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Our House Part Two


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Good morning. Absolutely gorgeous weather here! Dh is going to make a start on our view deck this weekend. He has already dismantled some of the old one. I won't be here though, I'm going to my brothers place in Ontario, for a baby shower for my niece. DS is planning to come over to hep though....and I suspect that he will be more help than me!


Mary, sounds like your mall trip was really successful! Glad it was a good time.


I finally got a really good nights sleep. It's been a bad week, sleep wise, but I went to bed at about ten last night and slept until eight thirty this morning. It's now 10 AM, and so far all I've done is drink coffee, and read. It's time to get to my to do list so that I'm not scrambling around this afternoon.


I made another pair of those baby boots with the fur like trim. I think I'm going to make a few more to use up that yarn. Otherwise it will be taking up space around here forever!


Ok...of to start on my chores......Have a great day, ladies.

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Cindy, good for you, trying to use up that yarn! I have such a mixed bag of stuff....  

Getting away sounds like fun - safe travels if we don't "talk" before....

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Good afternoon House!


Judy-you are going to have your JAYG afghan done in no time!  Some yarns affect me too, I am making a little coverlet for myself using a mohair, acrylic, wool blend.  My hands are drying out!  I can't believe how much it makes my hands itch, I think once I wash it and get those loose fibers out I too will feel better.  If, not I will be selling it here at the shop.   :manyheart


Mary-that is so sweet of you to buy Zach new shoes and to spend the day with him.  He will remember these times when he gets older.  my kiddos love and adore my in-laws-they are just the sweetest grands, we are truly blessed!


Cindy-those dust bunnies are sure calling my  name!  :lol   Did you get to them today?  Your trip to Canada sounds fun!  I bet it is still cold there?  When do they start seeing Spring?  Your booties are adorable!


Joanne-oh my gosh!  I bet your dd was so excited to get extra sleep, I remember those days only too well.  My ds is going to attend our local University, he is registered and ready.


I have been so busy planning my ds's  graduation reception and have had more bulk orders.  It has been super fun and exhausting at the same time.  I am finishing two more bulk orders this weekend, whew!  Then I will have 3 more left to do, but they take a bit of time.  :manyheart   Wanted to check in on you all, hugs to all of you! :ghug

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Happy Friday, everyone.


Cindy ~ Have a great time in Ontario!


Judy ~ I don't blame you for keeping the quilt 'ghan!  How big will it be when finished?


LeeAnn ~ Yes, you sound very busy!  When is the graduation party?  Oh, it sounds like you have a lot of molds to fill right now....congrats on the big orders. :yes


Marlene ~ I hope you're having a good trip...or maybe you're home by now. :)


The Pre-K and Kindergarten classes at Luke's school had a program today.  "The Wedding of Q and U" was one of the cutest things I've ever seen.  They had a choir, bridesmaids and groomsmen - and of course a big Q and U.  Everything involved words that started with Q and we all know that Q and U are always together. :lol  There is a little guy who is just 5 and plays the violin beautifully!  A reception followed with trays of cheese, fruit, cookies and punch.  Very fun afternoon!

Have a good evening, friends. :manyheart

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Mary, what a cute thing for Luke's school to do. Sometimes it's hard herding little ones around to do something that involved.


And I'm not sure how big this ghan will end up. Right now it's lapghan size. I guess it depends how often I go stash diving in my closet :lol  :lol  :lol  Tomorrow I'll try and get a daylight picture of the progress so far. 


Have a good night my friends!

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Great looking blanket, judy!


Had a wonderful weekend. :-). Yesterday, dd and i took all of the boys to pt pleasant to go on the rides. R&R were so excited. Robbie was really happy that he is now tall enough to go on rides with Ryan without an adult. It was fum!!! We took the train ride together while dd fed Charlie. Afterwards we stopped at their house to picke up the car and bring R&R back to our house for their first sleepover. We had pizza for dinner, ice cream for dessert. And played some games. Robbie woke up at 1 because he had to go to the bathroom. Ryan then woke up and wanted his mommy. Robbie promptly fell back asleep. Lol. I was able to calm Ryan down and he went back to sleep. This morning we went for bagels and then took them home.


Today, i switched out my clothes and then dh and i went down to the waterfront for a couple hours. Gorgeous weather!

I hope you all had a good weekend!

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Hi Ladies,


Cindy, Hope you are enjoying your time in Canada with family. Have to love weather like this. It's been like this in Texas and warmer most of the winter. I hope it continues. Love your booties they are so cute.


Judy, I love your scrap ghan! I will add it to my want to make list. 


Mary, Your day at the mall with DD and Zach sounds like a perfect day. I bet Luke's school program was a great show. Kids are so cute. Hope the weather was kindly to you this weekend. I keep getting weather alerts for are county in Texas.


Joanne, What a treat Charlie gave his mama, more sleep. How fun R&R came and spent the night. I always miss driving along the bay when we come home. When I go to the store I quite often take the ride along the bay on the way home it is so beautiful.


LeeAnn, You are a very busy lady! 


We left thursday morning, stopped in Atlanta, Texas for the night and drove to DD's from there arriving late friday night. We came home this afternoon. The is unpacked and some stuff is put away. We bought a freezer in Texas a season ago, but I thought it was to big for us down there so we bought a smaller one and took it with us. So we brought the first one home with us. Are energy company will give us 50.00 for us to recycle the old one so I want to get them exchanged out, tomorrow I hope. It means I have to rearrange the back room. 

Maya was really happy to see us and didn't want us to leave. She asked me yesterday if we would come down next weekend, because it is her mom's birthday. I don't think we will as we will be down there the following weekend. 

Baby G is just adorable! He is so much fun. He gets held a lot at daycare apparently, he don't like to be set down. 

DD, Maya and I went and had are nails done. I paid for DD's for her birthday. She had bought Maya a gift certificate to get hers done. 

Hope everyone has a great week!

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Joanne ~ Welcome to grandsons and sleepovers! ;):c9   So far, Zach sleeps all night and Luke wakes up and is a little homesick. That is subject to change, though. :)  Thank goodness for baby monitors...I still rely on it when they're here.


Hi Judy!


We may be in need of an Ark before long...several inches of rain today and more expected for the next few days!  Gracie is not a happy camper with the thunder.


See you all tomorrow!

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Hi peeps!


Mary, I know about thunder issues- at least only one of our guys is afraid! Make that PETRIFIED!

Stay dry!


Hi, Marlene!

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Hi Judy!  Are you still adding more little squares to your afghan?


Marlene ~ I'm so glad you had a safe trip home.  Maya sounds so happy to have you close again...I'm sure Baby G is happy, too but he just can't tell you yet. ;)   Your timing on your trip was good...the whole Houston area had 16" of rain in the last day or so!!!  We've had 6 inches since yesterday morning.


I finished a scarf today and started another baby 'ghan for my shop. :)


Have a good evening, House. :manyheart

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Morning, peeps!


Mary I heard about that rain....oh boy! Is Gracie a typical girl and hates the rain?


I have two rows (20 squares) left to attach. I think....I haven't worked on it since Saturday. :embar  Then I'm going to do either a granny border - which I saw used on a similar ghan and I love it. Or....a ruffly border. It's a small blanket, so I'm thinking the GS border will look best.  Any thoughts on that?


After scrubbing the bathrooms yesterday my hands hurt too much to want to hook - so I went shopping :2spin    Just ended up with lightweight jeans and some lightweight leggings, which is my new wardrobe choice. My blouses and shirts are all long, so leggings work great. I tried on unmentionables....too many to count....and need to make a special trip one day when that's all I'm looking for and just camp out in the fitting room. :sweat


Hubby has jury duty today, so I have the day planned - might get to meet up with Goddaughter and her mom for lunch. GD came into town because she was sponsor for her 14 yo brother, who was confirmed in the Catholic Church last night. We'll see if their plans work out so it can happen.


Have  great day my friends. :heart

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Good morning. Chilly and drippy here this morning, after several days of sunshine and warmth, but nothing like in Texas! My nephew and his family in Houston just got back into their home after the floods of two years ago. Sure hope that doesn't happen again. That might be enough to bring them back North!



Judy, I would consider the granny birder simply because you love it. It also seems to go with the theme of squares. I have to confess though, that I'm not really that fond of ruffles. I bought a blouse with some ruffles last summer and never wore it. However, I think that a ruffled border would add a feminine touch. This one is going to be yours, right!


Marlene,mglad you are back safe and sound.


DD and the grandkids are coming over later this morning, so I suppose, I ought to go get dressed. Have a great day ladies,

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Good morning House!


Mary-What kind of scarf did you make for your shop?  I love making scarves and shawls, I like that they are easy to bring with me to the shop and that they work up quickly.  I have a shawl that is almost finished, it is called the Sidewalk shawl, so pretty!  


Cindy-are you on vacation this week?  Did you take any projects to work on?


Judy-the end is near! woohooo!  I bet you are excited to get your grannies all put together.  What is next on your agenda?


Marlene-so glad that you made it home safely, I bet the grands were over the moon happy to see you.  I bet you are missing all of the fun activities?


I have been working long hours...last night dh kicked me out of the craft studio at 7.  I was more that happy to go, I had been in there for 3 straight days working 16 hours each day..I did manage to get almost all of the bulk orders out..whew!  I have the last one almost done, just need to shrink wrap and label.  No rush on that on, as I am far ahead of schedule.  Today while at the shop I must catch up on paperwork and dusting.  Have a great day my friends! :ghug

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Hi, Cindy!

The smaller pink and white ghan may have ruffles in the border - but my bright ghan may have to settle for the granny pattern. The reason for that is it will be big - and the yarn I want to use for the border was given to me by a cousin who is onto other crafts, and I wanted to include it in this project - and I'm sure there won't be enough for a ruffle. I have to check that again, though. I still want to make the bright one bigger. Maybe a long blanket...bigger than a lapghan but no where near bedspread size.


LeeAnn....I have two WIM (Works in Mind...lol). Squares too! One with grannies in pink and white again, but  WW and it will be larger than the one I started and have shown here. The other project will be the Willow square pattern using light blue, yellow and white. I'm still trying to use stash, so I'll see how much of each color gets made. I first saw those colors together in an old variegated yarn from Red Heart called French Country. I always liked the combination.

I DO think I should make something for a boy though - and soon. When I don't have something already made up that's when people ask for one! Maybe I should just take boyish colors and work on a V stitch blanket. Decisions, decisions....

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Hi ladies. Nothing much going on here. I had a rough night with an upset stomach and nausea, probably caused by the Mexican lasagna that I made for dinner yesterday. Spicy food rarely agrees with me. It tasted good, but I didn't sleep much. I feel quite a lot better now though. I really ought to know better!


Lee Ann, no vacation this week. It's work as usual! I only work 40 hours every two weeks so I have quite a few days off. It might sound like I'm on vacation!


I have finished most of my to do list, just need to do a little vacuuming still. I need to go to a meeting at work this afternoon as well.


Hope everyone is having a good day.

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Hi peeps!


Cindy, I'm so glad you feel better now! I love spicy food - but hubby has to take a Pepcid before he eats it. 


I'm still playing with the JAYG blankie and it's growing very nicely. I was busy today so didn't get to the little pink squares at all.


I have to admit, I haven't tried to get hold of Linda for probably at least a week or so. Ever since I messaged her through FB.  :(


Have a good night my friends.

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Hi Ladies,


Judy, Both blankets are beautiful! I hope Linda is back soon. She's been gone a long time. Praying for them.


Mary, Congrats on finishing the scarf! I'm glad we left when we did after all this rain Texas is getting. I hope you are not having any problems due to all the rain.


Cindy, Can we turn up mother natures temperature? We turned the heat on last night and it looks like we will need it for awhile.


LeeAnn, Don't forget to breathe in all your business. 


We had an early day yesterday and very long day. Hubby had to have his blood drawn for his doctor appt coming at the VA next month. I called to see what time they open for labs. They said 7 and there done at 11. We waited for 50 minutes and we were the fourth in line before they even started working. They can take a very long time so we made sure we were there when they opened. Hubby had an appt at the pain clinic and he goes back next week and they will burn some nerve endings. This could last 6-12 months. Went and picked up new insoles for my foot. They sure help. Now I know to take an extra pair with me when we go to Texas next year. And full length is better the shorter length. We were looking for a Goodwill store and found a Volunteer's of America store. We needed a blanket for Daisy. We guess we left hers in Texas and she likes it hot. We found a fluffy like sheep fur baby bag. She loves it. She hibernated in the bedroom all day today on my waterbed. Stopped by and seen my mom, hubby's mom, had dinner then visited with hubby's brother and sister in-law. Today I just took it easy. I did do laundry and dishes, but didn't unpack anything. We did get the freezers changed out and the back room cleaned out the other day. 

The nurse at the pain clinic order a horse scarf from me. Her bf loves horses and shows them. I just don't know how much to charge for it. I have to see where I can order the eyes from. Not sure I can find any at the regular stores like Michael's and JoAnn's. 

Hope everyone has a great rest of the week!

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Good morning House!


Marlene-woohoo!  That is great that you have a scarf order, I do love making scarves.  What kind of eyes are you needing?  The snap on eyes?  If so, I ordered a huge bag with different colors, shapes..I may have what you need.  Just let me know, I would be happy to send you a pair.


Judy-your afghan sure is growing!  Looks fabulous!  It sure is working up fast!


Cindy-are you feeling better?  Your Mexican Lasagna sounds delish!


Hello to the rest of the house!  I finally finished another shawl..I am wanting to keep this one but am still not sure..I do love it  :lol


Here is the link for the pattern too..lovely pattern 





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Hi ladies. I had a fairly good day at work today, but I didn't sleep well, so I'm exhausted! I work again tomorrow.


Marlene, I agree, just a bit warmer would be nice! Congratulations on the scarf order.


Judy, that blanket looks just your style, bright and colorful. It is very attractive.


Lee Ann, that shawl is absolutely gorgeous! I vote that you keep it! And yes, I'm feeling better!


I sure hope Linda is okay. With all the health issues she has had over the past year, her silence is really worrying.

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Good Morning. :)  I'm here and reading...just not typing very well.  I cut my left little finger bad enough that it required stitches and it has a huge bandage on it. Lol


LeeAnn ~ Your shawl is gorgeous!  I love the color you chose. :yes


Judy ~ Great progress on your afghan. :)


We've had 8 inches of rain this week.  The sun finally came out yesterday, but they're predicting more next week! 


I'll post more later - this is slow going. ;)

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