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Our House Part Two


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Happy Birthday, Cindy!! :bday Hope you had a wonderful day!! Did you have cake? I'm sure Julie would want to know:lol


Marisa- Hope you have a great time at the networking event tonight!!!! Pittsburgh and you seem to be a very good fit. Did the adjustment help your headache?


Judy- TG I have both an iPhone and iPad so if the internet is down, I can still get online!!


Glad to hear your meds are helping your back Amy:hug


:clap:yay Wonderful news about Kim!!!!!


Left work on time or close to 'on time' - got home at a decent hour and ate dinner already and the laundry is on! I am going to relax and take it easy tonight!!!!:clap

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Happy Birthday! Cindy, Hope it was a great day. :cheer


I got in a haircut this afternoon and took the stuff in the car to Goodwill. They took the NG tube out this afternoon, the tube going into her stomach and keeping it empty - for the medical types here. :D They were letting her have ice chips. She has been wide awake and aware of everything going on around her and in the hallway as well. Tomorrow they are going to do some xrays to check her swallowing reflex and her hiatal hernia as those will both have a big impact on her future care. She may then move to a regular room in the late afternoon or evening. Time will tell on that. There is still fluid in the second lung so the pneumonia isn't all cleared out of it. Better, but still a concern.


Thank you for all you love and support. :hug :hug :hug

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A big "better late than never"...:birthday:cake:birthday to Cindy!



Thanks to DD, everything seems to be fine with my computer. She took charge of the keyboard, reinstalled things, changed things and voila...Dell is back! (Oh, to be younger and techie! :lol)

I'm really looking forward to catching up with you all tomorrow! :manyheart

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Hi Ladies!


Linda, Such great news on Kim. Sorry to hear about your fall.


Joanne, Glad you have Ryan to brighten up your days when things are so hectic. Payton and Jocelyn called today just to say hi and I Love You. It just warms the heart.


Mary, We will be heading home in april. Hope you get the internet figured out.


Judy, We lost internet here last friday it was out from 2 til 10. The park here has problems of being out all the time. A friend and I took it upon ourselves and got are own internet service and split the bill. We are rarely out. We both like the internet to much to depend on the parks internet. It's from the same company to. The park has grown so much they are having to add more towers. Next fall should be better. They will fiber optic run through here. Charter filed bankrupt down here and were taken over by a small company who sold out to Time Warner. Get this WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO WATCH THE SUPER BOWL ON CABLE DOWN HERE. Can you believe that? NBC and time warner can't agree on something, money probably. Lots of people have gone to satellite.


Amy, Hope your back is better soon.


Julie, We were out shopping and stopped at BK and there was a guy there in his 30's asking for a ride home (we were at home when this occured) he had a card telling you where he lived. He lives in a home for adults and he pass it on are way home. That guy gave me the creeps. I told DH if you want to go ahead. I'll be here waiting for you. If you don't come back by a certain time I will call the cops. Needless to say he didn't give him a ride. Now there is an older man that I wouldn't even think twice of giving him a ride. He's been living at that home for as long as we have been up in that area. The people are allowed to leave and walk to town and back.

Sam is right you should be careful. There are crazy people out there.


Marisa, I agree Philly fits you well.


LeAnna, I bet your catherdal rose ghan is beautiful. Did you get any of that snow that Seattle got?


Cindy, How's your parents doing?


I was on here the other night and had my post all typed up and I hit some button and lost the whole page. So I went to bed.

Today we had a lunch put on by the Relay For Life team. It was a huge potato I brought half of it home.

We had a surprise party for a couple that is moving to northern Texas. They'll be closer to there daughter. There mobile home sold in 1 day.

They use to be the managers here but aren't no longer. They bought a house and gave all of us an open invitation. I'm really going to miss Barb.

I'll catch you all tomorrow.

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Good morning!

oh, Linda-:hug--so sorry that you fell and bruised yourself. I hope that you are not too sore today:hug:hug I was glad to read the wonderful update on Kim, though.:)


Tab- How is the edema? Has the swelling gone down any? Hope that the boys are helping you out and that you are getting some rest!!!


Off to get ready for Paradise...Hump Day!!!:yay


The edema hasn't chnaged any. I saw the Dr. today & she said it would be about 4 weeks before it goes away. :eek


Morning folks


Good to hear of the latest progress on Kim ,but sorry to hear you had a fall . I hope you didnt get hurt any worse and that it will all heal up quickly . Be careful, probably the added intense stress right now isn't very good for you to deal with . A very difficult time,and scarey,playing the waiting game to see how it will all turn out .

Kim sure sounds like a fighter .




I know you don't like asking for help,but if things are hard for you right now,ask for some. It's not like you are a BAD guy for needing someone to hel you out til you feel better . You may want to call your doc about the leg swelling ,etc if it is still going on . That doesn't sound right ... like something might be off kilter . Do you otherwise feel ok ?


Morning Joanne

Hope your day goes well today. You've had some long ones lately havent you ?


Howdy to everyone else . Gotta get up and get some things done .Will check in later .


I feel okay otherwise. Rough start, but everyday I have gotten better & I haven't needed pain meds. in over 24 hours (except motrin for a headache). I think the biggest hurdle i'm jumping right now is my emotional rollercoaster ride. :( I feel like crying alot. :(


Good morning everyone. I'm basically just sore from the fall and will have a couple of bruises which isn't new since I bruise easily anyway. Went to bed at a normal time last night and so woke up at a more normal time too. It's cold but sunny today.


We have more good news on Kim this morning. She is off the sedation and awake! Instead of the respirator breathing for her she is now breathing on her own. The have tapered both the blood pressure meds down to just a tiny bit and her BP is running between 115/70 and 123/78 which is fantastic. Just a couple of days ago she was on high doses of 3 blood pressure meds and were have a hard time keeping it above 80/40.


AWESOME news, I am happy to hear that Kim continues to steadily improve. :cheer



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Hello ladies.


Elijah had his first Dr.'s appt today. He is colicky, which is not surprising since all my kids have blessed me with no sleep & tons of crying. :lol He also has to have an xray tomorrow to make sure his clavicle wasn't fractured during the birthing process. I am scared, but we're pretty sure its not.....just making sure since he's so cranky & his left shoulder was stuck during birth. Having children has always been easy for me & this birth was truly a traumatic experience for me. I hate to admit my weaknesses, but this whole experience has my emotions twisted. Nothing has been normal or easy and it all has me so frustrated. I just keep loving on Baby Eli, which is what makes me realize that no matter what trauma I had to endure HE is well worth it.


Sorry for the vent, but I am just a wreck.

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Tab!! Hugs my friend!!! You've got a lot on your plate and if Elijah is colicky it only adds to the tiredeness!!! Sleep deprivation is hard, and with a new baby plus a houseful of other family to take care of can seem overwhelming! I'm glad you saw the doc about your edema- and good luck with Elijah's Xray- Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!!! We are a great group if you need to vent about anything!!!!

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Good morning. We went from fog to rain yesterday and now it's just dreary and overcast. Kim's mom is heading home for the weekend. She'll take care of stuff that needs doing there and then be back on Monday. Kim was overtired last night and they finally gave her something for sleep last night about 1:00 and she conked out about 1:30 and had a good night's sleep. Today will be lots if tests and activity. I got a bunch of chocolate for the nurses in ICU that I'll take up when she leaves there. I even went to my prayer shawl ministry group meeting last night. Got lots of hugs which was great. Also got yarn for a mindless prayer shawl to work on when I start sitting with Kim for hours on end next week. Turned in the the turquoise shawl too.


Hello ladies.


Elijah had his first Dr.'s appt today. He is colicky, which is not surprising since all my kids have blessed me with no sleep & tons of crying. :lol He also has to have an xray tomorrow to make sure his clavicle wasn't fractured during the birthing process. I am scared, but we're pretty sure its not.....just making sure since he's so cranky & his left shoulder was stuck during birth. Having children has always been easy for me & this birth was truly a traumatic experience for me. I hate to admit my weaknesses, but this whole experience has my emotions twisted. Nothing has been normal or easy and it all has me so frustrated. I just keep loving on Baby Eli, which is what makes me realize that no matter what trauma I had to endure HE is well worth it.


Sorry for the vent, but I am just a wreck.

Oh, Tabby! Sending you lots of love. :hug :hug :hug :hug Hope the xray turns out fine for Elijah. Colic is NO fun! Hope the edema goes down sooner rather than later. Sleep as much as you can when you can. Vent here as often as you need. You've got your hands full right now. :hug :hug :hug:hug


:birthday:cake Happy Birthday, Marisa! :cake:birthday Hope you have a wonderful day.


Have a great weekend with your folks, Cindy.

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Hi, peeps!


Modern technology: my TV froze on me this AM...but it was the comany, so they rebooted the box :blah:blah

So I got to see Joyce Meyer (a preacher I watch a lot) without having to resort to the computer.


Linda, it's so good to hear your positive news on Kim....and I'm happy YOU are getting some support from friends!


Tabby, after all you're going through, Elijah had better grow up and give you lots of lovin'...or I'll be over there!:lol

Sending you lots of :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Marlene, no Super Bowl!:eek We had issues like that up here one year....but it was affecting baseball!:angry

I hope it gets resolved before the big game.

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Good morning House Sisters,

Sorry I've been missing in action. I've had 6 deaths in my family last year. It's been a trying year for me. I plan to stick around for a while. I hope someone can bring me up to speed in regards to the projects/agenda for this year. I'm not going to even try to read all of the post. However, I know:

Tabby: has a new bundle of joy...congrats

Linda: I'm lifting you, Kim and her family up in prayer

Marisa: Happy Birthday


To all you others ladies, I hope all is well with you and your families. I've missed you guys!

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Good morning housemates :hi


Thank you so much for the birthday wishes ladies :hug :hug :hug


We're going out for Thai food tonight, my pick :lol


Cindy - I hope you had a great day for your birthday yesterday :yay:cheer


Joanne - The even was very interesting last night :yes The adjustment helped my headache for all of about 2 hours and then was back. I think it's the weather :think


Linda - Glad to hear that Kim continues her improvement and will soon be moving to a regular room (we always brought the nurses treats too :yes) I'm also glad to hear that you got your haircut and went to your prayer shawl group meeting (little things for yourself will help keep you sane through these hard times) and good thinking on getting all the yarn :idea


Mary - :yay for DD being able to fix up your computer.


Marlene - :eek Isn't it NBC that was fighting with a service provider maybe last year or the year before....Joanne or Judy, do you remember because I think it was in your area? It might have been a different network, but I know there was a similiar issue.


Tab - Sorry to hear your having such difficulties this time around, but your right about Eli being worth it....so when you start to get down, just look at him and you'll remember :yes I hope his shoulder is alright :xfin This is definitely a safe place to come and vent :hug


Val - I'm so sorry to hear about your past year and your losses. I pray to give you strength :hug :hug

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Good morning House Sisters,

Sorry I've been missing in action. I've had 6 deaths in my family last year. It's been a trying year for me. I plan to stick around for a while. I hope someone can bring me up to speed in regards to the projects/agenda for this year. I'm not going to even try to read all of the post. However, I know:

Tabby: has a new bundle of joy...congrats

Linda: I'm lifting you, Kim and her family up in prayer

Marisa: Happy Birthday


To all you others ladies, I hope all is well with you and your families. I've missed you guys!

Hi, Valerie. good to hear from you.


I actually turned on the TV this morning and watched one of the recorded shows that I missed this week. It feels a little more normal today for the first time in a week. There is lots to do, but I'll take it slow and see how much energy I actually have and try not to overdo it. We've still got a very long way to go.


Love you all. :manyheart

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Hi gang

Finally got back in here. Yesterday was Pity Party Day,so today I had to chew myself out and get a grip and jump back into things .



Sure hope work slows down for you soon. Sam had a year or 2 of that a couple years back. They were putting in a new shipping system ,and he had to get all the computers in the building to work with it. The system had several kinks in it,so he had several kinks in getting his end of it done. He was SO exhausted by the end of it all .



I hope your birthday was good. It sounds like it was great ,as long as you got a chunk of cake slid somewhere in there .




Happy birthday to you too ! We have lots of birthdays in here close together .




Continued good news regarding Kim. She really amazes me that she keeps on fighting through everything .

I'm glad your time schedule looseded up at least a bit so you got to go do a couple things you needed and wanted to do. The stress level down there must have been so high for so many days.

I hope Kim's tests come out well for her and they aren't too physically exhausting. Some of them are NO FUN at all .




I'm gld you were able to get your computer all set back up and in working order. Sam does all that stuff for me. I have no idea how to fix anything n mine if it breaks. It's hard to go without it ,isn't it ?



I hope you guys have some really nice weather down there the next couple months. It hasn't been as bad here as usual winters go . We did get snow twice this week, but very little on the ground even after 2 snows.

I understand what you mean about picking up strangers and giving them rides . I'd probably be a little more careful if it was someone like you mentioned that seemed a little off kilter. It'd be a little scarey to offer them a ride .

I don't do it often ,just because everyone tells me not to,because it's dangerous, but sometimes it depends on my mood .

I'm glad you found a friend to split your internet bill with . You really get addicted to having computers don't you ? It'd be hard to go without one .

It's also nice you get to keep in touch with your grandkids. They are so special arent they ?



I'm glad your doc is aware of the edema and keeping an eye on it. I understand about you being so emotional right now. I did that after our last one was born and I had the surgey to not have anymore. I'm not sure if it was hormones, or the thought that this would be the last baby we had ( not that we wanted more,but the thought that we couldn't HAVE anymore after that ),I remember just sitting and crying .Nothing upset me, I would just cry . Thankfully it soon went away .

I know when you feel like that ,you feel like you cant control anything that is happening to your body or in your life and everything feels overwhelming. If it doesn't let up soon, let your doc know how you feel .

I hope Elijah's test comes back fine.Sorry he has the colic --that makes things a little more stressful too .

You are allowed to vent .

( This rule is spoken by the VENT QUEEN )



Hi there Miss Amy

How are you today ? Not much unusual in the plans for us . Our grandson called this AM to ask if he can walk here after school ,so he'll be here to entertain us. He is here about every weekend. He sometimes doesn't stay all weekend ,since he is getting older now and has friends and fun stuff to do at home,but he still comes for at least part of the weekend ,sometimes more . He is 9 and can talk ALMOST as much as me . My husband is a man of few words, so his ears usually bleed from all the RACKET going on when me and my grandson start YAKKING .



Hey Jude

Glad you got the tv gadget fixed .Not a good time of year to have a tv on the blink when you get stuck in the house more often and need entertainment,



Hi Ya Val

So good to hear from you . I'd be the wrong one to give you updates on everyone,since I have missed big chunks of time in here myself .

So sorry to hear about all the bad news in your family. I sure hope this year is better for you .

As for group projects, I 'm not aware of any that people are working on together in here at least. I did see that they will be having a new Bernat-afghan project starting in a couple weeks, so it might be something you'd like to do .


Well, I THINK I answered everyone that posted in the last couple days .


Hope everyone has a good weekend . I'll probably have time to stop back in ,depending on what Cam is up to this weekend,but he is pretty self-sufficient anymore,so really doesnt need a lot of monitoring or help. He likes doing his own thing pretty much,so we just let him hang out and holler if he needs anything .

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Hi House. I hope everyone is having a good day. :)


Valerie ~ It's so good to see you again. I'm sorry for all that your family has been through. :hug We're here and hope you'll be able to come in often. :manyheart


Miss Tabby ~ Julie said it so well - the same thing happened to me and so many others after childbirth. :hug I think it was much easier when they kept you in the hospital for several days and the nurses were there to talk to. (Back when they wore their nursing school's hat!) Please come talk to us whenever you want to - sometimes just putting things in words helps a little. :hug


P.S. Remember, we love pictures. ;)


Linda ~ Kim's progress is amazing! Good for you for taking a little time for yourself. :manyheart


Amy ~ I hope your back is better today! Please forgive me if you've told us - what are you working on now? :crocheting


Hi Marlene ~ I hate that about the Super Bowl! Yep, it's always about money. :) It's been a long time, but there have been Cowboy games we couldn't get! How is Miss Maya doing?


Julie ~ Hi! Enjoy your visit with Cam.:) We'll have Luke tomorrow through Sunday...I've been getting "his room" ready. So far, he's slept in his pack-n-play in our home office. Our extra bedrooms are upstairs and he's not ready for all those stairs yet. He's been here so often that he knows where everything is and is happy in his little room. :yes


Hi to the rest of the House, too! Better get the rest of the chores done.

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Hello everyone. :manyheart


Thank you for all of the support. :ghug I will keep ya'll posted about his xray. :xfin


Julie~I also had the surgery this time & know what you are saying. I'm not saying I want more, but it is SO final this time......kinda a bitter sweet feeling. :yes:hug I just need to keep reminding myself that I need to enjoy him even more because he's my last.


Happy Birthday Marisa! :bday:cake

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