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2011 Stashbusting CAL


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I know...I'm a day late and a dollar short. My excuse is that I was hoping to get through a skein by Saturday night, but that never happened and I forgot to update my totals, so:


Stashbuster Total: WTD +0 YTD +42

I'm probably going to have AWFUL totals next week, as a friend is destashing, and has given me first refusal! She's moving across country this spring and doesn't want to carry a bunch of stash with her (her loss is my gain :devil).

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I'm doing ok not buying yarn this last couple of days, but I'm buying books instead .. UGH! .... at least some of them are crochet related so I am getting patterns/ideas on using up the stash instead of adding to the stash. :)

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Another skein was used up last night :yay And I am planning on taking a few bags of yarn down to Goodwill this weekend. It is mainly the yarn I got from my boss. Rug yarn is not something that I will use very often and the big bags are sitting in the way of my granddaughter's toys. So out they will go.

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Good job on the stashbusting this week.


Just a reminder. The Monthly YTD scores will be posted this weekend. I probably have to go to the library, to post them, so the scores will appear after 1 pm on Sunday. Good luck, everyone.


My home computer is on the fritz, again, so I have to go to the library to post the scores, and they open at 1 p.m. on Sundays.



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I work at Market Basket, so I worked lots of hours last week ($$$ :D). I didn't get to :crocheting much. I've been :sick off/on for 3 days and mostly :sleep when I wasn't working. Didn't get to post so I'll add my +1 to this week. Finished a stuffed bunny, used 2 balls (+2). Now that Easter is over, I don't know what to :crocheting next. My sister wants some snowflakes next fall. I have the thread and patterns all I need now, is to find my doily hooks :think.

WTD: + 3 YTD: + 59

Ellie 13

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I finally finished the baby blanket I've been working on forever, but didn't finished off any more skeins with it. It's been a bad week and DH is out of town so I'm taking a girls day out tomorrow (even though it's by myself) and one stop will be Joanne's. I need some colors to go with the blue I already have for stashbuster totes. Then I'll just see what calls my name!

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This seems like an awesome thing to do!


Would it be too late for me to join this one? I can combine this CAL along with the charities that I've seen here. (in the middle of a scarf that would let me get a +2!)

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This seems like an awesome thing to do!


Would it be too late for me to join this one? I can combine this CAL along with the charities that I've seen here. (in the middle of a scarf that would let me get a +2!)


You can join anytime!

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Since I finished dad-in-law's ghan and cant work more on mom's ghan, I needed something to keep busy. So I searched my stash and found 4 skeins of RHSS Woodsy and 3 skeins of RHSS Frosty Green Flecks. They were even sitting by each other on the shelf! Look great together, in my opinion, so I decided to add another blanket to the donation pile while I was between gift projects.


Doing an easy rippleghan and I've already burned through 2 full RHSS skeins and 1/2 through another one. Ghan is 46"x22" so far.

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finished another 2 of Sue's Stash busting totes. I'm having to keep a spread sheet keeping track of what I've made in these totes and how much yarn :rofl


I am -4 for the week..but hoping to go to HL tomorrow!! this will not be good I'm sure... :D

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This week, I've only used up one skein working on the shawl. So my score should be +2, right?? Nope.:ohdear Remember all the rug yarn my boss gave me in February? Well, I've tried to make hats with it, but it is just not the right yarn for that. Out the door it all goes to Good Will. Yup, all 100 skeins and 48 balls. :waving It has been sitting in two bags in front of my granddaughters toys. Poor kid. I really am not trying to force her to play with yarn...really...I'm not!! :yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn


WTD = +250

YTD = -71


Even after destashing all that yarn, I'm still in the negatives for the year. I'm blaming my yarn enabler friend for that. lol (you know who you are :turtle)

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This week, I've only used up one skein working on the shawl. So my score should be +2, right?? Nope.:ohdear Remember all the rug yarn my boss gave me in February? Well, I've tried to make hats with it, but it is just not the right yarn for that. Out the door it all goes to Good Will. Yup, all 100 skeins and 48 balls. :waving It has been sitting in two bags in front of my granddaughters toys. Poor kid. I really am not trying to force her to play with yarn...really...I'm not!! :yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn


WTD = +250

YTD = -71


Even after destashing all that yarn, I'm still in the negatives for the year. I'm blaming my yarn enabler friend for that. lol (you know who you are :turtle)


but doesn't it feel goooood??? :cheer:cheer

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between totes made, yarn bought for totes I ended up with a big fat




I still think it's some kind of record for me. I don't know of many weeks where I was even or on the plus side..ok last week...I really think that is the only time :lol


YTD: -9

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This will be it for this week

My wooleater blanket is slow going as it makes my thumb hurt after a round or so, ( will be less as it gets bigger) Now I know why I like squares so much better :P


WTD +8 YTD +187

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I'm feeling better now, I think the chicken soup worked ;). I started using scrap :yarn to make butterflies for a charity (saw it in here somewhere :think). So far I've made 12 and used up 5 balls and rolled a partial skein down (+6) :cheer. Now that the weather is getting nice, I'll be riding my bike to/from work so I'll get home sooner. More :crocheting time :lol.

WTD: + 9 YTD: + 68

Ellie 13

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well need to update this last night after I got off of the computer used up a skein of yarn so here is my new total for the weekending April 30,2011:


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