and I have tendency to "turtle" myself at times. It's how I deal with things.

Your project is very pretty. I have one I made my late MIL many, many, many years ago. It was given back to me when she passed. They are a challenge, especially for someone who HATES to have to put pieces together *LOL*

Joanne, I was the opposite of you, forgot to set my alarm :lol Thankfully, furples nature calls are like clockwork and they got me up.


Wrennie, I've been trying to talk my neighbor into a trip to HL. We haven't made it yet :sigh


So sorry to hear about your customer's house burning down. That has to be heartbreaking for the family.


Mary, glad the eyflashes didn't show anything wrong. Continued prayers that it stay that way. Having the little one's is so much fun, but good when they go home and you can rest for the next visit ;)


Tam, I love your tote and am so happy to hear that Ken is doing better AND that he talked to your dd and gave her a timeline to be on her own. Good for him!


Love all your projects. You do such great work! And fast!


Glad your mom is better too. Hopefully, things will completely settle down for you soon and you can regain what's left of your sanity :lol

Continued prayers for you and yours.:hug


Mary, love the totes. After I finish up a few WIPs, I'm going to do a stash buster tote. May make one for my sister and fill it with yarn as a gift.


To everyone else HI YA!!!!!

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Now, without further ado, TADA! Here is the tote I tested for Turtleluvr



Wow! I love the colors, too...great pattern.


shutting down - T/storms coming!

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Lovely projects today- Marisa the baby blanket is awesome and so is the tote Toni!!!


Had a busy day- lots of meetings (I hate meetings- they really eat into the day- and you get hardly anything accomplished IMHO) But it is what it is- another day of meetings tomorrow- but it should settle down soon. I'm meeting with different jpeople in the dept to get "caught up" on different thingsl At least I got home at a decent hour tonight- and luckily before the heavy rain and T-storms started rolling through!


Judy- I doubt the Yankees will play tonight if it's raining in NY like it is here! Very cool, grey and ugly out there!


I'm going to log off since the storm seems to be intensifying. Try to be back later!

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Joanne, sure hope you don't get any of the bad stuff. A lot of downed trees and damage around here from last nights storms. Stay safe :hug


As far as meetings go, I know what you mean. I sometimes wonder how they expect us to get our REAL work done with so many meetings. Sheesh!


Thank you Judy and Joanne on your kind words about the tote. I almost gave up because I had a mind block where spikes were concerned. I was determined to master them :lol

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~~*Hello my pretties*~~ Hope the day has gone well for all!! OMG is allllll I can say for my day here!!! 3 more to go! lol On my way home, then homemade pizza at My parents! (my step dad goes in for a test and to see specialist in the morning- they found a tumor in his bowel, they are checking it out tomorrow) Prayers are needed!

Will update you tomorrow! Loves to you all------found out last night that a good friend of mine is pregnant (she's due in June!) I made THE CUTEST lil beanie w/ big flower!

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Kiyo, prayers going up for your step dad. Hopefully it's something that can be removed and that's the end of it. :hug


Sorry you're so busy, but the homemade pizza sounds wonderful. Have a good time.

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Here I am after another 12 hour day at work. (Today they bribed me with time and a half.) It was a very good day, but I'm tired.

Dh says both his parents are fine today.


Marlene, glad you made it safely home.


Shaylen, it looks like you've been very productive. All those colors are really good together.


Wrennie, very sad about your customers house.


Marisa, that is a beautiful baby blanket.


Tam, good for hubby for having a hard talk with DD. Glad he is still doing well. same with Michael. Your projects are really great. I love the dishcloth picture.

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