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Our House Part Two


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Thank you everyone for the positive support with Lily. Her tests came back with great results....no brain dysfunction. Her seizure like movements are really neck spasms from her torticollis, which is great news. I feel horrible that lily & her parents have to go through all of this due to a dr.'s incompetence.


I hope all of you are doing well. I'm on my iPod again so it's hard to respond to you all individually. Just know that I am thinking of you all! :ghug


Will definitely keep Lily and her family in my prayers.

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Hey ladies :hi


I really quickly read through the posts while eating....I was starving. On my way home from work I got held up waiting for an accident to get cleared. Then stopped at the wawa for soup and a sandwich. Got home and the turtles light had burned out, so back in the car to get a new bulb....couldn't leave them in the dark and cold ALL weekend :no So just ate while catching up , but now I really must go finish packing. Mary should be here in about a half hour. Pitt is supposed to get 5-8" snow overnight, but not supposed to start until about 3 am so :xfin all goes well.


I don't have time for individual comments, but definitely need to send some :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug out to Tam and thank Toni for sharing the flowers


Will probably do a quick check on the phone, but if you don't hear from me until Sunday evening.......don't worry :no

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Joann, what pattern do you use to make fabric baby shoes? They sound interesting.



I'm sorry, I missed this the first time around. (It was me, not Joanne who made them.) This is the pattern that I used (be aware that the pattern instructions have errors in them.) My first pair didn't turn out very well because of that, but I now know where the pattern went wrong, so my next pair should be okay.




There are other baby shoe patterns on the Homespun Threads site as well.

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Thank you everyone for the positive support with Lily. Her tests came back with great results....no brain dysfunction. Her seizure like movements are really neck spasms from her torticollis, which is great news. I feel horrible that lily & her parents have to go through all of this due to a dr.'s incompetence.


I hope all of you are doing well. I'm on my iPod again so it's hard to respond to you all individually. Just know that I am thinking of you all! :ghug

Fantastic news, Tabby! :yay


Marisa, hope your and Mary have a safe trip and a wonderful weekend. :hug


Oh, Cindy, those are too cute for words.

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Great news about Lily, Tab!!! Thanks for letting us know!!


Cindy- I laughed out loud when Toni asked ME about the fabric baby shoes!:lol Sometimes it's so hard to remember who said what and who is doing what- except for Linda and her quilting and Cheeria and her weaving!:lol


Marisa- Safe travels tonight! And have fun and good luck scoping out areas for your move! That's great that Mary is coming with you. Will she also be moving to Pitt and work for you?


Judy- My co-workers do appreciate home-made items. They think it's cool that I crochet and some of them have started to hook too! :hook


I have about 3 more rows on the baby blanket- decided to work on that one tonight instead of the 2nd one I'm making for my stepdaughter's baby. Then I will just have to border it and weave in the ends. I chained the same # of chains in the one I'm making for stepdaughter and I'm using Pound of Love and the same size hook- it's definitely smaller than the one in the Vanna's Baby yarn. But it'll be fine.


Off I go for the night. Mary 2- if you stop in, can you leave the night light on again for the early morning?:hug

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Hi house just stopping by for a sec, the last two days been very busy for me for the baby was sick with a fever, coughing and running nose, so he was a crier. Today he went to the doctor but still crying and want grandma to hold and hug him so I haven't had a moment for myself for when he's sleep I'm hanging out with my other grandson and I am tired. :P Tomorrow morning I have to be up at the hospital by 7:30 for my treatment then back home to be here for my lil grand darlings, so that's what I have been up to these last couple of days.


Nite House family sorry I didn't respond to the posts but I'm tired. Sending Hugs :hug:hug:hug

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Good morning! TGIF!


Just read the awful news about the earthquake in Japan and the tsunami warnings for HI and immediately thought of Dusti and her girls .Also read that there are watches posted for the west coast- so to all our housemates on the west hope you remain safe.


I kind of feel like mother nature is on a rant herself lately with all the natural disasters happening. In light of this latest tragedy, I'm just going to wish everyone a good day, be kind to those you meet, and keep all these folks in your prayers and thoughts.


Hugs to all!:hug:hug:hug

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Also, thought I would send you this wonderful bouquet of daffy's to brighten your day!



Very cheery! I love the multi color ones!! Mine are still under a foot of snow.


I am back from my first day at the Sewing and Quilt Expo. It's great! Had a good time with Rosie today.

Sounds like alot of fun! Wish there were things like that closer to here too.


Cindy those baby shoes are so cute on Homespun threads. Too bad I don't sew!

Come on up. I'll give you lessons!:sew


I kind of feel like mother nature is on a rant herself lately with all the natural disasters happening.

Look at noaas website... well here


Theres all kinds of information on climate change, weather, the oceans. Its a pretty cool site and their weather is very accurate here> weather.gov

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Good morning peeps!


Our fellow peep, Julie, may not be on for a couple of days - the asthma and her meds have been hitting her hard, so she's not feeling up to doing much.


Hey ladies :hi


I really quickly read through the posts while eating....I was starving. On my way home from work I got held up waiting for an accident to get cleared. Then stopped at the wawa for soup and a sandwich. Got home and the turtles light had burned out, so back in the car to get a new bulb....couldn't leave them in the dark and cold ALL weekend :no So just ate while catching up , but now I really must go finish packing. Mary should be here in about a half hour. Pitt is supposed to get 5-8" snow overnight, but not supposed to start until about 3 am so :xfin all goes well.


I don't have time for individual comments, but definitely need to send some :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug out to Tam and thank Toni for sharing the flowers


Will probably do a quick check on the phone, but if you don't hear from me until Sunday evening.......don't worry :no

Maybe you should always have a spare bulb??:think

Safe travels!

I'm sorry, I missed this the first time around. (It was me, not Joanne who made them.) This is the pattern that I used (be aware that the pattern instructions have errors in them.) My first pair didn't turn out very well because of that, but I now know where the pattern went wrong, so my next pair should be okay.




There are other baby shoe patterns on the Homespun Threads site as well.

Oh, those are adorable......:c9

Hi house just stopping by for a sec, the last two days been very busy for me for the baby was sick with a fever, coughing and running nose, so he was a crier. Today he went to the doctor but still crying and want grandma to hold and hug him so I haven't had a moment for myself for when he's sleep I'm hanging out with my other grandson and I am tired. :P Tomorrow morning I have to be up at the hospital by 7:30 for my treatment then back home to be here for my lil grand darlings, so that's what I have been up to these last couple of days.


Nite House family sorry I didn't respond to the posts but I'm tired. Sending Hugs :hug:hug:hug

Be careful you don't get sick again!!:hug:manyheart:hug

Good morning! TGIF!


Just read the awful news about the earthquake in Japan and the tsunami warnings for HI and immediately thought of Dusti and her girls .Also read that there are watches posted for the west coast- so to all our housemates on the west hope you remain safe.


I kind of feel like mother nature is on a rant herself lately with all the natural disasters happening. In light of this latest tragedy, I'm just going to wish everyone a good day, be kind to those you meet, and keep all these folks in your prayers and thoughts.


Hugs to all!:hug:hug:hug

It does feel like that, doesn't it???? I forgot where Dusti was staying - but it seems that all the permanent residents know what to do when stuff happens out there.


Those poor Japanese peole! Seeing the water come in on top of the quake!:eek


Love you guys - stay well and careful in whatever you're doing today.


I have my routine appoint with DS for my back later this AM.



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Hi everyone. Sorry to be MIA so much lately - but I'm reading posts!


Tam ~ :hug I'm so sorry you're having to deal with even more bad news now. I remember my little brother's whole grade school class being exposed to scabies and my mother washing everything in the house. We all had to use some kind of cream on our skin as a preventative. I hope things are better soon. :hug


Tabby ~ Oh, thanks for letting us know about Lily! :c9


Toni ~ Thank you for the wonderful picture. I'm glad you are high and dry! :manyheart


Marisa ~ Sorry I missed posting before you left - have a great trip. :yes


Linda ~ The quilt expo sounds so fun...glad you're enjoying it. :)


Julie ~ Feel better soon! :hug


Hi to the rest of the House, too. I'm off again - to see MIL, post office and then a short time with Luke while DD goes to the dr. Then it's home to my yard - next to crocheting, playing in the dirt is my favorite thing. ;)

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~~HAPPY FRIDAY~~~ WELL......for me it's kind of sad.....:0( Loved having my honey here and hated to see him go yesterday afternoon. I cry the whole hour to the airport and then the whole hour home. lol I'm such a boobie!

YES----we got a TON of things ironed out---even amidst him being sick as a freakin dog. I felt bad he even came but he did! he felt bad he was so sick too----life....not much we can do about it! However, I feel great about us, he's the straight up, tell you how it is guy--- I told him then he needs to give me all information at once, not part of it 1 day and 3 days later the rest----of course by then I'm mad w/o any sympathy. I like details NOW, not after math. He's very laid back and I'm all up on it----I am usually the leader of my pack. So---for him to want to be a part of that too is kind of shocking to me- I've always been the breadwinner when I was married (13yrs) and ran the house. I would have to beg to get any laundry done, folded, dishes done etc. I came home from work this week and he had folded my laundry. Such a doll. He will be back in just a little more than a month- can't wait!!


~~ I've missed you all- I don't know as though I will get through allllll weeks worth of posts---however, I hope all of you are doing well, I will slowly read through what I can!! Love and hugs to you all just in time for the weekend.

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I'm sorry, I missed this the first time around. (It was me, not Joanne who made them.) This is the pattern that I used (be aware that the pattern instructions have errors in them.) My first pair didn't turn out very well because of that, but I now know where the pattern went wrong, so my next pair should be okay.




There are other baby shoe patterns on the Homespun Threads site as well.


Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry I mixed you and Joanne up, that's what happens when you should be resting your eyes and not reading the forum :lol


Thanks for the link, I will check it out.

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Morning all!


I have clothes in washer and in dryer and one load folded and put away. Suffering from all the pollen, so didn't work today. Then got energy burst and decided to make the most of it. I'll pay for it later and tomorrow :rofl


Also, been organizing patterns and yarn. Trying to make some sense out of the mess of my dd's stuff and mine. Going to put stuff in the room she uses when she's here and just close the door on the mess :lol


My heart and prayers go out to all the people of Japan and everyone in path of the tsunami. The force of nature is so powerful.


Haven't read through the posts yet, but will later. In the meantime, y'all have a great day!


:heart and :hug

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Wow- what a very quiet day in the house today!


The news is just devastating about Japan! My heart goes out to all! Had a good day at work- and now finally- It's the weekend and I'm off for 2 whole days!!


Hope everyone had a good day- and I'll check back in later-

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Hi again...


The devastation in Japan is so bad....the water hasn't pulled back from some areas hit by the tsunami and it looks like the maps of Japan's coastline will end up being redrawn!


Not much going on here...had my treatment from DS...wonderful:c9

Popped over to my friend's house afterward and saw my 17 yo goddaughter: equally wonderful:c9


All I did today was join some granny squares together for another thread I'm on....


Have a good night everyone...:hug:manyheart

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Hello again!


I hope that our west coast friends are ok- LeAnna- wondering if she had to evacuate since she lives on an island. Trish- not sure where in Cali she is- coastline or not? Mary 2- are you on the coast?


I just can't get over the devastation- it makes me so grateful for all that I have and makes little problems seem so trivial.


Linda- Hope you had a good time at the Expo today.


Cheeria- Hope that your infusion went well and that your little grandson is feeling better (and doesn't share his sickness with you)


Tammy- Hope things are settling down a bit for you


Julie- Thinking of you and hoping you feel better soon!


Judy- Glad to hear that you had a nice day- between the treatment from DS and the nice visit with your Goddaughter. Your squares on the Square -A-Day CAL look great!


Mary1- It was good to hear from you- did you get any crocheting in today?


Toni- For taking the day off work- you seemed to be getting alot of work done! I have al my cleaning/laundry to do tomorrow morning!


Kiyo- I was happy to read that you and the BF have sorted things through and that you are doing good!!


Marisa- Thinking of you as I just saw the score for the Sixers/Celtics game- and your Sixers won!


Cindy- How was your day?


Wrennie- thanks for the link on noaa.


Marlene- How's things going in TX? Are you guys doing anything special for St. Patrick's Day at the campground?


Well, off for the night- See you all in the AM

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Hi house just stopping by for a sec, the last two days been very busy for me for the baby was sick with a fever, coughing and running nose, so he was a crier. Today he went to the doctor but still crying and want grandma to hold and hug him so I haven't had a moment for myself for when he's sleep I'm hanging out with my other grandson and I am tired. :P Tomorrow morning I have to be up at the hospital by 7:30 for my treatment then back home to be here for my lil grand darlings, so that's what I have been up to these last couple of days.


Nite House family sorry I didn't respond to the posts but I'm tired. Sending Hugs :hug:hug:hug

Oh, dear! :hug :hug :hug


Sounds like you have all been busy while I've been playing. The Expo was really, really good today. The hands on class on improv quilting was a blast! There were four of us and we all ended up with something totally different from everyone else. I'll take a picture of mine on Saturday or Sunday. The class one wardrobe origami was kind of a dud, but if I were into that sort of clothes it would have been nice. Just not my cup of tea. Then the evening class was another great one. Lots of information packed into a short space of time.


And I am not the proud owner of a large Heddle loom. I tried the small one and was instantly hooked. Bought some jewelry, some oriental fabric, and a pattern by yesterday's instructor for a Japanese style skirt and jacket. Looked at and drooled over a number of other things. Visited with lots of other sewers and quilters. Had a really good time. Looking to tomorrow.


Julie, sending you hugs. :hug :hug :hug


Catch you all tomorrow. :manyheart

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wow everyone went to bed early tonight!


... making sure the night light is on..yup... ooo lookee the pretty daffies on the table! locked the door, I'm sure we all have our keys...


Rabbit show tomorrow. Luckily we drove there tonight. About 3 hours from home. Can't wait to see bunny friends again!


I did have a couple more litters born the last few days. Trying a med (I don't like medicating the rabbits, but one does get desperate) to see if it can help out these moms keep their babies. They can get bugs just like we can and I think a bug was souring the milk. I've had it happen before quite a few years ago. At least that is what I hope! at least I know how to treat that..


Have a great weekend all. Hope to be back tomorrow to close the curtains :D

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Hi Ladies,


Tam, Like you needed anything else happening you have to deal with this new problem. Hope things get better soon.:hug


Julie, Hope you feel better soon!:hug


Joanne, Enjoy your weekend off. Yes we do a St Pat's dinner.


Leanna, Trish, Mary2, Dusti, Hope you girls are all safe.


Kiyo, Glad things are working out for you and your bf.


Wrennie, Thanks for that link.


Judy, Glad you had a good day and it included seeing your son and goddaughter.


Linda, Sounds like your having a good time.


I have a cousin in Japan. She is in the Air Force. The said all the military people are safe. It sure is a sad day in the world to see all this destruction. Prayers for all the people being affected by all of this.

Today we made potato salad, brownies, tartar sauce. We use to have a party by the pond, but last year we had bad weather so we held it at the club house. So we decided to hold it there every year and change the name of it to spring fling. It was more work hauling everything there to make a meal than it is to make it in the kitchen and serve it there. We will be having deep fried fish of some kind, and polish dogs and hush puppies. One of the commitees has some games planned to.

Maya got to meet her other Grandpa. He lives in California and he came for a visit to meet her and her sister. She's been having a good time with him. We got to meet him over the internet. Maya is usually pretty shy around new people but she went right to him. DD says Maya's Daddy looks like his Dad. So that's why she wasn't worried. She does talk to him on phone to. Funny thing is his name is Bob to same my hubby.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

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Good morning!


Mary 2- Good luck at the rabbit show- and thanks again for leaving the night light on!


Linda- It sure sounds like you had a blast yesterday at the show. I am pretty sure that Cheeria has a heddle loom. Actually, I think she has a couple of different kinds of looms, but she could tell you better than I. I can't wait to see what you create with yours. Have fun again today!!!!


Marlene- It was nice catching up with you and what you've been up to. I was happy to hear that your cousin in Japan and all the military people are ok. It sure is amazing what Mother Nature can do.


I'm up and ready to clean house and get that out of the way for the weekend! Tonight DH and youngest DD will be heading out to meet DD and her BF to celebrate her birthday which was yesterday- I can't wait to see if the shrug I made her fits her!


Just a reminder- Daylight savings time begins at 2AM Sunday, so tonight is the night the clocks get turned back 1 hour and we lose an hour of sleep! It will be nice when it stays light later in the day. I love it because it makes me feel that spring is right around the corner. There is just something joyful about coming home from work and having it be light outside for a few hours.


Off to grab a cup of caffeine and begin the day!

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·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Morning House¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸

How is everyone? I'm so sorry I spent the last few days complaining! Especially after the saddness in Japan :(:mdust Praying for all in that situation :mdust


I've been invited to have coffee with a dear friend this morning ..... I sure hope I can get the chance to go! Hubby is neutropenic right now... so having my grandson around with this issue of scabies isnt safe at all. Hubby has done his best to stay far away from him. But you know ... makes me mad... The one place Hubby should be safe... his own home... and he's not! :( So I feel like I need to stay here and keep things sprayed.... wiped down... cleaned up... etc. So leaving to go have coffee just doesnt sound like a good idea. Michael is also not safe here.

My daughter certainly wont tend to things..... she sits on facebook all day and lets the rest of us .. Mostly me take care of her 3 kids. Oh good grief... I'm doing it again........... GEEZ sorry guys.... I dont need to be complaining ... .really I dont. I'm so worn out... I'm physically sick ... and its getting the best of me.


So... lets see.... change subject.

I still am writing up the pattern for the back pack... but... I'm getting close.

I have been working on a scrap granny'ghan in a CAL here and its coming out neat.


I finished the charity squares I needed to get done for a lady. :hook


I'm testing a little girls summer top and its really turning out cute. I hope to spend much more time on it today.


I have a new orange prayer blanket (for new leukemic) in the works. His name is Justin. Prayers are very much appreciated.


Okay.. .I need a fresh cup of coffee and see about getting caught up on email... then maybe get the ol' hook out and get some work done!

You all have a wonderfully blessed day!!!!

Love you guys.......... :hug






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Our fellow peep, Julie, may not be on for a couple of days - the asthma and her meds have been hitting her hard, so she's not feeling up to doing much.

Get better Julie!


Then it's home to my yard - next to crocheting, playing in the dirt is my favorite thing. ;)

Me too! I can't wait till I can go dig!


Wow- what a very quiet day in the house today!

Ya know it was very quiet at work yesterday too. A mixture of bad weathr and bad news maybe.


And I am not the proud owner of a large Heddle loom. I tried the small one and was instantly hooked. Bought some jewelry, some oriental fabric, and a pattern by yesterday's instructor for a Japanese style skirt and jacket. Looked at and drooled over a number of other things. Visited with lots of other sewers and quilters. Had a really good time. Looking to tomorrow.

Whats a heddle loom? And do I need one? I wonder if thats one of the looms my friend has of his wifes.(my friend who passed away)


Wrennie, Thanks for that link.


I have a cousin in Japan. She is in the Air Force. The said all the military people are safe.


Maya got to meet her other Grandpa. He lives in California and he came for a visit to meet her and her sister. She's been having a good time with him. We got to meet him over the internet. Maya is usually pretty shy around new people but she went right to him. DD says Maya's Daddy looks like his Dad. So that's why she wasn't worried. She does talk to him on phone to. Funny thing is his name is Bob to same my hubby.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

You're welcome.

Glad to hear the military are safe there!

Thats nice Maya got to meet Grandpa and wasn't shy.


Wrennie- thanks for the link on noaa.

You're welcome!


Just a reminder- Daylight savings time begins at 2AM Sunday, so tonight is the night the clocks get turned back 1 hour and we lose an hour of sleep! It will be nice when it stays light later in the day. I love it because it makes me feel that spring is right around the corner. There is just something joyful about coming home from work and having it be light outside for a few hours.


Off to grab a cup of caffeine and begin the day!

I like lighter longer (warmer) days but I hate this dumb time change. It takes me at least a week to adjust. Why don't we just stop it altogether? Arizona doesn't change their time. So for 6 months out of the year its a different time of day in AZ and all its neighboring states? How's that work? Or go forward a 1/2 hour and be done with it. Split the difference so to speak.

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