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Our House Part Two


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Cindy - No it's not. I remember when everybody finished and you/I were going to partner and work on ours together. No rush...lol just think about it and maybe it can be one of our goals this year. Ready when you are.


Linda - Thanks, glad to be back. Still lifting Kim up in prayer and happy that she's improving. Yes, we'll have to make meeting one of our 2012 goals! Have a great day and remember to take care of YOU!

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Lucy is barking at me for her walk...LOL! So, instead of individually answering everyone, I'll just say hi again...read all the new posts from this AM....



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Hey Jude

Did you guys get any more snow over your way ? We got just enough last night to make the roads a little scarey today,but they have salted now and not so bad out .


How far did you get on your newest afghan ? And who is the lucky recipient ?

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Kim is moving to the 5th floor this afternoon, in the next hour or so. Jonathan is on his way home. John is frazzled and Kim is being a pest about how fast and what she wants to him feed her for lunch. She is HUNGRY! Not sure just what all the heart doctor said to John, he didn't want to talk about it on the phone, but he mentioned something about open heart surgery, so I want to find out a LOT more. John's knee-jerk reaction was no way, but I want to have a lot more information before any decision is made. I know what family members to contact who can bring John into line if that is necessary for Kim's best interests. I'm taking up yarn for a prayer shawl and candy for the ICU nurses when I go up in a few minutes.

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Hi again gang


Quick note for Amy :


I found a pattern that might be useable for your pup's booties :



This same web page has a pattern for dog leg-warmers. Maybe one of them would work .

You might have already seen these but thought I'd show them to you in case you haven't .

Thank you for the site!! That is the pattern I am going to try.. I have seen them but I appreciate the thought!!!!!

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Linda, you are soooo good at looking after Kim's best interests!:yes


Hey Jude

Did you guys get any more snow over your way ? We got just enough last night to make the roads a little scarey today,but they have salted now and not so bad out .

Too warm for snow! The birds are very confused and I saw a squirrel making multiple trips up a dead tree with nesting material!:eek We have had brief days when winter appeared...and lots of rain...but that's it!

How far did you get on your newest afghan ? And who is the lucky recipient ?

The NICU is getting the bright RR:hook

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Joanne, Judy, Phyllis, Cheeria (if you're reading these at all) ---


OK, so a friend of mine is getting married in April and I'll be making 3 trips to Newark between March and April for the shower, the bachelorette party, and the wedding. I'm not sure what the agendas look like for each weekend, but am thinking that saturday morning may just work for a meetup. I doubt they'll have morning activities for the first 2 and I'm not sure yet on the time of day for the wedding, but that day of course would be busy.


So, if any of you are free the shower is on March 10 - I just pulled out the invitation and the shower is 1-5 that day in Saddle Brook. The bachelorette party is March 24 and is going to be dinner, out dancing, and of course the strip club all in NYC :clap:lol


On that note, the 24th might be better. But, I figure this is ahead of time enough for us to be able to hopefully make one of them work :think I'm thinking the actual wedding weekend would be tough for all of us and I know Sunday's are bad for Judy (but we could always do Sunday on the wedding weekend, which is April 15th.


OK, now that I threw all that at you ladies, compile your thoughts and let me know what you think :bounce


I think March 24 would work better for me. My middle DD's 30th is 3/11 and we'll be having a weekend celebration! How exciting that we'd get to see you!!!!:yay

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Kim is moving to the 5th floor this afternoon, in the next hour or so. Jonathan is on his way home. John is frazzled and Kim is being a pest about how fast and what she wants to him feed her for lunch. She is HUNGRY! Not sure just what all the heart doctor said to John, he didn't want to talk about it on the phone, but he mentioned something about open heart surgery, so I want to find out a LOT more. John's knee-jerk reaction was no way, but I want to have a lot more information before any decision is made. I know what family members to contact who can bring John into line if that is necessary for Kim's best interests. I'm taking up yarn for a prayer shawl and candy for the ICU nurses when I go up in a few minutes.

:yay that Kim is moving out of ICU!!! Good idea to weigh all the options after hearing about what exactly the plan is- what the problem is and what are the risks of doing surgery vs not doing surgery! Prayers that all concerned make the decision that is best for Kim:hug:hugGood idea to bring up some:yarn while you sit with Kim and I'm sure the ICU nurses are going to love the candy!

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Worked till about 12:30- and then I met DD at a local consignment shop for children where I had bought a few things about a month ago. It was good to see my GS!! And of course Grammie bought a few things for him!! Then I went for my manicure and ran a few errands and also got some yarn!! Decided to get some Bernat Waverly yarn for the Mystery CAL as a reward to myself for all the long hours I've been working and will be working for a good part of this year!


Hope you all had a good day!

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Hi, all. Spent 4 hours with Kim this afternoon, while John came home and did some things he needed to do. Tomorrow I'll start putting in long hours at the hospital with Kim. Yarn will definitely be going up with me each day. They are going to manage Kim's heart medically for now, but more tests are on schedule for next week as she continues to improve. The most likely event would be a cardiac cath and putting in 1 or more stents, but that will be after more tests are done, if then. I'm heading for bed.


Love you all. :manyheart

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Good morning!


Good news on Kim! Cardiac cath with stents sounds so much better than "open heart surgery". Glad that they are treating her medically right now and that more tests will be done. Hang in there Linda, and thank goodness you'll have your crochet with you for those long hours at the hospital.


I'm going to visit my co-worker today who had the baby on New years Eve- I can't wait to meet him! Nothing like a newborn to brighten a day!!!! Especially when you are not the one who has to get up every few hours throughout the night!:lol:lol


Off to fill up the coffee cup and get the day started!

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Haven't really taken time to catch up with everyone. but just wanted to let you all know that I haven't forgotten you. Been working and trying to stay off my left ankle. Man, that thing hurts so much some days. and it's been swollen for a long time.


The restaurant I work at is moving. Everyone's getting for the move. We've been told that the only thing changing is the location.


I don't know if I'll be making the move. I have my application in with the Kansas Highway Patrol for dispatch. Maybe if I can get off my ankle it won't be so sore all the time.


For those of you who remember, I'm writing a book. I've made it to chapter 6 and suddenly stalled. I think I'll have to take a little time off from the book and crochet. Darn it!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P Like that really hurts my feelings. :lol :lol

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Haven't really taken time to catch up with everyone. but just wanted to let you all know that I haven't forgotten you. Been working and trying to stay off my left ankle. Man, that thing hurts so much some days. and it's been swollen for a long time.


The restaurant I work at is moving. Everyone's getting for the move. We've been told that the only thing changing is the location.


I don't know if I'll be making the move. I have my application in with the Kansas Highway Patrol for dispatch. Maybe if I can get off my ankle it won't be so sore all the time.


For those of you who remember, I'm writing a book. I've made it to chapter 6 and suddenly stalled. I think I'll have to take a little time off from the book and crochet. Darn it!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P Like that really hurts my feelings. :lol :lol

Hi Shannon- Good to hear from you!!! Guess you've hit a little writer's block:think Sometimes switching gears to something else, will have your writing creative juices flowing again!!! Sorry to hear about the ankle--if it's been swollen for so long, has a doc taken a look at it? I don't recall you mentioning hurting it? But then again, my memory definitely IS NOT what it used to be!:lol


So what are you going to put on the hook?:hook

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Good morning. We have sunshine today, but boy is it cold out there this morning. Love to all of you.


Good morning!


Good news on Kim! Cardiac cath with stents sounds so much better than "open heart surgery". Glad that they are treating her medically right now and that more tests will be done. Hang in there Linda, and thank goodness you'll have your crochet with you for those long hours at the hospital.


I'm going to visit my co-worker today who had the baby on New years Eve- I can't wait to meet him! Nothing like a newborn to brighten a day!!!! Especially when you are not the one who has to get up every few hours throughout the night!:lol:lol


Off to fill up the coffee cup and get the day started!

Give him a little hug and some kisses from me. Newborns are so extremely special.

Haven't really taken time to catch up with everyone. but just wanted to let you all know that I haven't forgotten you. Been working and trying to stay off my left ankle. Man, that thing hurts so much some days. and it's been swollen for a long time.


The restaurant I work at is moving. Everyone's getting for the move. We've been told that the only thing changing is the location.


I don't know if I'll be making the move. I have my application in with the Kansas Highway Patrol for dispatch. Maybe if I can get off my ankle it won't be so sore all the time.


For those of you who remember, I'm writing a book. I've made it to chapter 6 and suddenly stalled. I think I'll have to take a little time off from the book and crochet. Darn it!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P Like that really hurts my feelings. :lol :lol

Shannon, welcome back. Sounds like the book has doubled in size since the last time you stopped by! :cheer :cheer :cheer Good luck with the job as a dispatcher. Sounds like that would be a good thing. :cheer :cheer :cheer

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'morning, peeps!


Sunny and chilly here...the ground has thawed so both dogs are scratching and biting themselves already:P

Lucy had us up last night biting her back foot like crazy....I put her in her crate at 2:30AM


...then I heard the sound. Came down to find a huge puddle of vomit in her crate. Fortunately she didn't step in it and there wasn't any bedding in the crate to clean.

A quick visit outside for both dogs and she came back to bed with us and finally went to sleep.


Everyone slept - except me. It's going to be a long day, but fortunatley the Super Bowl is next week, so I can go to bed early!

No plans for today...we'll get out to enjoy the sunny day, but that's it.

Worked till about 12:30- and then I met DD at a local consignment shop for children where I had bought a few things about a month ago. It was good to see my GS!! And of course Grammie bought a few things for him!!Awwww....

Then I went for my manicure and ran a few errands and also got some yarn!! Decided to get some Bernat Waverly yarn for the Mystery CAL as a reward to myself for all the long hours I've been working and will be working for a good part of this year!


Hope you all had a good day!

You absolutely deserved to treat yourself to that gorgeous yarn!!:yes

Hi, all. Spent 4 hours with Kim this afternoon, while John came home and did some things he needed to do. Tomorrow I'll start putting in long hours at the hospital with Kim. Yarn will definitely be going up with me each day. They are going to manage Kim's heart medically for now, but more tests are on schedule for next week as she continues to improve. The most likely event would be a cardiac cath and putting in 1 or more stents, but that will be after more tests are done, if then. I'm heading for bed.


Love you all. :manyheart

You'll know just the right questions to ask while you're there, too! Tell Kim your friends are all thinking about her and wishing her a fast recovery!


Haven't really taken time to catch up with everyone. but just wanted to let you all know that I haven't forgotten you. Been working and trying to stay off my left ankle. Man, that thing hurts so much some days. and it's been swollen for a long time.


The restaurant I work at is moving. Everyone's getting for the move. We've been told that the only thing changing is the location.


I don't know if I'll be making the move. I have my application in with the Kansas Highway Patrol for dispatch. Maybe if I can get off my ankle it won't be so sore all the time.


For those of you who remember, I'm writing a book. I've made it to chapter 6 and suddenly stalled. I think I'll have to take a little time off from the book and crochet. Darn it!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P Like that really hurts my feelings. :lol :lol

Good luck with the application!!

And I'm on some writer's sites...they often talk of the "sagging middle" when writing novels, so you're in good company! You'll get past it.:hug

That's why I like writting essays and articles now;)

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Hello everyone. Snowing hard here at the moment.


My sister just called, she is visiting my parents, and it sounds like my dad is failing again. He is getting weaker, rather than stronger, and isn't sleeping well. he sounds about the same though, when I talk to him. My sister is going to stay for a few days, and will try to find some sort of in-home help for them.


Shannon, sorry you have hit a roadblock in your novel. Good luck with the job hunt.


Linda, glad to hear continued good news regarding Kim.

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Good afternoon all!


I got carried away with:crocheting once I go home. I looked up and it was 2 am. Worked on the Heartwarming fans afghan and got 3 rows of the RR in the 2012 CAL done.


Joanne - I'm glad you got to see the GS & DD. You deserve the yarn. What colors did you get? Enjoy your day with you friend and the new baby.


Linda - I'm glad Kim continures to improve. Yes, it is cold outside! Love you too and remember to take care of you!


Shannon - Hope your anke feels better soon! I hope you get the job.


Judi - No :crocheting today? Have a great day of relaxing today!


Sunflower - Have a great day!


I'll check back in later!

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Hello everyone. Snowing hard here at the moment.


My sister just called, she is visiting my parents, and it sounds like my dad is failing again. He is getting weaker, rather than stronger, and isn't sleeping well. he sounds about the same though, when I talk to him. My sister is going to stay for a few days, and will try to find some sort of in-home help for them.



Cindi, my prayers are with you and your parents! :hug Have a good day!

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Hello everyone. Snowing hard here at the moment.

No snow for us in the forseeable future...poor pups! Sparkie even gets frisky in the snow! Be careful out there.:hug

My sister just called, she is visiting my parents, and it sounds like my dad is failing again. He is getting weaker, rather than stronger, and isn't sleeping well. he sounds about the same though, when I talk to him. My sister is going to stay for a few days, and will try to find some sort of in-home help for them.

I'm so sorry to hear the news about your dad. It's so hard to see that happening:hug:hug

Good afternoon all!


I got carried away with:crocheting once I go home. I looked up and it was 2 am. Worked on the Heartwarming fans afghan and got 3 rows of the RR in the 2012 CAL done.


Good for you!:cheer


Judi - No :crocheting today? Have a great day of relaxing today!

Maybe I can:crocheting later...I've been caught up with a cousin on FB who has been working on our family's geneology so I went and collected a few documents and have been sharing some of the info I found. It's really interesting - and addicting. I told her I'm already addicted to a couple of things (hooking and reading) so really can't add another to list right now....:lol


Off to check my pasta sauce...I'm making baked ziti and a salad for dinner.:D



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Good afternoon all!


I got carried away with:crocheting once I go home. I looked up and it was 2 am. Worked on the Heartwarming fans afghan and got 3 rows of the RR in the 2012 CAL done.


Joanne - I'm glad you got to see the GS & DD. You deserve the yarn. What colors did you get? Enjoy your day with you friend and the new baby.




Had a great visit with my friend- another friend of ours came with me-it was such a relaxing time and I held him for about an hour!!:manyheart Such a cutie pie--and even though my GS is only 6 mos,and a delight, I had forgotten just how innocent and sweet they are at 1 month!!!:lol


I got birch white, aqua frost, greek goddess and colonial beige. (also bought some navy in case I change my mind and use that instead of the colonial beige:lol)

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I'm so sorry to hear the news about your dad. It's so hard to see that happening:hug:hug

Maybe I can:crocheting later...I've been caught up with a cousin on FB who has been working on our family's geneology so I went and collected a few documents and have been sharing some of the info I found. It's really interesting - and addicting. I told her I'm already addicted to a couple of things (hooking and reading) so really can't add another to list right now....:lol


Off to check my pasta sauce...I'm making baked ziti and a salad for dinner.:D



Geneology is so interesting- my Dad (RIP) and brother had done a lot of work on researching our family's geneology and my brother is still at it!. I couldn't add another addicting thing to my schedule right now- so I'll let him keep on going with it!!! Dinner sounds great- I love baked ziti. I decided to make DH a roast and potatoes today- he is a "meat and potatoes guy"- I much prefer chicken or pork or pasta, but sometimes, you just got to keep them happy:lol

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I started a bootie for the dog. I dont like how it is turning out. I dont think it will fit him. I may have to make my own up..I also have the knifty knitter set up to make a scarf. Until I get to walmart for more yarn for my sisters afghan.

You can always use the pattern you tried and work off of it...


Geneology is so interesting- my Dad (RIP) and brother had done a lot of work on researching our family's geneology and my brother is still at it!. I couldn't add another addicting thing to my schedule right now- so I'll let him keep on going with it!!! Dinner sounds great- I love baked ziti. I decided to make DH a roast and potatoes today- he is a "meat and potatoes guy"- I much prefer chicken or pork or pasta, but sometimes, you just got to keep them happy:lol

Amen, about your last statement:lol Hubby walked in on me cleaning out my desk drawers this afternoon and he almost fell to his knees with joy:lol:lol


Tomorrow is pot roast and roasted potatoes for us and finishing the rest of the ziti the next day.

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